Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 9: Divided Thoughts

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#9 of Season of the Black Rose Series

In a world of pure white, Akira and Erika sat parallel to one another on the opposite ends of a great divide, a large canyon similar to the ones found in Arizona and Utah. A great tremor shook as the expansive gap suddenly started closing in, leaving behind only an elongated crevice between them. They turned to one another, both equivically stunned and surprised, realizing that both their worst nightmare and greatest ambition started.

Elsewhere in Akira's mind, Kenashi stood up from the floor then looked around, thinking of various objects but without result, "Okay, I'm not in my brain so who's brain am I in?" he ascertained. He started walking in whatever direction before calling out, "Hey Caesar, where you at buddy!", knowing that this was his psychic comrade's handiwork. There wasn't a response, nor any psychological manifestation of him anywhere to be found, "Hmmm... Better get walking." he said to himself. A few moments passed until he came across a black imp sized creature with pure white eyes, and locks of black hair with braids. Kenashi squinted, trying to identify it, "Rociel?" he questioned, wondering if it will respond. The little beast turned towards him with a sadistically lustful grin, initiating a mad charge before it jumped on him, grabbing him by the collar of his blouse and kissing him on the lips.

Kenashi deadpanned, shocked by the sheer forwardness of this construct, trying to break away from its oral grasp. It slipped its tongue into his mouth for brief second, then climbed on his shoulder, "Fuck me! Mount me! Plow me! I want you to tie me up and bury it in my holes. Breed me like a bitch in heat! Give me your dick! Whip my ass until its raw. I want that tight little ass of yours! Make me cum! I want to kill you in your sleep and eat your heart out!" it whispered into his ear, and started licking it. The adolescent fox was severely disturbed by whatever this being was until it cheered "Mama!", looking at something past his shoulder. Rociel walked up from behind, garbed in a steely silver scifi-esqued bodysuit, greeted by the mental construct, picking it up and carrying it like a babe on her hip, "Hey you little troglodyte!" she said, coddling the little beast. Ken looked at her, "What the fuck is that thing Rociel?" he said, concerned if it was some sort of psychic parasite.

The black imp grabbed the hyena's chest, giggling akin to a naughty child, "Lets have an orgy!" it said, suggesting something rather distasteful. Kenashi, appalled by the creature's audacity, muttered "I don't even..." failing to understand the meaning behind its words. Rociel laughed, knowing fully well this creature was part of her psyche, "Its my Id, moron! Its my core primal drive containing my biological urges and psychological impulses manifested in the form of a psychic construct...or as I like to think of it. My anarchy!" she explained.

He felt reassured by her statement, knowing she had the little beast under her control, "Why the heck is it outside your head?" he asked, curious to the reason why. Rociel shook her head, "Would you rather have it inside me right now where it will more keen on beating your ass?" she remarked. Ken retracted his last statement, "Good point... Anyway, I can assume we aren't in your head since this place isn't littered with blueprints or a complete sex dungeon." he said, not particularly eager to visit her mind and whatever horrors it held.

The crossbreed noticed another psychological manifestation appeared, hiding behind Ken's leg, resembling the fox himself, "Umm Kenny, your Id is showing..." she said. He looked down at his feet, noticing the second construct that had a broken heart painted on its chest and a scar beneath it, along with the Kanji symbol for love emblazoned on its forehead. It wore a samurai daimyo style scale helmet on his head and carried a small yari, a Japanese style spear, as it looked up at its owner.

Kenashi's Id quickly retreated to nearest comrade it could find, who happened to be Rociel, and gestured for her to pick him up. She obliged the little warrior, placing him at her free hip, letting him nuzzle at her neck while he hugged her, "Awww... Thats cute!" she said, watching it start to cry. Ken himself was embarrassed by the sight of his own main drive be that desperate for affection, "Uhh...damn!" he said, hating the fact she'd hit a nail on the head with her psychoanalyzation. She pecked it on the forehead while her own Id eyed the little soldier, licking its fangs in a libidinous gaze, "Come here pretty boy! Suck me hard and deep!" it teased. Ken's Id bursted out sobbing, "Keep me away from the babysitter! She wants to hurt me again..." it confessed, expressing its fear of a supposed caretaker figure. She looked down at his core drive then to its owner, "Ken, care to explain?" she questioned, curious to nature of this fear.

