The Elven Lady

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#2 of Isaias - Ladies of the Lands

So, as requested by jjgamer, a sequel to 'The Bar Maiden', once again featuring Isaias, the lovable, unilateral consent loving dragon!

The long road, it turned out, had an end after all. Two weeks of travel through everything from scorching plains of sand to icy capped hilltops had paid off. ahead, the deep woods awaited, trees as tall as the mightiest citadels, and as old as the land itself stood sentinel above the rest of the canopy, leaves the colour of purest emeralds stretching out as far as the eye could see to the horizon, and even, some said, beyond that still. Nobody had ever accurately managed to map what layout that far, and none who had ventured to do just that had ever returned. The elves said the forest ran forever, the humans, to the far seas, and the anthro's... Well, he'd never actually asked their opinions much on anything aside from his own kind.

Isaias rolled his shoulders, adjusting the seat of his backpack as he roamed his way towards the boundaries. The elves were a secretive bunch of creatures, rarely leaving the safety of their woods for the sights and sounds of places such as the massive fortress city of Tarethall, or the smaller coastal hamlets and dock cities along the eastern fringes of the known world. They seemed content to dwell between the trees for eternity, and the rest of the world was happy to let them do just that.

Well... Most of the rest of the world anyway. He looked down at the rolled piece of parchment tucked under his waistband, where it had been safely stowed since he had set out. Funny that such a small thing could be worth so much gold to him, but his liege lord had been... quite insistent that he deliver the summons personally. Much of the elves forest home was entirely unused and unoccupied, and under the rule of several of the lesser lords and ladies of the elven kingdoms. It had been decided that it would be most advantageous if a bargain could be struck, or even better than that, a union between his uncle's small 'territory' as it was, and one of the outlying elven families.

After all, elvish crafts and timber fetched a very, very hefty price when taken far enough into the human and anthro territories... It was a brilliant plan, one that would put Isaias's family above in terms of wealth and lands any other dragon family in the region, or heck, the entire empire. Many had thought of such a ruse before, but they had all gone about such matters the entirely wrong way. Elve's hearts were fickle things, and who else beside another ageless race could an elf possibly hope to love?

Certainly not the humans, for their lives were faint, a bright candle extinguished mere moments after lighting by comparison to the longevity of the mystic forest dwellers. The anthros of most species suffered the same flaws, brought on by interbreeding and mortal life spans. But a dragon, on the other hand... Dragon's were not immortal by any means, but they did have the means and drive to live lives that could keep apace with those of the elves, and what few examples of offspring between the two races existed showed all the signs of being as ageless as the fair skinned elvish folk.

If such an heir could exist for his uncle's fiefdom, it could potentially span into a kingdom of its own given time, and with the resources of even a small elvish claim at his back, there would be nothing to prevent them from expanding rapidly and buying or conquering new territory. They would spawn an empire that would outlast even the current kingdoms of humans and anthro's combined. In its simplicity, the plan was genius.

The only hitch came in finding one of the aforementioned small elvish claims that was suitable for their goal, and preferably one that was not as xenophobic as the eldest elves that lived in the deepest parts of the woods, within entire hidden fortress cities that were rumored to disappear at the blink of an eye should they will it.

Isaias however, believed he had worked that problem out on his own. He stood at the very edge of the forest, the dramatic line where plains suddenly and sharply turned into thick pine woods that disappeared into the darkness beneath the canopy of leaves and needles. He took his first step into the elven realms, and the air around him seemed to change just as dramatically as the scenery.

The warmth of the plains and the calm breeze simply ended, the air taking on a more sinister note, as if he was being watched by every lurking shadow. In truth, he wasn't far off, but from what he had read, anybody entering these lands was under near constant scrutiny by its guardians. Just what those guardians were, the books had been deceptively vague about, suffice to say though if you encountered one, you wouldn't be returning to write about it afterwards. That, being a scenario he was eager to avoid, he continued inwards, the dragon casting a wary gaze over his shoulder as the safety of the open ground rapidly faded away with each step.

He followed game trails and scuffed dirt paths for some time before he detected the first signs of being truly watched by eyes that he could see, half glimpsed shadows and glinting reflections of steel darting between the branches. He came to a stop amidst a small clearing of mossy stones, the green scaled dragon raising his paws up and outwards, his paws extended, palms open.

"Come now, are such shadow games necessary? I come bearing a message for the lady of the south tree family, Lisandra, from my Uncle, the lord of North Peak castle and the fiefdom it entails. I request an escort to her, and ask your hospitality, oh noble elves." He gave a low bow. They were a race of stickers for formality and procedure, if nothing else. A little bit of flattery and humility could get you a long way, when used correctly.

