Growing closer with your dragon part 1

Story by Tarrik on SoFurry

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Alric and his female dragon, Reya have been growing steadily closer over the past few they are about to discover they want to grow closer still.

note: this is the seduction part, the sweet and tender moments. (i'm a sucker for these) The interspecies boinking is to be in part 2.

Alrik ran towards the dragon's stable at a steady pace; the grass under his feet was wet with the rain of the storm that had just passed over the estate and the wind was singing in his ears. Alric had been at school when the storm stroke, and a window had shattered in the classroom; winds on the estate were usually worse, hence his worry. His family's estate with its lush green meadows, though, showed little sign of any storm damage apart from some scattered branches that laced the wet ground where the meadows bordered the pine forest.

Alric had been practically a brother to the now full-grown dragon, as the two had been inseparable all throughout their childhood, growing up together and overcoming obstacles always by each other's side. Everything else was secondary to making sure Reya had not gone up in the storm as her habit was during weaker storms when the winds carried her higher than her wings alone could. He passed the sign explaining in detail the territory beyond contained a dragon, high level sentient and owner of the conjoint ground. How exactly his father had managed to convince the authorities, both human and dragon, to leave the dragoness in their care, and how the ownership of the land was transferred to her, the boy did not know, nor did he particularly care, so long as her happiness was well protected; and no place offered more protection than home, where his family watched over like hawks and sheltered them both from all the troubles of the world. He passed a second sign, identical to the first, but more urgent, and nearly knocked it from the loosened, wet ground. There were some species of dragon that one could legally have as a pet or worker, but they did not have Reya's remarkable intellect, and even they were free to leave at any point if they did not like their arrangements. Alric thought briefly whether one day Reya too, would discover this little, well-trimmed estate to be too narrow for her dreams and would bravely the world beyond;. He always imagined when that day came, he would join her and together, as always, they would plunge into the unknown.

But for now the familiar feel of the forest, the well-kept meadow, the carefully planted flowers in their delicate little gardens, was too reassuring to abandon. He reached the stable and nearly slipped, surprised to find a small river of mud that had formed above one of the drenches. Very few things malfunctioned like that around and his father would surely have a word with the architect over this.

"Draining system my ass; more like a rain-powered mud-generator" he shore, jumping over the next drench, carefully examining the ground underneath his feet to make sure he did not sink in some deeper puddle of mud. Luckily, the ground, even drowned in water, retained its stability, thanks to the brilliant skills of two generations of gardeners, who had cultivated just enough vegetation to provide the soil with stability against such erosion without being obtrusive. Still, for the gardeners, this storm would be the worst part of the year's climate disasters.

As he neared the opening to the dragon stables, out of the forest erupted, amidst a spray of raindrops from the wet branches, the magnificent, gray dragoness; with only two leaps she reached Alric and grabbed him with her frontpaws gingerly, as if he were a brittle cookie. The paws knocked him to the ground nonetheless, and he braced himself, expecting to have the air knocked out of him. Luckily, this was one very well calculated jump and he did not feel crushed under the weight of his dragon. Having caught him, the dragoness stood on top of him satisfied, panting, and bumped him on the head with the tip of her muzzle.

"You got me! You got me" Alric raised his hands in honest surrender. The dragoness pressed down on him, with no signs of letting him go, and merely shifted her position to make sure she did not crash him. She placed a large forepaw on his chest, cold and wet, and looked at him fondly:

"I was worried the storm would trouble you." She said quietly with a velvety voice. She spoke so eloquently, and with such human articulation, Alric could close his eyes and see an intelligent, middle aged woman of great nobility in the place of the magnificent four legged dragon.

"I was worried the storm would get to you" He caught her muzzle with both hands and she stuck her tongue out, licking him on the face. The large barbs on her tongue, designed to shred flesh, were hard on his skin, but her breath was surprisingly good; she had probably chewed on herbs again, having observed his dental hygiene habits a day earlier. Even though no plant could poison a dragon, he hoped she would not go to such lengths for him in the future.

"You taste... sour today" she noted, dissatisfied. "Did they smear more of those cosmetics that smell horribly bad on you? I shall have a fiery talk the school principal if they have"

"Please, don't ... they still haven't fixed the observatory from when you last had a "fiery talk" with him"

"You were getting picked on" she growled, as if that was a clear license for her to destroy school property on a grand scale.