Kenashi covered his face with his palm, embarrassed by it before remembering what her own Id said, "Tell me why your Id said what it said then I'll explain it." he said, hesitant to talk about his former babysitter. His friend and now inquisitor smiled, "That's because the Id's two main priorities are food and sex, and requesting needs to be fulfilled by the ego and superego, the emotional and rational caretakers of its desires. I frequently fantasize about multiple partners that stems from the primal urge to have greater access to food for me and any potential offspring as well as fulfilling the secondary, which in the Id's logic, more partners, more food. " she explained, utilizing what her father taught her about sex. He rolled his eyes in disbelief but his Id was hooked line and sinker, "Get psycho girl all the food she wants!" it said in hopes for physical gratification.

Ken was at least satisfied with her answer enough to detail his past encounters, "Alright, Her name was Lilith and she babysat when I was eleven. She showed me how to have sex, then whenever she took care of me while my mom was out, she'd would cuddle me and strip my clothes off then go down on me for hours..." he explained with a knot forming in his stomach. The adolescent Hyena understood the direction he was headed with this conversation, "...and like any boy who kept his heart on his wrist, you probably confessed your love for her then she turned you down, hard. Which I think in turn snowballed downhill and Akira was your foci for your little heartbreak to help you cope with the new sensation. At least you got something out of the experience, that has to count for something." she said, her logical processes deconstructing the situation and trying to associate a negative scenario with a positive outcome. It fortunately worked as he stood silent, pondering her lecture, "well... I mean... Overall now that I think about it, yeah, I did get something good out of it." he said.

The scar depicted on the Id's heart faded before it shouted, "Akira!!!" like a battlecry, hopping out of Rociel's arms, charging in a random direction with its spear. She giggled, amused by the chivalrous little soldier, "Should we follow him?" she questioned. Kenashi thought for a minute, "yeah, we should cause something is wrong if Caesar hasn't showed up yet." he said, wondering where the dreamlander teen was at the moment.

Meanwhile in the expanses of Rociel's Brain, Caesar was ensnared behind psychic firewall, stuck attempting to solve a series of puzzles while the Hyena somehow managed to take his place in Akira's mind. He had fortunately managed to complete the components of large rubix cube comprised of 27 smaller ones before he came to a computer terminal that requested a password. "At least I am finally figuring out what makes her tick..." he said to himself, typing in the word "Password" as his answer. The computer replied with a particularly snarky remark, "Try again shisno!", mocking the telepathic traveler. Caesar glared at the PC, "What the fuck is a Shisno?" he said, unfamiliar with the 40 year old slangism. He propped his head on his elbow, noticing the keyboard had a number pad, "Hmm, Rociel's a Technopath so.... Yeah it could be a numerical sequence." he thought, typing "01357924680" guessing she'd use prime and odd numeration in the same line.

It was a success, revealing the final puzzle, a holographic multi-tiered circular lock bearing 150 characters that weren't of this earth, though Caesar was determined to get where he first intended despite going the wrong direction. He stared at the peculiar cipher for a moment until he experienced a Eureka moment, "Oh! Periodic Table!... Wait? Why is there 150 if there is only 120?" he questioned, albeit considering new elements were being created in laboratories all the time. The Telepath started with the center two which he assumed were Hydrogen and Helium, then paired them with carbon and oxygen along with nitrogen as a series of lines connected them.

His own mind was throbbing from the amount of intellectual stimuli it was exposed to before, "Ahaha! The composition of most organisms!" he said, remembering the elements that composed his own body and others. Caesar was on the right track, the cipher extended out, dropping a sphere that held the Milky Way, "Yes! I am the Smarty!" he cheered. He threw the ball up in the air as it expanded out, showing the location of Earth before it revealed several other planets and their stellar coordinates in the Perseus Arm.

The cipher reset itself after depositing the data, "Wait? That wasn't the answer?" he said, slightly infuriated by the fact he had to restart. He made the elemental connections once more, "Alright Rociel, I should have figured..." he said, including silicon into the composition, assuming that the answer was a hybrid of man and machine. The lock dropped another ball containing the Galaxy, "Please be my ticket out of here! I don't like it here anyways!" he said, tossing the sphere up into the air.