True to their names, the elves that seemed to simply materialize from the woods around him were of fair complexion, mixes of dark and blonde hair just visible beneath the olive coloured cloaks each wore, various daggers and bows and strange fetishes he didn't recognize adorning the individuals as they pleased. To a fault though, they had him entirely surrounded and covered, no less than a dozen bodkin tipped arrows centered on him.

A single male approached him, fine silver platemail that would make the most skilled human craftsmen weep for its beauty glimmering from beneath his cloak as he tossed the hood of his cloak back. "You vow to keep the peace while you are within these borders, dragon. Cause no trouble, and you will find none coming for you. Insults from outsiders will be paid in kind with injury." The elf continued, drawing a glistening curved dagger from his belt, and twirling the blade between his fingers, slanted eyes gazing down at him like a hawk regarding a mouse, far, far below. "Do I make myself clear?"

Isaias nodded, letting a lazy ring of smoke drift from his nostrils, a typical dragon reaction. "Crystal."

They guided him from the clearing and along an increasingly intricate and confusing set of pathways, leading him in what he was certain would end up being a complex series of circles, switchbacks, and backtracking pathways designed to leave even the most skilled tracker dumbfounded as to his whereabouts. Within a few minutes, Isaias was entirely and hopelessly lost, but that was exactly what one had to be in order to find the mysterious elves hidden cities.

The first he knew of the city was when he was standing smack in the center of it. Despite his best attempts at keeping vigourous attention on his surroundings, the shift had been so... subtle and seamless that it had entirely escaped his notice until they had come to a stop at the base of a massive redwood. The trunk alone must have been an easy fifty feet thick from side to side, and lord only knew how many hundreds of feet high. Subtle protrusions from the bark melded into a flawless staircase, and as if by noticing that slight detail, the rest of the secrets here revealed themselves.

There, a window in a truck, shuttered from the outside by planks of bark. Across from him, a grand archway of creeping ivy, and to his rear, a set of gates that were slowly swinging closed, thirty yards tall and seemingly made of weaving and elegantly grown branches that moved of their own accord. It was no wonder that so many had such difficulty finding these cities. They WERE the forest, rather than merely inside of it. It would have been all too easy to pass within feet of such structures and remain entirely ignorant of their existence.

He was bid wait by his 'escort', and did so, sitting cross legged on the ground, his paws folded neatly on his lap. With slow, deliberate tilts of his head, the dragon took in his surroundings, paying careful attention to the layout of the 'city' as it were. Such knowledge would be vital if his journey here took a turn for the worst, assuming he managed to live long enough to make use of that information.

What sunlight that managed to make it this far down through the canopy was beginning to shift, the shadows growing long as minutes dragged into an hour, and Isaias's legs began to cramp. He rubbed his calves beneath his armour, willing some blood flow back into the stiff limbs. Suddenly, the set of double doors in the trunk of the tree opened, giving way to the most regal looking elf female he had laid eyes upon to date.

She had hair the colour of a raven's wings, silver eyes that seemed to piece into his own, and light, supple skin that caught the last rays of the sunlight as it disappeared behind the treetops for good. Her robes were the finest silk, elegant yet practical, with a pair of sleek, slender swords sheathed at her sides. Her gaze was set upon Isaias like twin daggers of ice, clearly unimpressed that anybody had come here at all.

She turned to one of the aides accompanying her, and spat a few harsh words in that musical, eloquent language, quick like arrows from their bows. Her aides all laughed like a flock of songbirds, before she settled her eyes back onto the dragon presented before her, a lazy dagger emerging from under her robes to twirl around between her fingers.

"I have an infestation of kobolds to my north, summons from the elvish court to convene three days hence to deal with human incursions into our lands, and now, a dragon, claiming to have travelled here on the behest of his uncle. Speak quickly, for my time grows shorter by the second, dragon." Clearly, his timing could have been better, but regardless...

Isaias stood, before making a low, formal bow, speaking a quick traditional elven greeting, before he rose back to his full height, back straight, eyes forward. "Greetings, oh Lisandra, warden of these woods. I wish to speak with you on matters of grave concern for both your lands, and those of my uncle's, on whose behalf I have traveled here." He tried to keep his tone as formal as possible, but the garments she wore left little to the imagination. Slowly, he thumbed the scroll tucked at his waist.

