Missing A Deadline

Story by Raal Steelfang on SoFurry

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#3 of One-Offs

So I was in the middle of writing the latest chapter of Steelfang, my Redwall fanfic, and it wasn't going so hot. Nothing seemed to be flowing the way I wanted it to so I decided to take a quick break and write this. I wrote this guy in two days, which may well be the fastest I've ever written anything.

Bruce cursed himself for roughly the 500th time that day as he pedalled through the freezing rain on his bike around 8 o'clock at night, hoping against all hope that both the term paper in his backpack was somehow staying dry and that his professor would take mercy on him. The massive 19 y/o brown bear, already 8' tall and around 400lbs at his young age and clad in rain-soaked jeans, black jacket, and worn out Nike's, was fresh out of high school and was just about finished with his first semester of college. Back in his hometown he was that rarest of creatures; a straight-A student who was also one of the most popular guys in school. The type that was not only a star on the wrestling team and one of the best defensive linebackers in county history, but could hang out and was well liked by the nerds, goth kids, and band dorks of the school just as easily as his fellow jocks.

It seemed he had been on pace to keep his reputation sparkling. He'd already made a ton of new friends, and he was loving and doing great in all his classes. His absolute favorite class, however, was Prof Allen O'Donovan's English Lit course. He was a big reader, and had been toying with the idea of being a writer himself, so he found every Lit course to be absolutely essential. It certainly helped that he had a huge crush on the older, much smaller (if he had to guess, Bruce would say he was a touch over 5' and probably around 160lbs) grey wolf. The bear felt his cock twitch inside his saturated denim despite the cold just thinking about the wolf's dreamy green eyes and the noticeable bulge in the front of his pants every day. Bruce was sure it would shock most of his high school classmates to find out such a big, good-looking guy was gay, and if they weren't they'd definitely be shocked to find out all his fantasies involved being bound and dominated by a smaller guy, tickle tortured into submission or pounded hard by a nice thick cock.

Despite the gorgeous lupine up front serving as a distraction, Bruce had been doing exceptionally well; he'd read every single book on that semester's list twice and he'd aced every single test. He even finished the big 100-page term paper on his chosen subject, Contemporary Historical Figures Referenced Within Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, that would count as their final exam a month before it was due. The problem was Prof O'Donovan's very strict and narrow time slot to submit said papers. Although if Bruce was being honest with himself, the real problem was his decision to head out to a party the night before and sleeping past the deadline. By the time he dragged himself down to the wolf's office, hungover and panicking, the door was locked and the room beyond dark. So here he was, riding through icy December rain on a bike to O'Donovan's home across town in a desperate attempt to make just one exception to his "No Late Papers" rule.

It was almost a full half hour before he finally braked in front of the Professor's modest but nice brick townhouse. He chained his bike to one bar of the short iron gate that opened to the building's stoop and walked up to the door, his shoes squelching all the way. He knocked three loud times and stood there, shivering, his head down, waiting for the door to open. It finally did, after what felt like hours, to reveal the grey wolf in a burgundy robe, small reading glasses perched on his nose.

"Bruce? Bruce Hawkins, is that you? What the hell are you doing?"

"I need to talk to you, Sir," he replied meekly, his teeth chattering, "about my term paper."

"Good Gods son, get in here before you catch your death out there," he said, annoyance and, or at least Bruce thought anyway, concern in his voice as he stepped aside and allowed the massive bear to step past him into the entryway. "You must be freezing, we need to warm you up. Take your shoes and socks off and follow me."

Bruce did as he was asked, and he had to stifle a gasp and giggle as his broad, freshly-bared soles touched the plush carpet. He would be to embarrassed to ever admit it, but he took excellent care of his gigantic paws, keeping them as soft and smooth as velvet. So soft, in fact, occasionally even stepping over carpet tickled as it did now. He tried to force the smile from his lips as he followed the Professor through his brightly lit, book-stuffed living room and up a flight of 15 steps to a fairly spacious bathroom.

"I want you to hop in the shower here and warm up. Leave your wet cloths on the floor and I'll pop them in the dryer. Not sure I have anything that would fit you, but I'll look around and see what I can find. Towels in the cabinet."

With that, he closed the door, leaving the bear to his own devices. He turned the water on and, after stripping down to nothing, stepped in, having to crouch down a good bit to fully fit under the showerhead. He gave a small sigh of relief as the hot water poured over his shivering body. All he could do was laugh at himself and his stupidity. What the hell had he been thinking, riding all the way over here? What was he expecting? He was so embarrassed and ashamed he wanted nothing more than to somehow slink down the shower drain, jump out a window and run, anything than have to go downstairs and face the older wolf.

