RH's Brachina

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#3 of RH's Beastiary (Fantasy Races)

Beware! They are after your naughty bits!

[Note:bI will edit this later]

Species Name: Brachina

Origins/Homeworld: The Brachina were originally born from the tormented souls of men and women,along with those in between, who died an agonizing lust-related death, either from autoerotic asphyxiation, ritual sexual sacrifice, and or brutal rape, with the latter of them seeking revenge. They dwell in the Nine Hells, namely in the ring of lust, but are common throughout the great inferno, though some aufernals can be found wandering the other planes.

Average Height: Roughly 5 to 8 ft; Hard to tell due polymorphing.

Average Lifespan: Immortal

Intelligence Level: Smart, creative, often under-stimulated

Civilization Level: Mechanical Age, due to increased logistic needs

Civilization Age: Unknown

Population: Unknown, Uncommon

Culture(s): Brachina are sex devils who will gladly suck the spirit energy from your chakrams, known as chi or whatever your culture likes to call it. Now there is two different branches of this species, whom have some vast differences in their lifestyles and cultures. We will start off with Infernus Brachina, whom are a key to the operation of Nine hells.

These ladies and gents, yes there are boys in their kind, are the equivalent of your low to middle class denizen of Nine hells who largely keep everything in order, including all the paperwork and the Pit Lords. Without the Brachina keep upper management happy and from conflicting with their lower supervisors, the Realm would be a bloody mess with everything in Disarray. This is why they largely kept on somewhat a short leash, metaphorically and literally, by the Greater devils and pit lords.

Your average Brachina's day is pushing paperwork through, organizing files and notifying contracts which ironically is boring as hell. When they aren't keeping to their bureaus, they are out fetching ye olden Faustian contract with anyone who summons them or out corrupting the servants of the gods. At the end of their shifts, they are probably trying to make a living through trading or catering to a pit lord's desires.

Many Infernus Brachina's idea of a vacation is to have the opportunity to be summoned by someone, such as warlock who would gladly trade his or her soul for their services. They secretly lust for adventure amongst other things, or somehow regain the memories of their past lives if they were born from a tormented soul. This is what leads to some taking the path of the Aufernal. Beyond this, many follow the Will of Amon, the physical testament of their patron diety of Lust and adhere its commandments that guide them in their immortal life. One of these infallable laws is to catch and release, or catch and keep their prey for the reason to seduce their soul into the depths of the great inferno itself

Factions: While brachina have a number of cliques and enclaves, their class indicates their status within the nine hells. With each increase in rank from venator to Imperator or Imperatrix from either collecting contracts sealing the fates of mortal souls or birthing devils, they become more powerful. Of course, aufernal brachina prefer the latter option

Imperator/Imperatrix Class, this powerhouse class of Brachina is the result of them spawning forth an entire legion of devils and are considered the deadliest of their kind. They're considered masters of the arcane and can utilize magic with ease, while holding the greatest influence within their ranks, forming a Hell March or Myst March depending if the Brachina in question is Infernal or Aufernal. Imperator and Imperatrix Brachina are capable of siphoning off an individual's spirit just by being in proximity with their prey.

In the Nine Hells, they are treated akin to pitlords if not equivically to their second in command and often maintain order of their legion, mainly their countless spawn. Outside of it, Aufernal Imperators and Imperatrixes are considered to be masters of their craft and trade of their kind. It is very rare to see either kind unless a brachina familiar is pursuing the goal of becoming one.

Herus, the experts of the Brachina Arts who have spawned forth 72 devils either through collecting contracts or reproduction. These lusty Lords in the Great Inferno generally manage the various devil cliques and groups, keeping them in line by asserting their dominance over them so as to keep them out of the pit lord's hair.

Regnum , This class is the second step on a Brachina's path to becoming an Imperator or an Imperatrix, by spawning forth 13 devils. Regnum Brachina are adept at their race's magics and abilities, equivical to journeyman in terms of knowledge. They are often the head of small cliques and groups of brachina and like-minded devils, even as Aufernals.