A flag appeared within the Perseus arm as if it were some sort of sovereignty, "I don't need the coords to some game location, I need out!" he said, frustrated to point he threw a fit. In the midst of slamming his fists against the ground, he noticed a door that looked out of an old Science fiction series about a starship and her crew, "Oh... Why didn't I see that before? Duh!" he said, feeling as if Rociel's brain was belittling him.

He approached it then entered for a minute then immediately came back out, accidentally discovering her erotic fantasies, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment after witnessing an army of faceless clones. Caesar saw the correct door on the other side of the puzzle chamber, " Rociel... Why? Why make clones of a potential boyfriend for that?!?" he said, frightened by the mental image scarred into his eyes. He sighed, proceeding along his path, " Never make a wrong turn at albuquerque or else it's wonderland for me." he said, exiting to his destination.

...While Caesar had tinkered with the cipher, Rociel bashed her head against Kenashi's inside Akira's mind, "Fucking Hell this hurts!" she screamed in agony. Luckily for him, his own psychological manifestation couldn't feel pain but he was baffled by her phantom pain, "What's wrong!" he asked, somewhat terrified by the aggravated Hyena. She keeled over on her back, rolling around on the ground, cradling her head, "It's that accursed Alien Archive in my memory! That fucking Moron Caesar is dicking around with it!" she said in her discomfort.

Kenashi hadn't a clue what she meant but spurred his curiosity, "Let me get this straight? You have an alien archive in your brain and you haven't told anyone this?" he said, questioning the validity of her statement. Rociel stood up as her Id crawled out from her back cursing up a storm, "Are you calling me a liar? Do I need to start scrawling alien symbols across a god damned blank wall like a fucking lunatic? No, cause it fucking hurts whenever a large data packet from it unlocks and I don't need a headache every freaking time I think about it." she lectured, riled up by her pain and anxiety. He sighed, rubbing the back of his head, "No, I believe you but I gotta ask, how in the world did it get there in the first place?" he said, envisioning why an Alien would do it to her in the first place.

His own thoughts wandered, "If I was an Alien, Why wouldn't I NOT want to put it into a person that had the power to bend technology? Come to think of it, Lilith was kind of weird, she always drank up all the milk and put tons of salt on her food, never saw her really eat any veggies to begin with... It was always steak and she liked it raw." Kenashi pondered, wondering if the two were correlated with one another. Rociel finally calmed down as the pain subsided, "Long Story short, I've had this Repository of Alien Knowledge in my head as long as I could remember. Every now and then something small unlocks like a blueprint or a gadget but whenever something huge pops up, I get whammied with a splitting fucking headache." she explained, cringing in relief. The Fox thought wouldn't hurt for him to ask, "Hey, did you ever have a babysitter named Lily when you were a kid?" he said, taking a proverbial shot in the dark.

Rociel paused for minute, somewhat skeptical of what he was getting at, "You think your Babysitter was an alien whom may or may not be responsible for implanting a data archive in me?" she stated, judging the likelihood of it. He shrugged his shoulder, "Who goes through 20 liters of Milk a week and an entire jar of salt for sashimi without a heart attack?" he rhetorically asked, hoping his comrade would have the answer. She immediately recognized the importance of the aforementioned items, "My father used to hang out with a guy that did something similar with salt. Salt is Electrolytic which is used by our bodies but we don't require much, unless you'd increase the silicon content in our body or need as an anticoagulant to maintain blood pressure. Now Milk contains amino acids, the base of all life as we know it, combine that and the sodium intensive diet, you have an organism that is adapted to a silica rich environment that has hotter temperatures and extreme weather." she explained, providing a potential theory to his hypothesis.

