Freddy vs. Big Bad Wolf 2

Story by The Big Bad Wolf on SoFurry

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The scene decends apon a dark moon lit street. there is a dark figure walking up the asphalt covered road, it stops, it is a person wearing a dark cloak. its foggy breath can be seen escapeing its hood as it tries to speak.

"This is a tale of an evil that could not be stopped" it says in the voice of a little girl "A Tale about a person named Freddy Cougar"

In the Town called Springville, there was a terror that was hidden in the beautiful town. Children after children had disappeared up to the point where there was only a few left out of the hundreds that played in the parks and the streets. The killing was traced to a large two story white house in the center of Helm street. the resident was an ex convict nicked named the springville slasher. He had the blood stained tools of slaughter in the boiler room of his basement. the evidence was there and he was once again taken to court. The evidence of his weapons didnt prove anything to the judge so he was set free, even tho he did do it. The parents of the town became furious and followed the murderer to his home, he sat there in his boiler room gloating over his triumph of slideing by. Then out of a ground window fell in sevral bottle bombs. the fire engulfed his home, he was trapped in the burning flames the consumed him. as his body burned alive his evil soul left him and escaped the pain. His body was found, a pile of burning flesh and bones, nothing left to be considered recognizeable.

A decade later, as the new offspring of the town began to grow, a new evil began to awaken. countless children were slughtered in their sleep,no evidence as to what happend sept the fatal injurys the covered the children in the morning. The ones that lasted longer babled about a horribly ugly boogie man with a claw on his right hand and his clothes burnt and scourched.

The parents didnt beleive them and put them on drugs to keep them from staying awake, not knowing off the death that lurked in their sleep.

Freddy Cougar was alive, his soul was not in the expectations of heaven, and pure evil than hell, he was lost in limbo, the realm of dreams. he thrived on fear and the screams of the children. he never stopped untill all children in the town were once again wiped out. then as the children were all gone, the fear Freddy fed apon slwoly died, he became weaker, then with his power gone he began to slumber in his world, only to wait for some children to arive in the cursed town so he could feed apon their souls................

A Motor home begins to drive down along the highway, smoke comming out of the windows, there was a party inside the large RV. The driver is a wolf, a muscular one at that, his name is Vincent Woolfe, most call him the Big Bad Wolf. Veronica von is sitting in the passenger seat with her little cousin in her lap. Roxy sitting at the table playing cards with Bunny, and Chucky smokeing blunts with Lucy.

"So where should we stop on our trip round america?" Vince asked.

"There is a town called springville, anything beyond that is nothing but road" veronica said looking at the map.

Roxy's stomach grumbles "We had no food since we left fresno"

"Springville it is" vince said and the entire rv shifted to the other lane with everyone giveign a breif scream.

As they entered the town limits, they saw a sign written in blood "No children aloud" at the population part of the city limits sign. they drove in slowly and saw people scurry away as if trying to escape their presence. they come across a vacant home, slightly wrecked by in good condition.

"Looks like something you find in chucky's underwear" Roxy commented.

They all grabebd suit cases and walked into the old home, nothing damaged, looked like it was once restored. They all called their rooms while bunny and Chucky went out to get groceries.

Veronica's cousin walked around and saw a vent, shee looked into it and a spider crawled out and bit her, she screamed and a drop of blood fell down the vent. Vince found her and took her to get a bandage from the RV. The scream echoed down the vent, and the blood trickled down the vent. Down they went down and came to the boiler, the scream shacked the hollow tube and the blood trickled and dripped onto a small burlap sack at the bottom of it. the Sack began to figet and move, a sinister laugh gently echoed.

to be continued......