Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 8

Story by Camophlo on SoFurry

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#9 of Half-wolf Pokemon Adventure

Unknown Ambush

(Junior's POV)

The warm feeling of Typhlosion's cream fur was very satisfying. It was a pleasurable mixture of being both warm and fuzzy. To me, Typhlosion was like my own personal walking, breathing cozy pillow.

I slowly opened my eyes to see my mate staring down at me. A tiny smile was forming on the badger's face as he began to lightly scratch behind my right ear.

"Well Well Well, you're finally awake. You've been sleeping for about three hours since I let you cuddle up on top of me. Am I really that comfy?" I grinned at the slightly taller Pokemon. I lean toward him and gingerly licked his snout, making the Volcano Pokemon emit a small chuckle. A light hue of red was visible on his cream furred cheeks.

It felt natural to lick his nose in a lovingly manner. I didn't do that when I was a human, but in my current state, it was....normal to me.

I glanced down at Typhlosion's fur as I thought of why it felt normal. Only one reason came to puppy mind.

"Maybe it's because I'm getting used to this body." I accidentally said out loud. Typhlosion stared at me full of confusion. He tilted his head slightly to the left before he asked me a question. "Used to your body...? Where did that come from?" I glimpsed at him, my ears slowly drooping. Dang, I said it out loud didn't I? I thought sheepishly. W-Well, I should ask him about it. He IS my mate after all. Maybe he knows what do do.

"Um...why are you staring at me Junior?" Typhlosion asked. My silver ears perked up. I didn't even know I was staring directly at his ruby eyes. I blinked my brown eyes before I got off Typhlosion, cautious not to press against his stomach. The badger watched me, clearly puzzled. I noticed him still staring at me so I 'accidentally' brushed him with my tail as I walked by him. It didn't help since he started staring at my tail. His expression went from confusion to yearning.

I put my hoodie on and I hid my tail (much to Typhlosion's protest) underneath my pants. This whole process was slightly painful, but it's better than what might happen to me....just as long as nobody makes me too happy.

"So where are we going? Its almost dark out, if you hadn't noticed." Typhlosion stated as he got up.

"Well...I don't know. Anything beats being here with nothing to do. Besides-" I was interrupted by a soft snore that sounded nearby.

Typhlosion and I immediately glanced at the wooden door. The badger looked over at me and gestured his head toward it. I slowly walked up to it and placed my paw on the handle. Without hesitation, I opened it abruptly causing the figures that were leaning on the door to fall backwards. A loud thud was heard from the them.


"Ow!" The two Pokemon exclaimed as they hit the hard floor. The two fighting types looked up to see me glaring down at them.

"Oh, uh....hi." Lucario greeted awkwardly. Seeing those two spying on us really bothered me. Especially since I was with Typhlosion.

Deciding to help, I walked past the two, turned around and offered my paws to the chicken and jackal. They both accepted my friendly assistance.

"OK, just so you know, we weren't spying on you! We were....um.."

"Sleeping? I know Lucario. I heard you snoring behind the door. But, why were you both sleeping right here?" I asked somewhat pissed off. Lucario sheepishly scratched the back of his head. He began to tap his foot rapidly in anxiety. "We thought you might've been worried about us, so we came to find you-"

"B-But, the door was locked and we were both tired," Blaziken chimed in, helping their case. "So.. um.. we all should forget this incident ever happened. Agreed?" Before I could reply, Typhlosion laughed in a mocking way. Blaziken growled at him.

"Forget? I know for a fact that I won't forget." Typhlosion crossed his arms as he scowled at Blaziken. I immediately knew what was going to happen.

Glancing at Blaziken, I noticed his fist was conducting sparks of electricity. "Go ahead and don't forget it, nobody cares about YOU anyways." The air around us began to heat up as Typhlosion's neck was set ablaze. Lucario must've realized what was going to happen since he was cowering behind the door.

