Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 7: FightBetween light and dark

Story by Bowshi on SoFurry

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#7 of Spirit Bound Spin Off

Well this is going great huh l

I love doing this. I also take request from you guys for a fanfiction.

This isn't ending any time soon. I hope you know that

As Geoff had ran inside with Natsu the other three were seething. The female said " Well then already my weak husband was already out of the game huh? Well prepare ye self." She pointed her figers at them then made a finger gun and shot at them. " Pew pew ha your dead." Liam cautiously stepped foward and then once he was within range he focused his chi into his attacke and punched at her gut. When contact was made a blinding flash and Natsu was there instead of her. So naturaly a supprised Geoff was stading there in the basement with a female in her arms. Before Geoff dropped her she gave him a quick lick on the muzzle and suddenly disappeared and then again Natsu was replaced with her. Geoff set Natsu down on the couch and raced back upstairs to the front yard. By then Liam was chasing her as she kept making things explode. Right before Liam had gotten close enough the female said " Ha-ha ggot you pew your dead." A flash indicated that Liam was trapped in a dark sphere. it had exploded and Liam screamed in absolute pain that sent shivers down the other three spines. It even made Faelen flinch as he fell to the ground and landed with a thud. Nathanial cast a spell to have fog appear for Faelen so he could manifest and that's exactly what he did. The fog reached the female and Faelen choked her till she begged for him to let go. He didn't stop though till Nathatnial screamed at him to stop. All Faelen did was scream "Leave and do not come back!" And threw her into the street along with the male but he was harder to pick up. Geoff grabbed Liam and put him inside on a bed. Nickolas and Micah came out asking " Is everything all right?" Micah asked. " Yeah what's going on I got a boost of energy so does that mean? But you guys were fighting right? So how?" As Nick's eyes drifted to the couch he slunk back in fear. " Oh gods I didn't realize it was about him. He was raped just now wasn't he? I feel horrible about this. " " its alright. I know you didn't mean to." Natnanel said hugging him close. " How's Liam doing Faelen.?" " He's coming to now." He replied. Liam sat up suddenly. "How can that poor pup even stand after taking up even two of those? That poor pup. I must check on him now." Liam hopped of the bed and rushed over to the couch. As he ran his hands over Natsu he recoiled in shock and started shaking. " How is this possible he has no natural Chi production and all of his Chi is Yin. He can't survivelike this he needs yang. Umm Nathanial can you channel a little bit of light energy into him? He desperately needs it." Nathanial nodded and put only a little bit of the energy by a quick kiss but Natsu convulsed for only a second before setting down softly down on couch."He needs rest before anything else happens. So leave him alone. " Liam said. Everyone left except Nathanial who watched him. Natsu's eyes flutters opens and croaked " Are they gone? You truly do care. Thank you so much." Natsu drifted of to sleep.