Joshua & Joel

Story by radarcub on SoFurry

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Chapter 1

Joel looked over the canyon and gazed over the charred remains of the Illumina III. Smoke and sparks flickered from the hull. Scorch marks emblazoned the left corner of it's guidance thrusters. Just seconds before his untimely crash landing, he was setting course for his homeworld, Aries IV. However, before he had a chance to engage the hyper-drive, his small shuttle was pummuled by what seemed to be small rouge meteors; causing his poor shuttle craft to take a surprising nose dive, towards Freehaven. The shuttle skimmed the surface of the small planet's ionesphere, bouncing along it's surface, like a stone skips across a lake. Fortunately, the young wolf was able to stabilize her, and found a reasonable site to set it down. Which was a large, precipace, overlooking the canyon, from which he now stood. He sighed, shaking his head, "Well, I guess any landing you can walk away from.......but damn!" He thought.

He held the remains of his communicator in his hand, he smashed it through the keyboard upon impact, shattering it. It could be repaired, if he could find someone out here who knew

anything about intergrated systems. Finally, with one last look around, he climbed back into the shuttle and reached for an emergency pack, that was stored in the overhead compartments. He gathered parts that were easily accesible, and placed them into one of the side pockets of the satin, backpack. "Maybe I'll be able to get this stupid communicator working again. I don't want to spend too much time on this rock."

He looked up and faced another steep wall, he couldn't figure out how he managed to miss that. It didn't really occur to him just how deep and wide that canyon was until he reached the top of the cliff. He sighed as he looked at his new shuttle -- or rather the remains of it. He set off north of his position, in hopes of finding some reasonable facsimile of civilization.

On the inside, he was kicking himself. Just thinking of how he came to be here, when he could've been halfway home by now. Then the inner voice told him that there was no way he could have predicted the last few seconds, he couldn't have avoided it. But then, there was another voice, telling him that he could've avoided it, if he kept a closer watch on his scanners. Any obstacles could have been easily averted. "Geesh, I can hear my friends now. 'Gosh Morgan, you're such a talented pilot, you losing your touch or something?" Mocking him, as he would walk with tail between his legs down the corridors of the Aries station. "Feh!" He gruffed, "Alotta good that'll do'em. At least I left to explore. What are they doing? Still trying to make the grade on their learner's licences?" He tried not to let his pride get in the way, but he was always trying to prove himself, not to his family, or to his friends, but to himself. At least that's what he thought.

His mom, always stood behind him in every venture he tried. There with a kind word, gentle guidance, a reassuring tone. There was something else, however, she really didn't think that he would persue anything to seriously, he was always the quiet one, always in the background, not one to be easily noticed, or for that matter wanting to be noticed. She loved her son, but again, she thought that he'd just end up with a technical position on the station, or even repairing ships, spending the rest of his days there. Imagine her surprise, when he told her that he obtained his pilot's licence, and decided to hire himself out as a courier. She knew that if he stayed away for too long, he'd get to like the idea of freedom, not answering to anyone, his own boss as it were. Mom didn't like it, but she had to respect his decision. No matter what she thought though, he always came back, making his home right next to her quarter's. Never far from her, if she needed him. A good son.

His dad was another story, however; mom never really discussed him much. Every time that Joel would ask about him, she'd simply tell him that he was a kind and gentle man, who loved me very much. "His career was more important." She would say. Joel didn't understand that, how could he leave? Why didn't he want to spend his life with us? She held his hand, reassuring him, "Sweetheart, he does want to be a part of our lives. But the timing just isn't right." There was something else about his father though, something that his mom wasn't sharing with him. But he smiled, kissed her on the forehead and simply said, "I know." Leaving it there.

Back to the present, two hours later, he found himself at the edge of a creekbed. He stuck his weary, tender paws into the icy water, letting out a deep breath of relief. As he scanned his surroundings, there was no sign of people nor architecture. He wasn't even sure that this place was even inhabited. "Oh that'd be just great!" He gruffed at the sheer thought of it. That was,

until his olfactory senses kicked in, he sniffed. His muzzle twitched, and he took a deep sniff this time. It was faint, but familiar. He could detect, a campfire and that of cooking meat. His jowls watered, and under the sheer instinct of his nature, he followed his nose.


As he continued along the creek bed, he sniffed the air to adjust for direction. It seemed to him, however, that if he just followed the creek, he would find his much needed sustanance that he so dearly craved. Finally, Joel found a small encampment, and his eyes grew wide. As his ears twitched from sided to side, his nostrils picked up another faint scent. This wasn't familiar at all to him. "It could be the camper..." He thought, taking in a deep, musky smell, it was definately male, a big male. But a male what?

He made sure that his prescence wasn't known, crouching as low as his legs would allow, making himself part of the landscape. Camoflaging himself the best he could in the underbrush. His technique wasn't the best, he really wasn't much of a predatory creature. He figured though, that he could fake it, when need be.

Joel watched as he saw a sillouette emerge from the large canvas tent. He was right, it was a rather large, ominous, imposing lion. The male picked his teeth with a twig that he found lying on the grass, then flung it into the fire. He crouched on his hind legs, stoked the blaze and grinned, taking a piece of flesh from the rotissiere, pondering it for a moment, then engulfing it happily. He reached for a canteen and took a swig from it, the clear liquid that missed it's mark, ran playfully down his chin, then onto his strong wide chest, before ending it's trail just below his belly button. Joel thought, that if he wasn't some damn hungry, he'd make a play for this lion. But right now, some urges were greater than others. The lion gazed thoughtfully to the sky and laughed heartily, causing Joel to lose his balance.

"Don't think that I can't hear you." He snickered.

The young wolf was taken aback by this statement. There was no way he could've sensed him so easily. 'Oh god, this guy is gonna have me for dessert. And nobody would even know.' He thought to himself.

The lion spoke more thoughtfully, "I can understand your predicament, my friend. You shouldn't have to skulk in the dark corners of the forest and spy on people though. Make's for a very bad first impression."

Joel's whisker's twitched, the lion knew he was there alright. He slowly made his way from his hiding place. The lion looked over to him, holding a plate of vittles for the scared youth. Joel hesitated.

"Ah, don't worry. I won't hurt you. It would please me greatly, if you'd join me for dinner."

Joel scrutinized him for a moment, puzzled. The lion could've surely mauled him by now. He stammered, "Th -- Thank you."

The lion shook his head, "No worried my young friend. Please, sit and join me." He padded a paw on the soft ground. Joel sat within a safe distance from him and the underbrush if he tried anything, he could make a quick retreat into the safety of the forest. As if he read Joel's thoughts, the lion said, "I'm not going to eat you, if that is what you're worrying about." He smiled.

"I'm's just that..."

"I know, I know. I saw your shuttle when it entered our atmosphere. From what I saw, you took quite a beating up there. But you look no worse for wear." He held the canteen out to Joel. The wolf took it graciously and savoured every drop. "I understand that you are somewhat apprehensive with people and surroundings right now. You needn't worry, most people here are pretty harmless. I know most of them."

Joel felt a little more comfortable as he spoke, "I was on my way back home, and before I could set the final adjustments to the nav computer, something caught me off guard. I don't know why I didn't see it on my proximity scanners."

The lion nodded, "Unfortunately, Freehaven suffers from meteor storms. They're pretty frequent in these parts, I guess that's part of life, living so far out. If you don't know the area, they can be a nuisance."

Joel agreed, "That's putting it mildly." He took a final bite of his dinner and sighed, "The shuttle is trashed, I could barely salvage enough spare parts to fashion another communicator."

"If I may ask, what were you doing out here anyway?"