She looked him over once more, frowning, before turning and ushering her followers to come, including the dragon. "Very well. We shall speak in my chambers. Briefly." She punctuated the sentence with an all too dignified snarl, before marching back into the set of doors she had emerged through, taking a thin, spiralling staircase up the inside of the trunk. Her chambers were lofty, the inside of the tree appearing much smaller on the outside, and she entered through another set of doors, the two guards on either side raising their polearms in salute to her.

She brushed past them into her chambers, before taking a seat at the large glass and wire table in the center of the rom, her retainer following suit before Isaias was bid to sit as well. He did so slowly, glancing around suspiciously at the group of elves before him. He took the parchment roll from his belt, and quickly slid it across the table to Lisandra, who used her dagger to cut the thread holding it shut, her eyes scanning the document with a supernatural quickness.

After a few moments, she scoffed, laughing out loud, though it was a much more gritty note than the songbird laugh her followers had earlier. "He wishes to regularly post men within the edges of the forest, as well as remove lumber from these woods? Absolutely not. Your uncle is a fool, dragon, and you as well for coming here." She grinned maliciously at him, motioning to two of her guards to remove the reptile from her sight.

"If it please, my lady... I have another proposition to suggest, but it is for your ears and your alone." Isaias spoke up quickly, standing from his seat and setting a second scroll down upon the surface, tightly bound with a fine silk cord. She paused long enough for her guards to hesitate, before she waved them down with a delicate flick of her wrist. "Though it is for you alone these words are written. My weapons are gone, and I have no intention of causing you misfortune." He bowed again, his words quick and in hopefully understandable elvish. He looked to her pleadingly, as if asking for this last chance.

She hesitated, before rolling her wrist, dismissing the room to the corridor outside. "Tend to other matters while we speak. This will not take long." As soon as the doors were closed, she rounded the table to the dragon, growling in frustration. "You had best not be wasting my time lizzard, else I suspect you would make a nice pelt."

Isaias chuckled, stepping back to give her room. "Of course not. We are both very busy, and my uncle is a fool, but I suspect you will find -my- proposal most... agreeable." He chuckled, bowing once more as she stepped in front of him to examine this second offer. She picked up the scroll, turning it over in her hands before tugging at the knot, letting the piece of paper fall open before her eyes. The writing was scrawling, literally moving all around the mage's symbol in the center of the parchment. Too late, she recognized the enchanted trap.

There came a blinding flash of light from the paper, the entire piece crumbling to ashes in her hands as she recoiled, the spell's effect blasting outwards to consume the room. It had three immediate effects. The first, was that it sealed the room to all but those who Isaias permitted to answer, and prevented anything leaving as well, including sounds. The second, was that it placed a muffle hex upon the elf, her mouth clamping shut as she tried to call out hopelessly. The third had been the blast of energy that knocked her back into Isaias, while blinding her at the same time.

Almost in a way that made it seem choreographed, the dragon plucked both sword's from the elven lady's waist, tossing them across the room along with her dagger, that he prised from her hands with the ease of taking candy from an infant. He held her tight, binding her arms to her sides as he pushed his chest hard against her back, growling in her ear loudly, threateningly. He was in charge now, and she knew it, despite her struggles.

Roughly, he dug his claws into her dress, before spinning and tossing her against the wall, one paw wrapping her throat with the ease of a giant crushing an ant, lifting her delicate frame from the floor. "Nobody can hear you now, elf, so you may as well give up. That spell will last hours yet, but by then I will be long gone. Can't you feel it taking effect already? A quickening of your pulse, a tingling along your back... A warmth, blooming from your core..." He groaned out at that last note, his nostrils flaring as he scented the air.

"My brother is an idiot to think he can control your people. He deserves nothing, but what will control your folk is a child... A child of both our mighty races, to bring them together in peace and conquest both. His vision is so short sighted, but mine... Mine will last for an age or more, and your body will be the vessel to deliver it to the world." He grinned like an apex predator eyeing off a ripe, young fawn, as the claws of his free hand made short work of her dress, leaving the elvish lady exposed to the elements.

Her sex was a thin slit between her young, carrying the ageless beauty of her race, clean shaven and already dripping with moisture thanks to the scroll's effect. The elves were powerful with magic, it was true, but Isaias had paid a hefty fee and several favors for this one in particular, and from an elf, of all creatures. After all, who better to betray their people by selling that to him than one of their own?

He roughly shoved one paw between her legs, ignoring her squirming protests and muffled cries as she tried to escape his grasp, but he held her firm, slipping a pair of scaled fingers up and into her slickened body, growling his approval. "Hah, I never expected it to start working so quickly, but perhaps the thought of being ravished by a Dragon has gotten to you as well. Tired of your cute little elven boy cocks? Let me solve that for you..." He growled, removing his paw from her and using it to quickly strip his lower half.

