Dead Cell Chapter One: Toxic Control

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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Dead Cell Chapter One: Toxic Control Story and Characters Michael .B (Max The Wolf [Yiffstar] LT_Max_W_Charger [FA]) *disclaimer takes the stage* This story is mature and should not be read by anyone under 18 or 21 depending on where you live... this stories author shall not be prosecuted for anything this story may cause. All views in the story are strictly fiction.. Any and all relation to any person(s) in real life is solely consequential so therefore it---ACK! *Large cane hooks Disclaimer by the neck and drags him off stage and the author takes the light* ...ON TO THE STORY!! Thank you. *walks off stage* ROLL THE TAPE YOU APES!! ================================================================ Story Theme: Toxic - Crazy Town Story Started: 5-18-2009 Finished: 5-20-2009 Edited 5-21-2009 (Minor Spelling Errors and removing and replacing unneeded words.)

  • * * ~{{County Road outside Carlson TX}}~ The sun slowly surrendered its place to the dusk and the moon to fallow as a lone truck drove down the road. The truck itself was loaded with vast assortment of barrels, soon the truck hit a major pothole that caused one of the barrels in the back to bounce and slide backwards till it fell off the truck before it rolled down a hill slamming against rocks and earth till it landed in a large pond unknown about and unaware of the contents seeping into the water that the local wildlife used for a water source. The only label on the barrel was a lone biohazard loco along the side just above the name "Area 51". ~{{ Three Days Later thirty miles South of Carlson TX}}~ Out under the bright mid-day sun a lone human walked along the fence line of his land that spanned out over two-hundred and sixty-five acres. He was dressed in baggy blue jeans, a white western shirt with the sleeves cut off just near the shoulder...he also had on a white straw Resistol cowboy hat that had seen better days but was bent in all the right places that he liked. As he walked along the fence line he idly adjusted the strap that was over his chest that held a Winchester Mod. 120 pump-action shotgun to his back loaded with five 20gauge shells of Bird Shot that he used to hunt quail and also use as pest control on rattlesnakes and unwanted rats but if he had to down something bigger, he had a Ruger Super Red Hawk .44 Magnum revolver fitted with a revolver scope strapped to his side in a gun-belt that held fifty .44magnum hallow point rounds. "So-far so good...I wonder what's been going on around here...people are talking about their animals disappearing... Dogs, cats...right up the line to horses and cattle...not to mention a good handful of goats and sheep have gone missing as well." he said softly to himself while walking. Soon he stopped dead when he heard a rattling noise in front of him, and upon looking down slightly he saw a large Diamondback Rattle snake coiled up two feet ahead of him clearly pissed off. Slowly he moved the shotgun from off his back and loaded a round in the chamber before taking aim and fired...the kick from the shot jerked his shoulder slightly as a cloud of smoke drifted up from the barrel along with a spray of flames from the remaining gun cleaner he had used in side the barrel to clean it. With a spray of dirt the snake was blown clear in-half and was now twitching with death spasms. Slowly he shook his head and kept on his way down the small path till he felt the wind pick up, fallowed by the sound of a low hum. He then turned around to see something that most people would run away screaming but he just stood there with his head tilted slightly, and one finger on the trigger of his shotgun while he watched a large space craft land down in front of him looking like something from a sci-fi movie. He took a slight step back only to brace himself against the gust of wind that the craft sent out, kicking up dust and dirt before everything settled down and was silent. Soon a soft hiss fallowed a wall of cold air as a ramp lowered down from the ship while the door opened slowly reviling two silhouettes. Once the smoke was cleared away two bipedal Wolves stood in the opening, one jet black and one snow white, both of them were dressed in body armor. "I gotta lay off the X-files...I got to be dreaming." he sighed slightly and tapped his leg with the barrel of the shotgun before he rested his hand upon the handle of his .44 watching the newcomers as they slowly stepped off the ship and soon was in front of him...the black wolf stood at six foot tall with raven black head hair, but the white one stood a mere five foot eight with platinum blonde head hair. He shrugged slightly taking the guess the black wolf was a male and the white wolf was a female, looking harder he could tell he was right by the outline in the chest plate of the armor. The black wolf was the first to speak. "We come with