Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 36: Negation

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#37 of Fathom's Phantoms

Welcome to Chapter 36, also known as the climax. Things are coming to a head and the resolution is right around the corner.

Due to the extensive amount of activity and important events taking place here this chapter is longer than previous ones.

This Chapter also bounces around several times as the two groups focused on here (Kamrn's and Jen's) are acting independently and congruently.

At this point all we have left is the cool down after the climax as we let the rest of the story play out.

Since this was originally posted as a Reader Contribution story on FA it only makes sense to give a nod to that fact by providing readers HERE a chance to help influence what is presented as part of the epilogue. Do you as readers have any particular favorites among the cast? Keep those names in mind as the next post will pose an important poll/question that will dictate who gets a spot in the epilogue!

Now's the time for questions, comments, and input!

Fathom's Phantoms Ch 36, Negation

The Phantoms had all but filled up the Station; for all Kamrn knew everyone on lower decks could have already been killed. The one thing he DID know for certain was that the small handful of survivors keeping pace with him as he fled down the hall WERE still alive, and they were HIS responsibility.

He had no idea how everything had gone wrong and didn't have the slightest idea of how to make things right but, at that moment, his primary concern was keeping those under his protection alive for as long as possible. The computer program ALVIN had noted something about a deadline. Kamrn didn't know if it was something he could believe but, at that moment, he had to have SOME kind of achievable goal, and if that meant surviving long enough for an event called a Transitive Wave to arrive... well.. that was something.

First and foremost, however, he saw that Engineer Fowler was lagging behind. Rather than press the obviously exhausted older Pointer to speed up, Kamrn instead slowed, pointing to the door at the end of the hall before bodily picking the Gen up. "Go for the lift!"

Jeremiah twisted in his grasp. "It's a dead end, Sergeant! That elevator only goes to th' Bridge-- it won't ope--"

The Dog stopped squirming when the doors opened. ALVIN's cheery voice piped in from their PCDs. "Please allow me to get that for you, gentlemen."

Technician LaGriss objected though he didn't slow down. "We won't have Bridge clearance so we'll need to explain things fast to the security team."

ALVIN addressed that very same concern as the party piled into the small enclosure. "You do not need to be concerned with bridge security-- they have already vacated."

Jocelyn Schultz did not seem pleased by that. "Vacated? They abandoned their posts?"

Rather than answer the question ALVIN made a request. "Please move back from the doorway-- I am about to create a localized blast to slow down the Phantoms."

Rather than stop and think about what the program had in mind Kamrn did exactly that, setting down Jeremiah before pulling a curious and confused Dr. Cortez away from the opening a moment before one of the conduits in the wall exploded. At first the Gorum didn't know how such a display would make the creatures pause but once he saw them stop to attempt and 'feed' off of the resulting scorched metal he understood. Apparently Engineer Fowler did as well, "Aren't you just going to make more of them, Alvin?"

The Program was matter-of-fact in its response. "That is correct, Jeremiah, but at this moment it is far more important to get you to the safely of the Bridge level."

Engineer Burger's hands shook as he pressed the up button on the control console. "Are we really going to survive long enough? Won't they just chase the elevator up?"

ALVIN's computer generated Collie face appeared on the lift's monitor, "In actuality, your heat signature was masked by the eruption in the hall. By the time the Phantoms are able to search for you again this transport should be safely out of range."

Apparently Dr. Cortez didn't much like that answer. "SHOULD? It SHOULD be out of their range?"

The program remained just as cheery as it always was. "Indeed, Victor. I do not have complete information on Phantoms but all preliminary data suggests that you will not be within range of their thermal sense."

The Cat's scowl deepened. "So basically you're gambling with our lives."

"Only partially correct, Doctor. Everything at this time is a gamble... I am now focused on improving your odds."

Burger remained in the corner but looked at the screen. "Th-thank you, ALVIN."

The Collie smiled. "You are very welcome, Alton."

Kamrn, not being much for casual socializing decided to circle back to a more important point the group had glossed over. "Why do you need us on the Bridge?"

ALVIN's graphical eyes moved to the Gorumn though Kamrn knew that the program didn't actually need to do so to see him. "Because I will require the assistance of someone on the Bridge to make a very important hard-wire connection."

Engineer Fowler provided some clarity to Kamrn's question without even being asked. "Why isn't the Bridge crew there to do it?"

The Program was bluntly honest. "I evacuated them because the Bridge will soon become unsuitable for habitation."

If Dr. Cortez's frown could have gotten any more severe it would have. "And you're sending US up there? Why? Is is the atmosphere venting into space?"

