Father's claim

Story by SADesian on SoFurry

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Another unfortunate adventure for the poor young Sarek! :3

The family cave was quiet as the black dragon lifted his head up off of the stone floor, giving a yawn as he blinked and tried to clear away the blurriness that clung to his vision. He scanned the cave lazily, spotting the rest of his family laying by the cavern's entrance, all of them staring out at the sunrise that was coming to an end and the last few rays of color were dissipating on the horizon. Sarek slowly lifted himself up onto his paws and made his way over to them, feet dragging till he got closer and his sister spotted the black dragon, jumping up on her feet and nipping at his face as he neared.

"Morning, big brother!" she chirped up at him cheerily, the little ness still much younger than him and her youthful, playful nature made him smile, giving her a small nuzzle back.

The older red drake continued to stare out the entrance to the cave as their white scaled mother looked down to smile at the sight of her two young getting along so well together, blessed that she had not ended up with two siblings who squabbled all of the time. That white snout lowered, and Cytheria nuzzled the top of her son's head, dragging her tongue up his cheek.

"Good morning, Sarek," she purred, her son turning his face away as she licked him, however, she only giggled and began to lap at his face, making the young drake squeak and try to push her away.

The red male lying along the other side of them turned his gaze to watch as his mate teased and tortured their pup with her tongue, lapping over the young dragon's face as he pawed and batted at her muzzle in order to try and make her stop. Phyron's gaze was rather emotionless as he stared down at the black dragon, a low rumble in his chest as a few thoughts passed through his mind, unbeknownst to his family.

Eventually, Cytheria stopped torturing her son, giggling as he huffed up at her and tried to clean off his face with his paws, making her snicker and smile down at him. It seemed young Zona had picked up on the fun, trying to attack her big brother's face with little licks as the red drake behind stood and stretched out his wings, gaining the attention of his mate.

"Going somewhere?" she asked pleasantly, wondering if he planned on leaving.

Phyron shook his head, lowering his wings back down. "Just working out a few kinks from sleeping on my wing wrong," he stated, able to feel a few sore spots in his joints from his weight pressing down on them through the night.

Cytheria nodded and smiled at him. "If you are sore this morning, why not send Sarek out to do the hunting this morning so that you can rest."

Sarek's head perked up at the mention of his name, a frown stretching across his muzzle as they suggested that he go out and find breakfast for the family. However, he squeaked as two large red forelegs dropped to either side of his shoulders and he looked up as his father's shadow loomed over him. It took everything the black drake had not to glance back between the male's hinds, memories flooding back to him of what happened the last time he had been underneath the male like that. Phyron grinned and lowered his head to stare at the dragon.

"I think that is a wonderful idea," he purred, chuckling as the black dragon scrambled out from underneath him and galloped out of the cave.

Cytheria gazed after the young drake, not sure what caused him to go sprinting out of the cave like that, but if he was that eager to go out hunting, she wasn't going to stop him. She did cast a curious glance at her mate, simply shrugging in response as he pretended to know as little as she did about the young dragon's reaction.

Mother and daughter turned to walk deeper into the cave, the father remaining and watching the black dragon bound off into the trees till at last he disappeared from sight. Phyron sat there for a moment, casting a glance back into the cave that the two females were wandering into, before giving a wide smirk.

* * *

Sarek ran deep into the forest, waiting till his family's cave was out of sight before he relaxed and slowed his pace, chest pounding a bit. Being under his father like that had got his heart racing. The last time he and his father had been that close, he had woken up, nose buried in between the red drake's hinds, spending nearly an hour there till he was able to get free. It was something he had no desire of living through again. The two of them had come to an agreement that the much larger drake had simply lost control of his urges and they kept what happened a secret between themselves, saving the young dragon some embarrassment from the rest of his family.

With a shake of his head, Sarek banished the thoughts from his mind, deciding that it was probably better if he just focused on hunting since for some reason the memory was making him feel uncomfortable between his hinds. He never understood why it affected him like that.

A deep breath and a moment of silence to help clear his head, the drake set off to find something for breakfast, hoping that it would be an easy hunt so that he would not be out there for very long. Skulking through the underbrush, sliding over logs and carefully working his way through the foliage, he finally came upon a clearing. Luck was on his side that morning. There were a few deers bedded down along the edge of the tall grass, upwind and all with their backs facing him. The dragon couldn't have asked for a more perfect prey.

