Rise Again Angel

Story by Mana)McVann on SoFurry


The mansion was filled with many people that night; this gala was merry and grand. Eight o'clock and he was still waiting for his friend to come and join him. As usual he was always late, an hour at most. The two stood before each other and looked at each other for a while, then began to laugh at each other with a smile.

"Ganriel, your late, as usual." The one in the black tuxedo said softly, as for the child he gave him a big cheesy grin and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry about that, I got lost and asked for directions, strangely enough - no one knew about this party what so ever. So I spent about two hours wondering around and found this place!"

"Well, how did you know that I was here?"

"Who else has a black horse with yellow eyes?" He laughed and nodded his head.

He nodded in agreement.

The two who stood outside of the mansion, were very different from other people. In fact these two weren't human at all; Ganriel stood about 5'8'' with black blue tinted hair and two soft blue eyes, his smile would shine any dark room as people would tell him he'd never take off his favourite bandana that was given to him long ago by what he only could remember of his family. For someone he hates so much killed them - in a very cruel way as he has been told so long ago. Ganriel is very spiritual and musical in the highest ways; at home he would either play music or do paintings of wolves or bears or just sit and work on dream catchers he makes for a living. That night he was dressed in a dark blue tuxedo when it was a black tie, he wasn't very fond of that colour that much. Ganriel was a very cheerful person; always trying to make everyone smile when he can, cheer people up when they are down. He considers it his duty in life - is to see a smile.

As for his role model and his closest friend, meet Vallios, a tall pale skinned male with two beautiful topaz eyes and shining green hair that glossed in the moonlight. He was very quiet most of the time; the only time he'd talk was around Ganriel his close friend, a childhood friend. These two have always been together through thick and thin, though hard times. Vallios is a descendant of the famous Vladric Dracula a great - great grandson. His mother unknown, whom he couldn't care less like everything else he doesn't care for.

The only thing that's a treasure in his life is his guitar, which in his home was in the middle on a pedestal of his living room a well-made Bich Electric Guitar that was black with silver spider webs along the sides. Vallios stands up to 6'2'' unlike Ganriel he always dresses in black with some white at times. Vallios was also in a two-member band, him and Ganriel were the only two. Ganriel played the drums as Vallios would play guitar and sing, their band have been together for about three years now working as hard as they can to reach to the top of the highest-ranking band. Vallios had a very depressing past life always alone even with Gelvinak he was still alone and lonely. He didn't know what he even wanted himself, at night he would shed bloody tears thinking of what would happen if he passed away.

"Would anyone notice my death? Will anyone mourn for me? Can anyone understand this pain, this loneliness?" Vallios would always ask himself these questions in the night as he laid in his coffin looking at the top of the cover as the white silk would brighten the dark close spaced area.

"Vallios, you coming?" Ganriel gently shook him and walked inside, Vallios slowly followed and looked to the stage where they were offered to play a song. Vallios already knew what he wanted to play - something he didn't sing for such a long time so he walked within the ground area of dancers and others walking to the stage. Ganriel stumbled behind him trying to catch up with him. As they went to the stage a butler came to them and asked them for their names and such.

"Vallios Vladric," he said softly, giving a bow "I'm here to play a song as requested, this is my other member of my band, Ganriel Raith." As Ganriel's name was given, he as well gave a bow. The butler nodded and showed them to the back stage to show that their instruments have been set up and everything, he then spoke with a slow monotone voice.

"Everything is ready when you two gentlemen are.." he nodded his head as he turned and left. Vallios and Ganriel looked at each other as this tall man walked away. Ganriel began to set up his area and began to freshen up as well. Vallios just slowly took off his sunglasses to reveal his deep topaz eyes that glistened when he picked up his guitar and strummed it, slowly he went over and the curtains began to pull open. Vallios slowly stepped out and took a bow as the audience watched him.

"Ladies and gentlemen...we'll be playing for you tonight. Hope you enjoy.." He took a step back, Ganriel got ready with his overcoat off as Vallios did the same, he began to play Ganriel joined him soon after. Then the crowd heard it, the voice that came from that dark beautiful creature as he sang.

"Anything is what she is

Anywhere is where she's from

Anything is what she'll be

Anything as long as it's mine

And the door it opens is the way back in

Or is it the way back out?