Magnus, The launching point for when a Brachina pursues the Mastery of the Art, either through consistent pregnancies or harvesting souls via contracts, though hasn't had enough to children to achieve Regnum status. Their skill level in the Brachina is roughly comparable to an apprentice magician's and sometimes find themselves in the service of witches and warlocks. These Brachina often fold into the various groups led by their more experienced and powerful counterparts.

Venator, roughly translated as Hunter class, these Brachina are considered at the bottom of the totem pole and are treated as commoners within the inferno. They are often assigned to dissuade holy men and women from their respective faiths then seal their fate to the Nine Hells through the contract. It is common for them to become familiars in order to sway more magic savvy mortals into forfeiting their souls, though some are turned to the path of the Aufernal by their 'masters'.

Consatio, this special class of brachina is fairly harmless when summoned in the sense they aren't pushy about contracts. Consatio Brachina, or Breeder Brachina as some may refer to them, are a key part to the operation of the Nine Hells by producing devils around the clock to bolster their ranks. Many who volunteer to become this class normally experience a heavy boon to their fecundity and fertility to the point where their sole goal is to breed around the clock. They fortunately serve another purpose by keeping pit lords and devils in check by serving as a outlet for their angst against one another.

As Aufernals, Consatio Brachina will often form or join a Myst March, a nomadic group of Aufernal devils and arcanely attuned folk whom they will yield offspring with, traveling across the realms until garnering a large population. They'll build or assist a settlement in a remote region of the realm where said Consatio Brachina will laden the land with their fecundity magic and reproduce around the clock. His or her aufspawn will often venture away from their lands to pursue careers and professions in order to make room for their younger siblings.

Houndmasters, more of a trade profession than a classification, Brachina like most other devils will raise hellhounds, and in the case for Aufernal, Mysthounds. Its quite the common profession amongst the nine rings of Hell, even some brave imps are quite capable handlers, that is if they don't eaten right away. Brachina Houndmasters, and houndowners, tend to focus on disciplining and training their beastly pets to adhere to every command from birth through various means though none cruel. When these devilish dogs recognize a Brachina as their master, their personality adapts to their owners and their fecundity as well as fertility and lust increases exponentially.

Technology: Brachina aren't the most keen on technology, preferring alchemy and arcania over science and machinery unless they see a need for it. They pride themselves on the ability to rile their targets into sexual frenzy by utilizing potions, spells, incantations, and enchantments. These sex devils are more intent in siezing an opponent between their legs and around them, which is reflected in their weapon designs that they adopt from other cultures across the planes, so they can effectively rape their prey.

Tailoring and leatherworking are some common trades found amongst the Brachina, since a majority of their clothing is either designed to cater to some sort of erotic fantasy, exposing erogenous zones, and or serve as sexy yet functional armor. Most of the garb in Nine Hells' was either produced by a brachina or at least went through one's hands at one point in time. This profession preference even extends to some Aufernal brachina, who operate their own parlors or shops, and sell their craft to fashion savvy mortals.

Potions, Drafts, Draughts, and all manner of elixirs can be found in the hands of a Brachina, particularly younger ones who are unable to polymorph or those who suffer from a dysfunction. These brews made by the hands of these sexy devils tend to be quite potent and dangerous in the hands of mortals since their transformative effects to be permanent but fortunately reversible. This is due to one of the Brachina's natural traits that instills a magical essence when creating potions that enhances the brew's efficiency.

Allies: Brachina are quite reputed for some of their associations with other devils and certain types of mortals, though Infernal and Aufernal brachina differ on some views.

Brachina, well in the sense that an Infernal and Aufernal Brachina are more likely in the sense that they will still have social ties with one another. It isn't uncommon for these two counterparts to trade with one another, namely clothing, information, and contraband that isn't normally allowed in the Nine Hells. Some Aufernal Brachina will provide information in regards to where there is a concentration of 'evil' souls ripe for the plucking.

Warlocks and Witches, Brachina are the second most common Familiar for these arcane Summoners particulary since their presence aides in any rituals, rites, and most manner of spells. Infernals enter contracts with them in order to secure souls while Aufernals do it to gain a cut of any potential treasure their contractees may obtain to build up a Booty hoard. Some Brachina even pursue this as a professional path, due to their natural inclination towards magic and spellcasting.

