KC's Story-preview

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#1 of KC's Story

This is a little preview from a writing Project I am calling KC's Stories

staring the Twin sister of My Character from my first Novel-Open Season soon to be posted here

this is an offshoot story that demanded to be written.I was trying to keep it "Closed Door" but I don't think that worked out too welli will have to go over it and see just how graphic the sex in it is so some chapters may have to be tagged "adult"


Do let me know what you think of her.



Kacy Coona, sat in her Office going over the purchase orders for the upcoming banquet. A tall Otter in chef's whites knocked at the open door. Looking up, Kacy saw it was her second in command, Kirk Ottermen one of the best sous chef she had ever had the privilege of working with. There were times he had been the only thing that stood between her and her knife rack when she was intent on killing a certain annoyingly ignorant canine.

"Come on in, Kirk. What can I do for you?" The Raccoon Femme asked with a warm, if slightly weary smile.

"Thank you Miss Coona, -uh- I mean thanks Kacy, sorry bout the slip up there. Anyway I just got word, the Governor will be here on Saturday for the big shindig. Eric has promised to fix up the banquet room in true western fashion." Kirk said hesitantly...

Kacy closed her eyes, rubbing the bridge of her muzzle, this wasn't looking good. Eric Jeffreys, Owner of this five star lunatic Asylum known as Bartholomew's Restaurant seemed to make it his personal hobby doing everything he could to complicate her life.

"Okay.... What is it now, Kirk. and if you tell me he's bringing in live chickens to run around the banquet room...." Kirk was quick to reassure her.. at least he hoped Eric hadn't thought of that aspect of decor yet, he thought.

"No no, it's not that bad.... Yet. He has ordered hay bails and wood shavings.... He said he wants to convert the banquet room into a 'Western theme' barn.... complete with gingham table cloths." Kirk cringed "Come on Kase, don't look at me in that tone of voice. I'm just giving you the head's up here, so that when the crazy Collie does show up, you won't kill him out of paw...Not that I'd Blame you... But... Kase, you work way too hard to have to put up with this kind of idiocy on top of it all." Kirk said, concern reflected in his soulful dark eyes. Kacy visibly deflated. and sighed.

"Thanks Kirk, sorry about that. Eric has ordered a bunch of useless crap that we don't need -again- so if I'm reading you right, he's going to turn the private banquet room of a five star restaurant into a...Barn? Hay bails are going to be bad enough, but covering the Persian carpet in there with wood shavings is absolutely... _Typical_for that ignoramus. Thanks Kirk, but I swear, if he expects me to dress up like some kind of a cowgirl, I'm gonna..."

Kirk laughed nervously. The look Kacy was giving him could peal paint. "...._ No _..." She said in a voice you could have broken ice cicles off of....

"Um, sorry Kase. But um, Eric did mention that he needed to order western costumes for the staff. Sorry." The Otter cringed, quickly backing out of the way.

Typhoon Coona came roaring ashore in Eric Jeffreys office. She didn't knock, she didn't barge in, more like ripped the hinges off his door with the forceful kick she delivered..

"Eric! What the hell are you up to Now!"

His executive chef demanded glaring at him Vexation blazing in her eyes. He was so surprised he dropped the phone. Quickly looking around the room realizing the angry Raccoon stood between him and the only exit. At least she was unarmed.

"W-W-What d-do you mean, Kacy?...." Eric said, with a nervous smile trying to defuse the situation.

"What's this I hear about you planning to destroy the banquet room with this barn yard stunt?"

" Oh, the Governor's banquet.... He requested a western theme, so I figured we would redo the room as a barn, ya know.... Hay bails along the walls, um maybe rearranging the tables to allow for some square dancing... And cover the floor with pine shavings and straw to give it a more realistic feel.... Oh, and wouldn't gingham tablecloths just be perfect for this?" Eric grinned, rather proud of himself. Kacy wasn't impressed.

"Eric, don't you realize that the banquet room has wall to wall Persian Carpeting, what do you think the replacement costs would be after you_ruin_ it with pine shavings being stomped into it, not to mention Hay bails and whatever drinks the guests spill....

"....Oops." the Collie whispered with dawning recognition about what his star chef was raging about.

"_ Think about these things, Eric..._Gah! I know I shouldn't care.... It's your restaurant after all, and you can run it into the ground any way you see fit.... And if you think I'm going to be caught dead in some cowgirl outfit, I swear I'm going to walk, and I can guarantee you at least Half the staff will be going along with me over this...."