"I was carrying medical supplies to Pathera Outpost. I just made my delivery, everything was pretty routine. Pretty dull, well -- then this happened."

"Can you're ship be repaired?" He queried.

Joel shook his head, "From the looks of things, I'm not really sure." He pulled the small communicator from his pack, sighing as he held the shattered remnants, "But if I could fix this, I might be able to send a communique home."

"May I?" The lion reached for the communicator, and Joel shrugged, "Be my guest." Handing it to him.

The large cat studied the pieces, squinting before reaching behind him and removing a pair of spectacles from his backpack. He adjusted the ear pieces, so they sat just right enough for him to see. Joel smiled, he noticed that they weren't quite made for his face, it was probable that he just found them or it was the only thing he could afford. "Forgive me," he grinned, "I've had these since I was just a cub. Never found the time to replace them, they do still serve me well though." He scrutinized the circuitry of Joel's wrist com, delicately he slid one of his clawingers along the wires, gently tugging out one of the chips. He presented it to Joel, "Don't suppose you have an extra one of these?"

Joel shook his head, "I'm afraid not. I couldn't even begin to find one to fit a pad that small. Is there somplace around here that I could get another X-12 chip?"

"Yes there is. It's a good two day's hike from here. Would you be willing to do that?" He snapped the small hatch of the communicatore and locked it back into place, handing the device back to Joel.

Joel smiled, "I think so. I'm just going to need to rest up." He stretched his legs out and sprawled onto the soft, velvetine grass.

"We can start in the morning if you like. I was just on my way back from walk about. I had to catch my breath and gather my thoughts, as it were. Just to escape the stress of work." He held his paw out, "Since we're going to be traveling together, I'll introduce myself. I'm Joshua."

Joel grasped his paw tightly, "Nice to meet you Joshua, I'm Joel." This lion's got one hell of a grip, he thought.

"And it's a pleasure to meet you Joel." He stoked the fire once more, "I, myself, am going to bed down for the evening. Quite a long day." Before he entered the tent, he turned to the wolf, "It does get rather cold here at night, and there is enough space in here for two."

"Thanks Joshua, but --" He stopped.

"No problem, Joel. I won't try anything. The offer stands, you can refuse or accept, but it would be infinitely warmer and safer within the confines of the tent." He smiled thoughtfully.

Joel's apprehension about Joshua was definately unjustified. He was a kind and gentle soul, there was no sense of danger that he could get from the lion. "I'll be there in a few minutes." Returning the smile.

He nodded before closing the tent flap, Joel could hear him rustling around before he got comfortable and dozed off. Joel sat up, watching the sky as it turned from a dusty blue, to a deep hue of black, blanketing them with stars. He sighed, but this time, it really wasn't from disappointment or regret, but from the realization that things were turning around. Now that he met Joshua, his fear dissappated with the sunset.

Finally, the wolf stood and made his way to the canvas shelter, looking back at his strange surroundings, which didn't seem so imposing anymore. He smiled as he closed the tent flap, settling himself down next to Joshua, who was now in deep slumper, his chest expanding and contracting with every breath he took. As he listened for a few minutes, he drifted off himself, thankful that he was no longer alone.


The morning came all too quickly for Joel. He rustled from his slumber and noticed that his tentmate was already awake and making breakfast. From what he could smell, bacon and eggs.

The wolf turned to his backpack and pulled out his pants, which he had neatly folded the night before and slid them on. He flung the tentflap open and saw Joshua kneeling in front of a small, makeshift pit, turning a fat slice of bacon over and watching it sizzle. The lion looked up to his young compatriot and smiled.

"Good morning, young one. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you." He stretched and proceeded over to him.

"Glad to hear. I was just about to wake you." He handed a plate to Joel, "Here you go. It isn't much, I'm afraid. But I do plan on picking up some more rations on the way. We'll be needing some extra supplies for a journey." He picked up his plate and began to eat.

Joel took a large bite of food, glancing up to the hills of this foreign planet, "So where exactly are we going?"

Joshua picked up a metal pot and poured, what looked like coffee, into a tin tankard, handing it to Joel. Then proceeded to pour himself one as well. "First, we're going to The Flats for our supplies, a friend of mine runs the general store there. That's about an hour or so north of here." He pointed to the same hills that Joel was taking in, "Those are the foothills, don't let their appearance fool you. They might look like anthills from here. But once we get across them, it's a very steep climb. Hope that you're up for that." He grinned, as he lifted the cup to his lips.

"I think so. I did see them when I was coming in, though I didn't see any towns." He blew the steam from his cup.

"The towns are very few and far between. Most of them are concealed by the hills and trees. Which is why most of the people who live here, enjoy the seclusion. Not much in the way of space traffic."

"Does this planet have any trade at all?" The wolf inquired.

"Point Valley is the trading center. It's located on the other side of the planet. We're going to Uriah, it's a small hamlet. They do have a reasonable selection, albiet, limited technological merchandise. You shouldn't have a problem finding your chip there, or at least, something that's compatible." He finished his breakfast, pulled out his canteen and rinsed the plate off, placing the plate and canteen in his large pack. "I'm going to wash off down at the stream. Once you're done, you may want to as well. It'll be awhile before we may be able to bathe again." Joshua stood up and stretched. Joel watched as the lion's chest expanded, he had to behave himself and keep himself in check however. There was no telling how Joshua would react act to any advances that he'd make. And Joel wasn't ready to set himself up for disappointment. He thought better of it and kept his lewd thoughts to himself.

"Sounds good. I could use a bath." He then rinsed his plate and placed it into the overloaded pack.

"See you there, then." The lion slowly sauntered away, his tail twitching back and forth. Joel thought that it was beckoning to him, though it could just be that Joshua was relaxed. Whatever the reasons, Joel put a reign on his hormones. Or at least, tried to. "Be good Joel," the wolf reminded himself.


They spent almost an hour bathing, but then they found themselves well on their way. The wolf was trying to keep pace with the older lion. Joshua had noticed the difficulties he was having and slowed his stride a bit. He had also noticed that Joel was rubbing his paw. He reached into a small satchel that hung on his belt, pulling out the leaves of a purplish hue. He turned to Joel, smiled and reached for his paw. "Here, this may help with the pain. I find them very useful." He squeezed the leaves and the produced a lighter shade of liquid from it's cache. As he rubbed the paw, Joel could notice that the pain was disappating, almost instantly.

"Thanks, Joshua. It's been bothering me all morning." Looking at him and nodding.

"It's no problem. These leaves are all over, that is, if you know where to look." He smiled.

"Another secret of this planet?" Joel returned the smile.

"Well -- not really. All the herbalists use them around here. Some of the outworlders know of them. That being the case, however, you should've said something sooner."

Joel shook his head, "I'm sorry. I really didn't want you to think that I was some sort of weakling or something."

He reassured him, "By looking at you, I know that not to be true." He place his paw under Joel's chin, "No secrets, okay?" He grinned.

"Alright." Joel weakly returned the lion's gaze and saw the slight twinkle in his eye. There was definately something there, but what?

"Do you need to rest a little more?" He asked.

"No, I think -- I'll be okay."

"You sure?" Looking very deep in the wolf's gentle eyes.

"Yes." Reassuring him.

"Alright then, let's be on our way. It's about another thirty minutes. We can rest up there."


As they walked into the town square, Joel noticed how quiet it seemed there. Sure, there were alot of people walking about, but all in all, it was a pretty laid back village. Another thing he had noticed, no lupines. Most of the townsfolk, were in fact, lion lineage. With this fact stored neatly back in his mind, he surmised that is was probably this planet's native people. However, there were no other signs of his species. It made him a little nervous, as his whiskers twitched uneasily, Joshua took notice of the cub's apprehension.

