The sweetest bunny

Story by pokephilefantasy on SoFurry

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This is the longest story I ever wrote and prolly the longest I'll ever write. Be warned, it starts out pretty slow.

But it's cute and there's lots of gay sex eventually, so read it please :3

Sorry about the format again, but I hope you make it through regardless.

Let me tell you about Edel, my Lopunny, one of my first Pokemon. In fact, Edel was the first Pokemon I ever had sex with. A good place to start, am I right? This story takes us back to a time where the word pokephile didn't yet have a meaning to me.

I received Edel, unnamed and unevolved at the time, in a Wondertrade, sending off my rather aggressive Nidorina. She was a fighter, no doubt, she wanted to be with a real trainer, battling Pokemon, proving her strength to the world. I, however, wasn't into battling at all and it frustrated her. Of course, I tried to accommodate her, taking her for walks through the nearby routes, but sparing with the same bunch of Pokemon over and over just added to her discontent as time moved on. Things really had been so much nicer between us before she evolved, but there was no helping it. In the end, I realized that I couldn't give her what she wanted and that, ultimately, she wasn't the Pokemon I was looking for either. She, at least for now, wanted adventure, I mostly just wanted company. A pet to cuddle and spoil from time to time. When I told her one evening that I'd be sending her to a new trainer, she reacted bit more happy than I would've liked, but there were no hard feelings. I wished her well, put her back into her Pokeball and hoped she would end up in capable hands.

In less than a minute, the Wondertrade was finished, though don't ask me how exactly they manage to transfer Pokemon across the globe like that. When I was just a boy, they needed huge, clunky machines just to officially trade Pokemon. Today its just a few taps on a touchscreen and there you go. For all I know, it could be an army of Abra using their teleportation abilities. It doesn't really matter, it works its convenient and I received a new Pokemon.

When I first released Buneary from its Ball, he acted rather strange, not even looking at me, instead opting to stare blankly at the ground in front of it. He barely reacted to my voice and careful petting of his head, not shying away, but showing neither positive, nor negative reaction whatsoever. Checking the Pokemons data, I quickly learned about its general health not being that well, having fallen ill several times in the past. I also learned of its stats being comparatively low, even for a Buneary of low level.

Not that it mattered to me, but that would explain why he was traded away in the first place. Many young trainers these days seek out strong Pokemon, like my Nidorina, in order to compete in tournaments. For many of them, a weak Pokemon was, at best, a checkmark on a list. And those that didn't battle often chose to compete in beauty contests. These types of trainers wouldn't want a sickly Pokemon on their team either, if they could just as easily have a healthy one. The convenience of Wondertrades made it just that much easier to get something 'better'...

Still, this didn't explain Bunearys behavior. He didn't seem to be sick, for what its worth, his breathing was calm and regular, he didn't feel particularly hot and I couldn't make out any injuries. According to the data, he hadn't been in any fights recently and he didn't seem tired either. I know traded Pokemon are usually a bit reserved around their new owners, but this was something else, Buneary wasn't reserved, it wasn't being shy or angry about its trainer giving it away. This was leaning closer to apathy and I didn't like it.

Eventually checking through its Wondertrade logs, it finally dawned on me. In the past year, he, he was a male, had been traded away close to a hundred times. That was a lot, even by today's standards. The few trainers who'd take the time to give a reason for trading the Pokemon away had left quite a list of, in my eyes, petty complaints.

'Too weak, couldn't win any battle', 'His fur is dull and won't stay unruffled', 'I thought Bunearys were supposed to be fluffier', 'Its going to be a male Lopunny? Yeah gross', 'My daughter wanted a cuter Pokemon'. After about twenty trades people started mentioned him being too inactive, eventually unresponsive. 'Was looking for a pet, not a rock' was one of the final comments. People can be so cruel, of course he would start to close himself off, he'd been thrown out so many times, for things he had no control over. With every trade, he became surer that he would just be sent away again anyways. And the more he believed it, and acted like it, the faster people would send him away. In its early days, he'd actually spend close to a week with a trainer before he got sent off to the next. They'd still give him a chance, but as time progressed, his stays would shorten until, towards the end, he'd be sent away after just a few hours. I ended up being the third person who released him into their home this day. Probably the third to speak to him in a soft, welcoming voice, the third to pat his head, the third to be surprised by his non reaction. The third to check their PC and learning about his shortcomings. No doubt, in his mind, I was just moments away from putting him back into his Pokeball and sending him away to the next human. This had to end now.

Lifting him up, his body as light as a feather, hanging limply like a lifeless doll, I tried to look him in the eyes with minor success. 'Don't worry little guy, I'm not going to send you away. I don't care if you're weaker, or if your fluff isn't as fluffy as another Buneary's, you'll stay here with me, so please cheer up again.'

Lifting his head only momentarily before returning his gaze back towards his feet, I understood that it would take more than nice words to get him out of his funk. Only time could mend what had been broken here. And this might not even be the first time he had heard such words.

It takes a Pokeball to send him away, so I decided against putting him back into his for the time being. And I made sure he could notice me stashing it away on top of a kitchen cupboard, where it ended up collecting dust to this day.

Spend the next days trying to break through to him, trying to show him the attention and appreciation that others had denied him for so long.

But he didn't make it very easy at times. He generally refrained from walking more than a couple of steps on his own and he showed no inclination to follow me, not on his own and not when I called for him, so I carried him around the house, keeping him near whenever possible.

Fortunately, at least he would eat and drink, however, he rarely took more than a few nibbles at a time. At just about 8 pounds, he was quite underweight and it showed, even through the fur, you could begin to make out the ripples of his ribcage, backbone and shoulderblades. But no matter how much I urged him to eat a bit more, he wouldn't listen. So in addition to him, I began carrying a small bowl of Pokemon food and water around the house as well, hoping he would at least take many small bites throughout the day.

Sitting him down in shallow water to give him bath, he somehow managed to almost drown himself when I turned away to get some shampoo and conditioner for his fur. I'm not sure if he actually intended to do it, or if he simply didn't see a point in sitting back up straight. He certainly didn't make any effort to explain himself, but he also didn't seem to seek out other ways to harm himself. Just to be on the save side, it was showers from then on.

His short fur and curly fluff leaned more towards pale tones of grey and white, than the typical deep chocolate and yellowish hues. Grooming him with a small, soft brush, I learned that his fur really wouldn't stay unruffled. With several strands sticking out randomly against the grain here and there, even after close to an hour of clean up and care, he'd still look more or less like a freshly picked up stray.

For his first night, I had thrown together a makeshift basket in my bedroom for him to rest in. Ironically, once he'd fallen asleep, he'd become quite active in contrast to his wake, unresponsive, doll-like self. Though he only quietly whimpered his name, I could actually hear his voice for the first time that night. Several times, I woke up to find he had twisted and turned his way out of his covers, having curled himself into a shivering ball of fluff. After I had covered him up for the fourth time, I simply stuffed him under my own covers, holding him close to keep him warm. There was no twisting out of that, though I earned a few light scratch marks for it.

Two weeks passed like that and though it was subtle, I thought that he changed little by little. He wasn't staring at the ground as much, though still most of the time. And I thought I could see his eyes following my movement every once in a while. Most notably, he seemed to have calmed down during the nights, leaving significantly fewer scratches on my body.

Hoping that I hadn't just imagined things, after two weeks, I thought it was time for a big move. Sitting Buneary down on the kitchen counter, I spoke to him:

'You've been with me for almost two weeks today and there's something I need to tell you.' He tensed up, expecting the worst, pretty much as I expected. I knew wording it like that was a little risky, but I hoped that continuing to fail his expectations was the best way to go about this.

'I've decided... to give you a Nickname. I don't think you've ever been given one before, so I'm glad I get to be the one to name you. From now on, I'll be calling you "Edel". It translates to precious or noble in a foreign language.' It's also a nod to his pale woolly fluff reminding me of a certain kind of flower, but I would tell him that at a different time. 'It's meant to remind you, every time I call for you, that you are special to me. And to make sure you don't forget it, I also got you this.'

Reaching for a cabinet, I retrieved the thin collar I picked up a week earlier. Really, it wasn't anything fancy, just a normal beige leather collar, close to the colors of his wooly fluff, with a round, silver tag.

