The Halo: An Incident Involving The Man Up There

Story by grrside on SoFurry

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The Halo: An Incident Involving The Man Up There

-A grrside story-

My name is Sammuel Wind and I'm a complete outcast. Yeah, there's no doubt about it. Everybody knows it. You just have to look at their eyes when they pass me by on the street. "You're an outcast", they think. The lady at the supermarket? She thinks I'm an outcast. The beggar on the street? He thinks I'm an outcast. Whenever I look at the reflection on my dirty bathroom mirror what does the reflection think? "You're an outcast." I mean, it's pretty obvious, you just have to look at my face. It's pale and lifeless. I'm sure that if I ripped the flesh out of my face and went to the street flashing my bare skull, nobody would've been able to tell the difference. I don't do much exercise, but my body is slender and bony as I don't eat that much either. I look like a living corpse...Well, except for the "living" part. I always look like I'm dozing off into the unknown. In fact I haven't been able to get proper sleep for months. Not like that's a problem, I have no reason to get up in the mornings. I moved into the big city after graduating from university so I could get a job, but that hadn't worked out as I planned. I could barely pay the bills, if it wasn't for my neighbour's generosity I'd have been evicted long ago. I wasn't exactly friends with my neighbour, but we lived in the same duplex building. I lived in the lower floor and he lived upstairs. Our interactions were limited to the brief exchanges we had as we picked up our mail or whenever my neighbour forgot his keys inside, which wasn't that uncommon of an occurrence. You may think I should be feeling grateful for having such a generous neighbour, helping me pay my bills and all that. However that wasn't the case as my neighbour was also the source of my despair. Let me start from the beginning. I had been living in the duplex for a few months when I started to get restless. I couldn't sleep at night, I'd stare into the ceiling for eight hours straight and then it was sunrise. As days passed I had tried all sorts of stuff from taking herb tea and sleeping pills to resorting to a shrink. But the restless nights continued until one particular night they took a turn for the worse. It was 2:49 AM. I was staring into the ceiling as usual when I started to hear a faint static in my ear. I tried to ignore it, but it gradually increased its pitch. I got up and went to the medicine cabinet in my bathroom. "Let's see...Maybe I should take a plain old aspirin...But I don't think that does anything to auditory hallucinations..." I said outloud to myself. Yes, sleep deprivation makes you talk to yourself constantly. "...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" "What the hell...?" The faint sound had suddenly become much clearer...It sounded like a scream! "AHHHHHHHHH! GOD! PLEASE! JUST LET ME DIE ALREADY!" The voice cried out in pain. I could hear it so clearly, it was impossible it was an hallucination! I ran out from the bathroom in a hurry, I had to find out whoever was screaming! But... Just when I stepped out from the bathroom, the screaming had once again turned into faint static. I was perplexed, I was sure I was going into the voice's direction... I expected the worst. The voice, a male voice who I had never heard before, sounded like it was in the most intense pain. "Oh, god...What if I'm already too late...?" For better or for worse, when I returned to the bathroom I once again heard the same voice. "WHY...? SO MUCH BLOOD...WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU...? AHHHHHHHHHH!" I didn't know why, but I could only hear the voice from my bathroom. It was like my own ears were a walkie-talkie with poor reception, I had to be in the right spot to be able to hear the message, anywhere else I just recieved static. But that wasn't all, I noticed the screaming voice seemed to become clearer the higher I stood. I closed the toilet's lid and stood up on top of it... "No doubt about it..." I thought to myself. "The voice comes from the bathroom...upstairs." I had never gone into my neighbour's apartment, but as far as I knew our apartments were identical. So the room on top of my bathroom had to be my neighbour's bathroom... "AHHHHHH!!! AHHH!!! *SNIFF*...IT HURTS..." Oh god, what if my neighbour is in fact a kidnapper? Torturing innocent people and locking them inside his bathroom-turned-torture-chamber? No...My neighbour looks like a such a normal guy...There must be a much simple explanation to all this... "AHHH-..." ... "Uhm?..." I could hear total silence. The voice was gone. And so was the static. Had it all been just my imagination...? No, I should report this to the police...The man up there could be a serial killer!...But the total silence made me feel at peace...I felt that after so many restless nights, I could just...return to bed and...take...a little nap...