"No worries, Cub." Looking at him, "The people here are very accepting of outworlder's."

"How did you know...." He began to speak.

"Just a matter of observation. Many strange looking critters have passed the town's gates. Nothing new to the locals."

"Oh.." It just surprised him, this lion was so intuitive, to the extent that he could have passed for a telepath. He could be a telepath, it would explain alot. Though, Joshua didn't divulge this information, and really wasn't Joel's place to intrude on his privacy. It was out of respect. He ran into numerous psychics and telepaths, and he understood about wanting to remain in the background. If he wanted to share with Joel, he would.

They approached a small, wooden two story building, "Ah, the general store." It looked rather worn from age. They began to walk towards it, Joshua smiled to his friend, "If you want to, why don't you take a load off, while I do our shopping." There was a steel bench to the right of the stairs, just outside of the sun's burning ray's. "Won't be long." The door creaked and Joel heard a small tingling of a bell within the store. He sat down and plopped his bag beside him.

Joshua called out, as he approached the counter and looked around, "Hey Shane? You about?" He heard someone fiddling about in the back room, then it sounded like something fell to the ground, crashing loudly, "Damn it!" He heard the gravely voice of his long time friend cry out.

"You okay?" Joshua grinned to himself, "The old fart must've broken something." He said to himself.

As if on cue, another much older lion appeared from the back, "I heard that!" Shane's mane was greying and his eyes were dulled with maturity. Though, by all standards, he could keep up with the younger crowd with no problem. "Who you calling an old fart?"

Joshua chuckled, "Didn't think you heard me."

"Oh I hear plenty.....that is when people think I'm not listening." He grinned broadly, "Anyway, what is it that I can do for you today Joshua?" He sat on a rickety stool behind his bench.

"Just here to pick up a few provisions, is all. I'm making my way back to Uriah."

"I see. I guess you heard then?" His eyes squinted.

"Heard what?" The younger lion queried.

"Seems there's an old companion of your that was heading that way himself." He winked, "Was looking you up."

"Old companion?" He was puzzled.

" two go way back. In the biblical sense."

"Who are you talking about, old man?" Then it occured to him, like a poltergeist from the past, "You couldn't mean Jasper?"

He put his finger to his nose, indicating that he was dead on the money. "Yep, he seemed rather eager to find you."

"I can just bet he was. Did he say what he wanted?"

"No, not really. Just that he really needed to contact you ASAP."

"Wonder what he wants." He skritched his chin.

"I think I can put two and two together as to what." Giving Joshua a sheepish grin.

"Get your mind outta the gutter, Shane." Showing a half hearted smile. "Usually all he wants from me is some sort of monetary advancement."

Shane's eyebrow raised, "Ahhh, so you have to pay for it now do you?" He tried joking with him, but from his expression and mannerism, he was in no mood. He decided not to persue the Jasper issue any further. "So, you want the usual."

"You better double it," he handed Shane his list.

"Double? You're appetite's improved."

"I have company on this trip." He smiled.

"Ohh, I see. I take it it's that young'n out there?" Glancing out his shop window, spying Joel.

"Yeah....and don't get any funny ideas. I'm just helping him get to Uriah."

Shane nodded, "Uh huh."

Joshua's ears twitched in aggravation, "That's it, nothing else."

"I can tell he isn't from around here, is he a merchant or something?"

"His name's Joel, he was making a courier run to Pathera. Unfortunately, he had a run in with a meteor storm."

"Oh, so that was what I saw the other day. That was his shuttle."

"Yeah, I'm escorting him to Jessie's shop. So he can get his communicator repaired."

"Aren't you going the long way around though? I mean, you could've just as easily followed the river bed, like you always do?"

Joshua gruffed, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, nothing." He waved it off, "I better load up your provisions."


Joel waited patiently outside, he just watched as people passed and nodded at him. He still felt a little nervous being surrounded by all these strangers and he wished that he were back home with his family and friends. He looked up at the noon time sky and sighed, losing himself in thought. His silence was broken, however, when Joshua came out.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

"I guess so." He stood and grabbed his backpack, slinging it over his shoulders. He noticed that there were signs of uneasiness in the lion's posture, "Joshua?"


"You okay?"

"I'm fine. Just doing a little thinking is all. We may run into someone I know. I don't think it's going to be a problem." He almost snapped at Joel, causing him to cower a little.

"Oh, I see." Pausing, "Well, I won't say anything more. Not really any of my business anyway."

Joshua stopped and turned to face the disheartened cub, "Actually, yes. It is your business. I shouldn't have been so short with you. It's just that I'm not looking forward to seeing this person. And I really don't want you in the middle of this whole situation. Jasper really isn't a very pleasant person to be around."


The lion smiled, "He's -- well, let's just say I was young and stupid at the time. A bit of indiscretion on my part."

Then it hit Joel, this person, this 'Jasper', was an ex lover, "Jasper was --"

"He was my mate, my lover. We had our differences though, and thought it best to part ways. Every once in awhile, he shows up, like a bad penny. Wanting something, always wanting something."

"You're right. He doesn't sound like a very nice person to be around."

Joshua's smile broadened, "Yeah, c'mon now, we have a lot of distance to cover."

They weren't the only ones, seems that Jasper was still in The Flats, and watching them from a distance, a bit of contempt in his eyes as he glared in their direction. He large frame stumbled from it's hiding spot and he made his way down the main street, he ran into a more slinder lion, not much older than him, throwing him to the ground, "Geesh, Jasper. Give a little warning would ya?" Jasper blinked for a moment, looked down and saw his friend Adin, sitting in the dirt, he held his paw up and pulled him to his feet.

"Sorry bout that Adin, my mind is on other things at the moment."

He brushed the dirt from his clothes, "What things?"

Jasper shrugged, "Nothing important. Just some things that I really need to get in order."

"You're being awfully secretive, even for you." He patted Jasper's shoulder. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be fine. I just need to get going."


"You sure do ask a lot of questions. What are you, my mother?"

"Sorry! I won't bother you." He began to walk away.

"Hey, I'm sorry man. I didn't mean that."

Adin turned around, "Alright, it's okay."

"I'm going to Uriah. There's someone there I need to speak too."

"Oh I see."

"Uriah, huh? Been a long time since you've been up that way. Must be real important."

"More than you know." He shook his head, "So, I really need to get going. See ya later." With that, he left poor Adin, puzzled and a little confused, "What in the hell could he want in Uriah?"

Chapter 2

The first couple of hours went off without a hitch. Joshua had a long stride, but Joel was doing very well keeping up with him. They followed the river for two hours, and rested by a waterfall for lunch. Joel looked up towards the mountains and sighed heavily. Joshua could not help but notice.

"You okay, Joel?" He asked.

"Yeah, just a little winded is all. I'm not quite used to the climate here."

"It does take some getting used too. The gravity is a little heavier here."

"I'm not a land lover by any means, I grew up in space stations and starships. I guess I'm what you call a space brat."

Joshua grinned, "Well, don't worry about it. You should adapt quickly. I used to be a lot like you. Though, my family decided to forgo living on stations and going from ship to ship, they retired here, and I've lived here ever since."

Joel returned the smiled, he got up and stretched as he walked over to the stream. He felt the water cascade his toes, and let out a sigh of relief, "That feels good."

"We still have a little time, what's say we go for a swim? This stream empties into a small lake, just a couple more meters from here."

"That sounds wonderful." He smiled, picked up his backpack and just carried it in his hands.