"It's wrong to eat the people who are not nice to me; or to tell them you will, until they pee themselves. Or to hang them from the underwear from an astronomy tower"

"It felt right; and it makes for a found memory" disagreed the dragoness, clearly reliving the memory with fondness "Your schoolmates lack integrity. Also they urinate their own bodies as a defense mechanism, which is deeply saddening. They are better off removed from the food chain; no one who is that much of a coward deserves to eat meat"

"It warms my heart to know that you'd eat anyone who ever tries to hurt me" he said, half-humorously.

"Note just eat them' for something smaller, I might only claw them" said the dragoness earnestly "Or flame their roofs. Though If they smear you again like a circus artist again, with those horrid smelly ointments, then I will bite" she said, perfectly serious.

It's sun cream! Stops me from burning in the sun" he gasped, worried, then, reminding himself he trusted her completely, he let out a sigh and smile "You know it gets me on edge when you consider eating my classmates. Most of them, anyway. You might get indigestion from them" he said, deciding it was his turn to tease her.

"Not if I chew very well; and flame the clothes off first" said Reya lightly, twisting her head as if remembering something important.

"Did the storm... get you in the air?" asked Alric suddenly.

"Silly. Of course it didn't. I don't fly when the birds hide; I listen to nature" she placed her muzzle on his chests, and sniffed deeply:

"Good thing you still smell like you underneath all the silliness, potions and perfumes of the human world"

"And now I'm covered in mud, thank you very much; it's cold. I mean, getting really cold" he pushed gently against her, and she reluctantly moved away , swinging her tail in a wide arc, then swishing it back like a cat. "I thought about you this whole time; I worried. A lot." he said, hugging her; now that he was standing, her shoulders were at the level of his chests, so she lowered her neck for the thorough scratching that followed. To her satisfaction, the human was eager to pet her, massaging the warm, soft scales up and down, squeezing the powerful muscles until they relaxed, rubbing and her neck in widening circles. A deep, resonant sound of content emanated from deep within her chests, changing in tone until it became inaudible.

"I was looking forward to this all day" Alric admitted "You're the best part of my day, always"

"You missed a spot ...over there" she noted, used to such praise, but enjoying the compliment nonetheless. As she received more attentions some of the tension in her body from having flown recently dissipated. Alric checked her wings expertly, and noted with a sigh: "There's a nasty scratch on your back. So you _were_out in the storm after all"

"I was" chirruped the dragon, guilt-free. She moved her tail gently, caressing her friend "And it was amazing! I hoped for a tornado, too. But no suck luck around these forests and planes"

"A tornado would be... very bad" noted Alric, distracted by the unusual touch of her tail which flickered against him playfully. She had never touched him like this before, not that he could remember. With dragon, each such element of body language was vital, and he committed it to memory, determined to correlate it with whatever was its cause, or with whatever behavior would follow.

'I could outfly the storm easily. It's only a spinning tube of clouds" she retorted, clearly confident in her abilities.

"Well somebody's clearly in need of a belly rub then; or is that term still off limits?"

"I detest the term "belly rub"" huffed the dragon "Still.... just such a massage of my magnificent body would indeed match my desires at the moment. So long as you do not ever call it a belly rub"

"You speak like royalty" noted Alric he noted how the small, grayish crystal-like scales of the dragoness had a strange gleam over them, like a shimmer, that he had not seen before. Or maybe his eyes were just tired. "It's just the light; the sky does a magnificent job with the lightning after a storm, like we're on the canvass of a giant artist" he thought.

"I am indeed royal. And no royalty would roll over in the mud for a massage" muttered the dragoness, half-indignant, half-laughing in the strange draconic manner that Alric still had trouble deciphering. .

'"Royal personas love their mud baths, my wonderful Reya; it does wonders for their wrinkly faces" noted Alric

"I am invulnerable to wrinkles" she said, perking her head high and proud.

"Still, let's get inside, where its dry. Then I can give you the royal massage you deserve"

"And I will tell you a tale of outlying a storm; because I really did it this time" said the dragoness smugly, with an i-am-amazing tone which radiated self-confidence.

"That will be a wondrous tale, indeed" agreed Alric, patting the dragon on the rear as she headed the way. He had of recently found that she no longer minded that area patter, and she used to, as she said only horses are patter in such a manner. He had to duck under her tail as it moved frivolously, with little care to his safe being. As she had said long ago, he had years to learn how to move around a dragon, and if he had not learned by now, he had only himself to blame.

