Furst strike- Pilot

Story by Furdel on SoFurry

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#1 of Furst strike

So this is an attempt at my first story. The characters are human unless stated otherwise. Let me know if there is too much violence, or if it is too descriptive, as this is a war story. I dont wanna be hated for that. Anyways, feedback is wanted, and hope you enjoy!

Lieutenant Fardel pushed the barrel of his silenced Remington 700 through the bushes, looking over the military instillation. He was deep in Iran with 19 of his fellow Navy SEALs. He scanned the perimiter.

"All clear" he whispered into his mic. His spotter pulled up his binoculars to scan for the target.

"So what exactly we lookin for, LT?" His spotter, Petty Officer Jones asked.

"Hezbollah leaders are travelling to this here base to take a flight to an unknown location to meet with the Ayatollah."

"But he won't make it, right?"

"Unless we go wrong, he will. Orders from the Pentagon are to watch him. A Sunni group with ties to the former Islamic State and al-Qaeda are heading here to whack him, intel suggests. As much as we hate these terrorists, they still protect Christians in Lebanon and are a million times better than those other two. I'd rather have people who protect my religious brothers than those who wish to destroy everything that is the Western world. See them yet?"

"Negatory. Hold on, lights are coming on. Whats happening?" Jones asked. Fardel shook his head and resumed his over-watch.

Jones began to speak. "So, what made you volunteer-" he was shut off as Fardel cupped his hand over Jones' mouth. The hairs on his neck rose as he listened. That's when he heard it. pfft. pfft. pfft. The sound of silenced weapons. Having a sudden sensation of someone watching from close buy, he rolled and swung the end of his rifle at the same time. They connected with a thump against something. He heard the unmistakable sound of a body thumping against the ground and heard a weapon land nearby. He rolled onto his feet and looked at the man. He was tall, muscular and definitely a Persian. A Quds force operative by his uniform. He saw a silenced G-23 laying next to him. The two of them advanced towards the rendezvous westward. As they emerged from the bushes, they were suddenly flooded with light. Heard a laugh. After a quick exchange in Farsi, a high ranking official motioned for them to surrender. Several SEAL bodies lay around them. Fardel tried to slink back, but was caught in the left ribs with a taser, dropping him instantly. The last thing he heard before passing out was the thump of his spotter hitting the ground from another taser.

\ **a month later**

Fardel woke up on the table, still getting used to the idea of the Iranian "insults". He tried to lift up to get his tail out from under him, but with no success.

"Still a little shocked, Infidel?" He heard a booming voice ask.

"I'm just wondering why you attacked us. Our mission was to protect your guy. Also, how the fuck did you find us?!" He responded. The voice laughed and its owner stepped into view. A General in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. He laughed at Fardel, who instinctively hissed. Instantly realizing what he did, Fardel flipped his ears back in embarrassment. This prompted even more thunderous laughter from the General, as well as laughter from the scientist. Fardel heard the doors behind him open and craned to see who entered. Two guards walked in.

"You see, you silly Americans think you can waltz into Iran and do what you want? HA! You, of all people Fardel, should know better. I believe it is time to give the Americans a little show of what happens to their military who trespass into the Islamic Republic of Iran. Guards!" The guards walked over and held him down. One injected him with a sedative, while the other unlocked his restraints. The General pulled him off the table and secured handcuffs on him.

"Showtime." He said. He grabbed Fardel under his left arm and one guard, the one who sedated him, grabbed his right. They pulled him off the table and started walking down the hall. Fardel drug his tail and legs on the floor, letting them carry all of his weight. He heard the voice of the Ayatollah ahead, and they stopped behind a curtained door. He focused on the voice.

"And now, the pinnacle of Iranian science, the test subject of the human enhancement program, the US SPECIAL FORCES!" At that Fardel was dragged onto a dust covered stage, in front of hundreds of press and onlookers. He hung his head in shame as all laughed. When the guard from behind him moved out, he unsheathed his claws. Using skills in lockpicking taught by his instructors, he got the handcuffs almost undone. He started humming Radioactive to know when to execute his plan. When the Ayatollah started speaking again, he hit the timing.

He began to sing "I'm breaking in, i'm shaping up, i'm checking out of this prison bus. This is it" He clinked off the handcuffs, which clattered on the ground behind him "THE APOCALYPSE!" he launched onto his feet and slashed the throat of the guard on his right and jumped up into the air. He kicked his left leg, claws extended, into the neck of the General and used to propulsion to do a backflip onto the wall behind him. He clawed into the wall and hissed at the crowd.

"THIS IS IT! YOU CREATED A CREATURE YOU CANNOT CONTAIN! AYATOLLAH, YOUR SCIENTISTS WERE SUCCESSFUL, I HOPE YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED! YOU WILL NOT TAKE ME AGAIN!" With that he jumped onto the roof and slashed the throat of the guard next to him. Slipping behind him he grabbed the Kalashnikov and pumped three rounds into the guard who was bringing his weapon to bear. Fardel took off across the roof with the AK and jumped off. He ran over to a jeep and started hot-wiring it when he heard the crash of doors opening. He took prime use of his tail and leaned out. A group of a dozen guards ran out of the doors towards cover. He fired the whole magazine into the crowd with one hand, and dropped the weapon. He had downed several soldiers and took off in the jeep. After driving for several dozen miles, he spotted a roadblock ahead. He smashed in the console and to his luck found an old pistol. He hooked the floor mat on the gas pedal and jumped out. He started firing at the soldiers in the roadblock, killing several and ran behind the jeep as it smashed through the roadblock. Using all of his skills and new assets, he spun low to the ground and took out the few remaining soldiers. He grabbed another weapon and hopped in a new vehicle. He raced off towards the border.

To be continued... ?