Joshua pointed the way, "It's right down that way. I'll be along directly, just let me gather my things."

"Alright, see you in a few." The wold bounded down the trail.

Joshua's thoughts got the better of him as he watched Joel. Then he shook his head, "If only I were a few years younger. Damn, I'm old enough to be his..........Uncle."


Joel swung himself off of a tree vine, creating a big splash as he entered the water. He dove into the crystal blue water. As he began his upward swim, he could see the sun quivering above him. He rose from the water and shook the wetness from his head, wiping his eyes. His gaze returned to normal and he spotted Joshua approach, waving to the revitalized wolf. Joel watched him closely as he sat on one of the fallen logs, he removed his moccassins and undid his leggings. As he stood up and shed them, he revealed a very well defined body, very strong leg and calve muscles. The wolf also could help but notice, that the lion was not wearing anything underneath, causing him to blush with wicked thoughts.

He was embarassed, he left his shorts on. He was a little apprehensive of anyone seeing what he looked like without any clothes on. As a child, he was always a little plump around the middle. His mom said that it was just baby fat, and in time he would outgrow it. Joel didn't think so, as he grew older, however, he did lose the weight and tone up quite nicely. He just didn't see that. Joel always saw himself as the geekish techie type, and felt out of place. Not many people who hung out with him, and he didn't mind that, never really had much to say anyway. Finally, he shook those thoughts out of his mind and dove deeply into the water once more.

Joshua folded the leggings and carefully removed his medicine bag from around his neck, placing it under the pants. He watched as Joel splashed around, diving in and out of the water. Joshua climber to the top of on the small cliffs the overlooked the lake, took a moment, then dove gracefully into the water, without so much as a ripple. As he emerged, Joel clapped with approval. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders as if to say, nothing to it! He then swam to a small cove that was hidden from view by the streams of water that fell from the cliff above. He reclined against the rocks and enjoyed the peace and tranquility of these surroundings. Though his peace was interrupted when Joel playfully splashed water on him, "Hey! No sleeping!" He laughed. Josh shook his head and laughed, "I'll get you for that." Joel stuck his tougne out and began to swim as fast as he could, away from Joshua, he called out "Catch me if ya can!" He gave chase, following him all around the lake, they both laughed and carried on. Way into the late hours of dusk. Finally, they ended up back in the cove, where it all started.

They both relaxed against the rocks now, Joel turned and smiled to his lion friend, "That was a blast! I don't get the chance to do this very often."

Joshua feigned surprise, "What, they don't have water where you're from?"

Joel playfully slapped him on the arm, "Very funny. I spent alot of times in the pool, on the station. This is somehow....different."

"More natural?"


"Doesn't surprise me. Most of the station's use filtration systems. After so many times through the cycle, the water just doesn't seem real anymore."

"You seem to know an awful lot about technical stuff."

"Well, I get that from my dad, he was a technician. Guess he passed down those genes to me."

"Understand that. I think that's where I got a lot of my abilities from. My dad, that is. Although, I really didn't get to know him, he left rather early in my life and left me and mom to fend for ourselves." Joel shook his head again, "Sorry, must sound like I'm babbling."

"Nah, not at all. I really enjoy listening to you talk." He paused for a moment, "There is something about you...."

"About me? What?"

He shrugged, "Well, you bring life to this old lion's heart." He waved his hand, trying to take back what he said, "I mean --"

Joel looked into the older lion's eyes, and noticed a fiery glint. Something that wasn't there before, "It's okay Joshua, tell me. What is it?"

"I -- I better not. It's probably best that I not persue this, for both our sakes I mean." He tried to change the subject, "We better get going, there's still some light left and it's another five miles to our next stop." He started to get up, but he was halted by Joel's grasp of his arm.

"It's okay! I mean, I think I know what you're going for here." Joel stood and wrapped his arms around his waist, pressing his face into the lion's massive chest, hearing his strong heart beat rapidly within, "I know what you mean."

"Joel," He sighed heavily as his arms wrapped around the wolf. He kissed him gently on the forehead, and took in Joel's scent. The smell of musk and sweat overwhelmed him, "Gods, you smell so damn good."

Joel whispered, "So do you."

Joshua tried to regain his composure, he didn't know what he should do. With his past, he didn't want Joel getting in the middle and getting himself hurt, but now it seemed that moment felt right. There was peace there, Joel was bringing him peace. Joshua sighed, "Joel, I -- I do want you. Are you sure this is what you want?"

"I have felt drawn to you, ever since I laid eyes on you. And, I do want you too."

"You are such a sweet man," He kissed him deeply on the muzzle. Joel returned the kiss with fire and intense passion, pulling him tighter against him, trying to take as much of him into himself as he could.

He looked into Joshua's soul once more, he could feel his hot, erratic breath touching his lips, and he could feel the fire burning right through him. "Joshua?"

"What is it love?"

"I want to tell you something."

"What's that?"

"I've never been with a man before."

This took Joshua a little time to comprehend, but he smiled, "You're a virgin?"

"Yeah, I hope that doesn't bother you. I mean -- I don't have the experience -- I mean." He stammered.

"Shh, it's okay." Reassuring him, "That sort of thing doesn't matter."

"You -- you still..."

"I still want you, I want you so bad that I can taste it. We just have to take things slow, you set the pace. I will cherish every moment we share."

"As will I."

"Then, no more talk." He kissed him again, "Let's just see what happens." Joshua squeezed the wolf tight against him, then Joel felt something hard pressing his belly. He decided that he would take matters into his own hands, and grasped it firmly. The lion growled low, his eyes rolled back into his head, "Oh...god."

"Is that okay." Grasping harder.

The lion nodded, his voice was raspy, "Yes....It feels wonderful....but you don't have too."

"I want to do this....I want you, now."

"Are you sure?"

"Never been so sure in my life."

Joshua lightly bit Joel's neck. He lowly gasped as Joshua continued to nibble down his neck and carry him to the shore. He placed the wolf down on the grass, leaning over him and placing his massive weight on top of him, "How is this?"

"It's good so far." He smiled up to him, "Please don't stop."

"If I go too far......" Joshua started.

"I'll be the first to let you know."


Joel laid in the grass, gazing up to the night sky. He just awoke from a very restful sleep, he reached beside him, feeling for Joshua. But he wasn't there. He sat up in a panicked state, looking around, "Joshua!" There was no response, then again with worry in his voice, "Josh -- JOSHUA?!?" The lion came bounding from the trail.

"Joel!?! Are you okay?" Running towards his cries.

He wiped his tears away from his cheeks, "I -- I got worried, you weren't here --"

"Hey now, it's okay, I'm here now." He sat next to Joel and held him tight. "I won't leave, I promise."

"I -- I'm sorry, I got a little carried away." He was trying his best to regain his composure.

"It's okay, I just had to gather some more fire wood. That's all." He kissed the wolf tenderly on the forehead.

"I guess I seem like baby, don't I?" He pulled his knees to his chest.

"No! You're not a baby." Joel turned away, "Look at me Joel." He turned back to face him, "You were scared and worried, and it's okay, really. Come here." He reached for him again and held him firm. "I promise on my very soul....I won't leave you...EVER! Understand?" Joel nodded, "Good, Let's get some sleep okay. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." He pulled him gently to the blanket, "Rest well."