The stables were a fine crafted space, scented with special mahogany, and built of some other, more flexible wood that was masterfully assembled with only a handful of metal elements. The intertwined decorative figures on the wood columns were of some generic, vine-like pattern, and bore a number of claw marks from when Reya had scratched over the art, repeating the masterful curves with crude, deep lines; more accurately, the dragon had merely added her own, in her mind, better art to the wooden surfaces fortunate enough to receive it. The dragon had, as was only right, a rich choice of cavernous accommodations, with various nifty little luxuries: one of her "nests", as she called them, had a small, circular pound with plumbing, which was now full of pleasantly warm water, while the space across had a complex set bed with reinforced springs that the dragon had requested covered with numerous deer furs; she had declared that space her "bed" , and it was often redecorated when she grew dissatisfied with its design. A number of toys , including a large wooden pyramid that could be taken apart and put back together, and several small fireplaces decorated the last remaining angle of her living quarters. There were many paintings of vistas she had found beautiful, as well as several of Alric, his family, and her, carefully placed on the walls. The dragoness always kept the place clean and nifty, and there was always one treasure or another, often real coins, hidden somewhere. When Alric was small, he had regularly snuck in to try to find Reya's treasures, and she always caught him and chided him like an angry mother hen; these were some of his fondest memories.

"Remember when you hid all the coin from dad's purse inside that wall and I got my hand caught trying to get to them?" pointed Alric and the dragon answered, amidst stretching herself, so her voice came off yawning "I remember a snotty little brat crying for help, and I recall he got some punishment for meddling with my treasures"

Alric remembered how he had gotten to know his father's belt up close and his rear had been a dozen shades of red for weeks, but he said nothing; the dragoness knew little of him taking the punishment for the stolen purse for her.

"Yeah, I remember that" he said, adding "You still keep "treasures" around here?"

"Of course. But you must know which "treasures" to ask of a dragon; and what to give in return. And you have to ask for the right treasure at the right time."

"I like that. Enigmatic. You sound more and more mysterious these days; I just know you're cooking something up" answered Alric, sitting on her bed; the pleasant aroma of his dragon , thick as lavender, and musky , without being acidic, had always been a favorite scent for him. He associated it with all the great adventures the two have had, and it made him feel at home and relaxed. It seemed Reya was so perfect, everything about her made him happy. He counted himself very lucky to have such a friend.

"Don't you dare lie down on my pretty silky bed with that muddy shirt of yours! Take it off!" shouted the dragoness with apparent alarm.

"I'm only muddy because you pushed me ...ouch!" complained Alric as he felt the dragon's sharp teeth grasp his shirt and, in the process, scratch him deeply.

"If you don't take it off willingly, I'm going to have to tear it off your back; that bed is better than the finest of beds, and mud stains don't come off even in the best laundry process!" gawked the dragon, chirruping angry exclamations in the draconic tongue that Alric only superficially knew. He caught the word "pig", but he could not be sure of the rest.

'You're acting like a princess again! , my bed. .."he said mockingly, but the dragon stopped him with an angry look

"Would you be fine with it if I rolled my muddy back in your bedsheets?"

Alric tried to stare her down, but couldn't, and, much to his own surprise, burst laughing "You've done that some many times! When you were little, you would...don't you remember? You'd climb through the window and roll in my bed until it was the same color of dirt all over the sheets like a flower bed"

"I..._Tha_t must have been before I learned proper hygiene. Human babies do the same, and for a much loner time, I recall" said the dragon with such dignity, the crowned king could have been put in his place.

"Okay, fine, here, the shirt is off. You precious, regal bed will not have a stain put on it" The dragon held off a scoff and something changed in her look as the human took down the ruined clothing from his back; for a second, while he could not see her, shirt stuck on his head, something of the true intentions of the dragoness could be gleamed in her deep, amber eyes; something predatory and primal, and also calculating. Her tongue flickered, as if tasting the air, and Alric reemerged in time to see her looking at him with some confusion, and a small degree of discomfort.

"Here, the shirt is off...No risk of contamination for your den...What's wrong?"

"What's that on your belly?" - asked the dragoness, steering the subject away; it was not the right time to reveal her intentions, not just yet.

