foresight and luck

Story by shyybunny on SoFurry

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#1 of Foresight and Luck series

*So there he sat at the party. Not knowing what to do. Away from the dancing and conversing. As he set his head back against the wall, eyes starting to shut, I he felt a paw on his shoulder and a wonderful smooth voice one could only dream of speaking his name, "Hey Ayden"..*

"AH!", he awoke with a loud yelp suprised by his alarm clock set to go off at 6:30 AM.

"why!?" the red panda layed back down for a moment trying to make sense of the sweet dream that seemed all too real before shutting his alarm clock off and getting ready for school. Grabbing his towel as he went Ayden headed for the shower. After rubbing his shampoo, subtly smelling like mango, into his fur he leaned against the wall of the shower. As the water ran down his head, neck, and back he couldn't help but think of the dream. *is that going to happen? Does he talk to me?*

Ayden has the biggest crush on the cougar, Zeke. They are both 17 and go to the same school. And to add to it they have all their classes together. Zeke is the star athlete of the football and basketball teams, the most popular guy in school, and the most gorgeous guy Ayden has ever laid his eyes on.

The problem in all this is that Ayden is only popular amongst his own friends, is not the most gifted athlete (though he still made it on the basketball and tennis teams), and Ayden could never summon the courage to say more than three words to him, *h-hey i'm A-A-Ayden*.

Drying off from his shower Ayden tries not to think of the hunk he wish he could call his.

"HURRY UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE", Ayden's dad, Carl, called.

Wrapping his towel around his waist Ayden walked out, "yeah, thanks"

"Okay well I'm off to work. have a good day at school"

"Yeah, sure. See ya." Ayden closed the door to his room and turned his music up as he picked out some clothes for the day. Finally settling on some skinny blue jeans and a longsleeved shirt Ayden grabbed his bag, cell phone, and Zune to go to the bus stop, though he never makes it there. After walking along to "The All American Rejects" for a block he took his headphones out to see his friend Jordan Driving slowly beside him.

Jordan is the wolf that Ayden came out to first. He came out shortly after Jordan came out to him. They never dated but always had a loving friendship. Though Ayden did find Jordan somewhat attractive, with his 5 foot 10 inch and muscular build and light grey fur accented by a tuft of white fur on his chest and deep blue eyes this wolf could get any guy he wanted. And likewise Jodan found Ayden somewhat attractive. Ayden being 5 foot 8 and having a very defined body, which he usually hid to not get too much attention, just never seemed to click with Jordan as a couple.

"Get in" he said with his wolfy smile. Ayden nodded and got in sitting in the front passenger seat. As they drove out of the town they lived in to make to 20 mile drive to school Jordan finally broke the silence, noticing his friend's silence. "You dreamed about him again didn't you?"

Ayden finally looked away from his window blushing slightly "yeah but it was different this time."

"Ooh how so? Tell me tell me please?" Jordan was bouncing in his seat

Ayden smiled, "Okay calm down before you crash.." Jordan sat patiently in his seat as told, "..Like I woulndn't have told you. It was different because it was one of those realistic dreams again. One of those ones where I could feel his fur and smell his scent"

Jordan smiled widely, "I want to hear all about it so I'm there when it happens". All the dreams Ayden had that were this realistic had ended up happening and Jordan knew it. So naturally Ayden told Jordan everything about the dream.

Jordan smiled more, "You know, there is a huge party to celebrate the last football game tonight"

Ayden's heart skipped a beat, "Don't get my hopes up"

"Come on we should go" Jordan pleaded, his pleads were answered by a sigh and a nod "Sweet"

The rest of the ride was quiet and it wasn't until his first class that something else out of the ordinary happened. In his first class, chemesty, Zeke sits one row and one desk ahead of Ayden. Ayden caught himself staring at Zeke, like normal, daydreaming of seeing his perfectly sculpted torso. But when he looked up towards Zeke's face Ayden noticed Zeke was looking back out of the corner of his eye, and he was smiling.

Ayden quickly looked in the other direction. *Ah crap did he notice me staring* Ayden had many thoughts going through his head, *and why was he smiling*. Ayden was all too glad to hear the bell ring as he was the first one out the door.

The rest of the next period Ayden had to refrain himself from looking at Zeke in case he was caught, but he kept getting the feeling Zeke was looking at him. As he was walking to lunch he heard someone say his name from behind. He turned to see that it was Zeke. Ayden's heart fluttered in his chest.

"Hey wait up, I want to talk to you for a sec."

"W-what about?" Ayden replied but thought to himself *ugh pull it together you babbling moron*

"Oh not much.." said the cougar catching up to Ayden, "..just wanted to see if you'd be going to the party tonight?"

*Why is he asking me this* "umm..yeah i'll be going"

"Cool I'll see ya around I guess" then Zeke sped ahead to lunch

*okay then* was the only thing Ayden could think.

The rest of the day was normal after this, though Ayden still avoided looking at Zeke. His ride home with Jordan was a recap of the day. Jordan, being himself, rambled on about how the two would make a cute couple until they reached Ayden's house.

"don't forget I'll be here at 8 to pick you up"

"How could I forget, you've been making plans for tonight ever since I told you about my dream" the red panda answered with a grin

"Well bite me for wanting you to get a boyfriend" Ayden rolled his eyes and the two waved goodbye. * 8 o'clock huh? That means I have three hours to get read* Ayden thought as he walked into his house...