Joshua awoke early, and looked over to Joel who was still sound asleep. He reached his paw towards him and gently stroked his head, "So uncertain, so unsure." He smiled and kissed the wolf on the cheek. Joshua sat up and placed his hands behind his back, snapping the bones back into place. The wolf stirred slightly, but quickly went back to sleep. He got up and went to start the fire to make breakfast. As he prepared the fire, his ears picked up something rustling in the bushes. A tall, young, chubby lion appeared from out of nowhere. The younger lion's mane was over his shoulders and glistened in the morning sun, like gold. "Jasper!" He walked over to him and took a protective stance.

Jasper's voice was light and unassuming, almost mesmerizing. Having dealt with him before, Joshua took his word for nothing, and he was definately not intimidated. Jasper spoke. "You're not happy to see me?" Placing his paw on his shoulder.

Joshua grasped his hand and quickly removed it, "That's an understatement."

Jasper placed his paw over his heart, feigning remorse, "Oh sweetheart, you cut me to the quick. That really hurts."

Joshua huffed, "I seriously doubt that. What do you want? Whatever it is, the answer is no! So don't even bother."

He smiled broadly, "What makes you think that I want something?"

"You always do. Besides, Shane already informed me that you stopped by." He turned and stoked the morning fire.

"I was just in the neighborhood. This, my friend, is just pure coincedence, that's all." He followed Joshua and noticed the slumbering Joel. "I see your tastes still lean towards the young ones."

He snapped around, meeting Jasper, nose to nose. "He's not much younger than you, if that is any concern of yours, which it is not."

"No need to get huffy Joshua. Who is he anyway?"

"His name is Joel, and I'm taking him to Uriah. He needs a replacement chip for --" Then he caught himself, "Never mind. Why the hell I'm I telling you this?"

"I'm going to Uriah as well, mind if I tag along?"

"As a matter of fact I do."

"It's so lonely out here by myself." He sat on a rock near the fire.

"You've seem to have made it this far." He pulled some biscuits from his backpack.

"You seem rather tense, Josh." He leaned forward rubbing his paws over the warm embers. "What is making you so bitter?"

"OH! As if you didn't know. We were to be life mates, Jasper? Remember? Then I found out that all you really wanted me for was stature. Using me to increase your own abilities. Oh, and let us not forget. Things mysteriously disappearing from Uriah with your departure. Then there's that little incident with the medicine man."

"That?" He said nonchalantly, "I was merely defending myself."

"He was over 200 years old, I don't think it likely that he could hurt you physically."

"It wasn't physical and you know it." He stood up, pointing down at him. "You, you yourself know the power that old man had. You just stood there accusing me of his murder, not coming to my aid when I needed you the most. You wouldn't even defend me!"

He shot up and raced over to him, snarling, "DEFEND YOU? DEFEND YOU? You've got to be kidding. You brought this on yourself, if anyone is to blame it's YOU!"

"Real nice!" By this time, he was snarling too. "Better control your temper old man! You don't want your little cubby to see what kind of person you really are."

"He knows all he needs to know. Get the hell out of here Jasper, before you regret ever being HATCHED!" He pointed towards the woods. "Leave!"

Jasper's snarl returned to a smile. "As you wish chief," As he walked past, Joshua grabbed him by the arm, "Where is the life amber?" Jasper smiled, "It's in safe hands," yanking his arm away before storming back into the woods.


The sun rose high over Uriah. The afternoon was bustiling with activity as Joshua and Joel entered the city limits. Joel expected more of a city like atmosphere, but saw it was just like any other village. The people knew each other, it was more relaxed, it was nothing like a city at all.

Joshua warned Joel though, not everything was as it seemed. Even though Uriah was friendly and easy going, there were still chances that some sort of fight could break out between merchants and customers.

They approached a medium sized, unassuming tech shop. Specializing in alien based technology and other goods that was otherwise hard to come by. Joel followed the lion inside. As he looked around, noticing numerous types of chips, wiring, keypads, and other useful items. He was very surprised at the market base this shop had, he wasn't expecting such a vast assortment of merchandise. As they approached the counter, a female feline greeted them, she was most likely in her early 30's, 5'3", with blue eyes and calico markings. She smiled and reached her paw out to Joshua, "Heya handsome."

He shook her hand, "Hey Jessie, you staying busy?" Giving his best smile.

"Oh as busy as I can be. Been rather slow the last several days. I guess that's to be expected, as close as we are to the Nature Celebration. I do like this time of year, but it hurts my business."

Joel was puzzled, "Nature Celebration?"

Joshua turned and smiled, "It's a time when our planet celebrates the gods and goddesses of the harvest. A time when we don't focus so much on technology, but rather what our world provides for us."

Joel returned the smile, "That sounds pretty cool to me."

Jess shrugged, "Well, I guess it can be. Like said though, it hurts business."

"Where are my manners? Jessie, this is Joel, I was hoping you could help him out."

"Sure, what can I do?"

"Joel, hand her your wrist com." Joel reached into his backpack and handed her the small device.

She scrutinized it for a minute. "Oh sure, this'll be an easy fix. I'll be right back." She walked into the back room and started to rummage around. Joshua turned to the wolf, "She's a pretty sharp girl. Anything you need and she's on it." She came back almost in a flash. "Here you go, I installed the chip you needed, I also replaced some wiring that was pretty singed." Jessie smiled, handing over the comminicator.

"Thanks Jess." Joshua kissed her on the cheek.

She blushed, "Anytime. So is there anything else that I can help you guys with?"

"Not right now. You'll be the first one I see though." The lion laughed.

"Of course you will." She giggled, but then in a more serious tone, "Uhmm, I kinda hate to bring this up though....."

Joshua shook his head, "Unfortunately, I ran into Jasper earlier." He grimaced.

"He came in here with some lame excuses, trying to probe me for information."

"What kind of information?" He asked.

"He wanted to know about your friend Joel. I told him, that I didn't really know anything. Which for the first time in my life, I'm glad that I didn't. He seemed all to eager to get me to talk. That lion gives me the creeps."

"I don't really know what's going on with him now. Seems like everywhere I turn, he's there. Like he's following us." Joel was listening to every word of this, he had drifted towards the front of the shop looking around, but was keeping his ears open to the conversation. Joel thought, "You learn an awful lot about people, when they think you're not listening." Though in this case, why didn't Josh tell him about his encounter with Jasper?

Jessie came around the corner and hugged the much larger cat, "You just be careful, k'? Please?"

"Don't worry, sweetheart. You know I will." They broke their embrace, and he flashed that winning smile in her direction again. "We better go grab something to eat. You take care, Jessie."

"You too." She called out to Joel, "It was very nice meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you too," he waved as they left. Joel remained silent for a while. Trying to take in the silent conversation between Jessie and Joshua. Finally, "Joshua?" Pausing

for a moment, "You -- you saw him today?"

He sighed heavily, "Yes, I'm afraid so. I should have told you sooner. I'm sorry."

Joel reached for his paw and took it into his own. "No need to be sorry. What did he want?"

"I really wish I knew. He was his usual, noncomittal self. He didn't give any reason as to why he was here."

"Whatever it is, it probably isn't good."

"I agree." Joshua shook his head, "Let's not worry about that right now though, okay? Let's get something to eat, I'm starving."

Joel grinned up to him, "Boy, you got some appetite."

"In more ways than one," Joshua slapped the wolf's butt, making Joel blush a deep, deep red under all his white fur.


Jasper paced back and forth in the marketplace, like a caged animal. Keeping an ever watchful eye out on Joshua and Joel. Sneering at them from across the square, "Such the happy couple, BAH!" Finally, he took a seat, but his gaze never wavered. Adin found him and approached the table, "Still a peeping tom?" He sat right across from him. Jasper snapped his head in his direction, "Very funny, Adin!"

"What is with you, you've been acting like.....well, you've been acting like a complete jerk lately, to be honest."

