Shattered Shards: Horse and Hypnotist

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#21 of Shattered Shards

Shattered Shards: Horse and Hypnotist

By Von Krieger

The youth awoke with a pounding headache. He groaned softly, sitting up from his somewhat scratchy bedding. He must've been out partying the previous night, he could remember a fun little gathering at one of the sorority houses on campus, and that he'd been in attendance. But aside from that he couldn't recall a thing.

He couldn't remember ever getting so drunk before that he couldn't remember the previous evening. He blinked a few times, and then realized that he really couldn't remember ANYTHING from before the party. He couldn't recall where he lived, what he was studying, or even his name.

All that he could recall was that he'd been to a party last night and that he was a college student. Maybe he'd hit his head on something and got a concussion when he was stumbling home drunk, or something like that?

He sat up only to find himself in a barn laying on a pile of straw, though oddly the window and one wall was made of bars rather than wood. The youth brought a hand to his aching head, only to find his hand rather lacking.

He stared at the clumsy appendage before him; a sleek and shiny grey for the most part over his arm and hand, ending in a gleaming black hoof. He knew for a fact that it was wrong and gave the limb a bit of a shake to see what was going on. It wasn't that his hand was a hoof, but rather a glove over his hand that made it a hoof.

Looking over himself the young man found that his entire body seemed to have been encased in a form-fitting suit of grey latex. The hoof-gloves had a matching set of boots placed upon his feet. The youth thought it rather weird and he tried to stand. He wobbled terribly, falling over onto all fours. The suit somehow prevented him from standing upright. He looked over his back with a scowl, trying to make out the restraints in the costume that made it impossible to walk properly. He couldn't find any; the suit clung to him like a second skin and all he found that was out of place was the long white equine tail attached at the base of his spine. He couldn't even find a zipper. The youth rolled around, trying to twist his body in a way that would pin the suit and leave another portion of his anatomy free to move and possibly get free of the strange costume. But no matter how he bent and twisted himself, the young man couldn't get the costume to budge an inch.

He wanted to just about kill the practical joker that put him up to this. He may have passed out drunk at the party, but that was no excuse to lock him up like this. Especially since he couldn't remember anything, the pranksters had either bound up an unconscious drunk with a concussion, or given him one when they moved him to this farm.

The youth heard footsteps approaching and he opened his mouth to call out, hopefully they'd just dumped him at somebody's farm and he could explain about the stupid prank and have the farmer help him out of the suit. But his tongue felt oddly thick inside his mouth, and he couldn't get it to form the proper words.

A familiar looking gentleman with long black hair approached, dressed in the traditional rider's gear; a red coat, white breeches, black boots and gloves, though he lacked the cap/helmet that the young man associated with upper class horse riders.

"Good morning, Dobbins," the equestrian said with a smile, "Glad to see you're up and about."

The man's voice sent a shiver down the youth's spine. He was quite sure that Dobbins wasn't his name, but it seemed easy to think of himself by that name for the time being, until he remembered what had happened.

The rider opened the stall door, and slipped something over Dobbins' head, the youth felt something round and metallic enter his mouth, a horse's bit and bridle! The rider fastened the straps with practiced ease. Dobbins wanted to wriggle out of the thing, to get it off, but it felt oddly comforting and natural, like it ought to be there. A delightful shiver went through him and Dobbins began to feel a strange warmth upon both his face and within his loins. The dark haired man attached reins to the latex-clad youth's bridle and led him out into the barn.

"Now we're not going to be doing much until you get properly on your feet. But I think we can get you used to the saddle and tack today."

Dobbins was confused, the man was treating him like a horse for some reason. He hadn't been surprised by the presence of a young man in a latex horse suit within his barn, and considering the bit and bridle seemed suited for a human head instead of an equine one, it would seem that he had expected it in the first place. The horse-suited youth wasn't sure why he was following along quite placidly, it just felt natural, something that was easier to do. The more he walked on all fours the more natural the movements became, like Dobbins had been doing so his entire life. The bit also felt more comfortable in his mouth, it had felt like some of the straps were initially off a bit but now had slipped into place.

Dobbins was lead into a different part of the barn, his reins tied to a section of metal piping as the rider went and fetched a saddle, which was then placed upon Dobbin's back. The weight was a little uncomfortable, and once more it seemed the straps were tightened in the wrong fashion.