He stayed in the that shower for a good 20 minutes before deciding enough was enough and prolonging the inevitable wasn't going to help. He turned off the water and opened the shower curtain, grabbing one of the two towels he'd set out for himself (there was so much of him it usually took two or three towels to do the trick) and began drying his thick fur. His clothes were gone, and hanging on the back of the bathroom door was a dark blue robe, presumably for him. He stepped out and grabbed it from the hook, putting it on. Or TRIED to put it on would be the more accurate phrase. It was meant for a fur much shorter than him so it only hung down to about mid-thigh. Eventually he gave up trying to cram his thick arms through the sleeves, figuring he was too wide around the middle to even close the front anyway, and tied it backwards around his waist like an apron. He glanced at himself in the mirror, mortified at how ridiculous he looked, before taking a deep breath and opened the bathroom door.

He descended the stairs to find his Professor sitting in a wingback chair with a glass of scotch in his hand. The wolf motioned for him to sit in a similar chair set up across from him, so he did. The chair seemed somewhat unusual; very sturdy with a much higher back than usual, but he didn't really pay it any mind as he sat down, very self-conscious of his state of undress when compared to the luxurious red robe and comfy looking slippers of the fur across from him. They sat in complete silence, the grey wolf with a look on his face suggesting he was studying the bear, until Bruce couldn't take it anymore and began babbling.

"Sir I'm so sorry to show up like this and I know how inappropriate it is but I worked really hard on my paper and I made a terrible decision to go out last night and I overslept and I know that's not an excuse and I let you and myself down and I don't really deserve a second chance but if you would overlook you rule I'd be willing to do anything to make it up..."

He trailed off as the wolf held up a hand to silence him. "You'll do anything, eh?"

"Oh yes Sir, anything you need!"

"Son," he said, leaning in closer and putting a particular lilt in his voice, "are you sure you'll do anything?"

"Yes Sir."

Allen set his glass on a small round table beside him and stood up, walking behind the chair Bruce was sitting in for a moment before reappearing before him with a length of white nylon rope in his hand.

"Put your hands together and hold them out," he said.

Bruce's heartbeat quickened and his cock shifted beneath its terrycloth covering as not only did his fantasies seem to be coming true, but they were coming true with one of the hottest guys he'd ever seen. He did as he was told, allowing the older wolf to tie his thick wrists together then pull them up over his head. Allen brought the rope up over the back over the chair and tied it off to a bar bolted near the bottom. He disappeared into another room for a few minutes, leaving the gargantuan bear to stew and start to sweat in anticipation, before appearing again pulling a cart behind him. Bruce gasped aloud as he saw what was on it: a heavy set of wooden stocks. A muffled thud sounded as the wolf slid them off the cart onto the carpeted floor right in front of the bound, aroused bear. Allen checked the actual locking stock part, making sure it was securely anchored to the heavy weighted base, then opened them up.

"You know what to do, I'm sure," he said to the bear, indicating the holes. Without speaking Bruce set one thick ankle, then the other, into the wooden semicircles. A quiet moan slipped from the bear as Allen closed the stocks and locked them, fitting snuggly and allowing not a single centimeter of movement. There was no turning back now.

"You know, there's irony in this situation," the wolf said as he dragged his chair over to face the bear's massive feet.

"What's that, Sir?"

"I was planning on calling you in the morning to offer an extention on my deadline."

Bruce blinked, unbelieving, "W-what?"

"Yes. You're my star pupil; bright, ready to learn, and judging by your earlier tirade an honest fellow. Do you really think me so heartless as to discourage all that by not offering a second chance?"

"Well...no Sir...I guess not. So wait, what's this about then?"

"This? Well, one must entertain oneself somehow, right?"

He sat down in his chair and spent a few minutes just admiring the beautiful paws in front of him, paws that practically deserved to be raked by claws, lapped by tongues, and nibbled by teeth. They were as wide as they were long and they had five short, chubby toes each. The soles were a light grey and looked impossibly soft and squishy. Allen was typically a quiet, serious type of man, so it would be quite a surprise to anyone who knew him to know his love of tickling. Specifically his love of tickling much larger guys into submission. The most arousing thing he could think of was forcing a big, burly man to squeal and beg with just his fingertips, which was exactly what he planned to do with Bruce.

Unable to contain himself any longer, he reached out and began wiggling all ten claws against the bear's wide, meaty heels. Bruce, to his credit, tried his best to keep quiet, but it was only a matter of minutes before his deep, loud belly laughs to rip themselves from his smiling maw. Allen had just started and the bear already wasn't sure how long he could last. He'd been tickled before, of course, but never tied up and never by such a fine tickler. Allen was all about finesse, constantly adjusting the pressure and speed so Bruce never had a chance to get use to any of the sensations. He squirmed and laughed helplessly in his chair as the wolf's claws tickled every possible spot on his heels from the Achilles tendon up to where it met his arch before moving on to the outer edge of his soles, dragging his nails from the very bottom all the way up to the base of his pinky toes and back down. He flailed his feet and toes around as much as he could, drawing a 'tsk' from the professor's lips.