"What is with me, you ask? I'll tell you. It's that!" He pointed towards the two, "They don't belong together."

Adin took a small wooden pipe from his pocket, tapping it on the table, "As I recall, you two aren't exactly together anymore."

"No, we aren't. But -- but.....that bastard has no right to be with Joshua. NO RIGHT! We're supposed to be life mates......not HIM!"

Adin lit his pipe, inhaling deeply, flinging the match into the ashtray. The smell of the tobacco was a light cinnamon. One of his weaknesses, finally, "I think that Joshua can make his own decisions, don't you?" He smiled.

"His mind is clouded." He growled.

"You're creeping me out more than usual, Jasper. What the hell are you thinking?"

"You'll see." He gave him an uneasy sneer. Then he watched as Joshua excused himself from their table. A low laugh could be heard in the pit of Jasper's stomach, "There it is..."

Adin turned around, "There what is?" He turned and faced the same direction as Jasper, trying to figure out what he was up too.

"Opportunity." Jasper gave him a toothy grin.

Adin watched as his friend made his way across the street, he shook his head, "I know this isn't going to end well."


Joel drank his coffee as he waited for Joshua to return. Jasper sat down next to him without even an invitation. This stranger just made himself at home, Joel looked him over, "Excuse me, who are you?"

Jasper gave his best grin, "I would be the long lost love of your life."

This put him off a little, "Excuse me?"

He laughed, "I'm kidding. I'm just a friend of Joshua's, any idea of where he is?"

"He'll be back shortly, he just needed to you the facilities." The wolf was starting to get a little uncomfortable around this stranger.

"I see." Jasper took some bread from the basket and buttered it, "You have got to be Joel?"

"Yes, I am. You have me at a disadvantage though. You haven't told me your name."

He quickly changed the subject, "I need to see him on a most important matter. I need to show him something." He reached into his pants pocket, pulling out a scarlet handkerchief. "Perhaps, you would be interested in this too. You seem like an intelligent boy."

Joel's eyebrow raised. There was something in the back of his mind, telling him that he couldn't be trusted. "Uhmm, okay."

"That a boy." He unwrapped the package, reavealing a glowing, golden stone. "This is a most unique item, it's called the 'Life Amber', and it can bring anything, anyone wishes. Want a closer look?"

He was intriqued, but cautious, "Sure."

Jasper held it in front of him, "Look at the way it glows, beautiful isn't it?" His voice was calming and sooth.

Joel gazed into it, and was mesmerized by it, "Yes it is."

Jasper smiled, "That's it, take a good long look."


Joshua searched frantically around the marketplace, after finding Joel's communicator lying on the table, but no Joel to be found. He scanned the crowd, but saw no sign of him. He spotted Adin and dashed over to him. "Adin, I don't suppose you've seen a young white wolf walking about, have you?"

"You mean Joel?"

"Yes!" He nodded, "You know him?"

"I've just been hearing talk. I saw you two earlier in front of Jessie's."

"Hearing talk?" He scowled, "From whom?"

Adin shrugged, "No one in particular." He started to turn away, but Joshua caught him by the arm, "Yeah, I bet. You've been hanging around with Jasper, haven't you?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Why do you even associate with him?"

"Because, no matter what he is or what he does, he's a friend."

Joshua gruffed, "Hell of a friend."

"I know that he really can't be trusted, he still is a friend though."

"I'm sorry Adin. He rubs me the wrong way."

"Same here," he nodded in agreement, "I just take whatever he say's or does with a grain of salt. I really don't like getting involved."

"As long as I've known you Adin, you've never really got involved with anything."

"And that is why, I'm still breathing, thank you."

Joshua shook his head in aggravation, "Whatever you say. It's you're decision."

"Thank you."

"Have you seen Joel though?"

"Like I said, I saw you and him over at Jessie's. Other than that, I haven't seen him."

"You're sure?"

Adin flung his hands in the air, "Okay, okay, you win. I saw Jasper talking to him when you left your table. He was making Joel uncomfortable, from what I can tell. Though, I really don't know where he went too, I had to run a few errands myself."

"Alright, thanks. I'll keep looking." He excused himself.

Adin watched as he left Uriah, he was still not all together honest with Joshua. He saw his friend and Joel leave together. In the back of him mind, he knew that Jasper was up to no good.

Chapter 3

Jasper led Joel down a wooded trail that was just outside of Uriah. Joel seemed to be in a trance like state. "Come along, boy. Mustn't doddle. We've got a lot of ground to cover."

The wolf spoke in a monotone voice and repeated, "Alot of ground to cover."

"That's right. We're going to make sure that there are no complications. Between Joshua and I, that is." The came to a set of rocks, "Sit down, we'll rest here." Joel complied and sat down. "I really don't know what he see's in you." He gave Joel the once over, "Although, you do have a few things to offer. You must work out, don't you?"

In a dead, cold voice, Joel repeated, "Work out."

Jasper strutted around him, placing his hand on his shoulders, rubbing it. "Very nice strong shoulders." He went to the front of Joel, and placed his hands on his chest, "Very nice, indeed!" Thinking for a moment, he got an idea of his own. Then he ordered Joel to stand, he complied, "Joel, remove your pants and undershorts." Joel hesitated. "THAT IS NOT A REQUEST, THAT IS AN ORDER! Remove your pants boy!" Joel undid his pants and dropped them to his ankles, along with his undershorts. "Now, place them on those rocks and return to me." Joel complied, turned around and stood there blank eyed. Jasper's jowels watered, "There is something to be said for youth." He began to remove his own pants as well, but something stopped him, a rustling from the underbrush. He spun around, "Who's there?"

Adin flung the underbrush aside and walked over to him, "Jasper! What the hell are you doing?"

"Nothing," He grinned broadly, "Yet."

Adin stood in front of Joel, almost protectively, "This isn't good, no good at all. Jasper you can't think you can get away with this."

"Joshua's had him! Why can't I?" He pouted.

"You know it's wrong, that's why! Put your clothes on Joel." The wolf stared at him blankly, Adin snapped his head to Jasper, "You tell him to put his clothes back on."

"No. He looks better this way."

"I said that I wouldn't get involved, this time though you're going way to far. This isn't going to work, what's it gonna get you?" Adin screamed.

"Satisfaction." Jasper sneered.

"Jasper, so help me!" He continued to block Joel from view.

"You know this is surprising, could you actually be developing a backbone?"

"Jasper, please. Listen to me, okay. I know that you're hurt, and what happened between you and Joshua was wrong. He should've been there for you when you needed him most." Adin was making a desperate attempt to appeal to Jasper's soul, he knew that somewhere, there had to be some sense of humanity. In all honesty, however, Adin sided with Joshua, and the tribe. He continued, "This isn't the way to get him back."

Jasper laughed, "Don't give me that crap Adin!"

He was taken by surprise, "Wh-what?"

"This reverse psychological mumbo jumbo.....It doesn't suit you!" Jasper took two steps forward, now eye to eye with Adin, "Adin, you know what'll happen don't you?" His voice, light and soothing once more, "You know what will happen if you challenge me?" Adin felt a burning sensation in his chest, making it hard for him to breath. "You better go now." Adin's face was flushed, he turned around, walking away, bowing his head. Jasper laughed, his last words ringing in Adin's ears, "Here's to not getting involved."


Adin ran along the path, towards the city limits, his tear filled eyes, made it hard for him to see. He wiped his face, trying to focus, "Gotta find Joshua!" He didn't know what happened back there with Jasper, it was like, he had no control over his own thoughts. After all this time, could Jasper be controlling his thoughts? He shook it off, he may not have been able to persuade Jasper, but he may be able to get some help. He saw Joshua walking out of Jessie's shop again and ran over to him, nearly pushing him over.

