Midnight Urges

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#2 of Cub

A little something I wrote for myself, to take a break from the commissions I've been writing exclusively since February.

It was mostly quiet in the Forsythe household, close to two dozen bunnies tucked away in their beds, gentle snores filling the air. And off in a bedroom, laying in one of the ubiquitous hammocks that hung over the bunk beds, a young coyote stared at the ceiling and tried to ignore his rumbling tummy.

Tio was more than happy when the Forsythes had adopted him. He'd been a little confused by their decision to adopt a young predator, but Dad had just smiled gently. "We don't judge. Besides, if you get hungry, we have plenty of kids, so there's no worries about you losing control of your appetite."

He'd spent a happy year with his adopted family, right up until puberty struck. Now, he was always hungry, and his brothers and sisters looked and smelled delicious. Worse, although they'd assured him that sex was perfectly normal between siblings, he couldn't help but remember that being caught with his younger brother's cock in his mouth was the reason he'd been put up for adoption in the first place. So he was in a constant agony of guilty lust, watching his siblings frolic about sucking, fucking, and eating each other out. He participated occasionally, but he always felt terrified afterward that this was the time Dad and Mom would look at him and say, "Welp, that's enough of that. Back to the foster home with you!"

His twin appetites weren't helped by the fact that even with three bunkbeds and four hammocks, there was still three kids to a bed. And Tio simultaneously blessed and cursed the luck that had put him in a hammock with a pair of sweet little bunny boys, Matt and Hank. His bigger frame meant that he had to take the middle, and his brothers slept as much on top of him as they did on either side. And, despite his own insistence on at least boxers, the nine and ten year old bunnies slept nude, cuddling into him, their scents driving him mad with lust and hunger.




Tio sat up with a soft groan, gently rolling his brothers off of him, mopping at his face as his stomach growled and his cock ached.

Fuck it, he thought tiredly. They keep telling me it's ok. Might as well.

He gently shook his brothers by the shoulders.



Tio's face split into a grin at the cute boys' matched expressions of bleary half-wakefulness. "Sorry to wake you up, but I'm starving and horny."

The bunnies looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Hank reach up and lightly bapped his adopted brother on the head. "Jus' eat, then. An' y'know we dun min' bein' fucked asleep."

Tio sighed. "I know, I know, it's just-"

Matt silenced him with a gesture, amused annoyance on his face. He looked across at Hank and held up a fist. They rapidly threw rock paper scissors, and Matt nodded. "Eat me and fuck Hank."

Tio licked his lips, only to moan as he felt a little mouth close on his cock tip. He looked down to find Hank curled up, sucking him gently and already on his way back to sleep. He shivered and cradled the boy's head, pumping his hips in guilty ecstasy for a few moments, before looking over at Matt. "Are you sure?"

The bunny boy grinned. "Well, I'd rather sleep, but you're kind of a messy eater. But yeah. Snack away."

Tio's stomach intervened at that point, giving out a violent growl. Deciding to simply take his brother at his word, Tio grabbed the bunny's arm and licked it gently from elbow to fingertips. It was as delicious as he remembered, and he gave a soft, yipping growl as he turned his head and sank his fangs into his brother's arm.

Matt gasped and shifted a little, reaching down to stroke his own cock with a blissful look on his face as his brother shook his head and tore a chunk out of him. Tio tossed his head back, swallowing the gobbet of Matt, and lunged forward to take the bunny's whole hand into his mouth. His jaws crunched down on the delicate little bones, and Matt's back arched as his hand was neatly snipped off.

Tio lapped at Matt's stump happily, then grabbed Hank by the ears and lifted him up. the little bunny made a murr of annoyance at having his ears pulled, but didn't wake as his brother shifted him around and slammed into his ass. Moaning at the feeling of one brother on his cock, and the taste of the other in his mouth, he lay back, holding Hank in place with one hand as he turned and hungrily tore into Matt's bicep.

Matt whimpered as he watched his brother rip into his arm again and again, slowly teasing his cock, watching the limb disappear in bloody hunks. When there was no meat left on it, Tio cheerfully popped the bones out of joint and stacked them neatly on the shelf beside the hammock.