Anyplace is where she'll be

Anyplace, she'll see you from

Lies and secrets become your world

Anytime, anywhere she takes me away

And death climbs up the steps one by one

To give you the rose that's been burnt by her son"

As he sang people began to listen and understand what these lyrics meant, Vallios slowly closed his eyes and tilted his head back as he began to sing again after taking a deep breath letting them know his dark secrets disguise in a song as they played.

"Point me to the sky above

I can't get there on my own

Walk me to the graveyard

Dig up her bones"

The crowd went quiet but still enjoyed the song as the host of the party began to walk from the stairs above, he dressed in a dark red suit with a black undershirt. As he walked, he slowly moved the strands of hair out from his face, walking every so quietly, ladies around would just stare in awe at such angelic beauty that some would faint if he walked by and gave a smile to them. He did not care about that though, he was staring directly at Vallios, with a smile upon his face. His human talent and how well he can play amused him. He then slowly shifted his eyes to Ganriel, the younger one very youthful and free. He chuckled softly to himself as he kept walking towards the stage to the not knowing Vallios and Ganriel. The music went on and the crowd adored them both, their playing and his singing so dark and unique.

"I have seen the demon's face

I have heard of her death place

I fall down on my knees in praise of the

Horrible things that took her away

And death climbs up the steps one by one

To give you the rose that's been burnt by her son"

The host was very delighted by these words spoken in such a lyrical tune he could help but smile even more. He slowly walked to the edge of the stage and looked up at him. Vallios didn't even notice him at all; for he was too in to his song he couldn't care less about anything else. With a great finish he sang

"Point me to the sky above

I can't get there on my own

Walk me to the graveyard

Dig up her bones

Point me to the sky above

I can't get there on my own

Walk me to the graveyard

Dig up her bones"

As the song stopped, every one clapped and cheered for them. Vallios and Ganriel both bowed slowly, getting up and left, taking his guitar along with him. After their song, classical dark music was played after and every once danced once more. They both sat and talked to each other about how well they did.

"You were excellent Ganriel, but I never hear you practice, what's up?" Vallios took a sip of his red wine slowly, then twirling it around his fingers watching the red liquid spin around like a small twister. Ganriel laughed a little bit,

"I just went along with you Vallios," he said as he drank his wine as well. Vallios smiled lightly at him setting his glass down slowly, then he slowly laid back in his chair. Vallios was always confident in with work of music so he knew pretty well that every one would ask him for an encore. Like always, he was right, the butler that greeted them came to them once again bowing slowly.

"Mr. Vladric, Mr. Raith - the master of the house would like to see you at midnight," he looked down at them "In the labyrinth court yard"

"Very well" He agreed with a smile and slowly stood up, walking to the stage again. Ganriel followed along with him a bit curious why he didn't ask for a reason or preference.

"Why do you think he wants us there at midnight? And what's a labyrinth?" Ganriel never been to a fancy mansion before so of course he wouldn't know any of these things, after all he did grow up in the dark alleys just like Vallios when they were younger together. Always hiding and running away from the officers it was a daily routine but not anymore. They were about to live it up in the United States of America, as soon as they get out of this hellhole of a town called Galati.

"You ask so many questions over such a simple then Gan" he would call him as a nickname. Ganriel hated being called that, but coming from Vallios he couldn't care less. He saw Vallios as a brother even though they weren't the same species - little did they know they were not alone in this small village. Others like them were around, just they were waiting for their moment to shine and show their colours. Vallios and Ganriel had some little finger sandwitches and waited for about a few more moments until it was midnight. Then finally, they both got up, got their coats and walked outside from the back door. As they walked out, a large clock tower rang midnight as the walked down the sidewalk in the backyard. The light fog was setting in - which never happens in that area of the garden.

"I can smell something," Ganriel said softly, "It doesn't seem right.." As he looked up he saw Vallios missing he looked around to see if he was around.

"Vallios?" he said again, but no one answered. As he entered deeper into the dog, he looked around and saw no one was there, he slowly took his bandana off, placing it in his pocket and became a crinos* he sniffed the air again and couldn't find his scent. His tinted black fur shined as he ran around the area searching for Vallios. As he ran, something grabbed him and jerked him back, holding him high in the air to meet the silouette of the moonlight, he couldn't see what was going on for he was blindfolded - then he heard a thundering crack which was the sound of his legs breaking he threw his head back letting out a loud painful howl.

As Vallios walked he noticed he found himself in total darkness, looking back to find Ganriel gone he turned around and held his hand out.

