The Lead Crown: Ch 9.2c, Legacy

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#114 of The Lead Crown

Chapter 9 continues for Group C as the party prepares for the trip into the University.

Nicole learns that their party size is shrinking and spends some time considering the future... not just the infiltration ahead but what happens afterward.

The plan will commence as of the next post and there are multiple points of view to watch it unfold. Where shall we start? (Contributing Readers from Group C vote:)

1) Let's start with watching the plan unfold from the scholars' point of view.

2) Let's see Brother Jessen interact with the militia from Vallara as he prepares them for their part of the plan.

3) We can't leave Nicole and Inigo just yet-- let's watch them camp out on the rooftop across from the University!

4) Wiesen can't get away from readers that easily! Let's see what HE'S up to!

5) Why would Dr. Brownell abandon everyone so close to the University? Let's keep an eye on her.

Votes are due by midnight on Thursday, August 6th.

Comments, questions, quandaries, critiques, and input is always appreciated. Thanks for reading!

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 9.2, Legacy

Everyone had been encouraged to sleep well into the day; the plan was to approach the University in the evening after most of the staff had cleared out for the night. It was also the best time to risk a military confrontation because few people would be on the streets in the scholar district once the sun went down. Despite her own suggestions however Nicole was awake just a little after dawn. She chose to use the extra time to best effect.

Nicole had been unable to remember a time in history where she had slept so little and yet felt so rested. It wasn't that the inn was particularly well appointed or that the bed was of any special variety; she owed it to the fact that she had drive, direction, and a goal in her sights. She also knew that Inigo had stayed up long after she'd gone to sleep so she left the dozing Bat alone as she prepared herself for the night to come.

She spent the first part of the morning going through calisthenics and then, once she had worked up a sweat, chose to use the attached bathing chamber. The inn had a boiler in the basement, allowing Nicole to enjoy a hot bath and she put it to good use. Selecting a few aromatic oils from the variety offered she laid back in the tub and soaked for nearly a half hour. By the time she had finished drying off Inigo was already up and about. When she emerged from the bathing chamber he was fully dressed and seated on the bed, waiting obediently for her.

She noticed that he seemed expectant. "What is it?"

He got straight to the point. "Wiesen's gone."


He nodded. "He left last night."

Nicole let out a breath. "Well, if he isn't up for opposing the Mechanists we can't very well force him to... damn it."

Inigo stood and moved over to rest a hand on her shoulder, going so far as to flash a grin and provide a reassuring wink (even if she could tell his heart wasn't in it). "He had his reasons. But forget about him; I'm still here."

She smirked. "You don't think what we're doing is smart."

The Bat shrugged, his grin coming a little more naturally. "Almost nothing we've ever done has been smart... why start now?"

She couldn't argue with that. Moving to the dresser, Nicole picked up a ribbon and tied it loosely around her neck, affixing a custom made locket that also contained a single ready-to-fire round of pistol ammo. "Do you know if everyone else is ready to go yet?"

Inigo shrugged again, visible in the mirror. His reflection met her gaze. "I heard Alvis and Jessen head downstairs a little while ago. Roland is probably still sleeping considering how late he was up last night dealing with... ah... preparations."

There was a moment of hesitance at the end of the Bat's report that caught Nicole's attention; Inigo had never been particularly good around death and she knew it. Despite how hard the Bat tried to hide his discomfort with the ending of life there were those little tells he was unable to completely hide. She knew that he would work past it but she was also well aware that such hesitation at the wrong time could prove fatal to the wrong people. Regardless, she afforded him SOME luxury in that. "So the 'package' is ready for delivery?"

He was astute enough to catch her leniency. "Yea... I'm pretty sure it is."

Nicole made a few small adjustments to Inigo's wardrobe. As usual the Bat detested anything around his neck but she was certain that the occasion required an ascot and a leather belt would keep his duster closed so it wouldn't interfere with movement when fighting. Beyond that they headed downstairs together and joined Alvis and Brother Jessen who were seated on benches at a long table eating a breakfast of ham steak, cheese, and toast. Roland, she noticed, was not with them, which implied only one thing. "Is Roland still asleep?"

Alvis shook his head, swallowing a muzzle-full of meat before speaking. "No. I knocked on his door before we came down here. He's getting ready."

Nicole joined them, taking a spot across from the two and was accompanied by Inigo to her right. He started things off by preparing a plate for her while she addressed the scholar and the Coyote. "And Dr. Brownell? Is she up?"

Inigo cleared his throat, sliding her platter of breakfast to her. "She's not joining us today either."

Alvis looked up. "Either?"

Nicole silenced the Bat with a look and answered the Mutt's question. "Wiesen has other business to attend to. He left last night."

Brother Jessen put down his fork. "It's a shame Sir Crook won't be with us, but I think Dr. Brownell staying out of harm's way is for the best. I will be easier keeping an eye on two rather than three when I escort Alvis and Roland into the University."

Shaking her head, Nicole speared a piece of yellow cheese with her fork. "I need you on the street with the militia... they'll need someone to look to for guidance and you have some experience in combat."

The Coyote shook his head. "No. The University may be full of threats and--"

Alvis reached out and took one of the ex-Templar's paws in his own. "It's alright. We're scholars. We should be able to get in without notice. If you join us then they'll probably start asking questions."

Brother Jessen scowled. "If you get into danger I want to be able to help you. I can't do that from the street."

The Scholar patted the Coyote's paw. "It's alright. Roland and I know the University inside and out. We'll be okay as long as you can help the militia keep any outside threats away from us. We'll be fine; trust me."

Nicole saw the signs on Jessen's face that indicated he was interested in arguing the point but all discussion stopped when Roland appeared at the top of the stairs. "Can someone please help me with Joshew?"

It was a very blunt and to-the-point comment; it also got Alvis and Jessen up immediately. Both of them ran upstairs to assist with transporting the prepared body to the simple cart Nicole had rented for the purpose of getting it from the inn to the University. That left her alone with Inigo and the Bat made good on the time. "So... what next?"

She turned to regard him just as he stuffed a hunk of bread into his mouth. "Next we get to our position across the street from the University and wait until--"

He swallowed and interrupted her. "No... I mean once we're done with all this. Once we've dealt with the Mechanists and the Order of Blades and all the other nameless, faceless threats out there to our life, limbs, and liberty. What next?"

Nicole looked down at her plate. "We go home."

She knew her answer surprised Inigo; he was actually quiet for a few seconds. When he next spoke his words further indicated that her answer had him off balance. "You mean... back to the Northside Safe House? Or the one by the docks? Or the--"

"No, Inny. Home. REAL Home. After this we go back to Arnswold Manor."

The Bat's voice regressed somewhat and, for just a moment, it felt to her as if the past decades faded away and a little incredulous Batling sat beside her. "Really?"

She let the moment linger; it created a deep pain in her heart when she realized that so much had happened since she had first met Inigo. There were events in her past that would never go away; actions and reactions that forever changed who she would become. Despite all that had happened she really just wanted to go home-- to her REAL home. Looking up she stopped bothering to hide the tears that wanted to escape. She smiled at Inigo, who just stared disbelievingly at her. Nicole took hold of both his hands. "Yes, Inigo. After this we're done. I promise."

She realized that 'being done' wasn't as easy as it sounded but no matter the cost she would pay whatever it took to be rid of her life and start over in Vallara. Ever since she was an orphan it was all she'd ever wanted and the time was finally coming when it would be a reality. Ma'Heed and Farika would be waiting for her return-- for THEIR return. Nicole had lost her family very early in her life but in her mind it was poetic justice that she could soon have a better one.