It had been so long since I had my last sleep I had completely forgotten about a certain recurring nightmare that really creeps me out. I feel cold and naked, but it's pitch dark and I can't see where I'm heading to. I walk through the empty void, lonely and in complete despair. But then I see a light in the distance. It feels warm and makes my whole body feel tingly. I can feel it's calling me though I can only hear a faint static sound. I run towards it. The closer I get to it the bigger it seems to become until I realize it's enormous. That's when I realize it's not shaped like an orb of burning light like a star in the sky, but like a ring. A halo. I can't make out its exact form but the fact that it's shaped like that comforts me immensely. I feel a yearning to become one with that perfect form but no matter how much I run towards it I never quite grasp it. "" I can hear it saying. "What...?" I yelp in surprise. "Why do you appear in my dreams...? What are you...?" "" The ring answers me back. His voice is muffled out by the darkness, yet in the bottom of my heart I just know it's from a powerful being. "I can't understand you! What do you want from me?" I cry out towards the majestic form. "" "'' Save? What do you want me to save?" "" "It? It what?!..." I yell in despair. If I just knew what this superior life form wanted from me... "SAVE "T!" And that's when I wake up as a sweaty mess on my bed.


The police didn't take my claims seriously, probably because I look like an outcast. No other neighbour had claimed to hear any screams and they laughed when I told them that the screams could only be heard from within my bathroom. "Have you tried, you know, actually cleaning up the toilet once in awhile?" They had joked. But the screams returned night after night. I was scared to step into the bathroom but I couldn't help feeling like I was abandoning the voice. I needed to know that the voice still lived. It was turning into an obsession. I stayed up all night in the bathroom praying for the voice's safety and when I finally fell asleep in the mornings I just had more nightmares about that luminous ring, that halo. I knew that the halo wanted me to do something, to 'save' something. Maybe the halo wanted me to save the voice...And the only way to do that was to face my greatest fear: the man who lived upstairs, my neighbour. "Whaaaaaat?! My ears must be lying to me! Sammy, are you really asking me out for dinner?!" My neighbour screamed in an high-pitched voice. I hated him. Eugene was the complete opposite of me. He was happy, cheerful and extremely excitable. He had a big presence, literally. He was morbidly obese and his disgusting body was full of chestnut-colored hairs everywhere. But still, it could all be a smart façade constructed in order to hide his true intentions. Yet now that I was looking at him straight in the eyes it was hard to believe he knew anything about the screaming voice. "It's Sammuel" I corrected. "And I'm not asking you 'out', I just thought that in order to repay you for paying my bills, I'd..." "No need to make such excuses, Sammy! I'm always available for you! I had already planned a date plan in case this ever happened anyway..." "I'm not asking you for a date..." "First, we'll fill our tummies in Mademoiselle Sally's, because your cutie face looks like it's starving for some real meat! Then, we'll go to Crazy Jay's nightclub, take a few drinks and then, maybe..." "You know what's better than all that? Having dinner in your apartment." "Oh my god, Sammy!" My neighbour almost passed out from the shock. "You sure are going straight for the goods! Going into my place face-first like that...I like that in a guy..." The fat man sure was getting excited by all this. I hoped he wasn't getting the wrong idea. My neighbour gleefully accompanied me all the way up the