"Just a spot of ink... no matter what I do to my skin, I can't get it out. hey! Stop that! It tickles"

The dragoness had licked his pale skin, pressing on the spot of ink, then shook her head in disgust

"Tastes like rotten elk meat; you should find an ink that is not so revolting to the tongue"

"Well, it's not for eating .." the dragoness was no longer listening to him, as she curiously examined his naked chests; there seemed to be a bit more muscle there than had been last time she's seen him naked, when they swam in the lake; his body lacked the seer mass that made dragons attractive, and all the little things Reya liked in the few drakes that she graced with her presence were - the physical strength, the majestic wings and powerful tail , the intricate patterns of colored scales dragons were so generously graced with. Still, the human had the most beautiful personality and she had warm, loving feeling for him, which is what mattered in the end.

"You'll get cold if you stay naked like that in this weather" she said , spreading a warm wing like a scaly blanket over his back

"Well.... then, you either have to keep me warm, or run to the house and tell Matilda I need a clean change of clothes."

"Your body feels really cold. Were you wet when you came back from school?" she asked, faking calmness in her voice. Touching his naked body felt even more rewarding than she had anticipated.

"I did get a little drizzle on me, but no big deal...still, your place is a bit windy, and you know how frail humans are. And you did press me down into the mud like a cookie cutter"

"...Yes....and I can't keep you warm just with my wing. We'll have to think of ....something different" The dragoness climbed carefully on her bed and pulled Alric closer with a paw, until he lay on her warm belly; she then covered his back with her wings, folding them one on top of the other, and warmth surged into Alric's body. He placed his palms on the pearly gray chests of the dragoness, and said blissfully "I should get wet to the bone more often"

"Silly" whispered the dragon, petting him with a frontpaw as big as his head "If you need to snuggle, all you need is say; I don't care about how uptight humans get when they grow up. You and I can do whatever we want, all rules be damned"

Alric placed an ear on the dragon's chests, and listened to the slow, powerful, calming beating of her heart. There was something beautiful and reassuring about this rhythm, something wonderful about this embrace, the warmth and the feeling of being protected as time seemed to fade away and minutes turned to hours. The slow breathing of the dragon, her chest heaving up and down, the gentle membranes of her wings, the soft, powerful flesh that sunk underneath his weight, only to reveal wide, strong muscles; this was a joy he could not share with anybody else. She was his best friend, the only one with whom he could be perfectly open, more so than even with his parents, and she would always embrace him no matter what. He had to remind himself to be grateful for that, to let nothing stand in his way of enjoying this joyous feeling.

"I'm so fortunate to be your friend" he whispered gently, adding "Thank you for always being there for me. I'd do absolutely anything for you. I'd take on the whole world just to make you smile"

"You're sweet" crooned the dragoness "And warmer, now. Your body still feels a little cold against mine, though"

"I'm sorry for all the times I forgot how awesome you are" he continued, hugging her tightly "Is my weight too much for you?

"Your weight does not bother me in the least when you ride on my back, thus, worry not. In fact, you feel just right in terms of weight"

"just right?" asked Alric lovingly, recalling all the miles they had crossed forests together, he on her back, running like the wind.

"Just right. Your body complements mine in ways that are... difficult to describe. Your subtle movements on my back when we run together, the way you lean forward a little with every step I make; it's a sensation that keeps me warm, just like I keep you warm right now"

"Exactly what does it feel like when I am on your back? I've only been...I mean, we've only been out, me on your back, for about a month now; I should have asked you earlier, but you always said it was fine" he asked, suddenly curious.

"It's like... an embrace, only.... heavier at first. Then, it feels like we're very close together, and we've somehow merged in one being; I also feel especially protective of you when you are on my back. You have somehow... figured out how to hit just the right spots with the little movements you make, so I'm never sore or exhausted, and I get stronger from carrying you around, especially when we run; my legs are steel hard now, and I can jump higher than dragons that just fly errands"

She illustrated that by showing off the muscles on her frontpaws, which were truly impressive. Alric patted them gently, noting how much stronger she had gotten, and noticed that he was beginning to feel a new kind of pleasure from this embrace, one that made his blood warmer and his head dizzy.

The dragoness carefully showed off her body, presenting it in all of its beauty, to showcase both her strength and her tenderness. That alone gave her such intense pleasure that filled her innards with a warm, pulsing glow. She was careful to omit how much "other" pleasures she had been feeling recently whenever he rode her, pleasures that she had not felt before.

"Then it's a good thing I ride you every change I get" he said, interrupting her thoughts "I wonder what it would feel like... if our roles were... reversed?"