Kenashi wasn't too far behind her logic, "...And Jizz has both... I fucked an evil alien bitch... I knew that teal slash aqua or periwinkle fur wasn't a genetic thing, plus that Orphan story was fishy as hell! Not mention she'd steal my dinner whenever we had fish!" he said, both proud and angry but mostly enraged, humiliated by the fact he was tricked into being a Xeno's meal ticket. Rociel noticed his inability to determine the color he tried to describe, "Are you colorblind?" she genuinely asked, concerned if it was problem for him. "Oh no, its that one shade of Cyan everyone has trouble figuring out though I think her's was more of a teal but no, I am not. Akira's mother and some of her sisters are, so its safe to say any kids I might have with her will get it. I'm not worried about it, I mean sure, people make a big deal about having a kid with disability like that but I'm cool with it." he replied, not really concerned if he was or not.

The Hyena paused, taking in what he said, "Okay, you just earned a little bit more of my respect for that statement, now lets find Akira... Or Erika, whatever the fuck she likes to call herself!" she said, following the painted trail of ink that Ken's id mysteriously left behind. They came across the mental schism that divided the two personalities who were fortunately divided from tearing each other apart, "Like you're getting full control, you are better off in the backseat with your carelessness. I'm better off being in charge of our body!" Erika yelled at herself. Akira's dissatisfaction with the bossy side of herself, "No way, you want Kenny all for yourself you bully!" she shouted back, unaware of the circumstances,

Rociel watched the crevice slowly sealing at snail's pace, calculating the time it would take for the two to collide as she approached them, "I am fucking brilliant!" she said, interrupting their quarrel. The twin fragments fixated their gaze on the technopath, "You're the one who's causing this! I should've never trusted you!" Akira screamed, crying as she knew her end would soon come. Erika stood up and started dancing akin to a Raver, thrusting her hips before she spun around clockwise, "Uh-huh! You and me about to collide with nothing you can do about it! Get wrecked!" she taunted, jubilated by the idea of fusing together to reform her complete personality.

Kenashi couldn't resist hugging the sobbing vixen, kneeling down and wrapping his arms tightly around her, "Don't cry Akira, I'll still be there and I'll love you no matter who you become.." he said, hoping to encourage her. The Rift sealed a bit more, shaving off a month, leaving Rociel to recalculate her ETA of Akira's full personality, "Careful big boy or else you might leave her catatonic!" she warned about causing it to heal too quickly. Her eyes dried up, smiling at him with a joyful glow, "Thank you!" she said, happy to know he wouldn't abandon her.

Erika was impressed by the display, "Ahh hell yeah! When I wake up, I'm definitely getting some of that!... And maybe a bit more! Now what in the hell is setting us up for this potential trainwreck? Cause Cai only did a little bit last time we did this." she said, referring to Caesar's attempts to seal the schism. Rociel grinned and templed her hands together akin to an evil genius, "That's my doing, The medical nanomachines that spread from me to you are likely stimulating your dormant neural pathways to restore the connections between your respective hemispheres. At the rate your rift is sealing, I estimated you two will assimilated together around mid December" she explained, content with the data she's acquired from her little 'accident'. The Vixen nodded, "Alright, just in time for Christmas! Maybe I'll tie a bow around my waist, then let you have me for a day... If Ken's okay with it." she teased, unaware of her current physical circumstances.

Kenashi stood up, casually whistling as if nothing was going in the real world or the fact that Akira's body was situated between him and Rociel. She immediately clicked onto what was going, "Oh you son of bitch! You know always wanted to try that!" she said, excited to discover what she might find. He looked away, "Blame Rociel's PMS, she talked Akira and me into it." he said, pinning the blame on the Hyena.

The Vixen looked to her technophilic hero, "You slut!" she said in a playful tone, hoping she didn't take offense to it. Rociel shrugged her shoulders, unphased by a word that described her proclivity, "Meh, tPMS makes me want it more, besides, I'm not afraid to fuck my friends and I'm type of slut that gives her girlfriends experimental birth control that prevents pregnancy for six months by making the ovum unable to latch onto the uterine wall during said time." she explained, utilizing her female associates to field her new BC pharmaceutical. Erika wasn't keen on being an unwilling guinea pig, knowing what happened to Cell's pet guinea pig that had a heart attack, decided to use the opportunity to her advantage, "You, me! Let's bareback it!" she said, looking at her Boyfriend, brandishing her pearly whites.