stairs while humming a cheerful song. "Eugene...I know how to use the stairs...Let go of my arm, you're going to rip it off from me!" "Whoops, sorry. Hehehe. It's been a long time since the last time someone came over for a visit and I got a bit carried away." Said the fat man, but he was still grabbing my arm with surprising strength. "What happened the last time someone came over for a visit?" I asked him. "Did you lock them up in your bathroom?" I would've ask if I had been more courageous. "Nah, it's a long story...Well, here we are!" He said as he unlocked the door. You'll feel right at home here...Basically because my floor is an exact replica of yours, hahaha." My neighbour's laugh was high-pitched and sounded too forced. I didn't like it one bit. "Actually I was planning to redecorate the living room, maybe build one of those DIY shelves that they sell over at..." "Sure, very interesting." I interrupted. "Do you mind if I use the bathroom? I really need to go." Suddenly Eugene's face turned very grim. "Actually, I do. Why don't you just use yours?" Oh, shit. Maybe I shouldn't have been so direct with my intentions...But there's no turning back now. "What's so horrible about me going into your bathroom?" "Oh! Nothing! It's just that...I haven't had the chance to clean it up properly..." "Maybe you meant to say 'to dispose of the evidence'..." I thought. "Don't worry, it was just a false alarm." "Wow, I thought that only happened to me! We have so much in common!" I have to admit this 'dinner' went for much longer than I had originally expected, I just couldn't find the right time to sneak up on the bathroom. Eugene was enthusiastic about making a very sophisticated dinner for the two of us. However the obese man's idea about sophistication was quite special. "I have four different kinds of canned Mexican food, we'll put all of it in a single pot and let's see what comes out! Only the best for Sammy!" I had the impression that wasn't how cooking worked. The resulting concoction was a nauseating mix of very different aromas that, for one inexplicable reason or another, tasted quite good. I had never eaten this much in ages. "Do you drink, Sammy?" Asked Eugene holding two bottles of champagne. "Uh...No, just tap water for me, please." "Even better! More for me!" He uncorked both of them. "Don't you think that's a lot for you?" "Of course not! Mexican food is very spicy, silly Sammy. I'll need plenty of liquid." "That...sort of makes sense, but champagne...?" He didn't seem to care. He stuffed himself with the spicy food using the alcoholic beverage to help gulp it all down. I just shrugged and continued to eat down whatever the hell was that I was eating. "ARRRGHHH! WHEN WILL THE SUFFERING END...?!" "Holy fuck!" I screamed. "Uh? What is it Sammy?" It had been so clear...I had never heard the voice with so much clarity! "Enough of this bullshit! I really need to see what's in your bathroom!" I declared getting up from my seat. "Sammy! No!" I ran towards the bathroom and my trembling hand turned the knob. This was it. No more excuses. Let's see what the voice actually is... "...Oh, god, it's...Fuck!..." Eugene came after me with tears on his eyes. "Oh, Sammy, I really didn't want you to find out this way..." "This is fucking disgusting!" I screamed pointing with my finger to the clogged up toilet. "Yeah, I had diarrhea yesterday and I completely clogged up the drain...Sorry about that..." I cried, my face full of tears of despair. "It's not that horrible, Sammy. I have already appointed a plumber for it..." Eugene had absolutely no idea why I was really crying. The voice...Whatever the hell it was, wasn't located in Eugene's bathroom. But I was so sure it came from there...! How could I have gotten it all wrong? What if the voice is just my imagination...? I surely am a pathetic outcast...