"Adin!" Somewhat surprised to see him so soon.

"Joshua! It's Jasper! He's going to do something....." At times of great stress, Adin wasn't exactly in control, and in many respects was a child. He wasn't sure how to express himself, "Something -- bad!"

"What do you mean, bad?" Joshua tried his best to settle the young lion.

He was trying his best to catch his breath, "They're -- on the west trail....Jasper...Joel!"

"Joel? He's with him?" Adin nodded his head furiously. "What the hell is going on?" Joshua's eyes burned.

"Nothing good...."

"As you said....Lead the way Adin and hurry!"


Jasper had an almost holier than thou look to him as he washed up in the stream. He glanced over to the still naked Joel, who had curled up into a little ball, behind the rocks. Jasper's evil smile returned, "Not quite done with you yet, boy." And almost in a flash of yellow/golden fur, he was taken by surprise by Joshua, who threw himself on top of the stunned lion. "Josh -- Joshua, what a surprise."

"What in god's name have you done Jasper?"

"Everybody seems so concerened with my well being lately. I didn't think you cared Joshua." He batted his eyes, seductively....instigating Joshua.

"I don't, not for your sorry ass. Where's Joel?"

Jasper looked over to the rocks then back to Joshua, who's teeth were glistening in a wide snarl. His mane billowed over him, though there was no wind to be had. "What have you done to him Jasper?" Jasper just smiled and with a thrust, threw the much stronger lion off of him, catching Joshua completely off guard. Jasper stood and now looked down on him, "I must say, you're taste in boys has improved." Looking once more to Joel, licking his jowels, "Mmm, he certainly knows how to satisfy a man." His laughter, frightened Joshua, "I've improved my powers, since we last saw each other Joshua." He bent over him, whispering into his ear, "Here's a little secret, after I killed that medicine man, I acquired his powers. Honed them, and decided to use them for my own purposes." Joshua growled and snarled, trying to claw at him. "You son of a bitch!" He roared.

He continued, "You won't be able to move for some time, I am afraid." He laughed again, "Well, you know....I do believe, that I may very well have surpassed even you Chief." Jasper sighed, "We're going to put some distance between us now. At least until I figure out a way to get things back to the way they should be."

Adin screamed and ran towards Jasper, going full tilt. Jasper caught a glimpse of him, held out his paw, and without even touching the young man, threw him in the air, smashing him hard into a large oak. The last thing he heard was the sickening crack as he fell to the ground in a slump. "Nice time to develop courage, Adin. Unfortunately, for you, it was too little too late." He walked over to Joel, "This party is getting dull, get up and get dressed." Joel complied as Joshua looked on with heaviness and hurt in his heart, "Don't worry Josh. He's in very good hands."

The wolf looked right though Joshua, no expression, no feeling in his eyes. He tried reaching out to his lover, "Joel, you'll be okay. Remember what I said before? I'll get you back, I promise."

"Ohhh that is so touching!" Jasper sneered, "Joel is mine now, you hear? At least until I tire of him." Joshua snarled up to him, "I swear to the gods, you're gonna pay for this!"

"Famous last words. Boy, tell him what I told you earlier." Joel walked in his robotic fashion and repeated the words that Jasper gave him earlier, "He is my master now. Don't follow, if you value my life." Joel turned and stood next to Jasper, "Very good." He smiled again as they walked away.

Joshua began to whimper, "Joel, NO!" He cried out as they disappeared into the woods. But his cries fell on deaf ears. He struggled to get himself up. The spell was holding him tight, but he did have a plan. "Jasper, you may have grown in your skill, but you still have a hell of a lot to learn." He closed his eyes, and concetrated, "Release." With that, he slowly sat up. He glanced over to the Adin's unconcious body, and crawled over to him. "Adin? Can you hear me?"

His eyelids fluttered, and weakly tried to sit up, but grimacing with pain, "Joshua, you're okay, I'm glad...."

"Yeah, what about you?"

Adin, reached his hand down to his legs, "I -- I think my legs are broken. I -- I'm having a hard time feeling them."

Joshua looked them over, "I'm afraid they are broken." He paused, "Adin, you did a great job, thanks."

"Thanks? For what?"

"For what you did for me, for Joel."

Adin cried, "For a lot of good it did me."

"Shhh, you did what you could."

"I take it, they're gone?"

Joshua nodded, "I'm afraid so. Do you know where they could've gone?"

"The hills, close to the canyon." He grimaced again.

"That's where Joel's shuttle went down."

"OH GOD......." Adin screamed.

"Hang in there Adin." Joshua moved his hands down to Adin's legs, his mane flowed back and his eyes blazed green. Adin closed his eyes and felt the bones in his legs begin to heal themselves, almost instantly. Joshua smiled back to Adin, who was now asleep. "That's it, sleep. It'll be a couple of hours before you'll be able to walk home." Joshua covered him with a blanket and tucked him in. "Take care."

He started his trek on the same trail, he could smell recognizable scents, one in particular, his mate, Joel. "I'm coming for you, Love."


Jasper and Joel climbed to the top of the hill, and he pointed to the remanants of the Illumina III. "That's your shuttle, eh? Doesn't look like much. Though, I think it can be repaired. Sit down, boy!" Joel did so and sat near a small grove of trees. As Jasper walked around the wreckage, he started to make estimates of the repairs needed. "This is going to be a long night, indeed. Make yourself useful, and gather the scattered pieces." Joel begain to do as he was commanded, "Very good. You know when you work, you have to strip down, like the slave you are." Joel got undressed, and folded his clothes, returning to his duties. Jasper watched in evil glee, licking his jowels once more, "Once you're done, you'll service me. That is if you do a good job."

Joel spoke plainly, "Yes, sir."

"Very good." He went inside the wreckage and sat in the cockpit. "Hmm, seems you may have a little power left in you. It's not a complete loss. Unfortunately, we don't have enough juice, we'll give it a little help." He removed another black onyx type stone, and placed it on the command console, muttered a few words and with that, things began to hum with life and return to full power. "Yes, very nice. Within another few hours, you'll be completely powered. After the repairs are finished, I'll be off this rock." Just then Joel entered the shuttle, staring at him, "I've finished, sir." Jasper undid his pants and took them off, showing off his drooling member. In respects his was more thicker than Joshua, but shorter. "Now, you be a good boy and do what needs to be done." For a moment Joel hesistated, his face grew confused. Jasper grew angry, when he noticed that his hold may be wearing off. "Joel, you do as you're told."

"I -- I can't." He muttered, "I --"

Jasper grabbed him by the hair, "YOU CAN! YOU DON'T ARGUE WITH ME!" He settled himself down for a moment, "This is a much more pleasant way to go. Or would you rather the alternative!"

Joel knew what that meant, shaking his head. "No, no sir."

Jasper nodded, "Very good then." He pushed Joel to his knees, his face now at Jasper's crotch. Jasper placed his hands on Joel's head and pushed hard, guiding him to his task. He groaned in satisfaction, "Yes, a much more pleasant way to go."


Joshua ran through the forest at full tilt, not stopping for anything. He had the scent and he was not about to lose it. He smelled something else though, "Joel! What's that bastard done to you?" He shook those thoughts from his head and continued down the trail, "I'm going to kill him, I swear." He came to a halt when he reached the foothills, looking up to where Joel's ship came down. "What are they doing back here? What would he possibly want with Joel's shuttle."