He sat up, feeding Hank's legs through the mesh of the hammock down onto the bed below, and flopping him forward. He laughed softly as his little brother failed to wake through that, and then continued to sleep through the firm thrusts he was giving him. He reached over and picked up Matt's feet, burying his reddened muzzle in them, sniffing them happily. He bit down, snapping off half of the bunny's toes with one swift chomp, swallowed, and then ate the toes off the other foot the same way. Matt giggled and moaned softly as he snuffled at the soles of his feet, then ripped out his left arch. The little bunny was jacking himself off madly now, and that gave Tio a naughty idea. He spread Matt's legs and and leaned forward, extending his tongue to lap at the boy's cock. Matt lost his grip on his cock as his hand shot up to cover his mouth, back arching again as he shuddered through a dry cum. As soon as Tio saw his brother had started cumming, he sucked the little cock and balls into his mouth and bit them off.

Matt's eyes rolled back in his head at the loss of his jewels, and Tio sat back with a happy grin, munching on the flavorful little package a few times before swallowing it. He returned to the little boy's feet, taking out the other arch with a happy sigh at the flavor. As he pumped away at Hank's unresisting ass, he ripped and tore at the feet, crunching bone and tearing flesh until all that was left was a pair of stumps.

Blushing at the sight of so much of him disappearing into his brother, Matt reached between his legs and slipped a finger inside himself, playing with his prostate now that his cock was gone. Tio shoved one of Matt's calves into his mouth stump first, managing to get half of it in, and then bit down. Slowly worrying at it, tugging and growling, he stripped the meat off the bone. Every jerk and rip made Matt squeak, and he shuddered happily at the sight of the white bone left behind by his brother's hunger. Yipping, Tio snapped at the remaining meat on his brother's calf, tearing it off in small nibbles. Moments later, he snapped the bone off and set it on the shelf.

Still ravenously hungry, he tore a massive chunk out of the boy's other calf, as Matt added another finger to his ass, biting his lips to contain his squeals of agonized pleasure at the rough treatment. Tio mouthed the chunk to enjoy the flavor, but he was so hungry that he swallowed it and cheerfully ripped another chunk off. His powerful jaws allowed him to tear entire steaks off at a time, so when he went back for what was left, it was a bare few rips before he'd cleaned that bone as well. He snapped it off, and went to set it on the shelf, when Hank's ass twitched around him. He grinned and placed the knob of the bone at Matt's hole, making the bunny's eyes widen. Before Matt could withdraw his fingers, he shoved the wet, slick bone into him, stretching his hole. Matlet out a shrieking gasp, quickly muffled by turning his head and burying it in a pillow.

Pausing in his meal, Tio reached over and picked up the discarded arm bone. He reached around behind him and slid it between his legs, up past his balls, and into Hank. Hank shuddered, and he thought for sure that the sudden double stuffing would wake the little bunny, but it didn't. Still, the feeling of sliding along bone into his brother's ass was great fun, and Tio sighed with pleasure as he turned back to his meal.

He grabbed Matt by the hips and set to eating his thighs. The boy was panting with every mouthful of himself that vanished, stunned at the speed with which his brother was eating, muzzle snapping back and forth as he ate both thighs at the same time. He gnawed the bones clean in less than five minutes, and sat back, starting to feel a little satisfied. Tio popped the thick bones out of their joints, and grinned as he placed one at Matt's hole. Matt stared at him, gulped, and nodded slightly, tugging at his hole with his fingers to try and make room for it. Tio helped by grabbing the bone and pressing it down, opening a small space between it and Matt's fingers. He pressed the bone into that space, and Matt jerked his hand clear to hold a pillow over his face as he cried out at the burn of such a tight penetration.

As before, he reached back, sliding the other thigh bone between his legs, and pressing at the incredibly tight space he was buried in. It took quite a bit of pressure, but with a soft pop, he managed to get it in. His eyes rolled back and he stilled his hips as the bone slid into place. He heard a soft squeak, and looked down to find that he'd finally woken Hank, and the little bunny had his thumb in his mouth, sucking it to muffle his outcry. He grinned and casually grabbed for Matt's remaining hand, bracing the bones in the half-eaten bunny's with his other hand, pulling him upright onto them. Matt's eyes flew wide as he was impaled on his own leg bones, a small bulge appearing in his stomach to mark the knobs.

He shoved his brother's hand into his mouth and began swallowing, forcing the slim forearm down until he was nearly at the elbow. He locked eyes with Matt and began to chew, shredding the meat off the boy's arm, withdrawing clean bone an inch at a time. Unable to muffle himself, Matt moaned and whimpered softly, right up to the point that Tio reached his hand. Eyes twinkling, Tio bit down, crushing the little digits. Mat sucked in a breath, and nearly screamed. He was saved from waking his siblings when Hank's hand reached up and covered his mouth gently. Tio chuckled and reached down to ruffle the helpful Bunny's ears before rewarding him with a pair of hard thrusts that forced Hank to shove his fist in his mouth to muffle his own scream.