"But_Why?_ I can't understand why you would want to do something like this to me Kacy...." The Collie simpered, looking hurt.

"Why....Why? Let me refresh your memory for a minute, shall I?.... Setting off fireworks in the banquet room at The fourth of July party.... Opening five gallon magnums of champaign with a damn Sword on new Years Eve...Bringing in that menace 'The Deep Fried Cajun King', who damn near burned down _ my _ kitchen with his moonshine in the deep fryer stunt!.... Not to mention bringing that public Menace _ Back _ after telling you that I wanted Kirk Ottermen to take my place..." Kacy paused, her fists held so tightly that her knuckles cracked.

Oh yes, let's not forget the way you Destroyed the stock for the Japanese Ambassador's Dinner party. A stock that took Kirk and I over TWELVE Hours to perfect!... And now _This?_Next you will be telling me you are going to have live Chickens running around in there!"

"Um. okay, no chickens...." He said, scratching them off the list.

" But Kacey, if it's going to be authentic, the staff has to dress the part, it's only fair after all... Besides, it will be Fun!_I was just on the phone with the supplier for the Dallas cowboy cheerleaders, they said they can have everything here in 48 hours..... _What?"

Kacy was shaking with barely controlled rage. If looks could kill, Eric would be a red gooey splatter on the wall behind his desk.

"..._ NO _...." she said as the temperature in the room seemed to drop twenty degrees.

" This is _ IT _ Eric, if you try and pull this stunt on me I am _ Gone! _ do I make myself clear!"

She turned tail and stormed out of his office. The kitchen staff went into hieing at her approach.... Only Kirk Ottermen was visible, casually standing in front of her knife rack, his arms folded across his chest. Kacy glared at him, looking around for something to vent her anger upon.

"There is a side of beef hanging in the walk in you can beat the poegees out of, it might just tenderize it a bit.... Try and not break any bones, it would make it difficult to cut up if you do." Kirk calmly suggested to the seething Raccoon Femme.

Kacy riveted the Otter with her laser gaze, it would have caused lesser furs to die from fright. Kirk looked absolutely unphased. Kacy finally shook herself out of her rage with a soul wrenching sigh bordering on a sob.. Tears leaking from her tightly shut eyes. Kirk walked over and gently placed his paw on her shoulder.

_"Kace?"_Kirk said softly.

"I-I can't take much more of this, Kirk...I swear, I should walk over this.... He-He wants to dress us as Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders!"

Kirk had never seen her break down like this before. He knew first hand exactly how much pressure the Raccoon was under. Having worked Paw in Paw with her for five years now.

"Kase, you know Erick means well, but he can't help it.... He's a Moron."

The Otter said, giving Kacy the most compassionate smile she had seen in quite a while.

Kacy nodded, giving him a warm smile. "Thanks...." She said with a sniff, drying her eyes. "And you are right, it's just..."

Kirk reached out and drew Kacy into an unexpected hug. After a moment she returned the gesture, as he whispered reassuring her it would all work out. She nodded with a resigned sigh, she held him at arms length.

"You are an amazing fur my friend. Just think, if I walk, the place would be all yours...."

She said the barest twinkle of humor returning to the Raccoon's eyes. Kirk drew back, giving Kacy an indignant look.

"Oh sure, threaten me with that, will you. As if I would stay on if you walked. Hell, I'd go with you, if you'd have me. We make a heck of a team." The Otter said in all sincerity, Kacy could see genuine respect reflected in his eyes.

Kacy gave a resigned sigh, "Your right, we do make a hell of a team. I really wouldn't like to leave you in a hell hole like this... Thanks."

The Otter smiled. "Any time, Kace... Would you care to talk after work? We could go grab some coffee if you like?"

The Raccoon nodded, "Thanks, I'd like that." She let loose with a sharp whistle, giving her crew the all clear. As they came out of hiding Kacy shook her head.

"So.... we still on for coffee, or are you just too fragged? " The Otter asked. Kacy shook her head.

"Naah, I'm okay. besides, I'd like to take you up on the offer to talk, if You're up to it, we've had quite a day, my friend."

" I'm always at your service, Miss Coona" Kirk grinned at the face Kacy was giving him. " I don't have anything planned for tomorrow."

" Fine, than let's lock up and get the hell out of here. I could really use some company..."

"I am yours to command..." Kirk said giving Kacy a rakish wink.

"Don't tempt me, you have =no= idea what I'm capable of." Kacy chuckled on their way to the parking lot.