"There we are, master Dobbins, looking a bit more proper." The dark haired man said, but then clicked his tongue, "Though your tail is a ghastly fright. Let's take care of that now, shall we?"

Dobbins couldn't turn his head to see, but he quickly felt the brush running through his tail, which was rather odd. He didn't have a real tail, it was a part of the suit. But he felt it all the same, and it felt quite good. Dobbins found himself enjoying it quite a bit. His entire body was beginning to feel oddly warm now, while his face felt almost painfully hot, as did his...

"Ah, enjoying the grooming, are we master Dobbins?" the rider said, his voice full of amusement.

Dobbins gasped as the man's gloved hand ran over his half-erect cock, which felt larger than he recalled, far larger. He wriggled, trying to get away from the pleasant, but unwanted touch, but the man being right behind him and the reins tying his head to the metal pipe made it rather difficult to move.

"You wound me, sir!" the equestrian said with a chuckle, "Without any proper mares about it is most certainly my duty to see that you are well attended to."

The equestrian began to stroke harder, Dobbins' cock surging with growth. The latex-suited human bent his head down as best he could, rearing up a little bit and planting his front hooves on the pole to get a better look.

He gasped softly at the sight of himself, nearly two feet in length, several inches in thickness, with a broad equine flare at the tip of his latex-black cock. No way that could be real, and no way it could be a part of him. But as the trainer caressed him, he felt every movement of the soft leather glove over his stallionhood.

"Is this to your liking, master Dobbins?" the trainer asked, "Or would you perhaps like something a little more?"

The words and the voice sparked a memory within Dobbins, a memory of the previous night. He'd seen the trainer before, though he had looked different, with shorter hair and a mustache, looking the part of the magician. He'd been the party's entertainment. He remembered looking into the magician's oddly colored eyes, remembered donning a saddle and being ridden around the room by giggling, drunken partygoers, and then...

Nothing. He could remember no further. His eyes widened and he looked back at the hypnotist in horror. A smile crossed the man's face, and for the first time Dobbins noticed his pointed ears, marking him as a member of the fey, the magical creatures famous for pulling tricks rather like this.

"Here now, there's no need to fret master Dobbins," the elf said, reaching out and giving Dobbins a rub behind the ears. The touch made the latex-suited young man's ears tingle and tickle, and he flicked them instinctively, only to realize that he shouldn't be able to do that.

He could feel himself changing, growing, his bones and muscles altering ever so slowly, transforming him more and more into a horse.

"There's no wickedness nor cruelty involved here. We don't go around snatching people from parties and bewitching them, you realize. I knew when I looked into your eyes that this would be something you'd enjoy, being a great powerful horse, rather than a bored and confused college student." The elf said. "Always a choice there is, sir, and it won't be me that makes it. Feels rather nice, doesn't it? The building power inside, the warmth of the magic as it fills your body. Trust me sir, I'm quite experienced in bringing interested young men and women more in touch with their bestial nature. I've got a pair of gryphons that ought to be coming in soon that are just delighted with their new bodies."

The trainer ceased jerking off the latex stallion in the making and instead moved forward, placing an arm over Dobbins increasingly equine neck, kissing his ear, "And it's not like anyone is going to mistreat you, master Dobbins, it takes a good load of effort to find a young man like yourself with the inner desire to fully take on this change. The components for the final transformation are rather expensive as well. Once you're your full proud, handsome horse self there's going to be a good deal of resources having gone into making you that way.

"You're going to be going to some young lad or lass as a mount and a companion, no one in their right mind would want to mistreat such a wonderful creature. A soft, sleek hide, a keen human intellect, and a kind and loving personality. You know it'll be fun, how good it'll feel, don't you, sir?"

Dobbins found himself struggling to answer the question. He knew that everything the fey said was true; he could feel his words dredging up emotions in his mind of his forgotten life, boredom at school and at home, of not being able to see a place for himself in the big picture, the feelings stirred within him were incredibly familiar, for they were his own.

It wouldn't be so bad being a horse, especially if as the fey said he was going to be a companion as well as a mount. It felt right to accept the offer, to go along with it, to leave his old human self behind and become Dobbins for real.

"No need to decide all at once, young sir, we've got a good day and a half before we're at the point where it'd be too difficult to turn everything back. Just relax and enjoy yourself. Just indulge yourself with a bit of the beast, eh?"