ALVIN's graphical representation cocked its head to the side. "No... of course not, Victor... I have full control of the emergency atmospheric seals. I evacuated the Bridge Crew because any organics within the Bridge will be disintegrated upon completion of the hard-wire connection."

The Cat's fur stood on end, teeth bared and claws unsheathed. "You're sending US up to the Bridge, you--"

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. ALVIN continued speaking over the Cat. "This is the Bridge."

Technician LaGriss interrupted the Doctor, who was about to start again. "WHY do you need us up here, ALVIN. This is going to kill us, won't it?"

The Program's graphical image disappeared. "Staying below with the Phantoms would kill you, Kyle. I only need one of you to make the connection-- the rest of you will be safe as long as you do not leave the hall immediately beyond the elevator."

Sherman snorted. "I will go."

Dr. Cortez nodded. "Sounds good to me."

Technician LaGriss was not as pragmatic. "Sherman-- no."

Engineer Alton stood up. "ALVIN... why can't you make the connection? Shouldn't anything that needs to be done from the Bridge be automated?"

The CGI Collie image appeared on a monitor in the hallway. "Normally, yes... but in this case I will need assistance bypassing a physical limitation of the system... I will need to AIM something that is not meant to be aimed."

Kamrn snorted. "A weapon?"

The Collie smiled. "The station itself."

Everyone paused at that, but Engineer Fowler was the first to recover. "Ya want ta reorient th' station? Why?"

The monitor in the hall went blank. "I believe I have managed to compute a resolution to the Transitive Wave. There is a 62% chance that I can end the Phantom threat without further risk to this or any other Echo."

Sherman's ears went up. "What? How?"

An arrow appeared on the monitor. "A recent discovery of previously unrevealed data has changed my opinion on current events. There is only one individual remaining from the Echo of Origin, designated Y-1... and she is currently off the station in an escape shuttle."

Dr. Cortez practically yowled out a scream. "WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!?!?!"

Kamrn quickly rendered the Cat complacent with a casual hammer-fist to the back of his head. The hysterical Doctor dropped like a sack of tubers into a much more easily managed unconscious state. The Gorumn casually stepped out of the elevator and struck the keypad with his fist, shorting it and sealing the door, forestalling any further argument. He looked up to the closest security camera, "What do I have to do?"

* * * * * *

Once Theodocious learned that Captain Nida Jorn was apparently not on board only one thought came to mind and it's the one he voiced. "Isn't the Captain ALWAYS supposed to be on the station?"

Dr. Surresh nodded. "True... although that is during conventional operations... but what we are facing now is anything but normal."

Jen, who was sitting next to Theo, was facing the Tiger and the Stallion beside him but, without looking, her hand found its way to the Wolf's paw. "Dr. Makowi? Major McIlvoy? Can you be a little clearer about what's going on?"

The Tiger smiled patiently as he pulled off his glasses and rubbed the lenses with the end of his tie. "Well, Overseer, that is a little complicated but the simplest explanation is that the Station is under attack by hostile organisms... and we have just learned that there is a chance that it can be saved."

Theo spoke up in surprise at the same time as Jen did but their words canceled one another's out. The Wolf fell silent so the Overseer could say what she wanted to say but the strange voice from their PCDs spoke up first. "I am, in fact, already addressing the issue. Please forgive my abruptness, but I must attend to the final preparations in the Bridge."

Dr. Makowi offered a much more emphatic smile, "That is ALVIN. I helped create him in an alternate reality."

Jen glanced to Theo at exactly the same time as he looked at her; it was evident that she was experiencing the same disbelief as he. The Stallion however, was apparently sharing in the lunacy. "Aye... back on Farlight."

The Wolf leaned forward as he appraised the two, "You mentioned Farlight before, Doctor. What does that outpost have to do with Sigma-Echo and what's going on right now?"

The Tiger held up a finger to forestall any comment from Major McIlvoy. Dr. Makowi carefully loosened his tie and set it on the table. "If I were to tell you that the full event that is unfolding around us is this tie... then Sigma-Echo would be a single thread."

Theo looked at the tie and frowned. "So... this is happening in a lot of other places? All the other threads?"

Dr. Makowi smoothed out the tie to its full length, "In other places only in relation to where and how they're woven into the tie. You see... each thread isn't a location so much as it is a reality."

Jennifer had always been more in touch with meta-science and science fiction than Theo had been so it apparently made more sense to her. "You mean this is a multi-dimensional event? There's more than one Sigma-Echo involved?"

The Tiger chuckled. "Yes and no. There are many different realities involved but previous events have not taken place here on Sigma-Echo."

Major McIlvoy nodded. "Aye... last time it was on Farlight."

