Sharp Shooter-Chapter 4-The Sun

Story by Tyro619 on SoFurry

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#4 of Sharp Shooter

Kotari Ator. Heard it before? They destroy everything they touch, suffering, grief and death follow them where ever they go. Their beliefs are that of Psychopaths, their hearts are made of dirt, their eyes contain no mercy for the ones they kill. I'm all to familiar with them. You've heard the horror stories, we all have. I can guarantee, however, that you've never stared them in the face. A small force, 1,000 strong, stands against an army totaling more than One Billion and growing every day. My team and I face them side by side with our friends, known to the enemy as "Living Shadows". We are just that, and much, much more.

Time passed. The sun rose above the Sahara sand, beginning to bake the already scorching landscape. The blood in my teeth and gums dried out, becoming glue that held my jaws so tightly that I couldn't open them. The same thing happened with the rest of me, the drying blood was so sticky that It was impossible for me to move. Most of my skin was gone, leaving my insides open to the mass of flies that had descended on the campsite. I could feel them crawling around inside my chest, throat and in the gashes on my arms and legs. I could see the outlines of the vultures flying over head as the sun rose ever higher in the sky.

I closed my eyes, so at least I could die with my vision intact. The heat was baking me like a low powered oven. The longer time went on, the hotter I got and the hotter I got, the harder it became to breath. I was surprised I was even able to get breaths on account of not having a wind pipe anymore. I was surprised I hadn't bleed out yet. The stink of rotting flesh was beginning to set in as the sun cooked my parents like TV dinners and the vultures picked apart their corpses, piece by piece. I could hear their talons sinking into the sand and the small, paper sounding tears and the smacking of beaks as they dined on their bodies. I felt tears start to well up and roll down the side of my face, collecting in the bottoms of my ears, which were flat on the ground. I'd feel little jabs every now and again and I had made the mistake of opening my eyes to find vultures chewing on my arm, the one that held my Colt. It took every bit of power that I had, but I managed to pull the trigger. The bang scared them off and got the flies out of my chest, which was a relief, but I was certain they'd be back.

As the time wound on, my brain began to pound and my stomach began to convulse, sure signs of Dehydration.

"No!", I thought to myself, "don't throw up!"

"Why?", a second thought answered, "your going to die within the hour anyway."

"But I wanna live for the hour!", the first thought yelped.

I forced the queasiness back down and tried as hard as I could to shift into a different position, but didn't have any success. I was hurt too badly and I figured that the slightest movement would probably disrupt my ability to breathe, which was hovering over the edge already on account of the fact that a snake or scorpion, to say nothing of the flies, could easily come along and hide inside me. Then there was the vultures. Seeing as how my insides were exposed to the air, they could come along and pull pieces off, which would almost assuredly be the final nail in the coffin.

More time past, the sun began to sink below the horizon. The vultures had not returned, but the clouds of flies had, they were everywhere. The light had died down enough that I could open my eyes, finding everything was cloudy. They stung when they touched the air. They had glazed over, a sure sign death was approaching.

But I wasn't dead.


"How am I not dead yet?", the familiar voice echoed inside my head, "you told me an hour?"

"I figured that's what I had before I dried out", the second voice answered.

The voices went around and around until I kicked them out of my head. I tried once again to open my mouth, but my jaws were still glued shut by my own blood. There was this awful metallic taste in my mouth along with a second one that tasted like rotten tomatoes, which I assumed was my tongue actually starting to rot. I figured it was the end of the line, that I had maybe thirty minutes, tops, before the grim reaper came to collect and escort me to wherever it was that I was going to go, when new smells began to fill the air.

I figured....four females....five males. They were coming this way, for sure.

"What the fuck!", one of the males growled.

I could hear what sounded like two of the nine individuals throwing up and more foot steps as a black and purple blur moved into my vision. From the scent, it was one of the girls.

"Firebloods?", one of the males asked.

"Nope", the big, black and purple female answered, "too small."

"Then Dracos", he said again.

"A bit bigger than what I've seen", the female said tugging on my parents collars, "maybe their nomads that evolved from Draco."

The big blur started coming two rads me, eventually stepping on my arm, I flinched, not only from the pain, but from the fact that I was expecting a boot, and instead I felt a ballistic Nylon and a paw pad, at first, I thought they were more dogs, here to finish what they started, then the female shouted.

"KACHIRA! Get over here! This one is still alive!"

There was a brief pause and then I felt someone slide into the sand next to me and I heard a box hit the ground.

"I don't have enough gauze to cover all of this", another female answered.

"Just do what you can!", the first female, who I assumed was the team leader, replied, "Jace, there's an Anthro here who's been gutted by Drakehounds and he's still alive, I'm requesting an EVAC chopper at our location."

"I can help the bleeding", the female who I assumed was Kachira stated, "I've got quick clot on me."

"Do it", the lead said, "Helios, help her bandage those wounds."

I felt another person slide in beside me and two sets of hands began trying to close the gashes in my side with what felt like combat gauze. Soon, I heard the swooshing of helicopter blades and then more boots hitting the ground. Five sets of hands detached me from the bloody glue that held me to the ground and placed me in what seemed like a stretcher. I felt a piece of plastic placed over the hole in my neck and then a hose was shoved into my throat. Cool air soon flooded my lungs, which made me relax and pass out.