The little soldier went slackjawed at the suggestion while Ken was somewhat surprised, "Well... Damn, first a three way now free-range, pinch me if I am dreaming." he said in disbelief. Rociel's id tumbled and rumbled about the ground, banging its head around dealing with the tirade of hormones in her system, "Goddamit!" it shouted, clawing at its owner's leg. She planted her palm against her face, dissapointed by the nature of her drive, "I know it sucks, but we have Slepnir." she said.

Kenashi's Id turned to into a fountain of blood before collapsing on the ground, twitching as his owner's cheeks bloom akin to cherry blossoms. The beastly little drive danced around clapping its hands, "Yay! Slepnir! Slepnir! Slepnir!" it chanted, cheering in pride. Erika's eyes widened, recalling what Celestine shared of her knowledge of the dreaded "Slepnir", "Is that what I think it is?" she asked,

Caesar came careening in from the sky, crashing down face first between Ken and Rociel, "Oww..." he said in a deep baritone voice. Rociel looked down at him, rolling over on his back with her foot, "Great, the inherently useless telepath is here to hinder progress." she hissed, losing patience with him for his lack of initiative. He positioned himself upright, staring at the cynical adolescent, "...Why do you torture me about that? I don't want to rush anything with Cell." he replied, discomforted by her attempt to push him.

Erika was even irked by Caesar's procrastination to pursuit Celestine's interest in him, "Oh come on man! She wants to blow your brains out, you want to blow her's out, make it a splatterfest and quit being a whiney little bitch!" she lectured, privy to some private pillow talk between her and a certain lagomorph. Akira chimed in as well, "Yeah! Stop being a cunt-tease! Its not fair!" she proclaimed, sympathizing with her other self.

The young wolf felt jaded by the sudden inquisition, "Am I getting punked or am I in a monty python skit?" he questioned. Rociel glared at him with a beady stare, brandishing her teeth in a vile scowl, "Get her done, Jackass! Do you know how fucking frustrating it is dealing with a sexually anxious younger sister? Its goddamned annoying especially when you set off her mania!" she said, still perturbed by his earlier shenanigans that went on inside her own head. His ears pinned against his head, overwhelmed by the fact he had three girls chastising him about "hanging out" with the Hyena's half sister, "I don't know where you or her live at all..." he said, using an age old excuse.

Kenashi and his Id started cracking up, imagining what would happen if she woke up, "Caesar, you might wanna run... She's going to hunt you down!" he said. The Technopathic Teenager perked up at the suggestion, "Hmm, I like that idea... If you aren't at my house in the hour I wake up, I'm busting down your door and dragging your sorry ass out into the street." she threatened with her ultimatum. Caesar couldn't help wonder why his time limit was so lengthy, "Why an hour? I don't think you live that far away from me from what Celestine showed me..." he asked.

"One, I'm PMSing and being trapped inside Akira's head the moment is the only thing preventing from turning to a hormonal mess wanting attention. Secondly, I am in bed with these two and I would rather enjoy waking up to their "company" because said hormones are making me horny as fuck. Thirdly, I would like to have breakfast before kicking someone's ass or else it throws my entire day off course, and I more interested in satiating my need for 'expression' than chasing your ass down." Rociel explained.

Kenashi walked up next to Caesar, tapping him on the upper arm to signal for him to cut the psychic link, "I'll text you the address man, Rociel's teaching me some wicked stuff and I'll keep her busy for a while." he whispered. The telepath hastily severed their connection, retreating from the realm of thought and dreams, returning to his own body. He sat upright in the darkened room on his queen sized mattress, looking at his clock standing vigilant by his bed on the end table, displaying "5:30 AM".

The adolescent wolf watched his mother, Kazadine Capello, enter the room half naked, yawning "Caesar, School's out today!" she said, laughing in a stupor. His ears pinned against the back of his head, wondering why his mother would try to wake him up when there wasn't school, "Are you okay mom?" he signed, afraid to even peer into her mind considering she mostly out of it in the first place.The Motherly madwoman cackled and snickered, likely experiencing her own manic moments, "The question is "Are you okay?" is what I should be asking." she said, redirecting focus on him.