Theo strummed the fingers of his loose paw on the table, the other still holding onto Jen's hand. "So... now what?"

Dr. Makowi finally put his glasses back on but left the tie on the table. "We just have to survive. If ALVIN's plan works then all of this chaos ends here. If not... then we'll survive into the next try."

The Wolf paused, deep in thought. He turned to address Carol only to realize she was staring intently at Jen. The Overseer glanced from Theo to Carol, then, as if suddenly remembering, quickly noted "End Priority One."

The rest of Jen's Gens remained silent; it was obvious that they hadn't missed what had been said. Dmitri, who had been affected by the command the same as all other Gens seemed perturbed, but said nothing beyond "That was not smart. I cannot protect you or your staff if you do that again, Overseer."

Carol was significantly more upbeat, "So... we just have to survive a little longer?"

Dr. Makowi nodded, glancing down to the PCD on his wrist, "According to ALVIN, we should have less than ten minutes until he can put the plan into action."

Henry frowned. "Do we get to know anything about the plan, or do we just have to trust him on it?"

The Tiger shrugged casually. "Whether we know what it is or not I am afraid makes little difference-- his greatest concern was to make certain that we survive... so the most we can do to play our part is to remain here and-- well hello, young man. Do come join us."

Theo looked to the hallway to discover Oswald making his way out into the main room. The Otter glanced at the Tiger then the Horse and summarily ignored both of them as he moved to Jennifer and folded his arms around her, crying into her shoulder. Jen seemed shaken by the action at first but quickly stood and embraced him. "Oh, Ozzy..."

The Otter was inconsolable. "He's gone... he's dead... they're all dead."

Dmitri moved away from the suite's front door, "If we have ten minutes left then the best thing we can do is to find somewhere safe. All of the security forces have gone to lower decks and that means we--"

The Snow Leopard's suggestion was cut short as the door was blown inward by a powerful concussive blast. He spun around, weapon drawn and he pushed Henry to the floor, firing twice at the hazy figure invading with the smoke. Theo grabbed Jen and Ozzy, pulling them to the ground as return fire ripped across the living room. Beside them, Major McIlvoy let out a grunt and flipped the enormous faux-wood steel table on its side to use as cover. It was a gunfight and Theo realized that most of them had no guns.

* * * * * *

The Gorumn moved away from the lift door despite the banging from within. He heard Engineer Fowler and Technician LaGriss yelling through the seal at him but he focused his attention instead on the hallway leading to the Bridge. He paused only long enough to ask a quick question of the Artificial Intelligence program he knew was monitoring them. "They'll be safe from the Phantoms there, right?"

ALVIN's response was, if nothing else, honest. "Yes, but only if my estimates are correct and this operation is successful."

Kamrn strode into the one place on the station he was certain he'd never be: the Bridge. It seemed more a dream than anything else; it was as clean and tidy as a hospital, lacking any strong scent or unpleasant sight. Both such facts made him immediately self-conscious... and for both reasons. Kamrn lowered his head, looking at the ground directly in front of his feet; even the FLOOR seemed higher quality.

He chose to focus on something else instead. "What is going to happen when I complete the connection?"

Rather than answer his question ALVIN directed him. "The first console you need is at Monitoring Station 2. I will increase the illumination around the station for your convenience. When you arrive you will need to remove the bottom cover from the inner workings before we can begin."

Kamrn looked around the Bridge until he saw the indicated work space that was highlighted by the overhead lighting. He went to it obediently and gave the metal covering a swift kick with the toe of his security boot. From there all he had to do was pull the ruined metal plating off to the side, revealing the mess of wires, fiber optics, and circuits beneath. "And when the connection is done, what's going to happen?"

Although a large portion of what the program explained to him was a list of directions for him to follow, once he got to work ALVIN finally answered his question. "Once you have made the three connections then I can activate the Voljoi energy source within Sigma-Echo's main column. With it, we will have the opportunity to end the Transitive Wave and seal the breach between what we know of as reality and the between-matter world though which the Phantoms were originally pulled."

The Gorumn made the last adjustments to the Monitoring Station's wiring. "And that will save everyone? It'll get rid of the Phantoms?"

The Program's response was less than reassuring. "It should."

The large green man stood, wiping his hands off on his security uniform. "Should?"

"Correct. There is a good chance that an equal and opposite Transitive Wave will cancel out the first... I am adjusting the output accordingly to make this secondary transmission 180 degrees out of phase."

Kamrn didn't completely understand the explanation but he proceeded never the less. Pressing the button in the console, the Gorumn activated it and watched as it began to function on its own or, rather, under the control of ALVIN. "Excellent work. Please proceed to the Communication Station... highlighted once again for your convenience, Kamrn."

