A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 3-The Cards

Story by Tyro619 on SoFurry

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#3 of ADT-The Star's Journey

Emelia Renxiang is the Animal Tamer in one of the world's most premier traveling circus. She and her sister have tamed anything from Ferrets to mighty Lions. One day, an event leads to an introduction of a new friend, an Eastern Dragon. What happens next will shatter Emelia's world and cast her into a chain of events that promises to forever change the way she will look at the world.

When I came too, it was dark outside. The smell of blood and suffering had left my presence, replaced by the smell of decaying flesh, though there were no bodies around. At first, I hoped that it had all been a horrific nightmare, but when the feeling returned to my body, I found that I felt much longer, bigger, stronger and heavier than I normally did. My arms and legs felt slightly smaller than normal, and I noticed when I opened my eyes, the colors just popped, jumped out at me. Everything was so much clearer. I noticed the sounds of the cars on the road just in front of the tent were much more clear and audible than they had been that morning as well. I noticed that the smells of the room were more...pronounced than they had been as well. When I was finally able to get feeling back into my arms and legs and stand up, I was able to look at what exactly what had happened to me.

I was taller by about a foot, close to seven feet, I'd say 6'8. Most of what looked to be about 36 feet behind me was a long, snake like body shrouded in chromium silver and blue scales. I had two, large silver scaled wings attached near my shoulders that went a good ways down my back that had blue membrane on them. They were laying limp at my sides and together I'd say they equaled about 120 feet. In a mirror close by, I was able to look at my face. My eyes were bright, neon blue that practically glowed when the light hit them. I had two silver horns coming out of my head that slanted back about a foot or so. My snout was about six or so inches long and a little slender. I opened my mouth and found it was lined with 62 razor sharp, knife like fangs with four in the front looking like swords. I had what I guessed was a dragon version of hair that was slanted back at the top of my head that hid my ears and the base of my horns. All in all, it would be safe to say that my new body was both, amazing, and terrifying.

I sighed, "he said he was giving me cards...would they be near by?"

I started sniffing around the tent, once I was able to get a hang of walking again, and soon I found what I assumed was the card box. It was a small, engraved silver and gold box with diamond inlays. I picked it up and turned it around in my paw, trying to summon the strength to open it, still half believing that this was all a bad dream and that I would wake up soon. Mustering what little bravery I had, I opened the box. Resting inside it, were ten, parchment, silk backed cards with silver and gold threads woven into them. The edges were set in what looked like thin platinum and the painting's on them looked as if they were hand drawn. The cards were The Emperor, which showed a man in heavy battle armor with a sword hoisted high over his head, riding an armored horse. A Brute, which showed a huge man gripping two zombie looking people by their necks. A fool, which showed a juggling clown, A sorcerer, which showed a cloaked man pouring two beakers of glowing liquid into a glass bowl. A Snake, which showed a Black Mamba posed for a strike. An Archer, which showed a man in light armor with an arrow pulled back in it's bow, and a Mink, who was slouched in the grass. The very last one held a glowing star and was titled, The Star. For what ever the reason, I guessed that this was my card and if I lost it, I would seal the fate of everyone on the other nine cards.

Names in different voices began throwing themselves around in my head.

"John." "Hudson"









I sighed, the final name, my own, confirmed my suspicion about The Star card being my own.

"Keep that one close", I said putting them back in the box, "can't lose these."

I stuck my head out the tent flap and looked up at the sky, the position of the moon told me midnight. I dropped my head to the ground, sighed and then pulled it back inside the tent. The darkness would be the perfect cover to slip out of my tent and begin my search for those nine people the demon had laid this curse on, but I was tired enough as it was, so unless I wanted to be falling over asleep in the middle of something, I needed some right now, plus, I figured I'd have plenty of sleepless nights in the year to come. I looked around the tent. High up in the poles, there was the trapeze net that the Acrobats had used in the last show for some pretty cool stunts, and that looked as good a place to sleep as any, plus I figured that I was too big to fit in my train car anyway.

I walked up to the main support pole, dug my claws into the old oak, and inch by inch I climbed up and then slunk into the net, finding it could hold my weight fairly easily and was quite comfortable, I was rather close to the ceiling of the tent and the heat from the day was still coming through, which made it slightly more comfortable than the ground. I sighed once more as I looked through the cards again.

"Of all the things to get dragged into", I whispered, the cards glowing like light sticks, "Why? He said I wasn't a good person? What did he mean by that?"

There were too many questions for me to try an answer. Tonight at least.