Mages, these praemancers, magic casters, sometimes when in need, will form a contract, sometimes forcefully, to borrow a Brachina's power when casting their spells and conjuring other beings from other realms. Unfortunately, these contracts don't last long and rarely collected especially when said Magi over extend the usage of said devil's power. These are often terminated or the end result collected early, particularly in the case of an Aufernal when the hounds are sent after them.

Imps, these short little sycophantic devils often find themselves in the service of a Brachina as their assistants in their daily routines and households in order to survive in the world in general. It is generally considered a mutually symbiotic relationship since Brachina tend to need a lot of grooming and attention, while in turn, Imps need their protection from anything wanting to eat or squish them. Even as Aufernals, they tend to become their familiars for their households and help manage their children.

Hellhound and Mysthounds, of course to their respective Infernal and Aufernal masters, these devilish canines, when trained by a Brachina, are quite loyal and obedient,due to their training method that favors discipline over cruelty. They will follow their command without falter when summoned, though some can be a little tricky or stubborn in that regard. Pray that a Brachina doesn't send their pet hound to fetch you, or worse, because there is a good chance you will likely be raped or mauled or even both at the same time!

Gnolls, some enterprising gnolls will summon a Brachina and form a contract to bolster their power, and in some instances, status for a bevy of reasons, including reproductive ones. Sometimes these hyenic like mortals who are part of tribe illfully use said devil to gain dominion over the rest of their clan but if they are discovered, are stoned to death, guaranteeing fulfillment of said contract. Other times, rogue gnolls, often younger ones will make a brachina a familiar to sate their baser needs, though some lean towards the Aufernal variety dependant on their morals.

Gnolbolds, namely Nine Hells Gnolbolds, Some more clever Brachina enlist their services in producing the Essence of Lust itself which most sex devils can drink to sate their hunger. In turn, the Crazy little rapscallions that dwell in the Hellish caverns and nooks learn how to create lust oriented apparatuses while humping the brains out of one another. Some Brachina even go 'wild' in the sense they surrender themselves to a lair of these fuzzy little bastards, but most claim it's a combination of a psychotic breakdown combined with a gluttony for ever available lust.

Oni, these demonic brutes that dwell in the Plane of Paramissius, a plane realm of true chaos and anarchy, often shanghai brachina into their shenaniganry by summoning them. These ogrish Yokai recruit these sexy devils for their festivities, frequently allowing them to join in their Night Parades that traverse across the realms where the booze and sex flow freely. It's not uncommon for a brachina that participates in these festivals to wake up with some strange bedfellows...

Enemies: Brachina have quite a few enemies, even as Aufernals

Hircine, this primordial goddess of Beasts, Manbeasts, Beastmen, and Werebeasts gets extremely pissed when infernals try to steal the souls that would normally fall into her dominion. She will make an incursion into the deepest depths of hell, leading a Wild Hunt straight to Lucifer's throne and setting loose her beasts on the unprepared backsides of any devil in her path. Let's just say Brachina aren't very happen when they have to repair the damages to property and person, especially when you have to fix a gaping hole or two. Aufernals are fortunately off her radar as long as they don't stand in the way of her stampede.

Paladins, one of the Brachina's main duties is steer these divine warriors away from their faith and enraptured in the service of hell. While this may be easy for some, a few keen in the arcane arts can entrap an Infernal brachina into a contract favoring the knightly priest in question. Unfortunately, some dumber Paladins can easily mistake an Aufernal for an Infernal, leaving either a sexually confused clergyman or a Brachina in a Chastity Belt, give or a take if they have a fetish for that.

Gnolbolds, namely some who dwell in mortal planes, Brachina detest some of their thaumological enchantments that can indefinitely turn their day from good to bad in the blink of an eye. Its when other mortals acquire these miraculous restraints and weapons that are directed towards the capture or killing of devils and other outlanders.Unfortunately, Consatio Brachina are considered highly prized though to some more depraved Gnolbold clans in the mortal plane.

