Come as You Are - Scene 3

Story by blackscales18 on SoFurry

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#4 of Come as You Are

Scene 3 is posted! The nature of the mother's threat is revealed. This scene does contain some harsh language, content, and ideas. Enjoy, fave, comment!

Scene 3


(Two rooms, one highlighted, the other dark. One is a waiting room, with bland decorations and several chairs along the walls. Aaron is seated in one chair, and his mother is seated next to him. The second room is obscured by darkness. Aaron looks distressed, and he is discussing something quietly with his mother.)


Why do I have to keep coming here? All it does is make me feel awful.

Aaron's Mother

You aren't awful, but your sick behaviors are. I'm trying to fix you. You can't keep on like this.


So you think this "therapy" will help fix my identity?

Aaron's Mother

Only you can change yourself, but I hope this therapy will help to... persuade you.


I don't know if this will help, but it does make me feel dead inside.

Aaron's Mother

Don't be melodramatic Aaron, it's ill-becoming.

(Aaron starts to respond, but the door to the second room opens. A portly, red-faced man in an ugly sweater steps out.)

Dr. Alterman

Aaron, are you ready?

(Aaron gets up; looking depressed, and walks into the second room. The lighting shifts to the second room. There is a desk with a chair behind it, occupied by the therapist. There is a couch facing the desk, and Aaron sits there.)

Dr. Alterman

Where is your rubber band, Aaron?


I lost it.

Dr. Alterman

Sure you did. This won't work if you don't work at this too.


You really think snapping a rubber band against my wrist every time I think of something undesirable as you put it will help? Or that I would be willing to self-punish for something that I don't consider to be a problem?

Dr. Alterman

Hmm. Your Mother was right; you are going to be a challenge. What fun. Yours is an interesting case, Aaron. I don't get a whole lot of people who have sexually attached themselves to a concept.



Dr. Alterman

Usually when I have cases to do with animals, they are real animals. For some reason, you seem to have a combination of a strong delusion of self in combination with a disturbing attraction to animals. It will be fun to try and fix you.


It isn't a delusi-

Dr. Alterman

As fascinating as your story is, I have heard plenty, and telling it again will just be reinforcing the idea in your mind. No, we need to get you to fixate on something else. Have you never felt anything for women, or at least your own species?


You still seem to be misunderstanding me, and how I see myself.

Dr. Alterman

I don't care how you identify, as long as you keep insisting on doing it the wrong way. Because this is wrong Aaron. Say it Aaron. This is wrong.

(Dr. Alterman leans over the desk, staring directly at Aaron.)

Your feelings, urges, everything about you are wrong. Say it!


This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong.

Dr. Alterman

Very good, Aaron. I will remind you that your mother authorized me to take any steps necessary to cure me of your issues, and I will take any measure I need to, in order to make sure that you are a success story.

(Mutters under his breath)

I can't afford to have another failure.

(Back in a normal tone of voice)

So keep it in mind that if you resist, I may need to take more... advanced steps.

(Leans back into his seat)

So, when do you tend to feel these, for lack of a better word, urges?


Throughout the day, and at night. There isn't really a specific cause.

Dr. Alterman

Interesting. We may need to take a rather unusual approach to this situation. Have you always had these disgusting, perverted feelings?


I wouldn't call them perverted or disgusting, but to answer your question, only for the past five or six years or so.

Dr. Alterman

Interesting. Very interesting. Can you think what might have started these feelings? Perhaps a family member abused you? Or you had a disturbing encounter with the family pet?


Jeez, what goes on inside your head? Are you sure you're a real therapist? I've never really felt arousal towards girls, or even other guys, but my differences certainly weren't caused by molestation or something like that. I only became aware of the furry fandom in the past few years, but for the first time, I've found a place where I fit, and found others that see themselves as an animal.

Dr. Alterman

Well, we'll talk about the existence of this "furry fandom" you describe in a minute, but here's a more important question. Before you found furry stuff, did you conceive of yourself as an animal?


Yes, to some extent. I never had a clear image in my mind, but I felt better when I pictured myself as a wolf or a dragon or something.

Dr. Alterman

Interesting. I think I may have an idea as to how to cure you. Have you heard of electrotherapy?



Yes, why?

Dr. Alterman

Well, I have a bracelet you will wear, you can't take it off, and thus you won't "lose" it. It will be able to detect when you are feeling, shall we say, improper feelings, and apply a mild to moderate shock. You will wear this for the foreseeable future Aaron, as self-directed punishment does not seem to be working. Also, there is no need to tell your parents about this, as they will already know. Do you understand me, Aaron?


(Blanched, with a horrified look on his face)

I understand completely, sir.

Dr. Alterman

Ok then, Aaron. I will have the band ready later this week; I will have you come in to have it put on. There may be hope for you yet. I'm just going to have a word with your mother, Ok?


Oh, sure.

(Aaron gets up and leaves the office. He walks into the waiting room, waves to his mother that she should go in, and goes and sits down and puts his head in his hands. His mother comes over and pats him on the head.)

Aaron's Mother

Everything will be fine, dear. It may seem hard now, but thus is for the best. I just want you to be happy, and have a happy life.

(She walks into the therapist's office and shuts the door. Aaron looks up, and has a red face covered in tears.)


I have to get out of here.

(The room fades to black)

End Scene 3