...Something she never experienced beef-ore...

Story by musicalewolfcat on SoFurry

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This was something on my mind one day, and even though it was just a little part of it, I just wanted to see what I could make from it.

...Something she never experienced Beef-ore!

Chapter 1: "Guess what I saw, Grandma, I saw a cow-lady running through the park last night!"

Another typical day for Kelly. Wake up, go through the regular daily stress all day, and go to bed. It seems that way for most students in college, who also have their own interests they try to follow and pursue outside of school (because think about it, they'll only stress the majors that lead to jobs, like medical, engineering, computer science, or law. Everything else is something to do, according to them). It's not much easier when you're trying to get a job at the same time. She got close a couple times, but just came up short in getting a longer-term job. Her recent interview with the kind owner of a local pizza shop went pretty well, even though it wasn't her first choice. Pizza shop didn't seem very exciting at first, but she wasn't qualified for much else yet, and she actually had a shot there. With no previous professional work experience, nor any desire to work, she wasn't too thrilled about it.

Kelly would have to adjust to that on top of her school schedule, and whatever time she strictly reserves for her own personal life; to relax from the stress, and pursue her other interests, particularly music. She wasn't very instrumentally talented, but had a good ear for music, and always wanted to make her own. She would even write little bits of sons in her head and listen to them until something else interrupted.

She was very interested in music, but stuck to computer sciences in school, because she wasn't fit for much else that had a big job market open after. She dropped out of college her first year and moved in with her grandmother so that she could pursue her other interests and keep away from too many people, while doing small things on the side for money. Her two main reasons for going back to school a year later were so that she would have a consistent life (like a regular daily routine life), and to fulfill a promise she made to her parents to get a degree and become at least somewhat successful in life; though, she wasn't much into it, personally. She just wanted to get through school, get a degree, and go and do what SHE wanted to do and become successful. She didn't want to hurt her parents, though, and didn't have any good solid foundation to start on in the first place.

Anyway, today, she just got out of school, and was heading down to Mario's Mama's Pizza for a follow-up interview.

"Hi, Mr. Stroller?"

"That's Stro-ler, but it's that's okay, just call me Pete, cuz chances are, just like everyone else, you'll start calling me by that your first day anyway? Besides, it's easier to get my attention, cuz it's like 'Hey,' ya get it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Now, you sure you're ready to start tomorra'?"

"Yes, sir. For once, I'm actually confident I could do this."

"Alright. We'll try for a few days and see if you're able to do so. If not... ya understand?"

"Yes, sir. Oh, and before I forget, here's my class schedule you asked for."

"Oh, good. We'll see what we can work out, but you're up for tomorra' at ten? And... ehhhhhh, Thursday at four ta eight, and Friday ta same? Just ta start out, and we'll see how well you do."

"That sounds good."

"Alright, now get home, do whatcha need, and get plenty of rest, and I'll see ya tomorra morning. Okay?"

"Yes, sir. I'll see you tomorrow."

Once she got home, she got started right away on her homework. She wanted to have plenty of time to relax and rest so she could be ready to go in the morning. She normally wasn't up for working, or homework, but still wanted to make a good first impression. She was happy to have the consistent life she did, always something she could do, instead of wasting it.

"Hey, everyone, I got dinner!" a voice shouted from downstairs. It was one of her housemates, Kacey. "Sarah, grilled chicken bean burritos for you, four soft tacos for grammy..."

"Thank you!"

"Sure thing... and Kelly and I will split the 'big bad beef' burrito party pack, so five for me and one for her-"

"You wish!" Kelly shouted from upstairs.

"If you don't get down here and get your dinner, it'll be granted!" Kacey replied.

So, she came down, grabbed her dinner, and put one of the burritos in the fridge for the next morning, as a quick fill up. Then she went back up to her room and got started on her more personal hobbies. She was writing the basic chords for a song she was listening to in her head. This one was one she heard before, but maybe it can help inspire her with for her own. She didn't have much experience in music, but learned how to play the violin years ago, and developed a certain ear for music. She always wanted to hear music, not just "noise."