These horrific clans let their artificers who learn of the Seven Deadly Aspects and learn how to create the essence of Lust which they use for unspeakable things. These Breeder devils tend to find themselves yanked from the nine hells and forced to undergo a transmutation that turns them into Aufernals and binds them to an Artifact. In some instances, Gnolbolds will collect a mating group then breed them like livestock and take their offspring as their personal breeding pets and slaves.

Succubi and Incubi, mainly for the reason the Brachina are often mistaken for these soulless sex craven abyssals, and vice versa. Due the nature of a Brachina's soul, they tend to steer clear of them for their safety in case their corporeal form is destroyed.

Hostility: Its unwise to provoke them.

Physical Description: "Long ago, when the Unholy one needed creatures to fill the third layer of the great inferno, he sought the assistance of the frowning one and his miraculous science to create a lustful being. The first artificer in the universe of Id created a hollow shell that lacked a soul, a blank body waiting for a spirit. The Unholy one was impressed and filled the empty vassal with a human soul, creating the first brachina as the shell reshaped itself to the spirit's image of the body."...

Of course this is only a minor creation myth that is often associated with the Oonderloonders, Brachina are spawned forth from tormented souls that happen to collect the lustful infernal essence found in the nine hells, allowing them to take a physical form at the cost of becoming these sexual devils. Other than that, Brachina are often born from Brachina parents, or those who were successful at casting the Imperatrix's curse upon themselves before their bodies perished.

A Brachina spawn's body is spiritually subconscious physical projection of what they remember of their former mortal shells, creating a somewhat twisted form of their fleshy vessel. A Born Brachina's physical form is slightly more random in the sense that lineages and physical traits from both parents take effect, especially those who used said Imperatrix's Curse. An example, A Human, who has some questionably mottled ancestry with feyfolk, has a Baby with Brachina, who bears said Hex, may have a baby that has pointed ears and lithely figure, or may possess man's stature while bearing said fey ears, and anywhere in between.

Like most other devils, Brachina posses the signature devilish tail and horns, along with bat-like wings that they use to take flight. They, akin to most, are also rather difficult to kill since once they lose their physical form and revert to their soulfire form, which they are vulnerable in, can regain their physical form by jumping in the nearest mana well they can find. The only way one truly destroy them is by using void enchanted weapons, but it is considered better to catch them.

Eyes: Brachina normally have a black sclera but some tend to polymorph it to different colors

Hair: Brachina, both male and female and in between, tend have long hair though some like to style it. The color is dependant on their physical image of themselves, and what not.

Fur/Scales/Skin: Like most devils, some tend to inherit the physical traits of either parent but when born from a tormented soul, it tends to reflect the way they died in some instances.

Sexual Dimorphism: Determining the sex of a brachina can be tricky due to their polymorphing ability but fortunately, all it takes a look at the tip of their tail like other devils. Males possess a rhombus shaped tipped while females possess Heart-shaped one, and hermaphrodites bear three leaf leafed clover tail. In cases of pseudohermaphroditism, Males who bear female genitalia posses a diamond tip and females who bear male genitalia or those bearing phallic clitori have a Spade shaped tip.

Sexuality: Varied, many brachina number of kinky practices such as BDSM, voluntary sexual slavery, and selling themselves off. Marriage is a common practice for Brachina, including group and open marriages, even with mortals. Some will even rip out their lover's soul and turn them into Brachina themself where they breed with another for an eternity, of course that its if they wish it.

Reproduction: Brachina reproduction is a standard affair, though some dedicated their seed or wombs to their lover(s) by utilising their Pactiomancy to create a seal upon themselves and guruantee they hold their lover's offspring.

Fertilization: Brachina are essentially fertile around the clock but don't hesitate to enhance their fertility through the use of their magic and alchemy.

Gestation: 3.3 months

Brooding (Average # of offspring): Brachina are capable of playing host to multiple pregnancies at once due to their unnatural fertility and viritilty, capable superfetation and generally being pregnant around the clock.