Eugene offered me a can of beer. "Drink up, Sammy. It'll make you feel much better." I shook my head. "I don't drink. I thought I already told you that." After my freakout Eugene had accompanied me to the living room and made me sit down on the sofa. He was very attentive with me, maybe too much. "It'll help you relax, you're extremely tense. And it's the least I can offer you after witnessing my nightmarish bathroom." Well, what the hell. Eugene wasn't the mass murderer I thought he was, and it's not like he can slip me a roofie in a can of beer...Right? The fat man observed amazed how I chugged down the whole can in seconds. "Wow, you sure were thirsty! Here, have another one!" "Okay, but just one more..." And before I knew it, Eugene and me had finished up drinking the whole six-pack together. "Damn, that hit the spot!" I exclaimed. "I had no idea how much I needed this!" "So, Sammy...What is the real reason you're here?" "Uh?" "I mean, we've been living together for months. But until today you weren't interested in me at all..." I didn't know if it was the alcohol, but I felt like I could open up to Eugene. "Well, I wasn't interested in you at all, but suddenly I heard a voice in pain coming from upstairs...I don't know why, but I thought it was asking for my help..." Eugene blushed. "You must've noticed my new aftershave!" He said ignoring me completely. "I was sure it'd work!" "Besides that there's also my weird dreams..." I continued. "I can't barely sleep at night..." "I also had tried putting on pheromones before, but they were such a scam. You can't trust online retailers..." "...Are you even listening to me?" "I've always wanted a guy all for myself, but everyone seems to ignore me. Truth is, I always had a thing for skinny dark haired men...And so it was an instant crush when you first moved in..." "Eugene, I think you've drank too much. Your face is all red." "Sammy, you like guys. Don't you?" Now I was the one blushing all over. "What?!...Well, I never really cared about love, but..." Eugene started caressing my hair. The unexpected contact made me shriek a little. "I love your hair, is all curly and fun to touch..." "Well, thank you..." "Teeheehee, you're as red as a tomato, Sammy. Now, there's something I've always wondered...How hairy is your chest?" "Umm...quite hairy, but..." "Aww, don't be silly like that, just show me!" "You want me to remove my shirt?" I said surprised. "Seriously, Sammy. At this stage is pretty obvious what I want." I had never considered undressing before Eugene. I was never too much of a sexual person. But I had to admit the attention he was giving to my body was making me hard. I removed my shirt and Eugene let out a loud gasp. "Damn! You weren't kidding!" "I'm not THAT hairy am I?" Eugene's fat sausage fingers felt my bare torso all over, feeling every single hair on it. I had no idea this could feel so erotic. His fingers moved down to my bellybutton and they practically raped it. "Hehe, it tickles!" I said. It tickled even more when he started using his tongue. I couldn't resist laughing out loud. "Such a yummy little hole! I wonder how hairy is your other one..." He said grabbing my buttcheek with force. I was so excited. Eugene was red and sweating profusely. He unbuttoned his shirt and revealed his fat tits to me. They looked so plump I couldn't resist playing with them. Eugene had some trouble removing his belt afterwards, though. "It's just that I'm a little tipsy, that's all..." "Here, let me help..." I removed it for him and casually lowered his jeans. The fat man wore giant sized blue boxers with a small erect bulge in the front. "Damn, Sammy, I'm really going to...Urp..." His stomach made a strange sound. "Are you feeling alright?" "I'm fine...I'm going to fuck your ass in a...Ugh..." Eugene fell on top of me, but not in a sexual way. The big guy had passed out. "Uff...Shit..." I fought my way out of the fat man's weight and stood up. "For one night in my life that I'm doing something like this..." I sighed. "Figures." I carried the sleeping giant and placed him on the sofa laying on his belly. Damn, I was hard as fuck. This was so disappointing. Eugene snored loudly. He was completely wasted. His mouth was drooling and his giant buttocks moved in unison with his breathing. He looked adorable sleeping like that, he looked like a big baby rather than the man who was making sexual advances on me barely a few seconds ago. And just then, the fat man's buttocks prepared to deliver a giant fart towards my surprised face. I embraced myself for the worst. *COUGH! COUGH!