As she finished up that thought, Kelly sat at her desk, and just sat there, relaxing. Maybe it could help her to sleep and feel better the next day. She deals with stress and anxiety on a regular basis, so peace seemed to not happen very often for her. She did want to make a good first-impression at work, and mid-term exams were coming up in a couple weeks, and she was anxious to get through this semester, so some peace to get her life organized would help while she gets used to all the new things in her life.

She wanted an organized life, but still felt she wasn't reaching her full potential, and had been seeking more direction for herself for a while. Things were looking more consistent right now, at least. She didn't know exactly what she wanted yet, just something she felt she could do and actually make it somewhere with. Even though things looked simple right now, she felt she was doing something wrong. Looking back on her life, however, she felt blessed to make it to where she was now, out of the hole she dug for herself. "I guess anything good is possible," she thought to herself.

All of a sudden, a HUGE flow of pain came to her out of nowhere, almost like a panic attack, but she knew it wasn't. It started to cause her more physical pain. She didn't want to lay down or anything, as she thought it could have been nerves, or something creeping up on her, as she wasn't the healthiest individual as it was, and she didn't want to just lay back and let it hurt her. Maybe the burritos weren't working so well with her, and maybe she could work it out of her system, with a little bit of activity in the cool night air. She was too awake to sleep anyway.

She let everyone know she was going for a short walk before she went to bed. Everyone else was almost ready to hit the sack as well. So Kelly walked out and started to get random sharp pains in different places in her body as different times. Maybe that was baaaaaaad beef in those burritos, and she was wondering whether or not she got food poisoning or not. Either way, Kelly thought she should at least try to work it through, first. She continued to walk down the barely lit street and around the neighborhood for a good half hour or so. She was worried that she was getting ill and would have to hold up in her room for a few days, doing nothing. The one thing Kelly didn't like more than any sort of work, was doing every sort of nothing.

After a while, the pain started to ease up, and it was just some mild discomfort. She turned around and started heading back. The pain was lessening even more, until suddenly, it engulfed her entire body in burning pain. She couldn't keep standing and fell to the ground.

"What's happening?! Was that beef tainted or something?!" Kelly thought to herself as she started groaning from all the pain. She started to feel physically sick and almost threw up a little. She felt tingling in different places, burning in others. It felt like her body was trying to collapse on itself, or explode! She felt her bones start to crack and push in different directions. She couldn't help but fear the worst, and started crying. She didn't know what was going on, it wasn't food poisoning, though.

Her eyes shot open when she started to feel crawling on her arm after feeling it on her chest. She couldn't see very well given the poorly lit streets, and her eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness yet. She grabbed herself, expecting to smash a spider or moth or something, but mentally shrieked when she felt a thin layer of fur. Why would a cat try to bug her when she's collapsed in the street in pain? Wait, that wasn't a cat. When she was touching it, she was feeling it.

"What?! No! No! WHAT'S THIS?!"

She tried letting out a scream, but it was muffled slightly from the pain, making it difficult even for her to hear herself. Then the pain suddenly started moving around as Kelly felt pressure on different places in her body. She couldn't even breathe. Her bones started to crack more, causing even more pain then there was before; first around her neck area, then her waist, then lower extremities, upper extremities, back, all over the place. Kelly not only felt sick, but with all the pushing on her body, she thought the only other possible idea was that she was being attacked, either some guy mugging her, or maybe even a ghost, 'cause she didn't hear anyone else there.

"No! GET OFF ME!" she shouted. "HEH-"Her call for help got cut off as she chocked a bit.

She tried rolling around, then jumping to her feet, though losing her balance. She was able to correct herself, but it still didn't feel right, like her weight wasn't evenly distributed. Her feet felt weird, still hurting, but she wasn't concerned about that. She started flailing around and started to run, when she realized... no one was hurting her. SOMETHING HAD TO BE HAPPENING. Maybe a moer important question is... HOW COULD NO ONE ELSE BE PAYING ATTENTION?! DIDN'T ANYONE HEAR HER? It wasn't uncommon for there to be no traffic on the backstreets through the suburbs, BUT NOT THIS EARLY!