"Ganriel? Where are you?" he yelled out into the dark.

There was no answer, but only a soft wail returned his call. He looked to see where the noise came from, and it was dead ahead of him, running toward thinking it's Ganriel he reaches out, only to find a mirrior. Slowly he stopped looking at it, like any other mirror he looked away slowly, ashamed of his face and what he was.

"Look at yourself," he said softly, "You're no human..so why act as one. Every one looks at you with hatred, they don't understand they never will." As he sighed he heard a voice that was very near.

"Pitiful humans, why would you want to be one?! Hah! You're the decendant of Dracula! Here you are moping around like a stupid little sisisy"

"Who said that?!" Vallios looked around.

"I did.."

Slowly Vallios looked into the mirror and it was his relfection that was talking. Yet his face, seemed more darker, and he wasn't dressed in a tuxedo, he was dressed as Vallios would normally dress, black leather pants, with his army boots, a black tanktop with a long sleeve fish net shirt over it, around his neck he wore a studded leather choaker, on his right wirst, he wore a studded bracelet to match his choaker. Vallios quickly stood back from the mirror and looked at himself, as he stood back, the relfection came forward, slowly slipping out of the mirror and stood before him. He then looked at Vallios and and spirnted towards him, in a fighting stance ready for battle. Vallios had no other choice but to fight, he quickly dodged to the left as the relfection came at him. Swiftly turning he charged at Vallios once again only to end up with a fist in the stomach, Vallios slowly pulled back and cracked his knuckles laughing softly as the shadow of himself fell to one knee holding his stomach as he looked up at Vallios.

"You may look like me," He slowly walked over, and knicked him in the stomach again, "Sound like me," he lifted up the shadow and opened his hand. "You don't fight like me.." With that, a blue flame came into his hand, which was a very powerful attack for vampires. It was Bale's Fire* when he shoved right into the shadow's face.

As soon as it came near the figure, the disguise shattered like glass and there hung a Black Spiral Dancer*. One of Marshal's creatures that he brought from the spirital realm.

The Spiral Dancer slowly burnt to ashes as Vallios dusted his hands off, with a low growl he said as he gritted his teeth,


He looked up to hear clapping coming from the sky as the darkness faded away, he saw him. The man who was dressed in a dark blue tuxedo, with the long golden hair and the light blue eyes, his skin very fair and soft that stood out like as he wore his suit. Marshal, was Vallios arch nemisis from birth. As Marshal landed from the sky he gave a low bow.

"Greetings Vladric, indeed it was me that sent the Spiral Dancer to you. What'd you think about that?"

Dramatically he placed the back of his hand on his forhead letting out a sigh.

"Must be hard being a vampire, oh woe is me," He mocked "I have so much power within my hands yet I never use it for my own benifit. What shall I do? Oh, what shall I do?"

Vallios tightened his fists and looked at Marshal.

"Where is Ganriel.."

"Hmm? Oh you're little wolf friend. He's well enough safe" With a wave of his hand, chains come from the sky to show Ganriel tied up, and beaten up, Vallios tried to run over, as soon as he did, Marshal's wings opened up and got in his way. That set him right off, he pulled back and slowly held his hands into fists and got ready to fight. Marshal galdly took the offer of battle and got ready as well, for a moment they stood there, looking at each other dead in the eyes. One sudden sound or movement could send these two at each other's throat.

"Too long I've waited for this chance..Vladric." he whispered.


With that, Marshal let out a yell as did Vallios and they charged at each other, Marshal summoning a golden staff as Vallios held her hand in the air as red lighting came down and into his hands came a black buster sword with a crimson glow. As they gather their weapons, they finally bash into each other, with a loud clang, their weapons collide.

"How cute, the angel has a stick.." he pushed Marshal off of his sword and swung down onto him.

Marshal quickly dodged this attack as he fell down onto his back, swinging himself around in a circle legs in the air he swung the staff around himself making Vallios fall onto his back, after swinging himself around he pushed himself up with the staff. Vallios quickly pushed himself up again and ran at him with the buster sword held downwards, Marshal looked over at him to only see a quick shadow then he found Vallios behind him with the blade comming upwards. He swiftly sidestepped only to get a part of his angelic wing cut off, groaning in pain his wings wrapped up around him. Vallios found this as his chance to attack, so he ran head on to him, sword held upfront ready to pierce him. Suddenly, Ganriel was held in front of Marshal and Vallios came to a sudden hault dropping his sword.