haunting news human.." The young man smirked slightly and shrugged holding up his hand before giving a fake mock of surprise. "Oh're going to probe me and read my mind and thoughts and then make a clone of me to rule the world? Trust me...the world is already in a bind with me living in it so one is enough. Names Michael and no I aint the leader.". The wolf laughed softly and shook his head. "My name is Luke and this is my sister Verna. And no we aren't out to do just that...but instead to help you." Michael blinked slightly and slipped the shotgun on his back and smirked slightly "What...are you going to rig the lotto so I can win a few million dollars?". Luke cut in bluntly "This is serious Michael...Your..." he was cut off when Verna started talking. "Your government has something that shouldn't be found...a chemical parasite that infects all Mammals and cold blooded creatures that it comes in contact with..." she spoke quickly in a single breath and when she stopped to breath Luke clamped his paw over her muzzle to keep her from speaking. "In short...your world is in danger of becoming fully overrun by this Parasite that we call Flagnight. We know what it is capable of doing...we have only seen the aftermath of its infestation." Luke said softly before letting go of Verna's muzzle and stepping closer. "We will help you if you agree to help us rid your world of this..." Michael stood there silently for a while thinking before giving a soft nod. "Sure...I have no reason to see this as a lie...and right now...I don't plan to kick the bucket anytime soon. So where and when do we start?" he smiled while pulling his Ruger from its holster and loading in the sixth round before slipping it back into his holster, looking at both Luke and Verna before he just noticed that Luke had emerald green eyes while Verna had two toned blue and gold. Verna smiled softly as her tail swayed slightly. "We start now...we are already three days late in the matter when we found out about what was going on...I just hope that its not overly stretched out just yet..." she gave a soft whimper before walking back to the ship. Luke watched Verna leave before looking to Michael. "Do forgive her...she still morns the loss of our father when our home was taken by the Flagnights...all that is left of us is just a few...we was unprepared for this parasite to attack with out warning...and now it has happened again but this time with your help...we will wipe out this infestation once and for all." Michael gave a soft nod and looked to the side. "I know what it is like to lose family...well anyways where is the outbreak located?" he looked to Luke slowly before looking back to his truck that sat not far away before shrugging. "Time is most likely not a luxury we have so I take it we will be taking the ship?". Luke gave a soft nod and walked away with Michael following close behind after running to the truck and picking up a box of 20gauge slug rounds for his shotgun and soon the ship lifted up off the ground and took off toward the spill site. Michael stood silently in the cockpit area looking around at all the controls and screens before he looked out the front window at the land passing by blow them quickly. "So just how did you guys get here with out being shot down by the wait...don't answer that...I know why. President Hama fucked up our governments weapons systems and took them all out..." Michael shrugged slightly and moved to stand near Luke watching the small screen on the control panel flash slightly before showing a 3D map of a place he knew. "Hey...that's Carlson National Forest...if that's where the spill is...we just might be too late.". Luke blinked while looking back at him slightly. "Why?" he asked while Verna watched them both intently. Michael sighed standing up straight and crossing his arms before taking a deep breath. "Because that forest is five thousand miles of woods and animals...there are no fences around the whole area so if anything did become'll be spread with ease. That's not to mention the fact its also got a campsite that will be full this time a year I think." he spoke while taking out his revolver and checked it over slowly and silently now before he took out all the rounds in the cylinder and reloaded slowly while speaking once more "I will go all got some way to make this battle short?". Luke gave a slight nod. "Verna has been working on a cannon that will destroy the cells of the Flagnight and render it harmless as it is broken down...." he trailed off as Michael looked up slowly. "How come I feel like there is a "But" coming up soon." Luke sighed "Well yes...we need to gather at least one cell sample of every infected creature that you put down. Because I don't think you all have the same cellular structure that we do.". Michael gave a nod and spun the cylinder around before jerking he gun to the side sending the spinning chamber to slap into place and lock. "Well then..." he smiled putting the revolver away and adjusting