He slinked closer, getting in close enough that he was within striking range, hunkering down and preparing to dive forward and at least snag a few of them before they were able to sprint away. However, Sarek would never get the chance as something clamped down hard around the end of his tail, causing him to squall and the deer to go galloping away into the field.

That long neck whipped round as he tried to get a look at the creature holding his tail, but a wall of foliage blocked his view, that tail having already been drug back through it and soon the rest of him began to follow. He squalled and dug his claws into the soil to try and break free, but more and more of him was being pulled through those leaves, his desperate cries for help hopefully being heard by his family before he ended up a meal for whatever monster finished dragging him back through the bush.

He came out the other side, head turning over his shoulder to see the large red drake that had his tail firmly clasped in his jaws and was pulling him into the shade of a tall tree with dense flora on every side.

Sarek no longer feared for his life, but a whole new set of worries began to well up in his mind as his father traded the hold of his jaws on that tail for a grip with his forepaws on the black dragon's hips, dragging him backward and underneath him till he could press his chest down onto his pup's spine. Soon the younger male was firmly pinned beneath the red, a deep, rumbling purr vibrating through him as he leaned down right next to his son's head.

"Your little sister woke up very early this morning. Early enough that your mother and I weren't able to have any fun and I had to let my blood boil the long hours that you slept." Phyron dragged his tongue up the back of his son's neck, drooling liberally so that there was a long wet streak running along those scales and over the top of his head. "Now, I can finally get some relief for my suffering, and you are already so well acquainted with helping me do so."

Sarek squalled as his father's weight was practically crushing him, pressing him down hard into the grassy floor beneath the tree as he purred his intent into the young dragon's ear and he whimpered. "Please, Dad! Don't make me suck you again!" he pleaded, "I don't want mom and Zona to know."

Phyron shushed his pup comfortingly, his tone almost heavy with concern for the young dragon as one of his massive paws came up to grab hold of his shoulder and slid him in deeper underneath his chest. "You need not worry, my son," he cooed at him, nipping his neck and making that pup squeal. "I promise that I will keep your maw free and clear of my length for now. After all, you have more inviting ways of satisfying my needs at the moment." As if on cue, his pulsing blue cock wedged up under the black's tail and his hips started to push it to the side out of his way.

If Sarek had been fearful of his father before, his increased cries for help and the way he was clawing at the ground told the red drake that his pup was desperate to get free. Phyron would not relent, however, his other paw coming down on the opposite shoulder as he pressed the black dragon down into the ground and raised himself up so he could glance down and line up his prick beneath the younglings tail.

Sarek whined as he glanced up at his father, watching him as he focused on working that cock toward his rump. "You c-can't mount me! I'm not a female!"

His pup's plea was enough for the dragon to pause for a moment, Phyron giving him a warm fatherly smile as he lowered his head back down and licked right over his son's cheek. "No. No you are not, young pup." he purred. Then the red drake's hips shifted forward, and the head of his throbbing blue length hooked right against the rim of his son's rear. "For this morning, however, you are going to be daddy's good little girl." The weight of those large hinds began to drop against his son's pucker, dimpling in the scales as the head of his cock began to try and peel open that rump.

All Sarek could do was squall as he could feel that spire shoving up hard against his rim, practically pushing his hinds up off of the ground as that length tried to sink into his rear. "D-Dad! Stop!" The words fell on deaf ears, however, a few moments later the red dragon giving off a heavy groan as that rim finally gave in under the pressure and the first few inches of his cock slurped up into that greasy tight hole with a loud pop.

The young drake beneath him thrashed and squealed as his pucker was peeled open wider than it was ever meant to go, pain lancing up his spine as he was stretched around that girth and his father had not even begun to fill him with that pole.

Phyron settled in over the young dragon, hinds shifting and his forepaws no longer bothering to hold the pup in place as he pressed his chest down on his back and slowly began to arch his hips forward. Each shallow thrust sunk that spire in an inch more, hinds turning from side to side to help wedge him in deeper into the impossibly tight hole of his son's virgin rear.

That pup was gritting his teeth hard, eyes shut and brimming with tears as his father speared him over his member, able to feel every pulse and throb of that girth sinking into his butt and arching his tail up high to fit that length beneath it. "I-It hurts... so much..." he whined, hoping for anything that his father would stop.

Phyron was not a cruel dragon, leaning his head down and beginning to gently nibble up his son's neck as he laid out beneath him, humming into his ear to soothe him as more and more of his prick was being swallowed up into his child's pucker. "The pain will pass, sweet dragoness," he cooed, his dominant nature doing everything it could to put his pup in his place beneath him, "Soon you will feel pleasure that only a male can bring you when he is buried under your tail. As he is meant to be."

