Starry Night Out

Story by FreindlyFryer on SoFurry

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This is just a short warming story that I wrote overnight. Hope you like it.


Starry Night Out

Jake stood in the casino of the promenade deck of a Centurion space cruise liner looking out the large window in the wall. The promenade deck had a great view of space outside, and it had always been Jake's dream to visit the outer areas of the solar system and see Jupiter up close. He was having a great time. The strobe lights were flashing and the people were dancing.

This trip was made even better by the fact that he was with his significant other, Terry. The perfect littler deer for him. He loved Terry very much and when the two had finally saved up enough to go on their dream trip, they couldn't possibly be happier.

Everything was perfect, but Jake had done something Terry didn't know about. He had saved his own little personal stash of cash before they embarked on the wondrous journey, and with this money he planned to propose. He bought the best ring he could afford before they left, and he never let it leave his side. He took the box out of his pocket and opened it. His kangaroo tail shifted in nervousness as he awaited his beloveds return.

"Hey Jake! Enjoying the view!" Terry called over the loud music.

Jake quickly returned the box to his pocket before turning and greeting her. "Hey! Yeah! It's even better than I ever imagined!"

"Here! I got drinks!" Terry said handing him a foam cup with a small umbrella on the top.

"Hey! I need to ask you something, kind of... important," Jake said nervously. He swore his heart was going to beat out of his chest. "Can we go up to the top deck?" He asked.

"Sure," She said curious for what Jake could possibly want to ask to her.

They took the elevator up to the top deck with the pool. There weren't as many people up there, and the ones that were there weren't as loud. The deck had a huge glass ceiling through which you could see the brilliant starry expanse that was outer space. The two stood by the pool and stared up at the twinkling lights strewn about.

"Oh honey, it's so beautiful," Terry said with an expression of pure aw across her face. "I wish it didn't have to end."

Jake reached for the box in his pocket. "Umm... Terry?" She looked at him curiously. "Umm... would you?" Just then Jake shuffled his feet and tripped over his tail. In the confusion of the moment and trying not to fall into the pool he accidentally grabbed Terry's arm and pulled her in too.

There was a large splash as Jake landed hard on the pool's steps and Terry landed in his lap. "Aw dang, these are my good pants," he exclaimed.

Terry let out a sigh and playfully stated, "Jake, you're such a klutz." She then hugged him tightly. "But you're my klutz."

When she pulled away, Jake looked at her. She looked so beautiful in the starlight. Her short bangs flopped over her forehead and water dripping down her perfect doe face. "Terry... will you marry me?" He asked feeling the blood rushing to his cheeks.

Terry's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. For second she said nothing and the anxiety was destroying Jake. After a few seconds she finally exclaimed, "Of course!" She threw her arms around him once more, holding him very tightly and, Jake returned the hug.

There they sat. In a pool with all of the universe watching. The two lovers who crossed the stars and had a future just as bright.