The fact that ALVIN was able to pronounce his proper Gorumn name without any difficulty didn't surprise him as much as where he was supposed to be going. "Isn't the Comm Tower offline? How will the--"

ALVIN interrupted him. "Communication signals cannot be transmitted but that does not mean that they cannot be received... under the proper circumstances. Again, I will need you to follow directions and our time frame is very limited. Our window for any chance at success is closing."

Kamrn snorted, grumbling to himself as he tore off the metal panel covering the innards of the Comm Console. "Alright... what do I do?"

The second set of instructions were actually much easier to follow than the first and he managed to complete the task in short order, even with his limited understanding of what it was he was doing. As he made the final connections, ALVIN spoke up again. "There is one more step to the physical modification of the system and I will then take over full bridge controls. At this point I will need you to modify the helm controls."

The Gorum moved obediently to the pilot's chair and, with ALVIN'S instruction he managed to work the much more delicate, much more secure faceplate off of it. "You said that there was danger involved for anyone on the bridge... that they'd..."

"Disintegrate. Correct. The transmission being sent through the central column will emerge from a location approximately seventy two meters behind the Bridge... this signal will reduce all organic matter to its simplest base components... effectively vaporizing every living organism within the Bridge."

There was something almost calming about ALVIN's clinical explanation but something still bothered him, "Everyone in the lift--"

ALVIN acknowledged his concern without having to hear the entire question. "The transmission is a figuratively tight beam... although they may be shaken up by the proximity there should be no real danger."


"Again, much of this plan is still very much hypothetical... however, the chance that they will be harmed in any extensive manner is relatively minimal... 7.02%. If anything, the greater concern would be if this attempt fails altogether."

The Gorum paused in his work. "Why? What happens then?"

As before ALVIN's response was brutally honest. "Then you will die needlessly and our chance to stop the Phantoms will result in failure."

Kamrn cleared his throat, "So... either way I die... no matter what."


The Sergeant made the final adjustment to the flight control and suddenly he felt a faint vibration go through the floor. "Was that it?"

A faint glow emerged from the projection system above and a three dimensional hologram of ALVIN's collie-like avatar appeared in front of him. "Yes, Kamrn... thank you. I now have full control of the station."

The Gorumn sat down in the pilot's chair. "Well... now what?"

He felt the station give a slight jump, and he could sense a faint increase in the g-forces. The view screen in front of him showed a shift in the station's orientation. "Now we will wait until Captain Nida's escape shuttle passes between us and the intersect point of the Transitive Wave."

The explanation went over Kamrn's head. He tried a different approach. "So... if this works... then what?"

The hologram turned to face the view screen and gave a shrug. "That is not entirely certain, Kamrn. Once the Transitive Wave is canceled out then everything may proceed forward from that point... or perhaps everything will simply come to an end then restart with a more favorable alternative time line without Phantoms involved. It may also be possible that we will end up doing little more than quick-starting the next Event."

Kamrn grunted, rubbing his chin. "That last one doesn't sound that good."

The Collie hologram turned to face him. "On the contrary: it means every last survivor would then move forward to the next Echo... this would greatly increase survival chances for future attempts. While not the most desired outcome it is far better than not having attempted anything... and it will increase my understanding of these events as I have the opportunity to observe the results."

The Sergeant was about to respond when suddenly the view screen began tracking something. At first Kamrn had no idea what he was looking at but as it slowly started zooming in he realized that he was looking at a station's escape shuttle. The screen zoomed out and began tracking it as a dot. "That's Captain Nida?"

"Correct. Her course was plotted very well."

Kamrn paused, "You mean... she MEANT to--"

The hologram disappeared. "Her intervention in this matter is what is providing me the opportunity to attempt the nullification."

The Gorumn watched as the dot drew closer to a second one, which was flashing red. "Why can't you just shoot the wave thing without her?"

ALVIN's answer was completely baffling. "It is an element of quantum mechanics. Simplifying as much as possible, and I paraphrase, it is possible that any experiment can be false because the simple act of observing it can change the result... Captain Nida has hypothesized that her continued presence as part of the Event and each Transitive Wave is what may be creating the rift that is allowing the Phantoms and the wave to pass through each Echo."

Kamrn was forthcoming in his honesty. "I don't get it."

The Program tried again, "In order for this to stop, all of the original scientists must be gone and Nida Jorn is the last survivor of the original Event."

The Gorumn nodded. "And that's what waiting is about... you're going to blast her at the same time as you blast the wave?"

"Correct... although technically she will be struck several fractions of a millisecond before the Origin Point."