" TAKE. IT. BACK!" Typhlosion yelled. I cringed from his booming voice. His words pierced my sensitive ears. It sounded like I was next to an explosion. The flames on the badger burned more vigorously as he bared his white fangs at his rivaling dual type.

"I won't! If you got a problem with that, then fight me damn it!" The fighting type commanded angrily. Typhlosion immediately charged at Blaziken, as he said that. The look of anger was on my mate's face. The pure fire type was a couple feet away before from Blaziken before I intervened. The Volcano Pokemon immediately came to a stop before he hurt me. His balled up paw was an inch away from my face.

A gasp was heard from all the Pokemon. "J-Junior? What...What are you doing? I nearly hurt you!" Typhlosion exclaimed. He lowered his paw as his expression quickly changed. His ruby eyes fell to the floor in shame. I've told them countless times in the past to get along, countless times I had to threaten them with their pokeballs, but yet, they never learned. Typhlosion's and Blaziken's rivalry always got the better of them.

The Blaze Pokemon crossed his arms, laughing at my mate. He was obviously enjoying Typhlosion's shame. I ignored him as I whispered to Typhlosion. "Meet me outside. We'll watch the sunset together since now YOU owe me." I turned around and left the room. The three Pokemon just stood there, watching me walk through the door. I walked down the stairs and left the building, happily humming to myself.

(Lucario's POV)

Typhlosion quickly followed in pursuit of Junior once he was outside. I decided to follow them since I was curious. The sun was setting, so I thought they were going to do some late-night training.

My ears were alerted as I heard the door close. I walked toward the door, opened it and left the building. My eyesight was limited from the setting sun. I looked around, but there was no sight of the two. My only option was to scan the area for their auras.

I closed my red eyes and took a deep relaxing breath. I cleared my mind of any unnecessary thoughts. The four black appendages on my head were outlined in blue and slowly rose into the air. My own aura grew stronger as I searched the area.

Many auras were revealed to me through the darkness. It was hard to locate Junior's or Typhlosion's aura hidden among the abundance of energy, but it wasn't impossible.

I sighed as I had to focus even harder. I needed to concentrate on certain traits inside aura rather than the whole aura itself. I thought of what separated Junior from ordinary humans (besides the whole 'boy to humanoid wolf transformation' thing.) It wasn't even a second before I found the perfect thing to describe the lupine.

"Now to find you guys." I said annoyed. Normally, my aura scouting wasn't the best, but luckily it worked that time since an pinkish-blue aura shone brightly to my left. I immediately recognised it. I opened my eyes and smiled happily. "Wow..that was easier than I expected." I was mentally congratulating myself for actually locating Junior's aura in under 15 minutes.

I followed the pinkish-blue energy until I caught up to the two beings. They were walking side-by-side. Our trainer's arms were behind his head as the walked. I got closer, but just far enough so I wouldn't be detected. Their conversation soon became clear.

"So? What do you think?" Junior asked. Typhlosion immediately looked at him. He was in complete shock.

"What do I think?! Thats crazy to even suggest! We'll find out what caused them in time!" Typhlosion said in a hushed tone. He stopped walking and tugged on the wolf boy's arm. Junior stopped to stare at the Volcano Pokemon.

"Plus, what would I do if I lost you? Didn't you AT LEAST think about what I'd do if I lost my-" Typhlosion stopped himself as Junior began to quickly glance around. His ears were on high alert. His worried expression frightened Typhlosion, so he gazed around too. He stared at the dark alley near them, but nothing. He couldn't hear what Junior was able to.

"Um....I don't hear any-" And yet again, the badger was interrupted. The half wolf pressed his paw against his starter's muzzle (which struck me as weird.) The silver wolf glared a do-you-ever-shut-it look at the fire type. "Somebody is nearby, Typhlosion. Stay on guard." Junior said in an extremely hushed voice. At that exact moment, a black gloved hand emerged from the shadowed alley. It grabbed Junior's hood and forcefully pulled him into the dark alley. He yelped as he was dragged into the darkness.