his hat "Lets give them a warm welcome shall we." he smirked and moved close standing between the two wolves. ~{{ Carlson National Forest }}~ Soon the tree line came into view as the ship streaked toward its destination before landing in a clearing away from any of the major populated parts of the forest. Soon as the ship set down the ramp lowered and the door opened allowing Michael to walk out and look around the area slowly. The woods had a slight feel in the air that made his skin crawl, everything was silent...too silent. Clearly the spill happened in the woods but the question was where? Soon a deep growl came from beside him which made him spin around while quick drawing his revolver, now having it aimed at a large canine that stalked out of the darkness. Soon the beast lunged at him with great speed, its fangs dripping with saliva before a wall of smoke lifted up into the air over the report of the revolver; dropping the animal into a heap on the ground before he backed away slowly with the gun still trained on the body. "I got one...I think..." he glanced to the side at the ship before his attention was pulled back to where the gun was aimed. The dog slowly got up, blood dripping from the large hole in its chest before something else happened. A large bulge appeared in its throat that moved slowly up to its muzzle causing the canine to convulse as it trying to vomit before it opened its muzzle reviling a large central mass of red before a swarm of tentacles sprung forth lashing out at the air around its face while one tentacle that was the largest sprouted out ending in a large pincer like head before it snapped at the air just before the beast lunged once more at him. Michael ended up running to the side as the pincer head bit into the ground where he was just standing as he spun around and opened fire with the revolver. The rounds ripped into the canine but did nothing to drop it. "Its got to be that thing in its mouth..." he spoke while holstering his magnum and pulling out his shotgun just as the creature turned to him once more and lunged. This time he had Slug rounds and fired one shot, watching as the heavy led bore ripped into the central mass and exploding it into nothing along with the canines whole head. He watched the body fly backwards and hit the ground with a dull thud before he sighed softly putting the shotgun on his shoulder just as Verna and Luke came rushing out of the ship and down the ramp. "You're a little late guys.." he said softly to the two wolves before looking back to the body. "Was you bitten or hurt?" Verna asked while moving over to check him for any wounds as he shook his head. Once satisfied with what she found she then moved to the body of the dog and took a sample of the animals blood before giving a soft nod. "It's a Flagnight Larva... the first stage in there growth..". "Just how many stages are there?" Michael asked while moving over to stand beside her while Luke looked around carefully, armed with a small pistol. "'re going to need something stronger...even I am...I was lucky to get a critical shot with this shotgun...fuckers are fast.". Luke gave a nod while the sounds of people screaming was heard. "Looks like more trouble is going on got enough ammo.?" he asked while checking over his gun. Michael gave a slight nod. "I got twenty-four slug shots...and fifty-two magnum should be enough if I can get critical shots all the time...else I'm going to need a lot more ammo and bigger guns." he replied softly as Verna stood up looking to the side where the screams came from. "Um...there are about two recorded is the larva stage that you just saw...and another takes the form of a large Centipede like creature. But that is all I know... and they transfer the parasite only by biting there victims." Verna spoke softly while looking to him slowly and with a press of a button on a small wristwatch like device a armored helmet formed from the collar of her armor and covered her face. Michael blinked slightly and smirked "Wow...nifty shit there V...can you make me one?" he then looked to the side watching a lizard crawl by paying them no mind. "Is it possible that some animals have a immunity to the Flagnight?". Verna gave a slight nod. "It is possible I guess...why?" her voice was somewhat muffled by the helmet but still understandable. "Because if that lizard was infected it would have attacked." he spoke while pointing to the lizard that was now making its way along a rock. He then shrugged and looked back to Verna with a smile. "You stay here with the ship...keep it ready to fly and while you're at it...maybe you can build me some armor...shouldn't take you long eh? And also if we get in a bind you can come pick us up.". Verna looked to Luke who just gave a soft nod before the then looked back to Michael. "Okay...I can do careful okay?" she said before she walked back onboard the ship while removing her helmet as the door closed behind her and the ramp retracted back into