Lazily, Tio microfucked the stuffed bunny beneath him and used the bones in Matt's ass like a popsicle stick to lift him up and gnaw on his bicep. Matt's eyes were fluttering as he came, tongue lolling out from the intensity of the sensation blasting him. Tio finished it up and popped it out of its socket, then kissed his little brother gently. Matt stared at his glass eyed as he selected Matt's forearm bone and and placed it at the bunny's lips. He pressed it in, grinning and giggling a little as Matt's head lolled back, the bone sliding down his throat into his stomach, until only a few inches of it stuck out of his mouth. He turned his brother on his side, using the bones at either end like corn cob skewers and lapped at the boy's tummy eagerly.

Two quick, ripping gulps, and the soft filling of the bunny was exposed. He burrowed his muzzle inside Matt, who was shivering now, and snipped at his guts with his fore teeth. Moaning at the slippery, slick consistency and earthy flavor, he began slurping out Matt's intestines like spaghetti. The bunny jerked and squealed around the bone in his throat at his abdomen was slowly emptied.Tio sucked down his stomach with a happy sigh, using the bone invading it to aid him in biting it clean away. He pulled his muzzle out of his brother's hollow abdomen, and belched softly, licking his lips as he considered what to eat next.

While he was thinking, he laid his brother-kabob down and selected the forearm bone of the first arm he'd eaten. Almost meditatively, he slid it around behind him. Hank shuddered when he felt it touch his ass, but reached back and grabbed the two bones he was impaled on and submissively pulled them apart to make room for the new one. It was hard to make it fit, but Tio managed, and was rewarded by the feeling of fucking the tightest hole he'd ever experienced. Hank, meanwhile, shuddered and came, as spasming as he struggled to deal with the insane stretch his tiny hole was being subjected to.

That spasm, and the near orgasm he got from it, made up Tio's mind. He picked up the Matt-kabob, grinning at the glassy look on Matt's face, and took a slow, big bite out of his brother's soft, jiggling ass cheeks. It was delicious, and he savored it happily. Bite after bite, he ripped the meat off the little boy, chuckling in between bites as he watched the bone in the boy's hole slide deeper into him as the muscles holding them in place were torn away. When Matt's ass was gone, he nibbled delicately on his back, smiling indulgently as he worried at the boy's shoulder blades, the bunny twitching unconsciously at the feeling of sharp teeth tearing his flesh.

Soon after, the bunny-kabob idea began to become less viable, there being so little of Matt's torso left.Regretfully, he set Matt down and withdrew the bones. Matt coughed softly, and Tio picked him back up gently, planting a kiss on his little mouth, which was moving slightly. He turned his head and heard the little boy whisper, "Gon' finish me?"

Tio considered. He had several bits of ab left, pecs, groin, and the little bit of meat on his ribs. And his head and neck, if he wanted them. He was feeling pretty sated, but he was sure he could manage.

"Sure, bro," he whispered back.

Matt giggled, eyes wandering. Tio turned him upside down and happily tore away his groin, smacking his lips at the tender meat. With a few bites, and a bit of gnawing, he cleaned Matt's pelvis and snapped it off, setting it aside. From there, he lifted the boy over his head and began powering through what was left of his abs. Ten, maybe fifteen bites, and he was left with just Matt's pecs, lungs, heart, and head. He kissed the boy again. "Thanks for the snack, bro."

He pressed his muzzle up into what was left of Matt's torso and ripped out his heart, tossing his head back to swallow the tough little muscle. He munched on the little lungs as they exhaled their last under the pressure of his teeth. His hips thrust forward and he groaned as he finally unloaded in Hank. He lay down, sleepily chewing up the little bits of meat across Matt's shoulders, before ripping off his tiny pecs in two quick bites. As he shifted Hank around. admiring the sight of the three bones impaling the little rabbit, he gnawed the ribs and clavicle clean, popping them off and setting them aside.

Sleep was starting to come to him now as his stomach was finally full, and his balls empty. Hank had already passed back out, and Tio shrugged and snuggled down next to his little brother, leaving him stuffed with bones with a grin on his face. He started to set Matt's head on the shelf with the pile of bones, and then chuckled. He reached down and forced his softening cock into the little rabbit's neck stump, moaning as he half-hardened again, and his cock slid out Matt's mouth.

He pressed against Hank to keep the head in place, and was soon fast asleep, dreaming of breakfast as he cuddled Hank.