"JUNIOR!" Typhlosion exclaimed. He ran into the alley to save the wolf while I still stood out of sight. I knew I had to help him, but I couldn't move. I was paralyzed in fear. _N-No! I can't leave him! He saved my tail in the past and I need to return the favor! _I mentally convinced myself. Without hesitation, I ran into the alley, unaware of what will happen.

I ran in and stopped alongside Typhlosion. He didn't even glance at me. He was growling at a figure. Small puffs of fire escaped his muzzle and his collar was ignited. I gazed ahead to see Junior's attacker.

The unknown human was wearing a black robe that covered their entire body. The attacker's face was covered by the robe's hood, but the only thing that was visible was their neck. Even through the darkness, I could see their light skin.

The figure had their left arm locked with Junior's arm. They covered his muzzle, muffling the lupine's screams for help. A short silver dagger was in their palm, aimed at the canine's furry throat.

The sight of the weapon made me flinch, but nonetheless, I readied myself in a fighting stance. I knew that if I didn't help, the hooded being might take Junior's life. I wouldn't live with the guilt of his death!

Typhlosion and I tried to get closer to the attacker, but it saw our slightest movement. They rose the dagger closer to our trainer's neck. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. My fingers might accidentally slip and we wouldn't want that, do we?" The figure spoke in a not-so deep voice. Nonetheless, He slightly glided the knife over Junior's neck, cutting some fur in the progress. Junior muffled a yelped as the hooded man also began to slowly guide the dagger's flat base along his neck.

"Typhlosion, what do we do? If we move at all, he'll kill him!" I whispered. The volcano Pokemon only grumbled in response. "I...I don't know. I'll think up of something." As the two of us thought up a plan, the man began to whisper into Junior's canine ears. The half wolf began to squirm from discomfort. My anxiety grew with each passing second.

After only a few seconds later, I sensed Typhlosion's ears rise slowly. He had devised a plan.

"I-I got it! We'll just-" Typhlosion was cut short (again) as the man threw Junior against the wall with tremendous force. A deep thud was heard as he made contact with the stone wall.

Right after that, the unknown man threw a smoke bomb at his feet, covering the narrow alley in smoke. Typhlosion and I coughed as clouds of solid black smoke covered our view. At first, I thought it was knock-out gas. That was quickly dismissed as a sharp stinging sensation appeared in my throat.

Typhlosion and I dropped to the floor to try and stay under the smoke.

We stood back up, once it cleared. I gazed forward and noticed the hooded man was gone. He vanished into thin air. The badger growled at the fact the man escaped until he noticed Junior laying on the floor. His back was against the hard stone wall. The furry wolf's eyes were shut and he was motionless.

We immediately ran toward the canine and kneeled in front of him. "Are you alright? D-Did he hurt you?!" Typhlosion and I asked in unison. We didn't get a response which frightened me. This reminded me TOO much about the 'incident' from Vaniville town.

Unknowingly, I glanced around to make sure we weren't attacked again. If he came back we'd be ready. Revenge will be given!

Once I looked above Junior, I instantly felt fear flooding me. Just the sight of it disturbed me. "T-Typhlosion," I stuttered. The Volcano badger looked at me, angrily. "What? I'm trying to wake him up! We need to get back to the labrat-"

"JUST SHUT UP AND LOOK UP DAMN IT!" He was taken aback from my sudden outburst. It was dangerous for me to yell, ESPECIALLY at Typhlosion and Blaziken. It's literally a death wish, but that inpatient fire type needed to see it!

Scowling at me, he reluctantly gazed up. The starter gasped in shock.

"Oh no." Typhlosion whispered. Staring back up made the fear and worry come back. Shudders went through us as we stared at the liquid. Splattered on the stone wall was fresh crimson blood. It was the exact place where the unknown figure threw Junior.