The dragon looked at him with suprise, with a comical expression on her face, and shook her head in gentle dismissal "If our roles were... reversed? you'd snap in half like a twig. she recovered from the surprise and considered the possibility, which seemed interesting "Still, I guess it would be only fair if I_could ride _you as well_. Would you let me?_ "

"I'd let you as often as you now let me; I think It would feel amazing if we could do that" he said, dreamily. He had never considered that being on someone's back could be so intensely pleasant for them as well, and now toyed with the idea in his head. He felt his inhibitions slip for a moment, as he wondered with his hands, caressing the dragon's body, grateful that she did not have breasts, so he could massage her chests without awkwardness or concern for crossing any lines, realizing for the first time how liberating it was to be able to touch another so fully without boundaries or rules.

"Your belly is so's amazing how you have so much strength, and so much grace at the same time; no human could hope for that. It's beyond human nature"

The dragoness beamed, her blood flushing with the compliment; in her mind, the human had said "no woman can ever be your equal", and that, she would treasure like a golden jewel forever. She was only dimply aware of Alric's hands wandering all over her receptive body, unaware that he now had the same thoughts as hers.

"You're amazing" he said, caressing the membrane of her left wing so gently, his touch felt like the whisper of the forest wind in a sunny day. This was so pleasant; she had almost abandoned her initial, more ambitious plan.


Slowly, the dragoness gathered her resolve, moved with deceptive grace:

" we need to get your clothes dried, and put you back in them, or you'll get the flu again; time to brake up the hug, and start the fireplace" she moved carefully, releasing the human from her warm, soft embrace. He shivered in the cool air. The dragoness took a deep breath, and carefully expelled a thin, blue flame at the fireplace in the corner, licking the dry woods until a merry fire crackled. Alric gratefully placed his back to the newly lit fire.

"Any more wet clothes clinging to you dry? I felt you were wet below the waste, but I thought my body heat would dry the fabric" asked the dragoness, pointing a claw at the wet linen trousers Alric still wore. He shook his head, saying "I think your body heat failed to "dry the fabric"; don't worry , it's best to dry them at the fire at any rate"

Without much shame, (as he and Reya had gradually, on her insistence, developed a habit of swimming naked together), he stripped naked and improvised a simple contraption from the piles of wood - a pyramid on which to spread all his clothes to dry. Suddenly he felt much colder than a second ago, and after hesitating, asked with a smile

"Can you... please hug me again? You warmth is so much better than a fireplace."

"Well course it is; come share my warmth" said the dragoness, a gleam in her eyes, reflecting the warm tongues of the crackling fire. She climbed back on her bed, opened her wings carefully, exposing her warm belly on which Alric gratefully relaxed, gasping with pleasure when she covered him with her wings again;

"I should get my clothes wet on windy days... more often" he said, realizing this was the greatest sensation, better than anything else he had felt. He shivered again, gasping with pleasure, admitting "this is the most comfortable I've ever felt"

"Me too" she agreed, enjoying her human, no longer separated from her by pesky clothes. Clothes were a psychological barrier, and she had carefully observed that removing them caused a lowering of inhibitions, as comfort levels rose. She had slowly gotten Alric more and more comfortable with nudity, bathing with him naked in the estate's private lake; she had gotten the two of them lost in the forest on multiple occasions, just so they would cuddle like this, and now, judging by his scent, he was extremely receptive. Humans had no mating cycles, which would have made the ordeal simpler, but those applied to female individuals anyways. A male, it was her understanding, was always able, regardless of the species, it was all in the female's hands...or paws, as was in her case. She suspected he already felt some degree of initiative; she knew for a fact that he found her beautiful and loved her, but he also had a deep concern for her and had to see things in the right light to make the final step. The thing to do now was to talk him out of his self-restraint; he loved her so much, he would only cross this last line with her if she explicitly made it obvious that she greatly desired that. At the same time, she wanted him to want her, to push the issue on his own.

Without clothes to hold back the human's scent, she could examine his aroma and was now confident he was steadily becoming aroused; his body was so relaxed, he felt heavier now. Her breathing deepened too.

"Reya? Rei? Are you falling asleep on me? " he interrupted her train of thought, adding, embarrassment evindent "Here I am , intimately sprawled on you, cozy and comfy and you're dozing off!"

"What else do you want me to do?" she almost whispered.

"Well...I want to ask you if you'd like to do something with me;"