its hidden compartment under the door. Michael looked to Luke with a grin and started walking off into the woods, finding the path that snaked its way through the trees and soon ending their trip to the campsite. Blood coated the ground and any other surface it could reach as flames slowly ate away at a few cars and burners. Bodies riddled the grounds, tables, vehicles, and the porches of some cabins. "Good god...what a mess." Luke spoke softly while looking at all the carnage before movement caused both him and Michael to look toward the cabin at the far end as a middle aged man stepped from behind the building, covered in blood and bite marks. "Uh...honestly...I used to love camping." Michael spoke while looking to the side before he was poked in the side and had his head turned to where the man stood before he blinked. "Oh...OH! My bad...what do we do?" he asked softly but before they could think up a idea; the man ran at them screaming in a way that wasn't even human. Michael grabbed a long log and as soon as the man got close he swung out hard and fast with all his strength, sending the chunk of wood into the persons face making them do a back-flip before landing face first into the dirt with a crunch from a breaking spine. "That had to hurt...that cant be all of them though..." he said softly. Soon as if on cue, groups of infected gathered around them trapping them in the middle of the camp, and soon started to close the gap. Luke pressed a button on the com system that was built into the armor control sending a alert to Verna and the ship before Michael pulled his shotgun from his back and loaded a round in the chamber while he became back to back with Luke who took aim with his revolver like pistol. "Verna better get here quick...I don't think we can fend off all these morons with what we have." Michael snorted slightly as he fired off a round into the head of a woman who lunged at him before the group closed in more, hell bent on flesh and to spread there infecting Flagnights. Verna sat behind the controls of the ship lifting off the ground and taking off to where the signal was coming from, praying in her head for everything to be okay. Soon she came up above the campsite, looking down at all the fighting knowing she had to do something soon else no one would survive. Luke grinned slightly and unclipped something from his side, holding it up for Michael to see that it was a cluster bomb. With a nod Luke tossed the bomb up in the air before it exploded in mid air raining down smaller bombs around the two of them going off as soon as they hit the ground sending up dust. Verna lowered the ship down as low as she could, while opening the door before Michael grabbed the floor and hefted himself inside. He then turned around dropping onto his stomach while he reached down for Luke who in turn reached out his paw taking hold of his hand. As the ship started to lift up above the trees, one of the Parasitic controlled campers grabbed hold of Luke's leg; being pulled up as well while Luke desperately tried to get it off by kicking the person in the face countless times before he howled in pain when the human bit into his exposed ankle just before a magnum round blew the carriers head off and in turn causing it to let go and fall to the ground below. Luke looked up slowly to Michael with a sad smile before closing his eyes. "Take care of my sister for me Human...protect the last of our families blood line..." he whispered softly before letting go of Michaels hand and falling into the trees and disappearing into the thick foliage that kept the sight of the ground covered. "LUKE!" Michael yelled out but knew it was no use, the fall would have killed anyone...infected or not. Slowly he stood up placing his revolver back in its holster before he turned around looking at the wall. "God DAMN IT!!" he yelled while he took his hat and flung it into the wall before he noticed Verna standing in the doorway beside him with tears in her eyes. He ran his fingers through his medium length blonde hair before he walked over, taking her into his arms holding her close as she burst into tears with her muzzle resting upon his shoulder, her claws digging into his back slightly as he slowly ran his fingers through the fur on the back of her neck and her hair while he closed his eyes. "I'm sorry Verna..." he sighed, what else could he say...nothing. All he could do was hold her and keep her keep the promise he made to her brother. (To Be Continued) ================================================================ A cliff hanger...hehe...I bet ya all hate me on that...but deal with it...I like making it this way less it's a story I think wont make it. Which there is two of them at the time...If not more....uh...stay tuned for the next chapter of Dead Cell. Comments and Feedback will make me work to get better and toss out more series...that is if its good feedback...and if you point out spelling and grammar nice about it...I suck at spelling..