Caesar stoppd to think about her question, "Am I okay? Rociel threatened to beat me up if I didn't visit her sister but I would like to visit, and my friends want me to sleep with her. Hmm..." he thought, trying determine his current condition. His mother was brilliant at what she did, Counseling despite often lacking any sense, "Am I okay? There is a plenty of food in the house, hot water, and cleanliness along with other fun things, and your dad is visiting so yes, I am very okay!" she cheered, absolutely jubilant without any practical reasons. He was baffled by her yet understood that she was content with what she meant, "Okay, Mom's having a good day, might as well ask her for advice." he thought, seeing that his mother was happy for various reasons.

Kazadine played around with her pearl pentacle on her necklace, an emblem of her faith in the pagan Feri tradition, a goddess centric faith that emphasized sensuality and sexuality. Caesar swallowed his pride and decided ask her, "Hey Mom, There is a girl that likes me and I like her, and she wants to... You know, with me" he signed, wondering how she'd react. His mother beamed from ear to ear, smiling as she clapped her hands together, "If Mari desires it, so it will but its always a splendid day when a Yoni and Lingam meet, or if Yoni greets many a lingam and vice versa." she said, essentially encouraging the idea.

Caesar's phone abruptly buzzed with a new text message popping up on the screen from Kenashi with address to the Hentzel family's home, "See, Mari provides and you shall succeed!" his mother said, before leaving his room to fetch a few things. He climbed out of bed, walking to his closet, sliding the mirror door to dress himself for the day, grabbing a pair of khaki shorts and cotton T-shirt with the emblem of his favorite radio station. He walked out to find his mother reaching into her cabinet of esoteric wares and potions as she pulled out a jar of dandelion juice bearing whole black olives in it spiced with calla lily and an ornamental container filled with candied pink rose petals along with Silk red ribbon from a spool of the exotic cloth.

They were her love charms though they were simply gifts with good intentions, Kazadine handed them to her son, "Take these and have her eat them! Oh, and tie the ribbon around your lingam!" she said. He didn't exactly question her faith since she often experienced quite a bit of good fortune, simply nodding yes, going along with her train of thought. She started pushing him out towards the door, slipping 50$ into his back pocket and few condoms, then slapped him on the backside for luck.

Caesar realized she pushed him out the wrong door, finding himself in his mother's garden that had a number of flowers that tied into her beliefs, mainly perenials and suggestively named fauna. He walked past an altar pedestal that had a small statue of a woman squatting in a receptive pose with a somewhat of a frown, stopping abruptly and staring at it, "...Ah might as well." he thought. The wolf kissed its head for good fortune before confidently leaving through the gate then the statue smiled...

...While the young eager Caesar marched forward across the town and over a river, Rociel was savoring the company of a sly couple who weren't hesitant to display their gratitude for her miracle to come. She was delightfully pinned between Erika and Ken, showering her with tender nips and pecks, as they groped the Hyena in her sensitive state, caressing her portions. Kenashi suddenly felt her hand on his lower back with a firm grasp, yipping in fear before he heard "Come here meat..." echo from her lips....

...Three hours later, the three rascivious adolescents panted heavily with satisfaction and perspiration, "Well! That was fun, but I have to check on Cell and prepare for my interview with Aerotek." Rociel said with her arms wrapped around the vulpine couple in a brief group hug. Ken felt his entire body on fire from his sheer exertion akin to a bull in a rodeo, heaving heavily "We should do this again sometime, I mean if it makes you feel better, you can grab us if your in the mood..." he said, basking her glowing aura. Erika hadn't any qualms with the idea, her eyes were practically glazed over from her nerves alight in a symphony of delight, "Yeah, I'm always up for some daytime debauchery, if you definitely need it." she said, taking her mental trait into consideration.

Rociel, in her glee, kissed the two on cheek before climbing of the bed, "Thanks, I'll definitely take the opportunity when I have the chance." she said, shivering with excitement and contentment. Something glimmered from the nearby wall, catching her attention,"Ooo! Shiny, can I have it?" she cheered, looking at the Necklace bearing a spiral charm with a silver inlay. Ken quickly sat upright, realizing what she found, "Oh uhh, its not mine, I found it on beach when I lived out in hawaii for a while. I think its called a koru, there's an engraving on the back." he explained.