'It's got your new name engraved in the front, right here,' I said, spelling it out to him, before turning it around, 'and my name on the other side as your owner. As long as you wear this, you and everyone else will know that you belong to me and that we are a team now.'

I might have laid it on a little thick for just a name and a collar, but I thought he needed that, something big and ceremonial to catch his attention. Something that was different from other times, where someone might have gotten his hopes up by quick promises that where just as quickly broken.

Carefully putting the leather band around his neck, I could feel his small form tremble as he tried, very hard, not to look away from the ground.

Making sure it didn't sit too tight or too lose, adjusting it just one last time, I complimented him: 'I think it really suits you, Edel. - My - Edel.' I emphasized, repeating his name, 'I hope you like it.'

I took a step back, letting the whole situation sink in, waiting for any reaction. And I should get one. Edel remained, except for small trembles, still for a while, before eventually moving his hands towards his neck, sliding his paws over the white leather and silver mark. He was shaking really bad now, gasping for air even and for a second, I was worried he might have some kind of allergic reaction, resulting in a seizure. Fortunately, it wasn't. As he lifted his face, his eyes wet, his expression a blend between feelings of happiness and feelings of anger, both for forcing open doors he wanted shut for so long, it was clear that he was just trying to force back boiling emotions and tears, trying and failing.

Taking him up, shaking, tense, slightly struggling against my further intrusion, not at all like the limp doll I had carried around the house for two weeks, I held him in my arms as about a years worth of tears soaked into my shirt.

He spent the better part of an hour crying, running out of breath, calming down and then crying again, until he eventually tuckered himself out and fell asleep.

Weeks passed and life returned to the small Pokemon. Though still vary of his stay remaining permanent this time, he began to warm up to me quite quickly now. Really, he always remained somewhat anxious at heart, even today, as much as he might have grown to trust me, he wants, maybe even needs me close to really feel at peace.

He slowly allowed me to learn the things he liked, as well as what he didn't like. He enjoyed having his fur and fluff groomed, even though it would never end up straight and neat. It was a pretty pointless endeavour, but it was good for him, so it was fine with me. He didn't like to be tickled, acting almost scared when I did it. It took him several minutes to calm down and he seemed rather angry with me for a while. He did like having his feet rubbed though, so we made it a regular habit. The more he relaxed with me, I thought, the better. On the other hand, he didn't like having his ears touched outside of being groomed. They must have been particularly sensitive, always twitching when I grazed them unexpectedly, so I tied to avoid them.

And he would talk to me now, not just a single uttering of his name either, but long stories, most of which ended in unsettling quietness. Not having much more to tell, I guess he was going through his past, little by little, trade by trade. Not that I'd be able to really understand what he was saying, but I was happy to listen, to nod my head and hold his shoulder when he fell quiet.

He also followed me around the house now, albeit slowly at times and with increasing difficulty the longer he chased after me. Climbing up the stairs was especially hard for him, but thinking it to be good exercise, I'd wait at the top of the stairs, edging him on. Early on, he barely made it halfway up before he'd have to give up, panting heavily, stuggling for air. I'd come back down to pick him up, scratching his back and telling him I was proud of him for trying and that he'd do it next time... granted, I'd still tell him that half a year or so later, but I always meant it and hoped that he knew I did.

Fortunately, he also began to eat more. Not a lot, not as much as I would have liked, but his appetite seemed to have hard limits. Regardless, I was happy about every additional bite and him at least holding his current weight. After still losing weight during his first weeks, I was more than relieved that he'd just about reached nine pounds now.

Not knowing any better, I eventually gave training a chance, thinking it would have a positive impact on his health and endurance. Nothing too big or challenging, a Rattata here, a young Caterpie there, that was the plan.

And its not that he wasn't able to take a hit, or even dish one out. But it was plainly visible how quickly he'd run out of air and start wheezing. We took frequent breaks, I had to grab him and run a bunch of times, else he'd be easily defeated in this vulnerable state. I noticed his waning enthusiasm, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all? But then, we got lucky, or so I thought. We ran into a Metapod. Pefect. With this one, there wouldn't be a need to run. They're immobile and all they did was harden their shell, so even if it took a while, he could do it.

Half joking, I asked 'Think you can take him, Champ?'. I explained that this one wouldn't fight back, so there was nothing he had to worry about this time. Victory would be ours.

So he went in, even without dodging or taking any hits, after a few scratches and punches from his spring-like rabbit ears, he'd take a break to catch his breath. Attack, wheeze, wait, attack, wheeze, wait, until...

until he he didn't stop to catch his breath anymore. He simply kept on, unleashing a fury of uncoordinated slaps, kicks and punches, half of them missing, the other half probably not even bothering the green, stoic cocoon anymore. He was just struggling to do anything. And then he stopped. Leaning against Metapod for a moment, his legs gave in as he collapsed to the ground.

I rushed to his side, Potion in hand, shoving Metapod out of the way, but there was nothing to heal. He wasn't hurt, he was just completely out of it, eyes unfocused, snapping in short, shallow bursts of air, his heart racing.

I grabbed him and ran. Home, to the car and off to the Pokemon Clinic two towns over. Of course, the Pokemon Center would have been closer, but Edel didn't need a high-tech quick-charge. He needed a doctor. Of course, the Center nurses can diagnose a cold and stitch up a cut, but they're still only care takers. They'd send me here anyway, once their machine and a good night's sleep proved unable to fix the problem. It shouldn't surprise anyone that graveyard towers had popped up all over the different regions around the same time, the Pokemon Center system was officially established. Granted, they are convenient and pretty much everything most people, trainers in particular, needed. But they also give people a false sense of safety. Their machines don't cure, they recharge and they power up.

The drive was short, thank gog, but Edel's condition didn't change much, if at all, he was breathing a little slower now, but not by much. Rushing into the small lobby, shouting for help, the staff was quick to react, taking Edel away on a stretcher just shortly after I finished explaining what happened.

It would be a gruelling hour, waiting for anyone to tell me if Edel was ok, but eventually, a nurse informed me that they were able to stabilize him and had a good idea about what had happened. It was a heartbreaking sight, seeing him, small and fragile as he was, hooked up to machines and tubes meant to support his breathing and keeping him calmed down.

It turns out that he had a somewhat weak heart, coupled with a type of asthma, both of which he, most likely, had been born with. It wasn't that he was just young, weak and out of form, his body simply couldn't take much strain without either his heart or his asthma acting up, both draining his strength. They were also what made him more prone to sickness.

I listened closely, as his doctor explained that battles and other such taxing activities weren't in his best interest in the future. How stress, both physical and emotional, would be able to send him into a fit at any time.

He believed that, this time, some kind of shock or panic attack had caused his heart to go into tachycardia (meaning his heart was beating at an abnormal rate). That, in conjunction with his lungs being unable to supply enough oxygen due to his asthma, already strained due to his attempts at battle, had caused him to break down. He'd be able to leave as soon as the next morning, assuming there were no further incidents of course, but for now, and possible the next few days, what he needed the most was rest.

Unfortunately, there was little to be done about his condition though. There was medicine to help him breathe in case his asthma acted up and medicine that would help with his heart somewhat, but no way to fix either permanently.

I would never know for sure, and never had the heart to try and ask Edel about it, but having it thought over and over, I'm pretty sure it was all my fault. Putting him up against that Metapod and making it out to be a guaranteed win like that. What would go through his head as he slowly chipped away at the motionless Pokemon, leaving no visible dent or mark, having to stop every so often to compose himself, seemingly failing even against something that never even retaliated?

Did he think he was disappointing me? That unless he tried harder now, I would give him away after all? I think that's why he panicked. Fearing for the worst, he bravely, but also foolishly ignored his own limits until his body gave out.

Or maybe his body was already giving out and he just couldn't think clearly anymore at that moment. Either way, I blamed myself.

And I wouldn't let it happen again. First of all, no more battles. Also no more edging him on pointlessly. So what if he needed some help up the stairs? Or if he needed a few more breaks on a walk. There's no reason he can't just take it slow. If worse came to worst, I could always carry him anyways.

I spent the night at the clinic, not wanting him to wake up alone in a different place, covered in tubes and cables like that. Having mentioned Edels past to the clinic staff and in light of his condition, they agreed that it was for the best I remained close.