The fey magician slipped the bit from Dobbins' mouth, running his fingers through the latex stallion's mane... hair. It was supposed to be his hair, but the equine terms kept creeping into Dobbins' mind. But the caress felt quite good, and the sheer act of behaving like a horse filled the young man's body with an erotic longing.

A part of him wanted to resist; to fight and struggle against what was happening to him. But that part wasn't particularly loud. It was the part that told him that he shouldn't be sporting an erection in front of another man, the part that screamed at him that the thoughts he was having were wrong. That he most certainly wasn't interested in other men.

But Dobbins couldn't deny that the elven male's touch felt electric and that he longed to have this thick, powerful stallion-shaft stroked some more. He leaned forward, pressing his slowly growing muzzle against the elf's lips, kissing him gently. The elf reached up, holding Dobbins' head steady as he returned the kiss, stroking the latex equine's mane.

"There you go, good sir," the fey said with a grin, "No need for those silly human notions about the sexy sort of fun. And you'd like to have more than a bit of that fun, wouldn't you my good fellow?"

Dobbins felt a blush upon his grey latex cheeks, and he nodded his head shyly, averting his gaze from the elf.

"Well then good sir, it seems you're in luck. You're just about the right size for a bit of fun." The elf explained, pulling a stool over behind Dobbins as he unbuckled his belt, "It may feel a touch uncomfortable at first, but trust me, it gets better right quick. Have I fibbed you yet?"

Dobbins shook his head, the elven gentlemen most certainly hadn't lead him wrong so far. He felt a gloved hand pull up upon his tail, and a moment later something hard and warm entered him. It was nowhere near as bad as he'd been expecting, it didn't feel uncomfortable at all. In fact it felt rather good. Though he was surprised at how big the elf's member felt within him.

"Got a touch of the satyr in me." The fey explained, as if reading Dobbins' mind.

The latex stallion whickered with delight as the elven mage's gloved hands once more found their way to his cock. Mmm... this wasn't bad, not bad at all...


Dobbins munched happily on the trough full of oats that awaited him back in his stall after the interesting, delightful fun that had just taken place. The more he thought about it the more he found himself happily anticipating what was to come. After all, if there had been anything particularly worthwhile in his existence as a human it would likely have stuck in his memory, even with the amount of Elven magic that had more than likely gone into him.

He couldn't deny that his equine, latex-skinned body felt good; he could almost feel himself growing with each mouthful that he swallowed. It seemed that he had been changing a little bit with each passing moment since the moment he awoke in the stall. His back didn't seem quite so stiff now, and he could stand up properly now; his bestial quadruped gait was something he did by choice now.

While he was certain that the gray latex coated him had been merely a costume at first it was now most likely a permanent part of him. Before he could wiggle his fingers around within the hoof-glove, but now the motion of muscle merely moved the equine appendage and gave him a sensation as well.

His rubber-like hide would be a bit more advantageous than the skin of a natural horse would not pick up burrs, be able to be pierced by parasites, and would wash clean quite easily. As if sensing his thoughts about a wash a young man with pointed ears entered the stable with a bucket full of suds in one hand and a sponge and the other.

"The boss said I should come down and help rinse away the old pains and sorrows." He said with a smile as he tossed the sponge into the bucket.

The sight of the young man, dressed only in riding boots and a simple leather kilt, brought a smile to Dobbins' muzzled face. Though he'd just had quite a romp with the stable master he could feel his blood surging to his loins.

Dobbins nearly moaned with delight as the warm water dripped down his body. He could hear faint pops and cracks as flesh and bone expanded and reshaped to suit his new life. The slick movement of the sponge over his skin seemed to be where the transformation originated; the stable hand brought it down over the outside of one leg before moving inwards and running it up the very same.

He seemed to be deliberately avoiding spot between Dobbins' legs, instead moving the sponge from thigh to thigh before teasingly tracing it down the new horse's leg. The latex horse found himself fully aroused by the action. He felt his hips and thighs bulking up, the bones elongating; though the lower legs were thicker than that of a true horse they otherwise almost entirely lacked any hint that they had once been merely costume pieces.

The stable hand scrubbed in tight circles over Dobbins' spine, the water dribbling and dripping down his midsection. With quick motions the young man drew the sponge downwards across the equine's chest and gave a few quick strokes to what had once been the new horse's arms.

The former human panted as she could feel his entire body growing, swelling, changing; muscle, sinew, and bone altering to suit his new role and his new life. He closed his eyes, waiting for the water to be dripped down upon his face. But instead of the sponge becoming the catalyst for the last part of this transformation Dobbins felt press of the stable hand's lips upon his own.