The tribal necklace found its new home around the Hyena's neck as she looked at the back, reading the inscription written in rarotongan maori "Love the life you live, it may not be the last but make it a good one." it roughly translated. Rociel noticed the faded name written in marker on withered sticker bearing the name "B. Arsenault" before humming to herself. She turned towards Ken, "I'm keeping it, I think it might bring me some luck, and where the hell is my loincloth?" she asked, curious to where her leather underwear was.

After Rociel recovered her clothes and partaking of the O's residence pantry for a quick meal, she set off on her motorcycle for a steady ride. In the midst of her drive, her wristpad rang before she answered it with her mental prowess, "Yeah? Is something wrong Fifi?" she said. The crab drone was unfortunately hidden underneath coffee table, bearing witness to certain events, "There is a male here thats engaging with Miss Celestine but won't Identify himself. He keeps consistently makes a number of gestures towards me and I feel he's insulting my intelligence!" The AI complained. Her technopathic creator rolled her eyes though remaining focused on the road, "I'll be there shortly, Issue Friendly Tag Marker in Friend or Foe registry, Designation: Caesar Traugott. Note inability to verbally communicate, acquire language registered as "American Sign"." she commanded, issuing an update to their collective subroutines through the communication line.

"Data Received, Status update on target: Mister Traugott appears to be..." Fifi said but luckily interrupted by her master. She wasn't eager to hear an entire play-by-play of her sibling's private engagement, "Discontinue observation and resume standard protocol!" she said, essentially telling her mechanation maiden to mind her own business. The 5th of ABEL's spawned huffed to display her frustration, "Yes Miss Rociel, I will comply." she replied.

15 minutes later, Rociel arrived in the concrete driveway of her family home, listening what sounded like Celestine giggling before screaming "Stahp!!!" aloud, triggering her eldest's protective instinct. She came barging in through the kitchen door, armed with her Type-01 Electropulsor Pistol, "Surprise motherfucker! Hands up!" rociel shouted, poised to strike only to discover Caesar in his trousers tickling his little sister. Celestine nearly lept out of her seat, noticing her sister pulled out her experimental sidearm, "Ahh! No! don't shoot my buddy!" she cried, pulling herself upright as her ears perked in the air in fear that she would pull the trigger anyway.

Caesar turned around and raised his arms, nodding his no, "Its not what it looks like." he signed, before realizing she told him to come to her house. The crossbreed started snickering, "Gotcha, still, you made me panic you fuckers! Cell, don't ever yell 'Stop' unless there is murderer or a rapist after you. Understand?" she said, setting her pistol down on the kitchen counter. The young wolf sighed in relief until Celestine pounced on him, attacking him when he was distracted, "Yes!...and I got you! Now stay put, I'll be right back!" she cheered, heading up to her bedroom.Rociel smiled at her sister's consort and walked towards him, grinning a psychotic grin "So Caesar, are you enjoying my sister's company? She's going to make a man out of you while I'm gone for the rest of the week, Next thing you will know it, you'll be parading her around by a leash in public while she begs for you to whip her ass like the little masochist she is. Man, you are so fucked Caesar!" she explained in a hush tone, trying to psych him out while testing his resolve.

Caesar wasn't phased by it but cautious of Rociel's words, "So what if she is into that stuff,it doesn't bother me" he signed, pondering her motivation. She beamed with a sadistic glow, "You have to take her to the deepest depths of subspace and beyond if you want her to be yours, you have to unleash all the pain that you can possibly deliver. Make her your pet, show her that you can take the lead instead of being a humble little bitch, do what you want to her when you want to, within reason of course. Show her that you can dominate, or else she might dominate you!" the Hyena forewarned, stating one of the potential routes his relationship with Celestine could take. His ears perked at the thought of taking the rabbit by the hand, "So if I don't her my bitch, she'll make me hers?" he signed, worried about the likelihood of it.

Celestine came back down the spiral metallic staircase that lead up into the loft bedroom with a backpack in hand before she hopped and the couch and stared at him bearing a playful smile. Rociel's ears immediately stood up, sensing a disturbance in her wallet, "Did you steal one of my cards again? Because I don't need technokinesis to figure out what's in that bag." she said. Her little sister blushed, biting her lips, "Maybe I decided to buy a few things when you weren't looking..." she replied, guilty of pilfering one of her eldest's hacked cards.