When he woke up that following morning, I was there to keep him calm, telling him what had happened and promising that he was going to be just fine. I also said I was sorry, making it very clear I believed that what happened was my fault and not his, vowing to be a better owner, a better friend in the future.

I think he smiled at me weakly, still drowsy from the medicine they gave him.

I stayed with him as they unhooked him, taking final notes of things to look out for in the future and how to react in case of any further incidents.

Thanking them for all they had done, a bill that would take some time to honor and a still drowsy Pokemon in my arms, I made my way home. Just as the doctor had ordered, I put Edel to bed. Not having gotten much sleep the night prior myself, we both ended up sleeping through the day together.

Time flew by and Edel recovered rather quickly and though he'd occasionally fall ill, it was never anything that would warrant a further visit to the clinic. Just to be on the save side though, I dragged him to a check up every few months. He didn't like those too much, as they required him to exert himself to compare if his condition grew worse, as well as drawing blood samples. Trying to avoid them, he had tried to hide out in a closet, ran away from home, all the way to some bushes behind our home, even feigned illness once, not really understanding the point of a clinic entirely. But apart from that, life was good for both of us.

I took great enjoyment from taking care of Edel and watching him open up more and more.

A year or so after his big breakdown, I still remember, it happened while I groomed Edels fur.

Sitting on the couch, with Edel on my lap, facing me as I brushed away at the unruly strands of fur that loved to stick out between his ears, the most surprising thing happened.

Without a warning, Edel's body burst into a bright, warm light, shifting its form, growing bigger, heavier, until, with a final burst of blinding brightness, a new Pokemon sat before me, staring at me with confused eyes. Of course it wasn't a new Pokemon. Even if it hadn't happened right before my eyes, I would have known instantly. Strands of fur still sticking out against the grain everywhere, his coat in tones of pale brown and grey, his body still a bit on the lean, light side. And of course, the collar around his neck. Edel had evolved into Lopunny. But he was still Edel, no doubt, every bit as scrawny as before. Though his new form seemed to emphasize his lack of weight, with more chest to allow his ribcage to shine through, longer legs that weren't quite as massive and strong as that of the average Lopunny and visible hints of his wider hip bones poking against his furry skin.

Visibly more confused than I was about what happened, Edel, straddling my lap with his new legs, now eye to eye with me, tried to talk, but upon hearing the unfamiliar tone escaping his lips, his hands shot up to cover his mouth, like a child who let a curse slip past its lips.

With a mouth-full of white fluff, his eyes fixating on his new fingers, he jumped backwards, trying to get away, 'Lopunny!' once more the unfamiliar tone, again the hands, again a step away, slipping on these unfamiliar appendages, entangling himself in his new, large ears, bringing down a potted plant as he struggled to make sense out of what was happening, but quickly falling into a panic that took the air right out of his lungs. Really, it would have been funny if it hadn't been for that. Edel generally wasn't a fan of change, it seemed to be out of his comfort zone usually, but there was no way around this one. And I guess I was to blame for part of it - again. I know trainers rarely talk about anything but evolution, practically counting the battles it would take to finally evolve a Pokemon. I, on the other hand, didn't even have it on my plate, so to speak. Who was I to know that Buneary could evolve if they didn't fight or exercised heavily? We can't all call a Pokedex our own. And with what happened with Nidorina, I kinda didn't want to think about the possibility that much any ways.

Walking towards the confused rabbit on the floor, I grabbed his hands, he grabbed back in panic. I unravelled his ears, smiled at him and spoke softly: 'Calm down Edel, everything is ok, you just went through your evolution. Everything is normal. You look a little different now, but you're still you, still my best friend. Don't worry, you'll be just fine.'

Speaking his name in a questioning tone, still twitching as the new word escaped his lips, he searched my gaze for confirmation.

'You're a Lopunny now, Edel the Lopunny. A quite good looking one too.', that put a smile on his face,

Having learned to stay calm in these situations, I asked if he'd be ok, or if we'd need the medicine. He shook his head. I gave him a minute, stroking the soft fur of his chest, taking note of his heartrate as I did. Yes, he was calming down, phew. 'If you've caught your breath, lets try to get you back on your feet now, ok?'

Pulling the panting Pokemon back up, he took a few tentative steps on shaky legs.

Then a hop, a skip and a jump. Fear and confusion gave way to excitement. Once he got into it, he seemed to have quite normal control of his new body. He hopped a few more times, grazing a table here, knocking over a lamp there. Well, some control at least. At about three feet high, about three times his original size, it must've been as if the world had shrunken around him. Where it took him countless steps on his stubby little paws to cross the room before, on his new, long legs, he could make it with two jumps. He took a few more hops around me before I had to stop him. He barely seemed to notice how heavy he was breathing again. Pushing my hand against his chest, I could feel his heart racing. 'I know this is exciting and I'm really happy that you are, but don't overdo it now. Lets take small steps for now, alright?'

With a hint of disappointment, he nodded. Having calmed down, he began to inspect himself and his surroundings, as I sat back down on the couch, watching him. Slowly moving his fingers before his eyes, moving every digit individually, as if they were the most fascinating thing in the world, his eyes darting back and forth between my own hands and his.

'They're kind of similar now, aren't they? They're really helpful when you want to pick things up or grab something too.' Having learned something new, he agreed with a 'Lop!'. He traced them over his long ears, which, together with his hands, now hold the majority of his curly white fluff. He twisted his neck in all directions to get a view of his body, running his hands over all the new parts, slightly shifting away his body from my view when he realized that a pouch and a small set of fuzzy balls were now visible to those that looked.

I never really thought that a Pokemon would feel shy over something like that, but then again, when you've had your junk covered up by a protective coat for all your life, losing that might catch you off guard a little.

Still somewhat intent to keep his privates out of my sight, he used his newfound mobility to clean up the mess he had left in his excited wake. For the most part at least. He put the lamp back up, leaving the shade somewhat crooked, he put the plant back in its pot, some leaves snapped and surrounded by spilled earth and he put back whatever had fallen from the shelves, though not all where it belonged. Being mighty proud of having helped, he returned to me, brush in hand. Then he turned away, hopped back on my lap, pushed his ears out of the way and waited.

Taking the small brush, I got to work on his back... 'I think we'll have to buy a bigger brush, this is going to take forever.'

Totally agreeing with my assessment of the situation, Edel, speaking his name once, wiggled his rump against my legs, shifting his weight back and forth to make himself more comfortable. At just about 55 pounds, Edel was quite a bit heavier than before, still a long way off from what would be the healthy norm, but still very noticeable in comparison.

Either not getting my hint, or wilfully ignoring it, he bend forward a little to give me more room to work. 'Oh fine, but just this one time, as an evolutions day gift.'

Nodding, still twitching slightly as he spoke in his new tongue, I went to work. His fur, a tad bit longer now, appeared softer than before, but it was every bit as rebellious as ever.

Minutely brushing my way through fur, fuzz and fluff with the comical small brush, I thought, for a moment, that he'd let me off easy after all. Having finished his back and ears, he stood up, fidgeting around for a moment, before throwing himself next to me on the couch with a giggle, obviously enjoying the fact that he can throw himself on things he previously had to slowly climb up to. Once again, facing away from me, he shifted around, backing himself up until his legs rested on my lap. So more brushing it is.

At least this gave me a good chance to inspect his new body for myself. Well one side at least. His small feet and lower legs were covered in greyish fluffy fur, making it look as if he was wearing a pair of cute socks. And he had all the fun in the world, bending his knees, discovering the game of footsie, lightly kicking for my arms.

'You really wanna drag this one out, don't you, silly bunny? Well, if we're having fun, lets see if those feet are still as ticklish as before!' I knew this was playing dirty, but it stopped him cold in his tracks so I could continue working my way up to his slim thighs. While I failed to subdue the stands of fur sticking out around the base of his tail, I made sure he knew I wouldn't have actually gone through with my threat. Feigning a pout, he aimed for my arm once more.

Finishing up on his backside, I gave his tush a little squeeze. 'Done.' Hey, don't blame me, if you could see it, you'd get that tingle too.