Half that impressive blue spire was buried into the black dragon's tight rippling rear, reveling in the feeling of those warm, fleshy walls hugging his dick as his hips began to move the opposite direction. That length drug backward out of Sarek's pucker, pulling from within till he was resting only the head of his member at the edge of that snug little hole. Then a heavy thrust of his hinds sent him back in to the halfway point and he started to build up a slow steady pace of burying his dick into that rump.

Sarek could hardly believe what was happening to him, his father so brutally stuffing his prick in and out of his rear end, whispering demeaning words of pleasure into his ears without any sign of them being true. However, as his father gave another hard push of his hinds and a few more inches of that prick speared down into his bowels, he would squeal and stars danced across his vision. His father hit something deep inside of him, a button that as he pulled back and hit it again, all the young dragon could do was squall, his whole body trembling as his the red shaft suddenly leapt from his sheath and was throbbing beneath him.

Phyron could smell his son's arousal, grinning as he bucked harder and faster, more and more of his shaft slipping into his rear as he began to set into his rut. "You can feel it now can't you. The way a dragoness feels as she takes the spire of her drake." The red dragon let out a deep moan when he suddenly felt his thick knot wedge against that rim and his heavy balls clapped off of that rear. "Worry not, little girl. I'll make sure you know how a real male feels buried inside of you soon enough."

Sarek had hardly registered the words pouring into his ears, maw open in a soundless cry as his prostate was abused by that girth sheathed inside of his rear and that knot pounding against the sore tailstar clenching desperately to keep his father from tying him. Phyron had other plans, however, those massive hinds flexing and driving him forward till the tip of his cock would grind and push out the scales along his son's belly from how deeply he was pumping into that pucker.

The red's hips began to curl into a snarl as he hammered his pup with all of his strength, the black dragon beneath him suddenly tensing and clamping down hard around his prick, just as his nose filled with the scent of his son's cum spilling across the ground. The thought that he had rutted his own flesh and blood to his climax so quickly caused the red to tower over his pup and roar as his hips gave one final buck and he could feel his knot swallowed up into that tightly gripping rim.

The first thing Sarek felt was his rear spasm in pain, that massive orb of flesh peeling him open till he was knotted firmly into his father's groin. The second thing was a wave of warmth spreading deep in his belly as a thick wad of spunk roped from his father's cock and thrummed into the walls of his bowels. Strand after heavy, viscous strand of that cum began to pour from the red dragon's tightly clenching balls to surge through his spire with every throb, till the lump his tip made in his son's belly began to expand and balloon from the sheer volume of virile seed pouring into him.

Sarek regained his senses enough to realize what was happening, whimpering and pawing at the ground weakly to try and pull off of that throbbing shaft dumping gallons sperm into his stomach, but that knot made sure that he would go nowhere till every last drop had been spent from his father's heavy sack. Every wave of that seed washed through him, rolling off of the last strand to drool into him and pushing it deeper until the slimey, sticky cum was filling his stomach. The space within was filling quickly, nearly making the black dragon sick from how much of his father's sperm was bloating his gut to the point that the scales along his belly stretched and groaned from how full he had become. All the red dragon could do was ride out his climax and enjoy the sight of his pup swelling with his load, able to see him trying his hardest not to spew up any of that seed from his muzzle.

Phyron finally came down from his high and purred, a paw planting against the side of his son's gut and sinking his digits into that swollen form to make his semen roil around within him uncomfortably. "Now, my sweet girl, you are a true dragoness," he stated, voice thick with lust at the fact that his own son would be trapped between his hinds for several hours before his knot would deflate. "Time to take you home to the rest of the family."

Sarek's eyes opened wide as his father turned over him, mewling as that prick twisted deep inside of his rear, sloshing his gut and pulling at his sore rim till the two of them were rump to rump. The red rose to his full height, leaving his son to hang off of his prick, hind legs kicking in the air and fores clawing at the soil.

"N-No please!"

Phyron was intent on staking his claim to the rest of his family over this drake, however, dragging the dragon all the way back to their cave to show off his bloated and cum filled gut to his sister and mother. Cytheria disapproved of her mate's actions, scolding him even as the pup hung off his cock, but there was nothing she could do to undo what had already been done. Zona on the other hand stood behind her father, staring up at the sight of her brother's rump wedged snugly right underneath his thick heavy balls as the bloated black dragon hung halfway along the ground, blushing furiously and trying to hide his face from his young innocent sister.