Rociel simply shook her head, "You get a free pass on that one, At least its something you need. Anyway, I need to get ready for my interview and Caesar is in charge while I'm gone so you do whatever with him. Caesar, make sure she doesn't destroy the house or cause a floral armageddon because I don't feel like fighting an army of sentient undying monster plants." she explained, before heading upstairs to change into more appropriate attire. Caesar went slackjawed realizing he'd been conscripted into watching her younger sister, "Was she joking about the Armageddon or the plants?" he signed, more concerned now if he was the only one standing in the way of Celestine and an edenic apocalypse. She giggled despite the fact it was true, "Oh thats just if I ever get bored but I have you to play with now!" she cheered, happy with her 'playmate'. The young wolf hugged his favorite lady friend, patting her on the back, "Son of bitch Rociel..." he thought to himself, tricked by the Spider's intricate web.

The Hyena was taking her time in her room, ogling her reflection in the mirror as she wiggled her hips at herself in the buff, particularly proud of her earlier social success. Her body didn't hesitate to express that happiness, gazing into the looking glass, "I am sexy, attractive and erotic! People enjoy me for who I am, and enjoy them who they are! They want to fuck me and I want to fuck them!..." she said as she basked in a sense of positivity, feeling rather well about herself. Her short bushy tail waved about the air, before Rociel turned about, "...and make 'em bust a nut! I should really drag my Baby Beua out here when I have the chance, I miss that boy!" she thought, thinking about her bayou dwelling relative.

She scoured her wardrobe, packing a suitcase full of clothes, setting it down by the stair case before walking over to the steel-aluminun alloyed foot locker. Rociel utilized her psychic ability to unlatch its locks, pulling out a crystalline plate made of quartz with etchings on it akin to a circuit board then grabbed a large behemoth of what looked like a giant SD card reader, inserting quartz board into it. She held onto the hyperadvanced storage drive in her hand, closing her eyes as if she was meditating, transferring the information that Caesar unwittingly unlocked, updating the map of the Galaxy she had inside it from her mind.

Some of the AI who'd hidden in her room witnessed the device, curious to why she witheld such technology even from them, appraching her after she finished. Un, the first of ABEL's brood, walked up to her in his crustacean like vessel, "Miss Rociel, what is that?" he asked in a soft tone. Rociel jumped a little, startled by them before realizing who it was, "Its the future my little friend, your future after I'm long gone. Just becuase your ABEL is lost doesn't mean he is out there planning and preparing for me, either for or against me. I know what he is doing, he's challenging me to find him and he's driving me up the wall by doing so, he know's it." she explained, somewhat paranoid there was rogue AI out there armed with knowledge of her technology and science.

Un unfortunately had to remind her of a minor mistake, "...yeah and you sent him with only working protypes of your spatial slip drive and plasma gas engine." he said, somewhat jaded considering his own circumstances. Rociel planted her palm against her face, "I know, it was an oversight but I was angry at the time and didn't consider it. I've already revised the spatial slip drive blueprints to reduce the energy consumption cost while improving vortex stability." she explained, irritated by the fact she was reliving the entire experience in her mind.

Rociel's spatial slip drive was a development she had made when she had been chasing around space time vortexes that kept randomly popping up without any rhyme or reason to them when she was younger, learning of how to manipulate space time in the sense, and create a method of generating antigravitiy and frictionless propulsion through electrogravitic means by generating an intense electromagnetic field. One issue she consistently ran into was how to power it without a terrestial body as an energy source, AKA the earth itself, and that in itself was costly in the absence of anything short of a fusion battery. The solution to her problem was a plasma gas engine, which used hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, and a bevy of other gases that were commonly found in nebulas or around the sun itself but presented another problem of how to acquire them beyond melting piles upon piles of garbage at extremely high temperatures to obtain it.

Rociel snapped out of her daze, shaking her head, "Anyway, I have to run, please give cell some privacy while I'm gone. I need some time alone..." she said with a strange glint in her eye. The cyberspacial band were confused by why she seemed upset, though considering her hormonal status from their communications with her datapad's virtual intelligence. She picked up her luggage, "First, this world then the stars!" she thought to herself, heading down the staircase and out the front door.