He scurried up into a kneeling position and turned his head back to me, unsure of what to do. Was he still being shy about his little package? I mean, I pretty much had his testies on full display the whole time I was brushing his inner thighs.

'Come on now, I know it probably feels a bit weird without those wooly pants covering you up, but it's not like you can avoid turning towards me for the rest of your live. Don't worry, you can barely see anything anyways, there's no need to be shy now.'

Still not moving, I grabbed his shoulders. He let out a surprised 'Lop!' as I pulled him in, so his head could rest against my shoulder, supporting his body with one arm, gaining access to his chest. And I was wrong. Yes, you could definitely see that...

It took him a second to snap out of his surprise before his hands darted between his legs, covering up the pinkish flesh that had poked its way out of his sheath slightly.

That had never happened before... or had it? I guess this could've been quite missable at a much smaller size and covered by dense fluff. Could he have enjoyed these sessions in more than just one way? And he had been more than a year old when he arrived. It's easy to forget about their age when they stay small and cute like that.

Seemingly embarrassed and steadily moving towards his second small panic attack in less than an hour, Edel had his eyes shut and was pretty much losing himself in a quiet but frantic babble of 'Lop''s and 'pun''s, either excusing himself, or trying to convey some explanation or maybe just begging to be able to crawl into a deep hole where noone would ever find him.

Pressing him against me, stroking his chest where I could feel his heart beat relentlessly, I brought my lips close to his ears: 'Shhhhh, it's ok Edel. Shhhhh, it's alright, you don't have to say anything, you didn't do anything wrong. It's fine, I understand. It's my fault for not realizing how this made you feel sooner.'

It really was understandable... I wouldn't wanna know how my body would react if someone I felt closely connected to were to give it so much physical attention.

He became quiet and looked at me. I pressed my forehead against his: 'Stupid Edel, always getting so riled up over small things, hurting yourself for no reason. I don't know what you were saying just now, but whatever had you worried, just forget it. I'm not mad, there is nothing to explain and no reason to beat yourself up over it.'

I could feel his tension waning, though, still embarrassed about the situation as a whole, he relaxed and calmed down again.

'Good boy, just relax.' Taking up the brush once again, I began to work on his face. As I administered careful strokes to his forehead, cheeks and chin, he looked up to me, watching me intently.

The brows were a bit tricky, how do they even stand up like that?

Moving down towards his neck, he closed his eyes, squirming in my arms a little. The neck was new, maybe so was the sensation? I kept stroking his neck, downwards to his shoulders and chest.

His arms were still crossed over his body, hiding his shame from my eyes.

'So... do you want me to go on from here? Because I'd really need your arms out of the way then.' This was his decision to make, I had no intentions of forcing him to expose himself against his wishes for a second time.

It took him a minute to make a move, clearly split between wanting to continue this and a mixture of other emotions fearing rejection or worse for the way he enjoyed all of this. I let him think, slowly drawing the brush along the fur of his slim arms, but keeping my distance from his hands.

'Lopunny...' he took a deep breath, sighted and then, while averting his gaze, both from me and his lower body, he lifted his arms and moved them to his sides, instantly tensing up again, waiting for a reaction, still expecting a negative one, I presumed.

I was surprised to see more than just the tip poking out from the fuzzy pouch now. He was pretty much fully erect. Edel's penis, pink, leaning towards red in color, not quite four inches in length and tapering a bit from the base towards the tip, rested against his fur, pulsing ever so slightly with his heartbeat.

It was a rather cute sight all in all.

Taking the brush for a first, long stroke over his torso, he tensed up ever more, gnawing his lower lip, trying to stifle whatever reaction his body was intending to show. Could he make this any harder on himself, coming so far, still holding himself in like that?

Rubbing the soft bristles over his nose, his eyes flew open as a cute sneeze shook his body. He looked at me confused, rubbing his nose with one hand to get rid of that tingling sensation.

'Sorry bud, but I really needed your attention for a moment. Edel, it's ok, I told you there's no reason to be so stiff, pardon the expression, relax, if this is what comes natural to you, enjoy it as much as you want. I don't mind it one bit. Here, see.'

With that, another brush stroke, from his flat chest over his flat tummy towards his right thigh, grazing his dick with my arm in the process, eliciting a small yelp from him, as he jutted his hips.

'See? Everything is fine, you're still here and I'm still your friend. That isn't going to change anything. I've always taken you the way you were, haven't I? So don't feel like you need to hold out on me any more.'

My touch and words finally seemed to have flipped a switch for the little guy. In the past, even if he had enjoyed all this, the attention, the physical contact, the intimacy, he had willed himself to only take so much from it. And just now, after being 'found out' like that, he was still fearing some kind of backlash. But now he had permission to not only enjoy this, but to indulge himself.

As I resumed my duties on his chest, he wasn't holding back any longer, not holding still like all those times before, but moving, squirming in my arms, pressing himself against the brush here and there.

And he wasn't just silently smiling to himself, he was moaning, quietly though, but he was enjoying himself visibly.

'That's a good boy, isn't this much better?' I asked - rhetorically - but he still answered with an affectionate lick, only reaching my chin from where he laid.

Granted, this really wasn't what I thought would happen when I woke up that morning, but I had spend the last year trying to make him happy and as hard as it was at times, I enjoyed every minute of doing it. This was no different. He had a need, a surprising one I never foresaw, but if I could help him out with it?

I focused my attention on his small chest, where his fur stood out wildly, only moving further down slowly. The second he caught on, with the smallest whine, he began pushing himself up as I brushed down, trying to get me to inch down further, closer to where his rod was leaving the smallest damp spot on his fur now.

I briefly considered deliberately teasing him by moving my attention even further away from where he wanted it, but then decided against it. Not now, not this time. From the look of things, in one form or another, this was going to become part of grooming from now on. There would be time for such silly games in the future.

As I moved further down, diligently continuing my task, straightening the fur on his stomach - it was surprisingly compliant for fur belonging to my Edel - he'd squirm and lift his hips, trying to make contact once more. Sometimes he did and he'd gasp a little at the sensation, sometimes he didn't and he'd whine in slight frustration, but ready to try again come the next stroke.

I had heard him gasp plenty in our time together, pained gasps, fighting to draw in oxygen, but this, now this was different. Gasping in fear of suffocation, not because he couldn't get something he desperately needed, but gasping in pleasure because he got what he wanted. I felt happy for him.

As I moved on to finish up his lap and the front of his thighs, he had plenty opportunity to graze himself along my arm, hand and the brush, his warm member leaving several small trails of equally warm, but quickly cooling pre cum where it touched me.

'Aaaand there, done, all neat and proper again.' I said, proud of my work and throwing the brush to the side. Well, I couldn't keep myself from one tiny tease, he was just so eager, I couldn't help it. It hit Edel like a truck. I don't think I've ever seen him put on a more helpless face than that. With half a tear in his eyes, his hands grabbing for my arm, his sweet voice obviously pleading to continue just a bit longer, it was clear that he was close. I'm not sure if he knew to what, but he was clearly intending to find out now.

'Oh, right, there's one more thing left, right?' grabbing his small cock, it easily fit in my hand completely, I watch his sweet face as his expression switched from desperate need to blissfully surprised. Using my thumb, I drew small, slow circles over his tip, spreading his clear slime over his member. He just stayed still, cooing his name.

'Come on silly, you need to move you hips for this to work.', I gave him a little squeeze. It took him a second to process my words, but then he bucked his hips, pressing his lap into my fist.

He threw his head back at the sensation, loudly exclaiming his name at this new feeling, incomparable to the clumsy, unfocused grazes from before.

I moved my hand back, slowly, coating his whole member with a slim film of pre. Squeezing him again, he pressed forward again, more loud moans escaping his lips, as he started to get into an irregular rhythm. Before his moans could fill the room entirely, he pressed his fluff-covered paws against his face, covering his eyes, though still peaking through his fingers every other stroke.

Worrying for a second, as his breathing became just about as erratic as his thrusts, I slid my free hand around his back to rest it on his chest. Just then, he grabbed for it with one of his paws, his small furred digits scratching over my skin. He had his eyes shut close as, with one final push of his hips, he climaxed.