* ...The stink didn't disappoint, but that was the weirdest-sounding fart I had ever heard. "WARGH! Fucking disgusting! Why do I have to deal with all this fat guy's shit?!" The voice seemed to come from Eugene...But it wasn't Eugene's voice...It sounded more like... "I'm so sick of this meaningless existence! Why won't somebody kill me already?!..." *Blurp!* "Oh god...Please...Help me..." No doubt about it, this was the voice I had been looking for! I swallowed hard and cleared my throat, I had to make a good impression to this higher being. "I can help you!" I cried out. "Just tell me how!" "...Who the hell is that?...Could he be talking to me?...No, that's impossible..." "I've been hearing your pleas for help for weeks! Please, I have good intentions! Just let me know how can I help you!" "...You can hear me?" "Yes, I can!" "I've been crying for help for...I don't even remember for how long anymore, and nobody ever came...Are you...a godsend...?" "I'm not sure if I am one." I explained. "But I can hear your voice perfectly! Well, it sounds a bit muffled but..." "I need to see you. Please come to me." I wanted to, but didn't know how. "Do you see the fat man snoring in his underwear?" "Yes." "Good! Now, remove his boxers." I was dumbfounded. "Umm...What did you just say?" "I thought you wanted to help?" "Yeah, but I don't see how stripping my neighbor will help anyone." "Just shut up and do it...." I shrugged. Well, I came this far, and I'm sure Eugene would've liked it anyway. I grabbed the boxer's waistband and slid it down, but hesitated for a bit as the hairy buttcheecks were exposed to me. "C'mon, you're almost done!" Holding my breath in case another fart was produced, Eugene's bare buttocks were presented to me. And...Ugh, his hairy anus. "Oh, finally! I can see you now!" Exclaimed Eugene's anus. "Damn! You're not that all bad-looking. I can't wait until you rim me." I wish there existed a word that defined the emotion that encompasses all the shock, disappointment, utter amazement, disgust, and bewilderment you feel when you encounter a talking asshole for the first time in your life. But there isn't any, so let's just say I laughed out loud like a madman for a whole minute whilst I experimented all aforesaid emotions. "...Are you finished?" Said the asshole. It's hard to read the feelings of a circular piece of flesh, but I could tell it was angry. "But...What...Who...I mean, you're an anus!" "Well, duh. I am sure you have one too, and nobody gives a shit about it." "This is fucking nuts! All those sleepless nights, and it was all because of Eugene's anus! I should just leave and forget about all this bullshit..." "No! Wait, don't go!...I was just joking! Err...Of course I'm not really an anus! Please, let me explain! I really need your help." "Okay, so if you're not anus, then what the hell are you?" I asked. This asshole was really wasting my time. "You see...I used to be a man like you, living on the floor below this fat guy. But then one day I had an heart attack, and while my spirit was leaving my body to go towards the skies and enter heaven this guy was taking a shit upstairs so, yeah, my soul entered his asshole instead." ... "That's just crazy." "Tell me about it! But this is where it gets interesting. You know about all those fairytales where a kiss can remove the curse? So yeah, one kiss and I'll be free to go to heaven. Unfortunately all of Eugene's past boyfriends were more about sticking up their cocks inside me...Uh...Why are you making that face? Too much info?" "Are you really telling me you want me to kiss you?" "Well, it's not like I really want to, although you're a cutie, I already told you that, but this is about helping me end my miserable existence!" This was completely crazy. Kissing a ghost which by the way was trapped inside an hairy and stinky anus is just bollocks. "Just a little kiss and you'll never be hearing from me again! Please! I assure you, man!" "I don't know...Before tonight, I wasn't even that sure if I liked guys...Rimming one is a big step..." "Just do it before the fat man awakens! Please, do you know how much I hate puking out his diarrhea?" It was gross. But leaving the poor sod like that would be a heavy weight on my conscience, even if he was just another man's body part now. "Just a little kiss?" "Yes! And I'll be free forever!" The anus puckered up, ready for the kiss. It was the most stupid thing I had ever done in my life, it was ridiculous. I came close to him, his breath was nauseating. "Sorry, can't really help it." I hoped there wasn't a camera set up for this. Although that would've made much more sense. I closed my eyes and prepared for the kiss... ... ... *Muac!