Mental images flashed through his brain, the things that Jasper was subjecting his cub to. It was way to much for him to comprehend. It made the lion more angry, and the heat was building up inside him, "He's going to die! Jasper is going to die!"

There was no sign of either one of them when he reached the crash site, though he knew that they were there. His senses were picking up on Joel, his cub was in a world of hurt right now. He wanted so desperately to charge in and rescue him, but something was holding him back. "If I attack Jasper now, he'll kill Joel right there. If I wait for him to come out, by himself, I may be able to buy some time for Joel." He sat behind the trees and waited.

The time passed slowly for him, by now it was late in the evening, and there was no sign of Jasper or Joel yet. His eyes remained steady, and his determination was strong. He was not about to give up. The the shuttle doors opened, and out came Jasper, his smile was wicked, as if the cat that ate the canary. He adjusted his pants and combed his mane in satisfaction, walking over to the front of the shuttle and examining it. Joshua was about to make his move, when Joel walked out. Nearly causing his heart to drop, he was in all respects he looked like a whipped puppy. Right through the wringer. He muttered to himself, "You're still up to your old ways, eh Jasper?"

"Boy, come here." Jasper ordered the wolf.

"Yes, sir." The wolf walked over to him. Joshua's blood boiled.

"Look at this, you expecting to take off with these stress fractures in the hull? You must be stupid." The wolf cowered, whe Jasper struck him across the face. "Get in there and find something to fix it. Think you can handle that boy?"

"Yes, sir." The wolf's tone was still unemotional and dead, walking back into the shuttle again. This was it, Joshua's oportunity. He sprang into action and pounced on top of Jasper with a force so strong, it rocked the ground. "You son of a bitch!!!" Jasper tried to catch his breath, gasping for air, "Joshua? You're here early!"

"Not early enough, you bastard!" He wrapped his paws around the younger lion's neck. "You better make you peace now! While you can!" He tightened his grip.

Jasper looked up, this time his eyes glowed red, "Joshua get off of me. I can explain!"

"Nothing you can say can help you!"

"I think you're wrong." His eyes glowed stronger, "BOY! Take care of him!" Joshua's concentration broke and he turned to face Joel, who was standing behind him, holding a plasma cutter.

Jasper spoke once more, "Joel do it! He's going to bring you nothing but heartbreak, he'll hurt you." Joel continued to stand there, he was confused, his mind raced. Hurt, contempt, hate, but there was something else there, and Joshua could see it.

"I know you're in there Joel. Please, don't." Joshua begged him. The wolf opened his mouth, wanting to speak, but not being able to find the words. Jasper's hold started to weaken. Joshua tried once more, but maintained his vigil over Jasper as well. "Joel, it's Joshua. I am your friend, I'm -- I'm your mate." Something struck an emotional chord with Joel, he whispered. "Joshua, I'm sorry." He dropped the plasma cutter to his feet and shook his head. "I -- I love you."

Jasper's voice was cold, "That's so sentimental." Joshua snapped his head around, eye's blazing and his grip tightening. He snarled, "Give me one good reason, why I shouldn't kill you. ONE GOOD REASON?!" Jasper tried to speak, Joel placed his hand on Joshua's shoulder, sending a shiver down the lion's back and he spoke, "Don't Joshua, Please." Joshua sighed, "He hurt you Joel, he used you. Why shouldn't I? What would it hurt if he were dead?"

Joel pulled Joshua to his feet and looked at him face to face, "You'd be lowering yourself to his level. Don't, please. He's not worth it!" Pulling him close, the lion could feel the warmth from the wolf. "You're right...." He kissed him gently, "You're absolutely right." Jasper got himself up and started sneaking away. Joshua turned around and saw him trying to make a break for it. "Jasper, where are you going?"

He giggled nervously, "I'm leaving, no sense in staying around." Joshua grabbed him by the neck and snarled lowly, "You're not going anywhere!"

Jasper stammered, "Wh - What are you going to do? You, you can't kill me?"

Joshua smiled, "Oh no, I'm not going to kill you! I have something else in mind. The life amber if you please!" Jasper nervously reached into his pocket and pulled the satchel out, revealing the crystal within. "Good." Joshua snapped it up from him.

Joel looked on, "What're you going to do?"

"Well, I think that the punishment for our friend here should fit the crime, don't you?" He turned to his cub and smiled. Like a flash, it hit him, "I think you're absolutely right. You better get the other stones too." Joshua snarled at Jasper, "You heard the man. Hand them over." This time it was Jasper that complied, "Joshua, don't do anything foolish!"

"I don't plan too. Joel, I think you're the one who should do the honors." Jasper's eyes grew wide with fear as the wolf took the life amber from Joshua. He stood at Jasper, his stare was cold, "You seem like an intelligent boy! Have a good long look."


Joshua and Joel looked over the canyon and gazed towards the blanket of stars above. The wolf sighed and kissed his lion mate passionately. Joshua held his face in his paws and looked deep within his heart, "Joel, whatever Jasper did to you. It's not your fault." Joel smiled, "I know. It was just so confusing at the time. I didn't know which end was up. I didn't know my own self, if that makes any sense."

"That's one of the effects of the amber. In the right hands, it can bring hope. But given the opportunity, a person like Jasper --"

Joel nodded, "Let's not get into that okay. It's fine now." He sighed heavily, looking at his now functioning wrist communicator.

Joshua noticed this, "So, are you going home?" He wasn't sure of he wanted to hear the answer. "I mean, I would totally understand if you didn't want to stay here."

Joel nodded his head, "Joshua, for the first time in my life...." He paused, "Well, I've felt really wanted, and needed and important. More than ever. I can't just up and leave."

Joshua breathed a sigh of relief, "So you're gonna stay?"

Kissing his lion again, "What do you think?"

"Ever since you entered my life, I too have felt more alive and wanted. I wanted so much to hear those words come from your lips. And now that you've decided to stay, even after all that's happened, it makes me more sure that we can make it work."

"Boy, we're getting a little mushy aren't we?"

"Well, I think it's the romantic in me. Being mushy isn't a bad thing. Especially if it's in the right direction and recipricated."

Joel laughed, "Ditto!" He really didn't know what else to say.

"So, uhmm....what about your family? You should let them know."

"I will. My mom is only a click away. Right now though, I think we should concentrate on more important things." Joel found enough strength to push the much larger lion to the ground. He climbed on top of his mate and smiled.

"I agree. You sure you're up to this right now?" Rubbing the wolfs chest.

Joel murred deeply in Joshua's ear, causing it to twitch excitedly, "What do you think?"

Joshua laughed, his gaze then turned to the shuttle and watched the robotic Jasper go about his chores. "How long are you going to keep him like that?"

"I don't know. I haven't figured it out yet." He called to Jasper, "When will the repairs be completed, boy?" He asked.

Jasper turned and spoke blankly, "They're almost done sir."

Joel gloated, "Very good!" He then returned his attention back to Joshua, "You think I'm doing the right thing?"

"Joel, after what he put you through, this is a much kinder way....I mean, my way would've been a little more......"

"Your way...would've been more final." Joel sighed, "And you're well above that." Joel sat up, rubbing Joshua's chest, "Right?"

The lion shook his head, "There are still alot of things that you don't know about me Joel. Alot of things that I just can't explain right now."

Joel nodded, "I'll respect that." Then added, "But, if we decided to make it more official, the ceremony and all, I want to know everything."

"Joel, I --" Joshua started.

"It's like a great man once said, 'No secrets'."

Joshua huffed, "Gee, I knew that was going to come back to haunt me."

Joel smiled, "A very wise man said that. One whom I love very much."