No fluff in the world could have muffled his cry as his whole body became stiff and watery spurts of milky white semen erupted from his small cock, hitting his chest and belly, dampening his fur. A few more clumsy strokes, my hand now covered in a fair share of his warm cum, and he slumped back into my arms, breathing heavily, but regular, calming down quite quickly now. I gave his member a final squeeze as I felt it shrinking under my touch and back into its pouch.

Not knowing what else to do with it, I rubbed the cum on my hand into his fur... it was a mess now anyways. And after all that work. I mean, not that it wasn't a little pointless one way or another, even though I always told him he looked much more distinguished afterwards, you'd be hard pressed to find the difference on a before and after comparison. But at least he never looked worse after than before.

Scratching the tuft of fur of his chest, I stroked my now cleaned hand over the side of his face as he opened his eyes again.

'Feels pretty crazy the first time around, doesn't it?' I said, jokingly, 'but still pretty nice, am I right?'

Exhausted, but otherwise fine and smiling, Edel struggled to prop himself up and swung his arms around my neck, happily chirping variants of his name in my ear.

Stroking the small of his back, I spoke 'Yeah, it was great for me, too.', his chipper increased, pleased with himself obviously. I guess he couldn't help not picking up on the irony in my words, though he certainly rubbed me the right way occasionally during his squirming struggles, I'd have to take care of that at a later time.

'Eurg...', damn, I should've seen that coming, I thought to myself as a warm wetness seeped through my shirt and against my skin where Edel pressed his body against me. That's instant karma swiftly punishing me for a clean hand.

'Now look at that mess...' Edel, sligthly embarrassed, turned his head away a little, though, feeling that I wasn't really angry about it, he kept on smiling.

Looking back on it now, that might have been the first time he happened to let himself trust me completely. Trust me, that the situation wasn't about to turn around completely all of a sudden that is. I know its a small thing, but he had reacted to much smaller things in the past. Or maybe, still stuck in his after glow, he just wasn't thinking like himself at the moment. Oh well, he was happy, I was happy.

I let him bask in the moment for a while, but eventually I carried him, lightweight as he was, into the bath. Fortunately, it didn't take much to clean the damp streaks from his fur. And though I admittedly enjoyed letting my hands roam over his body just a little more than usually, that was all there was to that.

Freshly cleaned and dried, he looked barely any less kempt than at any other time of the day. Perfect to show him off to the public.

Though I was really more interested in seeing how much his new form would affect his mobility. Not that I minded walking slow so he could keep up, I had gotten so used to it, I barely moved faster even if he wasn't with me at all.

As I expected, I had to make a concious effort to walk quicker now. Edel didn't even realize how he was outpacing me initially, that is until he suddenly stopped, frantically turning his head in every direction, just not around. He must've been so used to walking behind me... fortunately, I managed to call out to him before he got the chance to cry out for me.

Moving towards the nearby park, it was clear that, in terms of accessibility, a whole new world would've opened up for Edel. On a slow walk, he easily moved three, four times his usual distance before needing a break. It hadn't cured him, of course, but his evolution would give him so many new capabilities. When he tried to run though, he got a bit too cocky. He barely made ten steps - well, more like hops - before he slowed down considerably, five more before he began to stagger and eventually, within 20 steps, he just sank to his knees, bending over, breathing heavily. I was glad that he'd be able to jump out of the way of eminent danger now, but this was still too much for his body.

Catching up to him wasn't very hard, but I still told him he sprinted an impressive distance, further than he ever made it before. I carried him to a close by bench, stroking his chest slowly, helping him calm down in that almost ritualized fashion for the nth time today.

I could tell by his awry smile, pained as it was, that he had enjoyed this too much for his own good. For as little distance as he just covered objectively, from his perspective, he crossed whole fields and routes, he might almost have made it to the next town with just two more steps, three at the most.

He took considerably longer to get back on his feet this time though and we'd definitely have to talk about this running business later.

So much for mobility. We spend some more time wandering through the park, slower this time. We moved past the small playground arrangement, but there were too many children for Edel. Not that he didn't like children, at times, he had enjoyed how they would flock to him, small, cute and fuzzy as he was. But I think he always got a little jealous of their energy as they ran, jumped and climbed on the rails, slides and other playthings, when he couldn't join their silly games. Promising to come back at another day, maybe after sundown, we circled once around the park and made our way back home.

After dinner, we got comfortable on the couch again. No, not what you think, geez. We watched a weird two-part movie about a Lucario-themed boy-superhero who, together with his partner Riolu, later Lucario, fought against the evil Brycen-Man. It wasn't really clear why exactly he attacked an amusement park and later, a cruise ship, but Lucario-Kid defeated him eventually. There were apparently two more continuations to this, but I think I'd be able to do without seeing them. Edel liked these kind of flicks a lot though. I'm not sure if he understood much more of the plot than I did, but he was very impressed by the action and Lucario's powerful special moves.

Night had long since settled, time to sleep. Edel wanted to stay up and watch more TV, but I wouldn't have any of it. He'd stay up all night if I'd let him. Knowing that he'd take a minute to wait and sulk, probably hoping that I'd change my mind after all, I went ahead. He'd follow suit eventually, he always does, once he remembered that sleep also meant cuddling and cosy blankets. I got rid of my pants, socks and shirt, lazily throwing them into a corner, before crawling under my covers and dropping headfirst into my pillows.


The day had been quite eventful and somewhere along the way, it must've taken a small toll on me after all. As I was reviewing the events of the day one more time, Edel snuck his way into the bedroom, sliding under the covers next to me, crawling towards the headrest until his head popped out next to mine, just like he always did. Well, with much less effort of course, not needing to climb up the sides anymore.

'I was afraid I'd be sleeping alone tonight after all.', of course, I really wasn't, but it never hurt to let him think he was doing me a favor when he sticked to my rules. He shook his head, babbling his name as he smiled, of course he wouldn't leave me alone, just as I wouldn't leave him. Or something along those lines, maybe.

Grabbing my hand under the covers, he twisted himself into my arms, pressing up against me, nestling his head somewhere under my chin. It immediately became apparent... This was going to be a little different too. Not my wrapping my arm around him. That's basically how it's been since he came to me. First, to keep him warm and let him feel save, later somewhat out of habit, but eventually, he'd go through the trouble of climbing into the bed on his own.

But before, he was small, holding him was like holding a stuffed animal. Now that he grew three sizes that day, I wasn't just holding him, we were pretty much spooning. With all the pros and cons that came with it.

His legs tangled with mine and he was having too much fun rubbing his little feet over my thighs, just because he could now.

My face was buried between his ears, the rest of which were pressed between our bodies. Trying to wiggle closer to me, I could feel his tail rub against my loins, calling my cock back to attention, reminding me that I still hadn't managed to take care of it...

I was a little on edge after Edel's display earlier. As much as I wanted to think of it as all natural and just helping him out, all of this did have me excited and not just because I found a new way to make him happy. He had acted so cute, so shy and then, so desperately eager. The way he moved and the sounds he made, there was no other way to describe it, it was hot.

Throwing him out wasn't going to be an option, it's not like he did anything wrong, not now and not earlier... so this would take some getting used to on my part. Oh well, trying to shift my hips out of the way just a little and hoping the thick layer of earfluff separating my hips from his would hide what was raging in my pants, I wished Edel a good night and closed my eyes, trying to drift into sleep quickly.

I was not entirely unaware of the irony of this scene, of course. First I got him hard by something that appeared so normal to me and he tried to hide it. Now, as he rubbed against me, looking for the most comfortable position to sleep, just like the day before and he was getting me hard. And now I was trying to hide that.

My Pokemon, my friend, I really hadn't thought of him in a sexual way before, heck, I didn't really think of any Pokemon as a sexual being before. But they definitely took pleasure in sexual activity in some way.

I only remember bits and pieces of the dream I drifted into that night. Suffice it to say, it included my ex-girlfriend, a woman that was, eventually, chased out of our relationship by an aggressive and territorial Nidorina. In the truest sense of the word, Nidorina had tackled her right out the door and I really couldn't hold it against her that she got fed up with the increasingly dangerous attacks.

Things must have happened that I couldn't pierce together anymore, but I woke up just shortly after she had slung her legs over my chest as she started to tend to my aching erection. Life was good... as long as it lasted at least.