* "Done." I said matter-of-factly. "You call that a kiss?" Said the anus getting all contracted in disappointment. "It won't work if it isn't passionate!" "But you said just a little kiss!" "Yeah, but I barely felt your lips. Let's try once more, with feeling this time." I sighed and tried kissing the anus once again. This time however, the asshole really enveloped his "lips" inside mine. I felt the stinky guy grabbing at my tongue and yanking really, really hard...Damn, the guy was desperate! But I have to admit it was passionate, I was so absorbed in being between Eugene's buttcheecks that I forgot for a moment how absurd my life was up to that point. Suddenly, my tongue felt like it wasn't being yanked anymore. In fact, I was the one feeling penetrated by the anus. I was ashamed to admit it felt amazing and never wanted this feeling to end. But it ended. Eugene's anus removed his lips from me with an expression of utter disgust in his face. "Yuck, I never want to do this again..." He said. His voice sounded somehow different. It reminded me of someone. The anus flexed his arms and examined his fingers with amazement. "This is amazing! I have more than one body part!" He exclaimed. "I've always wanted to be a human, this is a dream come true!" He looked at all of his fingers and moved them like they were the most amazing thing in the world. "Damn!" He said patting his own buttocks. "I even have my own anus now! It feels so weird feeling it from outside it! I'm sure your own anus, I mean *MY* anus is pissed at you for letting another man's anus taking over your brain. But you have to understand, Sammuel Wind, that I wasn't happy being a fucking fat man's anus since his birth. I wanted more. And I can tell you were overwhelmed with life, so in retrospect, we both win right?" "What the hell are you talking about..." I said. My voice sounded different, much deeper and there was an unpleasant smell coming from within me every time I moved my mouth, which was pretty much my only body part now. That's when my afterglow ended and I saw that in front of me was...Myself. "This is so fucking cool! I can breathe through my nose! And talking through a mouth feels so funny, it tickles my throat! I wonder how eating feels like. And pissing! I've always wanted to piss for a change!" "You fucking bastard!" I cried when I realized the fucking asshole had stole my body! "You lied about being a ghost! You were a freaking anus all along!" I wanted to punch him, but I couldn't move. I was trapped between my neighbor's buttcheeks, goddammit! The anus then proceeded to pick up my shirt. It looked at the garment like it was the most complicated contraption ever created by mankind. "I can finally be the one putting on clothes! Feels so silky and soft!" The asshole babbled as he tried to put it on himself. "The buttons on the back feel a little bit uncomfortable, though..." "That's because you're putting it on backwards!" Geez, this was horrible. Not only I was trapped living inside the bottom of another guy, the anus who controlled mine at the moment didn't even know how to properly dress himself. As if people didn't think I was enough of a social outcast already! "Teeheehee, I can't wait to see *my* apartment! Or even the outside world! This is so exciting! I haven't seen the outside world since Eugene went to that nudist resort nearly a decade ago, most days I'm only able to take a quick peek at the bottom of the toilet bowl!...That reminds me, I better leave before the fireworks start igniting." "No! Wait! Don't go away! You have to reverse this!" I cried when I saw my old body leave the apartment and disappear down the stairs. "You fucking asshole! I'll kill you! You hear me?! You piece of shit!" I screamed as loud as I could. For some reason, the room began to smell worse and worse every time I opened my mouth. It was nauseating. "Ugh..." Moaned the lips on the opposite side of my body. Eugene! He had awoken! "Damn, I passed out? Where's Sam? Did I even manage to fuck him?" It was the first time I ever heard Eugene talking to himself alone, and wow, he sounded very different from his cheerful and campy self when he was with me, was that just an act? "Fuck, I hate when this happens. I shouldn't drink that much during dates..." *Burp!* "Eugene! Help me out! Down here! Between your buttcheeks!" I cried for help. But the man in the buff didn't seem to care. He just lowered his hand and scratched at me with his fat fingers. "Too much Mexican again...Sigh..." He proceeded to get up from the sofa. "No, I'm talking to you! These are words, not farts!"