Kamrn slowly stood up and smoothed out his uniform. "So... how much longer do we have?"


Clearing his throat, the Sergeant considered many different possibilities for how he would spend his last moments alive. He briefly considered a prayer but abandoned that idea... he'd never been particularly religious. The thought of singing some lines of his favorite opera also came to mind and he'd almost settled on that idea when ALVIN's hologram reappeared.

It smiled warmly at him, and motioned to the control console. "I am well aware that Gorum are even less inclined to surrender control than Humans. It is only fitting then that I offer you the opportunity to activate the Central Column."

Kamrn was surprised at the offer, but felt a sense of serenity when it came. He couldn't help but smile, "I'd like that."

The Collie nodded. "Good... as it is also a physical system that requires activation. Please press the third button when I tell you to."

The Gorumn looked down at the console. "The one on the top? The green one?"


Kamrn nodded, more to himself than the Program, and rested his palm on it. "Alright."

He looked back up at the screen and watched as the indicator identifying Captain Nida's shuttle drew even closer to the red dot. He took another breath, and watched as the two began to merge. ALVIN spoke simply. "Now."

Kamrn pressed the button without hesitation.

* * * * * *

The chaos in the suite died down after only a few seconds and only then did Theo realize that Dmitri's unmoving body lay beside him on the floor, two holes in his chest. It was even stranger to hear the Snow Leopard's voice call to them from the doorway. "Put down yurr vepon, Majhor... dis is not yurr fight."

Theo poked his head up enough that he could look around and saw the Stallion kneeling beside him, head and shoulders poking up over the table with his pistol drawn. "Yeh be here t' kill civilians... that makes it mah fite."

The Snow Leopard was dressed in the work uniform of an Agroponics laborer. His accent was distinctly heavier than the Dmitri who had been protecting them, raised his voice. "Miss Thurstenburger... I am here to take you and Theodocious avay from dis station... the rest ov dese DDs may die vitout pain if you obey."

Before Theo could say anything Oswald pulled himself free and jumped into the open, grabbing at the fallen Snow Leopard's gun, screaming wordlessly as he did so. The Wolf's jaw dropped open as Ozzy rolled onto his side, taking aim with the firearm... only to be shot in the chest. A moment later Major McIlvoy's weapon discharged three times... and another body landed on the ground with a meaty thud.

Jen, Theo, and Carol both scrambled to their feet and ran to where Ozzy had fallen. Carol got to him first, and she raised the Otter's head, resting it in her lap as he coughed, grimacing and wincing. "Ozzy... oh my GOD... that was so foolish!"

The Otter coughed again, wheezing as blood poured out between the fingers of the paw he'd clamped over his wound. "He's... he's dead... right?"

Dr. Makowi knelt down. "That shot was too high to hit the heart, but it's still bleeding so much..."

Theo glanced to the Tiger. "Can you help him? You're a doctor, right?"

Shaking his head, Dr. Makowi looked regretful. "I am not that kind of doctor, my friend... I deal with code and circuits, not flesh and blood."

Oswald grimaced. "Nah... nah... sokay... s'okay..."

Jen gripped the Otter's free paw. "Stay with us, Oswald. It's almost time... it's almost been ten minutes.... hasn't it almost been ten minutes?"

Dr. Makowi looked to the clock on his PCD and all eyes went to him. The Tiger looked back at everyone else helplessly. "About two minutes to go."

Swallowing hard, Theo looked back down to Oswald. "Did you hear that, Ozzy? Just two--"

The Wolf stopped talking when he realized that it would be two minutes too late. It sounded like shock settled in as the rest of the room became just as silent. Maintaining his composure, Theo reached out and slowly drew his fingers across Oswald's eyes, closing them. He felt Jennifer's hand in his paw again and he squeezed it gently.

Henry stood back up, storming around the immediate area. He kicked one of the chairs across the room. "Damn it... damn it!"

Carol pulled Ozzy's unmoving body closer, crying against him. Dr. Makowi and Major McIlvoy simply exchanged glances... and, despite how hard it was for Theo to admit it he couldn't help but feel lost... uncertain... helpless... useless...

Jennifer gave his paw another squeeze, "Theo?"

He turned to regard her: his boss... his best friend, with tears in her eyes. "Jen?"

Theodocious' heart jumped up into his throat as she took his other paw in her other hand, and leaned forward, lips pursed. "I love you."

The Wolf felt his entire body shiver as, without even realizing what he was doing, he drew closer, closing his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her and his muzzle sought her mouth. It was something he'd wanted to do for over a decade without even realizing it, and it finally happened. A powerful vibration ran through the room, followed by an ear-splitting hum... that was when everything ended.