I woke up, staring at the ceiling, vision still unclear, mind fuzzy, not quite able to become upset about waking from that dream.

It probably helped that the feeling remained strong, the important parts of my brain must still be working their magic... feels so nice.

Yesterday must've had me quite riled up, if it resulted in such a persistent dream. I could swear I was still feeling her warm breath and those slender fingers stroking me...

Gradually slipping out of drowsiness, I felt the cold nights air against my arms and legs, contrasting starkly with the pleasant warmth covering my torso and lap.

With senses returning, growing sharper by the second, I pick up... laughter? No, humming, a jolly tune, interrupted only by an occasional 'Lop, Lop~'.

Lop, Lop?? Of course, Edel! Looking down, there he was. Good old Edel, sprawled over my chest, his legs spread to the sides, resting left and right of my head somewhere. What a good boy, keeping me warm.

'What a good boy...' I murmur, just about to try and slip back into that lingering dream, maybe it wasn't too late... alas, it was. Or not, in a way, but there was no dream to return to. Like flicking on a light switch, the situation becomes clear in an instant.

With the fine motor skills of someone who'd just woken up and a loug 'Oh my god!' I rise up, almost knocking Edel over in the process.

Alert, but not quite as awake as I had thought, I string together a few words, barking them towards Edel's general direction: 'What were you doing!?'

Edel, having tumbled to the side, startled, a hand still wrapped around my member, shot me a knowing smile: 'Lo- Lopunny!' - 'repaying you', probably?

It took me a while to actually make sense out of it, a while before last days events fast forwarded through my mind, before I was able to make sense out of the scene in front of me, a while before I realized how a half-awake bark followed by a long silence would sound to a Pokemon like Edel. Edel's smile had already transformed into a mixture of concern and dread, his thought process ever the same... he had done something wrong, I was angry with him, this would be it. The straw that broke the camel's back.

Before I had a chance to react, tears had already formed in his eyes. Retracting his shaking hand, he started to mewled a broken apology.

'Come on, brain, get it together, look what you made me do!' is all I can think while I force my tired limbs to crawl towards him sluggishly.

I either must've looked scary or his fantasy was running wild at what I was about to do, but he winced, as if he was expecting me to hurt him, when I reached out for him.

'Sorry... I'm sorry!' Finally! Words I wanted to say, just about sounding non-threatening too.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just surprised and... not quite awake. Please stop crying.. I'm sorry.' I kept repeating myself as I pull the sobbing Pokemon into my arms, caressing his head, waiting for him to calm down.

Slowly, his sobbing subsided and he looked at me, eyes still wet with tears. 'I'm really not angry, you just surprised me is all. You just wanted me to feel good too, didn't you?' I was smiling down at him, hoping to reassure him. Reserved, he nodded, watching my reaction.

'I'm really sorry for pushing you away like that, you didn't do anything wrong. Can you forgive me?'

Of course he could, I barely finished the question as he nodded his head, pushing his furry face against my chest.

'You're too good to meEEhh!' just about to put this whole thing behind us, Edel nodded his head in agreement, as he returned his attention to my quickly regrowing erection.

Sliding out of my embrace, he kneeled beside me, sliding his furred digits over my flesh, more or less trying to emulate what I did to him earlier. He leaned down, watching closely how my penis reacted to his movements.

Now, with a clearer mind, his fumbling actions seemed much more intense. Again, I could feel the warmth of his breath on my skin, I shuddered. It had been a while since someone other than myself did this. Leaning back, propping myself up on my arms, I gave him better access to my stiff member.

He had me beat, I was horny, probably had been for half the day and I wanted release, I wanted this, so I let him continue.

And it felt good, even if he didn't really know what he was doing.

I let him 'play' for a while, enjoying the attention and small, happy noises he produced when he managed to make me buck my hips a little, but ultimately, I took his small hands in mine, instructing him to try and squeeze a bit harder, and to move them up and down in a pumping motion.

He took no time to pick up how this worked and he quickly had me moving my hips in a slow, rhythmic fashion, coaxing drop after drop of clear fluid from my tip.

When enough had amassed to trickle down and over his fingers, he surprised me when he bent down to clean the sticky fluid with a few quick licks.

Of course, that would only further the stream of sticky precum. I couldn't help but moan as his small tongue moved over my head several times. My hips basically moving on their own, pushing up against this sensation, trying to prolong the contact as he pulled away in surprise.

Huffing, I explained 'Sorry for that, but that felt really nice just now... if you're ok with it, can you do that again?'

Chirping a happy 'Lop!', he moved back down, letting his tongue dart over my sensitive head, lapping up the clear fluids he was squeezing out.

I slid one hand over his back and to his head, scratching, petting, encouraging him to keep up his efforts. As the stream of precum became to much for his tongue to lap off, he pressed his mouth down on my cock, swirling his tongue around the head to catch all of it.

He barely managed to push the head past his lips and I had to force myself to keep hip movements to a minimum when I felt his buck teeth press into my flesh. It still felt too good, as he continued his pumping and tongue movement.

It didn't take much more of this before I tensed, carefully holding his head in place, scratching a place just behind his ear as I filled this little mouth.

He stopped for a second, surprised by the change in taste and texture, but then continued to pump me diligently.

I let myself fall back, breathing heavily, 'That.. was great... thank you, I think I... really needed that' I huff between long breaths. Edel, removing his lips from my softening member, only made some muffled noises.

Looking up, I had to keep myself from chuckling as he knelt there, cheeks slightly puffed, a small trickle of white semen seeping from the corner of his mouth, unsure what to do with it. I guess, when it comes down to it, precum is a lot easier to stomach..

'Mmmmie!' Another muffled sound. 'It's ok, just spit it out if you don't like it, I know it tastes weird. We can clean it up later, no problem.'

And then he gulped it down anyway. He forced smile, convincing, but betrayed by a little tear in the corner of his eye and a sudden, somewhat gagging cough.

'Stupid, sexy Edel, I told you you didn't have to do that.' I spoke as I hurried to his side to stroke his back. 'It's ok, don't force yourself, please.' but there was little arguing with him, he just leaned back against my hand and focused on not throwing up until his body gave up trying.

I guess it was a cute gesture... unnecessary, potentially able to end in a disgusting situation, but cute. Once that was over, he relaxed and crawled into my arms, smiling, a little weak still, but happy this time.

Hugging, we fell back into the cushions. Edel became pretty affectionate, smothering my neck and face in little licks, humming to himself. As he came close to my lips, I drew him in for a kiss. Though it didn't quite work out how I expected it, it still felt nice to feel his tongue tangle with mine.

He giggled when I said I could get used to this, happily agreeing as he continued to press his muzzle against my lips from various angles. I was about to call this a night, feeling pretty at peace with Edel's caressing efforts, when he suddenly stopped, crawling away on all fours.

Rising up once again, I was surprised when I saw him presenting his little buns, fluffy tail up high, swaying his hips back and forth provokingly, speaking his name softly.

Where did he learn that? I mean, I did sometimes leave him watching the Pokemon channel... or did this just come naturally to him?

Displaying himself to me like that, gently whispering things I couldn't understand, but had a pretty good idea of what they meant, he had me awake and rock hard instantly. Never mind the small package and hint of pink flesh swaying below that lovely rump, I wanted this, I wanted to be inside him.

And I would have liked nothing more than to take him right then and there, but I somehow managed to stop myself. As exciting as all of this was, concern and responsibility for Edel managed to get the best of me for a moment. Granted, a little late, but what can you do?

A little hesitant, I asked him: 'Do you... do you really want this? I mean, wouldn't you rather do this with another Pokemon? I'm sure we could find you a girlfriend or boyfriend, if it came to that, that suits you much better...'

I barely managed to finish the sentence, before I was confronted by a pair of eyes staring me down, slowly starting to glisten with angry tears. Falling to his knees in front of me, soft fists pounding at my chest, a firework of enraged sounds erupted from him.

For a moment, I was at a loss for words at his reaction. Looking back, of course it seems so much more obvious that for him, this had been about more than just feeling randy and exploring this new kind of physical intimacy. He felt more and he wanted more than to just quench some natural instinct.

With his voice getting softer, almost sobbing now, his thumping got even weaker than it had been so far.