"You coward! Using my friend as your shield!"

"The bad guy, never plays fair." Marshal held his hand out and slowly formed it into a fist, at that moment Ganriel was holwing in whimpering in pain. Marshal was breaking every bone in his body as his fist tightened. Vallios slowly picked up his sword again, as he spoke, his long bangs fell in front of his face his eyes unable to be seen.


Ganriel kept howling and looked at Vallios.

"Don't..worry..about me..he's..toying with you!"

"I can't.."

"Vallios! Do it! I'll be fine!!"

They both looked at each other for a moment, then Vallios slowly nodded.


With that, Vallios ran at them both, holding his blade up high and swinging down to slice Ganriel in half, with the little strength Ganriel had, he pulled himself to the right so the blade would hit Marshal's wings. As soon as they did, Ganriel fell to the ground, weak and wounded. He slowly howled and became a lupus*, limping off into the distance to stay away from this battle, as soon as he transformed, he noticed silver metallic strings around his feets, and he bit them off. He then looked back at Vallios and Marshal. Little did he know, werewolves could regenerate faster than vampires as he sat there he licked he woundes clean.

Falling back, Marshal was at the mercy of Vallios, his wings the only thing protecting him, he slowly slid to his knees, searching for his staff and found it. Quickly his wings opened and he shoved the staff right into his chest Vallios growled loudly to look down and see that he got him, the staff went right to his heart for he did not notice that the staff could unsheath a dagger at the end, then he got smacked down in the head but the other side of the staff. Marshal began to laugh as he kicked Vallios around.

"You thought you had it all," he said as he kicked him in the face. Vallios coughed up some blood and looked up at him, Marshal kept kicking him.

"You son of a bitch vampire, before you die. I shall take your vampire soul, then your power will be mine..with the power of Bale's Fire, I will be able to take over Heaven and Hell! Then all the mortals shall be my servants..for I shall build..the most wonderful kingdom..where it will be all, about me" he began to laugh again, then he placed both hands at the top of his staff to give a final blow, until he heard a howl in the distance, he looked back to see a shinging white and grey fur coat with two gleaming blue eyes that burned in hatred.

"G-Ganriel.." Vallios softly spoke and closed his eyes.

At that moment, Marshal was on the ground with a huge wolf on top of him, attacking hiom biting and clawing. He screamed aloud and kicked the wolf off, he yelped in pain for a moment then jumped back on him. As Vallios tried to open his eyes, all he could hear was a loud crack of thunder, and blacked out.

A couple of hours later Vallios finally woke up to find Ganriel back as a human and was sitting beside him in a chair. He slowly sat up, and felt around the area of his heart, to see the wound was healed. Then he looked at Ganriel as if to ask "What happened?" but before he could. Ganriel laid him back down.

"Rest..I'll explain what happened.." and he did.

Marshal and Ganriel were going at it for a while, until he changed back into his human form. They fought for not very long until Marshal heard something, his eye slowly twitched then he looked at Ganriel.

"Say goodbye to your friend..we'll meet again..and I will finish you off, like I did your family.." With that he opened his wings and flew off into the rising sun of dawn.

"I was about to leave you there Vallios, but I noticed you were still breathing, so I brought you home..I'm glad I found a Fiana healer she did the job quite well, so I paid her." he smiled at Vallios.

Vallios closed his eyes,

"I could've finally killed him..I..could.."

"It's alright man..don't worry..it's my fault for being there at the wrong time."

"No," Vallios gave a small smile "If you weren't there, I'd be dead. Thanks Ganriel"

He reached out and patted his friends head, ganriel laughed a little then pulled his hand off.

"What are we going to do now..?"

"Well, I think you and I should start training for the next encounter with Marshal."

Vallios gave a smirk showing his vampiric fangs, as Ganriel with his grin. For as long as Vallios Vladric lives, the battle between the vampire and angel, will never end.

Rise again angel, for he will.

About the Story:


*Crinos - Is another term for a werewolf, a giant man in the shape of a wolf.

*Bale's Fire - A very powerful attack that not many vampires can weild, which could lead to certain death to the foe, and to the wielder.

*Black Spiral Dancer - A creature of the spirit realm, was a werewolf at one time, but sided with evil and became deformed with terror. Only way to summon them is through a mirror.

*Lupus - Another term for wolf


I used this song because it was very suitable for the story.

The Misfits - Dig Up Her Bones