Dobbins found himself hungrily returning the kiss, his head and neck surging to grow into proportion along with the rest of him. The new horse's tongue nearly filled his tender's mouth, though neither of them minded at all.

The youth pulled away, panting nearly as much as Dobbins himself. The stable hand grinned and dropped to all fours, crawling underneath the now full-sized equine. Dobbins whickered softly in realization; his head was not the last part of him to change after all. Well, at least not THAT head, anyway.

"Something special has been asked for with you," the youth said, prodding his tongue over the proud flare of Dobbins' horse cock, "a few little enchantments. Nothing for you to worry about; just a few things to make certain activities more comfortable and entertaining for all parties involved."

The equine felt the stable hand's tongue slip into the slit of his expanding member, already equine in shape and size, at least in comparison to his former form. But now the erect organ grew to match his truly horse-like size, to the point where it was far easier to measure it in feet rather than inches. And yet somehow the young man was able to take the trumpet-shaped, and possibly sized, flare into his mouth, suckling upon it almost hungrily. Dobbins could feel the sway of the stable hand's body, and he looked down beneath his legs to see what exactly was going on. It seemed that the young man was pleasuring himself as well. The latex horse wondered if he ought to return the favor, but then again he couldn't imagine the positions that would have to be taken in order for the full-sized horse to 69 with the somewhat smallish youth.

Dobbins found himself rather enjoying the effects of the enchantments upon his shaft, feeling it sink deeper into his tender's throat, inch by inch. If this were to take place without magical assistance it would result in a dislocated jaw and a blocked airway, if it were possible at all. But the young man seemed to be breathing quite fine, and did not seem to be in any sort of discomfort.

The ex-human found himself thrusting, trying to push his shaft further and further down his tender's gullet. The action seemed to be what the young man was looking for, as he raised a hand and began caressing Dobbins' balls. The touch made them swell much as his cock had, growing larger and larger. He couldn't see how big they were, or in how they scaled compared to his body, but they felt oddly big and heavy, and Dobbins found himself quite enjoying the sensation.

He cried out with pleasure as the medial ring of his shaft slipped into the young man's maw. Dobbins began to thrust harder, overwhelmed with the pleasure. If he had something like this to look forward to after a day of being ridden, it would be far more than enough of a reward.

He could feel a familiar hot tightness growing within him, far larger than anything he had felt before, like a locomotive's boiler in comparison to the former teakettle that his libido had once been.

At long last the youth's lips met the smooth grey skin of Dobbins' sheath, and the latex horse could feel something coming over him, a sense of power that would have made the hair on his body stand on end, if he'd had any. But his mane stood upright anyway, and his tail hairs were too heavy to tilt upwards with goosebumps.

One last piece slipped into place, just as the youth suddenly jerked back. The sudden action made sweet sensation run across every inch of Dobbins' several feet worth of stallionhood, and he threw his head back and whinnied with bliss as his enchanted equine-fey form experienced climax for the first time. Whatever that last piece had been, it wasn't at all important; all that mattered now was service, obedience, and pleasure.

The stable hand let out a loud cry of surprise as he was drenched in a veritable flood of stallion-seed. Thick gobs of it splattering upon his face and chest. It seemed to be enough to push him over the edge, resulting in a second cry, as well as his own much smaller contribution to the tide of white, hot, stickiness upon his body.

Dobbins chuckled and moved aside, turning to lick the stable hand's face clean, finding he rather enjoyed the taste. Sensing somehow that the youth still had the stamina to continue, the latex-skinned horse began licking his way downwards before taking the stable's manhood into his mouth with careful gentleness, his smooth, black tongue skillfully going to work.

"Oh... oh my!" the half-elf gasped, "I do believe that you will be quite the hit at his majesty's more... interesting parties. Who could possibly resist an opportunity to have such an... mmm! Wondrous experience with such a gorgeous creature?"

The stable hand wrapped his stick arms around Dobbins' neck, "But he's not to claim you for another few days. I think the other hired hands and some of the master's other projects would be quite... oh gods! Interested in contributing to your carnal education."

The young man tilted his head back and cried out with bliss as Dobbins' began to use his tongue and rather flexible equine lips to good use.

"Of course that could wait until we're finished here, Sir Dobbins, if that is alright with you?"

The fey-horse flicked his tail in agreement. It most certainly was.