'I get it. I'm an idiot, I deserved that for understating your feelings.' I slung my arms around him, he struggled against me and rightfully so. I had made this unnecessarily confusing for him from the start after all...

'I'm sorry, I wanted to do more, I really did, but I just thought... I guess I was thinking too much. I didn't want to reject you... I love you and I'll always love you and I'm blessed to have you with me.'

Honestly, I did. What if not love, care and attachment had led us to this point anyway? And there was no questioning my growing, if somewhat concerning, attraction to his unkempt, slender physique.

He perked up as I used the word 'love'. He gave me a long, hard and silent stare and I tried my best to look sincere, however that worked. Leaning down, he went for one more kiss, which I returned with relief, he would forgive me one more time.

And we were getting better at this too.

With a sliver of saliva connecting our lips for a second, he broke away, once more presenting his backside to me, this time looking back expectantly.

It was clear though, that this wouldn't work like that, no, not at all. He huffed his name in frustration at my inaction.

Not that I was hung like a Rapidash, but to a Lopunny, especially one as petite as Edel, I might as well have been. No way this could be enjoyable for him in any way without some preparation. Fortunately, I wasn't entirely inexperienced on that account. My ex-girlfriend was pretty fond of anal play... and rather demanding when it came to foreplay. But she was also much closer to me in size and much more experienced than he could possibly be.

I motioned for Edel to come closer.

Holding him by the hips, I guided him to stand before me, bending over just like before. With his feet planted left and right of my body and his hands grabbing my legs for support, I had free access to his behind.

Sensing his growing frustration at things not going his way, I tried to explain: 'If you want to go on now not hate me by tomorrow, we need to go at this a little slower.' With is head hanging low, I could see him grimace through his legs as he uttered a disappointed 'Lopunny' in response.

I know he knows I'm right when I want him to slow down with anything, even now, evolved and more mobile than ever, slow and steady was to be his lot in life. But he still doesn't like to hear it. It's understandable, he's missing out on a lot because he can't really not take it slow.

'Don't worry, in this case, slow is good, trust me, you'll love slow. In my experience, you'll probably end up liking this part the most anyways...'

That was, of course, if he liked any of this at all... the little hornball might be wagging his fluffy tail in my face, wanting to be taken right now, but what does he know about being taken?

What if he realized he was in over his head? Of course I would stop but... wouldn't that be a bitch?

The moment of truth. Wetting my right indexfinger in my mouth and holding Edel's hips steady with the other hand, I began rubbing the slick digit over his little, light brown bud.

Not unexpected, he clenched at the mere contact. 'See how quickly you tense up? You need to get used to this first, try and relax.'

Pressing against the little ring of muscles, not enough to force penetration of course, I gave his hole a massage.

He squirms a little, his hands gripping my legs harder.

Rewetting my finger, tasting the most distant hint of musk, I keep on probing his backside, kneeing his cheeks with my other hand. After a couple of minutes, things were looking promising as, little by little, his tight hole relaxed.

'I never thought I'd tell you something like that, but you've got the cutest ass I've ever groped.', I gave it a little squeeze to emphasize. He responded in kind, squeezing my legs, as he pressed himself back against me a little.

'You're really eager to get started, huh? Not much longer now..' coating my finger in more saliva, I draw a few small circles around his little hole, before pressing forward, sliding it in to the first knuckle. He instantly squeezes down around the intruding digit. A yelp escapes his lips, but turns into a low moan as I start to wriggle my finger inside him. I'm enthralled by the way he arches his back, squirming around my finger at every subtle motion.

'Everything ok? Do you want me to stop?' squeezing even harder for a moment, he adamantly shook his head. I don't think there was anything to worry about any more, he wanted this to go on and I was going to do my best to make it good for him.

'You're doing great so far, just try to relax, this is all about relaxing. Trust me and relax.'

Licking my left hands thumb, I use it to proceeded with the outside massage of his small hole, while I slowly slide my index finger back and forth, bending it slightly at the knuckle, rubbing his insides.

He's relaxing more and more now, slowly rocking his body back and forth, allowing me to slide in further. Two knuckles in now, I pull out again, fascinated to see his sphincter remaining open for a few fleeting seconds.

Coating it in spit once more, using one thumb to slightly pull him open again, I slide it in all the way. Edel's moans intensify as I slide it back and forth, twisting slightly, to the left, to the right, pressing against his insides.

'It's going all the way in now, how do you feel?' Between pants and moans, a 'Loohhp~' escapes his throat, pushing back against my thrusts harder.

His member had long since emerged from his pouch, as stiff as my own, a steady stream of precum trickling down to my lap and thighs as it swings with his bodies motions.

'That's still not good enough though, I'm going to put in two fingers next. Give me a sign if you feel uncomfortable.'

Taking both, index and middle finger in my mouth, coating them with as much spit as possible, I slowly push in one digit, then the other, only to the first knuckle. Again, he squeezed.

'It's just like before, just relax, give me a sign when you want me to continue.'

While he's getting used to two fingers invading his body, I move just slightly, gently pushing against the clamping muscles, wiggling just the tiniest bit to help him loosen up.

Finally, I can feel him relax as he starts to move his hips on his own again. Spreading them apart just a little to stretch him further, I slide my fingers deeper inside.

Things move along surprisingly quick this time and I soon fuck his little furry bottom with two fingers, spreading them apart as I pull out, stretching his little hole a little more every time. More spit, that musky taste a bit stronger now, but not entirely unpleasant. He's moving his hips harder now, moaning his name, as I try to match his backwards thrusts in rhythm.

Suddenly, I feel Edel's little nails dig into my legs as his hips remain still for a moment, then he clamps down on my digits once again, squirming wildly.

With a slurry 'Pun, punny~', he starts cumming, his little rod jerking, hitting his fur, as spurts of semen splash against my legs and, as the moment subsides, leak down to my thighs.

Breathing heavily, Edel's legs buckle and his lower body sinks down on my thighs, his behind just barely raised up on his knees.

I shudder slightly, as his fur grazes the tip of my cock in that position.

Fingers still inside, slowly moving them back and forth, I stroke the small of his back as Edel recovers from his climax. 'Long, deep breaths, just like that, very good. You came just from my fingers, Edel, and you sounded so cute when you did.' Between long breaths, he managed to murmur bits and pieces of his name. 'Once you catch your breath, we'll go on... you want to continue, don't you? You've gotten pretty lose back here too.' Instead of speaking, he moved his hips against my slow movements. Looking back over his shoulders, his face partially covered behind one of his ears, he grins slyly, as he gyrates his bottom slightly, brushing his pouch and balls against my erection.

'You sneaky little...' I indulged the feeling of his fur rubbing against me, pressing up against his warm, soft bits and it took a lot not to join this dry humping. It certainly felt nice, but I had something better to look forward to.

I felt his tongue run over my legs as he licked up some of his own cum, before he finally propped himself up again, enthusiastically purring his name.

'I think we're just about ready now.' removing my fingers from his anus, I watched him clench, twitch a little, but remain open all the same. 'There's one more thing though, we'll have to have you lubed up real well first.'

Grabbing his hips, I draw them higher, closer to my face. I didn't think I'd ever do this with a guy, let alone a Pokemon, but here I was. This had me excited in ways I couldn't even dream of before, and a distant nagging, wondering what this said about my sexuality wasn't going to stop me now.

Sliding my body down a bit, setting my sights on his now twitching hole, I extend my tongue and take a tentative lick.

I don't know what Edel had expected to happen, but he was yelping in surprise.

Drawing a few sloppy circles round the outer rim, I use my thumbs to stretch him open before plunging forward, wriggling my tongue inside his hole, tasting his ass. I guess I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was about it, but apart from the size, this really wasn't much different than it had been with her... Not that I had anything to worry about, Edel had always been a clean boy (and I don't care about realism in that aspect so shush!)

He initially clenched down on my wiggling tongue for a moment, though not at all shy about pressing himself against me, wanting more of it. But he's pretty quick about relaxing himself now, giving me easy access to reach as far as my tongue can reach.

Once he'd gotten over this new feeling inside him, Edel, being somewhat eye to eye with it in his current position, reaches for my cock, licking it slowly, coaxing out drop after drop of precum.

