[Text]Dr. Eams Aur Weerd[/Text]

Story by Vye Riosaki on SoFurry

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Not too long ago, I remembered I had written this poem a few months ago. The style and prose should remind you of a famous writer called e. e. cummings. Here's an example:http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/176657

I hope you enjoyed this poem!

Dreams Are Weird

For. A place, so va s t We. Keep, it. Small

it's like, we dont care. About~ this park, or our house.

Which ever we prefer.

Don't like. White picket fen-ces

Or ro-oms, or doors.

We separate, and rearrange

its spring... time always

Dont - see The use in it.

Wasting land and wasting air.

Recycling things like teddies and trash.

They all. Would~ ... Be throOHown away - Again, and again.

For, WhateEVER reason, We. pr. e tend

We are,... invincible

Yet, when

a ghost

Or a demonOr some little words appear

We break or cry or getangry ordie

I Just Wi Sh

I could raze

  • all of my walls

Be, homeless


See if I die

Or get money

And then survive

And I guess you.

-should try that too.

We can be homeless,

Homeless together

Learn a few things and be together

Just be, just be.

Just beeeee together

Till then

I guess

Iwill be alright

Till then I guess

Iwillbe alright