His draconic breeding spire was already fully at attention. He had been since he had first laid eyes upon the Elven woman before him. He leaned his muzzle in, nipping his teeth against her exposed breasts, perfect and unmarred by age, perky like a newly made woman. The dragon's sharp fore teeth raked lightly over the exposed flesh, making the elf groan despite the muffle spell on her, rolling her hips. She was in the full throws of the spell's arousing effects, little more than a bitch in heat to the world.

She bucked as he cupped his paw over her mound, relaxing his grip on her throat enough for the lady to breath, the first sound being a breathy moan that escaped her lips. Oh yeah, she was his. He slid his fingers along the lust addled elf's tight little slit, smearing her arousal across his paw before gripping his rigid length, lubricating across his dark, tapered flesh. Then, without ceremony or anything in the way of gentleness, he shoved himself into her in his entirety, hilting the squirming bitch with a single hard thrust. She could handle him.

True to that assumption, the elven lady was already almost on the brink of an orgasm from the effects of the scroll alone, and the dragon's ridges sliding into her body was all too much. She climaxed hard around his cock, her tight, hot passageway clenching and massaging the dragon's entire girth as her body instinctively tried to pull him in deeper.

He bottomed out against her cervix, giving a few rough bucks to lodge his new 'acquisition' to the hilt, the female's sex juices and fem-cum coating the scales around the base of his cock with mess. His own prick leaked copiously within her passage, dribbling precum deep into the elven noble woman's pussy, feeding her lustful state further.

The spell was no doubt already working its magic upon the woman's womb, preparing her and forcing her ovulation even as he screwed her senseless against the wall of her chambers. But that wasn't even the best part. The spell would bind her to her forced 'children' as soon as they were conceived. If they hurt, she would hurt. If she tried to get rid of them, she would die too. That was his masterstroke. She would have no choice but to raise the children, genetically superior to either of their respective races. They would go out, and have more offspring once they hit their first rut or heat's, and breed more of the new race.

His seed would be the first steps of a lasting empire, and this high and mighty elf would be the vessel in which they grew and were raised. By elven societies customs, they would be her successors, inherit her title and area of influence, despite their mixed breeding. To his knowledge, they would be the first 'high-born' hybrids to be born.

That thought drove him on as he mercilessly pounded the fair elf's twat, driving his length as deep as he could reach, giving his seed the best head start he could, and a passage right to her vulnerable and fertile womb. As if realizing just what his intent was, the elf girl groaned, her eyes locking on his. Through sheer force of will, she managed a stuttered gasp and a few words broke through his muffle spell.

"You'll.. Ahhh, ahhH! Never... Ngghh... Get away with this, Dragon!" She panted between thrusts, her mind resisting what her body could not. He growled out evilly, almost chuckling in a low, bass rumble. As if to push the point, he drove himself deep into her body as his length began twitching, throbbing in time with his heartbeat as his internal testes prepared to give her the gift of his kind, and bring forth a new generation into her body.

"On the contrary, Elf. I already have." He grinned, letting his head tilt back and his eyes shut in bliss as the first thick spurts of dragon cum poured into the elf's body, messily painting the back of her womb a naughty of white. Each shot poured into her, followed by another, and another, in a seemingly unending tide of virile and rich reptilian sperm, flooding her vulnerable eggs with a swarm of competition.

Over the next hour, they would seek the dozen or so the spell had forced from her nobel ovaries, forcing them to harden into eggs in the most primal sense of the term. She would grow gravid and swollen with his clutch, and soon enough, make a nest to keep them until they hatched. Oh, how he wished he could be there to see her lay, to watch what he had forced onto her come to fruition, but the spell only protected his offspring, not him.

As soon as he was done, he pulled himself from her, letting the elf slide down to the floor, panting for breath as he wiped his cock clean on the remnants of her dress. "Mmmhmm, thank you so much for your hospitality Lady Lisandra, it has been... Most enjoyable. But I am afraid I must leave you now to contemplate how you will raise your future heirs. Be kind to them, for if you try to rid yourself of them, so too will you be rid from the world. I'm sure you'll make an excellent brood mother." Isaias taunted her, grinning a broad, toothy smirk as he opened the window to the exterior of the treehouse. He had spied a route across the branches that would see him safely to the outer wall, hopefully unnoticed.

"Enjoy motherhood. No doubt it will suit you."