"My my my, you certainly are a wiggler aren't you? Well just have to do something about that."

Allen pulled out a ball of string and cut two longish pieces, lassoing the bear's sausage-like big toes better and faster than any cowboy at any rodeo, and tied them straight back to a thin metal bar secured to the front of the stocks. The wolf nodded approval at his handiwork, the thick soles now still and taut, and went back in with a will.

Bruce almost lost it when the short, sharp wolf claws began their assault on his taut tender insteps, his back arching, his triceps bulging as he pulled against the ropes holding his wrists, and his laughs devolving into practically full blown screams as the inside edges and the balls of his feet were raked, pinched, and poked.

"Well well well, looks like I'm not the only one enjoying this!"

Bruce forced his eyes open and, through tear-blurred eyes, understood what he was talking about. Due to all his squirming and struggling, the robe around his waist had come untied and fallen off, fully exposing his bouncing balls and his rock-hard, dripping, 8" cock. The wolf slipped his own wide, soft left paw from and stroked the thick bear meat with his short toes as he continued the arch tickling.

Then, as Allen began teasing his toepads, it happened, the thing Bruce had been dreaming of: the wolf broke him.


"Can't take anymore," Allen teased as he slid his claws between the thick toes all at once, "a big, strong sport star like you? I must be hearing you incorrectly."


"Do anything? You're already doing 'anything' if you'll remember."


Allen raised his eyebrow as his fingers kept up their assault on the thick toes and his own toes, now coated in precum, continued stroking the big cock. "I can fuck you, eh? Ok, beg me to fuck you and I'll stop."


He stopped the tickle torture released the bound toes, then unlocked the stocks. The big bear laid back in the chair, his eyes closed and his breathing heavy, to exhausted to move at that moment, had a smile on his face. The wolf, with surprising tenderness and a gentle touch, slowly massaged the still-tingling soles to give him a short respite. He'd taken almost a full hour of non-stop paw tickling, so he deserved one.

"Alright, son," he said, stopping the massage and getting up from his chair," I want you on your knees in the chair."

Bruce tried to put his left foot down, but it shot up with a surprisingly high-pitched squeal the second it touched carpet.

"I'm sorry, Sir, need a minute. Too sensitive."

"Either get up in that chair like I said or I'm locking the stocks again."

That got him moving. He planted both feet down to get that over as quick as possible and almost jumped up and around, still giggling, his knees on the seat like he was told. He looked to his side to see what the wolf was doing and his jaw dropped. Allen had removed his robe, revealing a bright red, 10" cock, not as thick as Bruce's but still girthy. The bear gripped the back of the chair with his still bound hands and gritted his teeth, waiting to feel that monster inside him. His professor licked his fingers and teased the bear's tight hole, Bruce moaning and trying to impale himself on them. Allen spit in his hand and lubed himself up, then pressed his cockhead gently against his pucker.



Bruce shouted as the head burst through the tight ring on muscle and continued on at a steady clip until all 10 inches were buried deep inside him. Allen allowed him a few moments to get use to the fullness, then pulled almost all the way out before sliding back in again and again, increasing with speed. The big bear was so lost in the pain/pleasure sensations in his ass he almost didn't notice the wolf had wrapped a hand around his own cock and was pumping in time with his thrusting.

The bear and the wolf could both feel themselves building closer and closer to orgasm, the need rising like a tide. Allen, echoing Bruce's grunts and moaning, forced himself to slow down until he felt the bear was right on the very edge of his, then slammed himself deep inside the tight ass one last time so they came at the same time. Bruce let out a mighty roar, his entire body going rigid before slouching down and panting, the warmth from Allen's orgasm a new and welcome sensation. They both settled down on the floor, the bear on his side so he could watch the professor and settled a massive hand on his chest.

It was a long time before either of them could move or speak, and it was Bruce who broke the silence.

"That was incredible, Sir! You have no idea how long I've dreamed of this!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself son," he said in reply, surprising the bear yet again with a sweet, wet kiss on his sweaty forehead, "you made this old man's night, too."

Bruce looked over at the antique grandfather clock in the corner of the room and saw it was somehow almost midnight. "Wow, it's getting late. I have a pretty long bike trip ahead of me, guess I should be going."

"It's still pouring outside," he said, opening his eyes to look at his young student, "why don't you stay here for the night?"

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Sir?"

"Why not?"

Bruce paused, "You know, I really can't think of a good reason."


They were quite a while longer before Bruce spoke up again.



"Do, um, do you think we could maybe do this again sometime?"

"You'll be taking English Lit II, correct?"

"Yes Sir."

"I teach that as well, and I think I'll be assigning plenty of papers."