...Holy shit! He couldn't hear me? Then again, you needed to be really fucked up in the head to have a conversation with an anus... It was awkward. I couldn't move by myself, and what I could see between Eugene's fat cheeks made me dizzy as everything moved backwards. However I had the impression where the fat man was going, and it wasn't going to be a pretty place. Eugene locked himself in the bathroom and sat in the porcelain seat, pointing me at the bottom of the bowl, which was still clogged with shit. The vision made me want to puke. And I did. "AAAAAAAAAAARGGGHHH!" I screamed when I tasted the disgusting excrement going through my lips. "Damn, that was a loud one, hahaha." Fuck! The sick guy even seemed to enjoy taking his shit! It's not fucking funny! "No!...I don't want to live like this! This is too low even for me! ARRRRRGHGH! URP!" I cried during the second dump of the first night living as an anus. "Please...Somebody...Help me...Please, god... I felt so nauseated I passed out. Now, it's true that I can't really pass out anymore, but I remember having a dream, a vision, that night. It was like my recurring dream where I saw a giant ring of light, a white halo. However it wasn't pitch dark anymore, I could see that the enormous ring was actually a giant piece of disembodied fleshy butthole. "Thank you...For saving it..." Said the asshole in a mighty voice. "Who the hell are you?" I screamed. "And 'saved' it? You mean Eugene's anus? But he completely tricked me!" "I am God." The giant anus said. ... I let that sink in for a moment. Ultimately it was the anus was the one who broke up the silence. "The God of Anuses, that is." "...I don't know what to believe in anymore. I just want to wake up from this nightmare." "This nightmare?" The giant anus arched its upper flesh in confusion. "But I made you two a big favor. The anus of the human you known as Eugene was quite peculiar. He didn't want to be an anus like all of my children, he prayed and cried for help night after night for that to change...He was driving me crazy! Casually I was hanging out with the God of Humans the other day and he told me one of his children was driving him nuts as well. He told me of a human who wouldn't stop complaining about being an outcast and a failure as a human being. So we made a deal, I gave you the power to understand the speech of me and my children while the God of Humans gave Eugene's anus the power to take over the body of a human being. The rest is all your own free will. You were the one who wanted to help out the 'voice' that haunted you. You were the one who wanted to become worthy of me, God of Anuses, although you called me a 'halo' of light. Hell, you even kissed Eugene's anus!" "Are you telling me I was worshipping the wrong god all this time?" "In a sense...Yeah. But there's no need to feel disappointed! If you ask me, the God of Humans is quite stubborn. I can't understand why he feels so repulsed by anal sex between men. As a quite manly anus myself, I think it feels quite good. Think seriously about the implications of that! You can shit, fart and have all the anal sex you want during your life and then you're practically guaranteed to join me up in Heaven! I'm sure the God of Humans wouldn't haven't been as merciful with you, Sammuel Wind." "But...This isn't what I wanted...I don't want to be a butthole..." "You don't want to?! But look at yourself! You are a ring of flesh! Blessed by God himself! A mighty 'halo'! How can you be unhappy still?" The enormous anus sighed "...You humans are weird. You really need to pay more respect to us anuses. In any case, I'll have another vision ready for you in a month or two. I'm sure you'll have come to terms with being an anus by then." "What?! No, wait!" And then I woke up from within the sweaty mess that was Eugene's behind.

The anus controlling my old body was quite affective with Eugene, which made the fat man very happy. They had dates often, and even though I hated it at first, it was the only occassion I had to conversate with another sentient being for most of the day. "I still really despise your fucking guts, you know." I said to my naked body when he lowered Eugene's boxers. "It isn't that bad." Whispered Eugene's anus to me. "Besides, you've been living under this fat man for so long, it's not really that much of a change in your life." I wanted to protest, but the cock penetrating me soon after kept my mouth full.