'Mpfhh!' not seeing much more than his bushy tail, I literally didn't see it coming as, I let out a muffled moan. I couldn't say whether this little he-devil was listening to my advice about going slow, or if he was really teasing me deliberately, but thank the gods that he wasn't giving it his all. Even I have limits and I really wouldn't want to risk reaching mine so close to the real goal.

Pushing my face against him, my chin pressing against the base of his sheath and balls, I concentrate on getting as much slick saliva inside him as possible, lathering his insides diligently. 'Just a little more..', I mumble to myself, darting my tongue in and out of him. Between moans, he barely manages to keep up with the licking now. A final lick over the outside muscle and it's done.

Pulling away, I proudly admire the lewd display in front of me. Not just his glistening, gaping hole, but his whole body, moaning, muscles twitching, as he twists his upper body and neck to inquire why I had stopped.

I know I said it was love and care that brought us here, but right there, right at that moment, Edel was definitely preoccupied with need. But who am I kidding, it's not like I was any better, practically aching to move this play to its final act.

Catching my drift, he bends over again, just like that first time, excited to continue, but just once more, I need to tell him, 'No. No, not like this.' Sitting back up, leaning against the headrest,, I ignore an angry hiss, quickly continuing:

'Don't get angry, I have every intention to see this through, now come to me, stand before me. I want to be able to watch that sweet face of yours.' With impatience granting him unknown speed, he scurried in front of me.

I pet my hand over the side of his face affectionately. He leans against my touch, smiling coyly, as I take his hands and guide them to my shoulders.

'There, hold on to me and just squat down a little. Yes, right, just like that..'

With his fluffy fur tickling my neck, I slide my hands along his slender frame and down his legs once, before grasping his hips, cupping his behind. I line him up with my hard cock, rubbing the tip along the furry globes, until I feel his slick, still gaping hole. Despite everything, it still felt so small and if I had been thinking with my head instead of something else, I might have stopped this after all. But gladly, I didn't.

'Now, slowly, no need to be hasty, I'll help you.' I speak softly to him, verbally fighting his impatience, as he squats down. I can just feel him pressing against my hands and for once, I'm glad that he was such a weakling.

I watch his face as he takes my head, concentrating, almost strained, with his eyes fixed between our legs, watching in awe as my meat disappears inside his body.

Even after all that, he still feels so tight around me. And despite all preparation and all his eagerness, Edel couldn't keep himself from wincing ever so silently. Still, with all the spit and pre cum, I easily slide past any resistance.

His little erection had long since sprung back to life and it jerked noticeably as I entered him. They really don't joke when they speak of a bunnies virility.

Getting used to the larger intrusion, he moans in pleasure, panting heavily as I allow him to slides down further. He's pumping his hips ever so slightly now, taking more of my cock, bit by bit. Suddenly, a loud moan, another jerk from his member, before his arms sling around my neck and his legs give out.

I grab hold of his hips just in time to stabilize him. Must have grazed by his prostate just then.

We locked eyes, both of us breathing quicker now.

'I-it's ok Edel, I need a second too, n-no rush.'

It was true, this felt like nothing I ever felt before, so hot, so tight, so slippery at the same time. And that was just on the physical side of things, the thought of doing this with a Pokemon, my wonderful Edel of all of them, was probably having just as much an effect on me. Had I let him go down further now, I would've come on the spot. It was already hard enough to deal with him squirming as he tried to get back on his feet... or tried to hit that spot again.

Having calmed down just a little, I carefully lift him up, feeling his insides clench down around my shaft, trying to hold me in. He twists his neck, as another loud moan forces its way out of his lips, muscles tensing, erection jerking, a small stream of clear fluid sliding down on a side. Yeah, that would have to be the spot.

Letting him down, a little further this time, I slowly thrust into him. Giving him time to get used to me, time to enjoy the feeling of my cock rubbing against his tender insides, inching deeper and deeper. Saliva and an ever increasing amount of pre made it easy and to be honest, I was sure I could have impaled him easily with a single stroke at this point, but I wasn't going to take any risks. Not with him.

Before long, I felt his fur on my thighs, his bodies weight, what little there was, resting on my lap. 'You really did it... Look, it's all in.'

Nodding, almost in disbelieve, he leaned back a little and slid one hand over his flat belly. I hadn't noticed the bulge until he moved his hand over it, as it pushed out from below his fur. I could feel him trace its outlines, almost lost in thought. An astonishing, yet unsettling sight, suddenly so quiet and calm.

'Do you feel ok? You're not in pain, are you?'

He shook his head, still enthralled. Using one hand, he pressed his own member against the bulge, as if to compare sizes, shuddering at his own touch.

Like snapping out of a trance, he leaned into me, pressing himself against me, I can feel his heartbeat against against my chest, quickened, but regular, his breathing, heavy, but not for a burning in his lungs.

I hold him tight as he gives my neck and chin a few hasty licks, enjoying the moment, his sweet affections, the feeling of being inside him, even the heat of his hard, slick pecker, pressed up between our bodies.

Then he pulled me in for a kiss, or rather, I let him pull me in, as he lifted himself off of me just enough to reach my lips. He was getting so good at this.

One hand moving down to cup his butt, I slide a finger over that place where we were connected, where this small body stretched obscenely to accommodate mine. The other slides along his long ears, stroking them gently, as we swap saliva, both determined to taste the other and have the other taste us.

For a minute or so, we remain like that, filling the room with only the most subtle smacking sounds, until I break it off, pulling him away by the ears, gently, but determined.

'You ready?' is all I'm able to say as he presses his body down hard with a 'Pun!'. As he pulls himself up again, I grab for his hips, supporting his movements, quickly falling into a rhythm of long, deep strokes.

There is little resistance any more, only flesh grinding against flesh, hips pressing into hips and a plethora of Lah's, Lop's and Ny's that filled the room.

It seemed longer to me, but it probably took less than two minutes before, with a grunt and final deep trust, I pressed down on his thighs to keep him from bouncing off of me again, spewing my load deep inside him.

Not that I'd be ashamed about it, no one would last long in Edel... not that I'd ever let anyone put that to the test though.

'I came...' I announced, a little after the fact, loosening my grip on Edel's legs. He had one hand running over his belly already, smiling happily, I guess he already knew.

I joined his hand with mine, feeling the bulge inside him slowly shrinking, before moving further down.

'Just one more thing...'

I draw a moan from him as I run my fingers along his four-incher, standing up almost straight between our bodies, slick with his fluids, obviously waiting for one more release.

It barely took more than a few touches before he bucked his hips hard against my hand. And here I thought I had been on edge... Pressing one thumb against his tip to prevent an uncontrollable mess (there was enough mess to deal with as is), I enjoyed the way it felt as he squirmed on top of me, clenching down on what was left of my erection, still lodged inside him.

A few more seconds of slow pumping and squeezing until we were both drained, his cum slowly leaking into the fur of his lap, flowing over the skin of my thighs and eventually, seeping into the sheets below.

Making sure he saw, I gave my hand a lick. As expected, not my taste, but this was more of an symbolic act. I gave him the same awkward smile he gave me earlier, earning me a silvery laughter from this lovely bunny, apparently appreciating the gesture.

Eventually, I lifted Edel from my now quickly shrinking penis, slumping down into the sheets and pillows, tired, worn out. Edel, on somewhat shaky legs, was giving himself a look over, moving in small circles around himself, trying, and failing, to get a good look at his backside it seems. It didn't take long for a trickle of white goo to make its way down Edel's inner thighs and he covered his face in his furred hands as he realized he was leaking, emitting an almost painfully high pitched noise.

I pull him down to me, slinging an arm around him. 'Shhh, it's all fine, it'll stop eventually. I think...' I really did just think, what did I know if Pokemon were really built to do anything like this? But he calmed down, uncovered his face and that was all I needed to give him a peck on the nose.

'That was great... let's get some sleep and do this again tomorrow..'

I could feel myself drifting away already, messy, surrounded by more mess, cuddling with a Pokemon that managed to look only a little more roughed up than usual, but I didn't care. Didn't have the energy to do anything about it anyway.

Feeling Edel's small tongue lapping over my skin slowly as I fall asleep, I mumble one final 'I love you...' before I end this story.