Furry TF Wolf Story [Clean]

Story by leofurr on SoFurry

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furry tf story

glanced at my watch. 3 AM. Shit. It was a school night, and being 14, I should've been in bed hours ago. I had recently become a furry/ anthro, and had stayed up all night on the internet looking up all I could on the fandom (except for the porn, cuz that's gross). I had even created my own fursona, a wolf with grey fur, blue eyes, and black streaks on different parts of the body. I was starting to get really tired, but I couldn't get the idea of humans transforming into anthropomorphic animals out of my head. I mean, I had been interested in anthros since I was, like, 9, but I hadn't realized I was a furry until very recently.

While all these weird thoughts circled around my head, I accidently miss-clicked on a random advertisement article. The link took me to one of those quizzes which are supposed to tell you what the best animal to use for your fursona is. "What the hell", I decided, "I'll take the quiz then go to sleep after words." I was about to click on the 'start' button, when I noticed a little disclaimer at the far left of the screen which stated in plain black letters "prepare to truly BECOME your new fursona!". I didn't even pretend not to be excited, though I knew that I wasn't really going to transform, because all that transformation stuff is, unfortunately, total bullshit. None the less I knew it couldn't hurt to try, and that's exactly what I did.

The quiz began simply enough, with a question about what kind of night I would prefer the most - Home alone, at a party, etc. -, and continued on with the average stuff about your personality that everyone who's ever used one of these quizzes, but there was something different about this one... I felt this weird feeling of happiness and heat that blossomed from the center of my chest which only persisted as I continued the test. Now by this point, I was mildly freaking out from the sensation.

After a small amount of absolute panic, I reached the last question. "Do you want to be alone?" What was that supposed to mean? I tentatively checked the "no" box and clicked finish. The results appeared, saying I was a wolf (which I already knew). I then closed out of the browser, waiting for something to happen. "Hmm. I guess it was a hoax after all, and I just had random, unexplainable heartburn." I thought after 5 minutes of absolute nothing.

After that disappointment, I decided to go onto my Tumblr furry account, and see what was up with everyone I was following. What I got scared me more than the random-ass heartburn. The first thing I saw was the usual, beautiful artwork. Until I refreshed.

Immediately a text post on a blog called @furrydepot which went as follows:

/><br /></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style=The grammar was a little weird, but I got the gist. I started to get confused, but just assumed that someone was making a joke... it seemed awfully real though... Just to be sure, I refreshed a view more times and got this:

/></p><h2></h2><h2>I also saw a couple of posts from medical news journals, and they actually confirm that people are transforming into human like animals all across the world. </h2><h2>

And then I felt it. Another blossoming of heat came from my stomach, and I fell the ground, feeling my bones shift. I ripped of my shirt and saw fur spreading from my chest to my arms as my lower back ached and a tail pushed its way out. The tail was as long as my arm, bushy, and grey, just like the fur. I was turning into my fursona. I stumbled to the mirror and watched as the fur reached my face and covered it. My mouth pushed forward and became a snout, and my ears went to the top of my head, becoming pointier and pointier as they went. By this point, my heart is beating faster than the speed of sound, and my pulse could probably have been measured on the Richter scale.

I looked at my hands as they grew claws, and felt my feet do the same. My transformation was complete.

I felt the breeze from my window ruffle my fur and tail, and realized I felt _great. _ I decided to go on the internet and try to figure out what was coming next. But no matter what came next, I knew it was gonna be awesome.

THANKS FOR READING MY FIRST FURRY TF STORY!! Keep in mind I don't have any experience with this, so don't judge too harshly.