As Kelly's eyes began to see better, she was able to get a good perspective of the situation. She changed color. There was some sort of fur covering her in patches in different places, and spreading fast! It was just growing out of her, quite itchy, but still hurting. Her posture was off, and her bones didn't feel all in place. She couldn't feel the majority of muscles or nerves, except for those which had their own share of tingling pain at different moments. Then her face, it started to hurt, like if someone with a big hand punched her there, and it started cracking as Kelly saw something starting to grow in the bottom center of her field of vision!

"WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?! HEEEEEELP?" She shouted, before she started running home. But almost as fast as she started running back the way she came, she stopped. She couldn't let them see her like this! On top of that, what would they do? Would they call the hospital and have them drug her up and do who knows what to her, maybe settling her body and having someone to weird, painful experiments on her, or would they just want to kill her?!

That decided it. She began running back the other way, trying to stay off the main streets so no one else would see her. She had to think of something; somewhere to go. She hated the pain, but whatever she was changing into, she didn't want to eb a cruel experiment which would potentially kill her. That way, even if she was dying or someone was looking to do something to her later, she would go somewhere where no one could find her. The park was the first thing that came to mind. It had plenty of cover, and was the border marker between downtown and the wooded area on the outskirts, where no one would be able to see her.

Her body continued to change. It felt like some parts were moving, some growing, and some doing whatever they each wanted. Her ears felt like they were burning, and she tried holding them, but jumped, in a way, when she felt ears that weren't hers. They were slightly leathery, and bigger; longer. She felt a sharp pain in her backside, which had its own degree of sharpness. It was pushing on her. It felt like she was being stabbed back there. As she ran, something started whipping her with every other step she took, reaching from her legs to her midsection, but she didn't want to bother. Her body was changing so horribly, so unexpectedly and rapidly, that as she ran, her clothes, even her new jeans, were ripping off of her body; with great effort on them, too! She tried to pick them up as she kept going, though there was something else on her mind ahead of covering herself up. She wasn't becoming much bigger, but her physique was changing in such a way that her clothes became slightly unbearable so that, though her bottoms ripped, especially her pants and such, her top just a little bit while she did the rest so she could breathe. She did all this while trying to move faster and faster, trying not to trip along the way.

She started hyperventilating, as not only was she freaked out, but she was never the most athletic, and was trying to get as much oxygen as she could without stopping. She did stop for a moment, however, when a sudden shift in her feet made her trip. She got up, slightly unbalanced, and tried running again on her also changing feet- whatever they were. She was so worked up that she didn't even want to look down at them, even when she felt like she was walking on a pair of stilts with flat bottoms, with her running as if they were two blocks of wood, walking on the front edge of them.

She began painting a better picture in her head, partially influenced by what she was able to see with her still-adjusting eyes.

"Oh no. Oh my gosh! AM I TURNING INTO SOME SORT OF ANIMAL OR DEMON, OR SOMETHING? EVEN BOTH?! Ohh... I'm so sorry God for all my mistakes through my life! I know I made mistakes, too many for me to remember! I'm too distracted and selfish and mean and can't- couldn't control myself! IT'S HARD! PLEASE, YOU KNOW THAT! PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP ON ME. PLEASE DON'T HURT THIS SINNER! PLEASE DON'T... YOU KNOW... DO TO ME WHAT I'M TOO AFRAID TO SAY! PLEASEPLEASE FORGIVE ME! I LOVE YOU! REALLY! Just please help me with this!" Kelly stopped shouting and all other thought escaped from her, and she was just focused on getting away from everyone's sight, before anything else bad happened to her.

The pain and changing just continued as she kept running down the street, wanting to do anything to keep going till she got there. The half-moon barely lit her way, but she could still make out her surroundings. Her fur still sprouting out, now even more vigorously and nearly covering her entire body at this point, was making it even more of a pain to run as hard as she did in the middle of the summer, even though it was nighttime. Almost tripping over her hind hoof-feeling-things as she ran, the slight click-clacking on the road, she was surprised she didn't wake up her neighbors. Her adrenaline pumping gave her the extra boost of energy she normally wouldn't get; it was just enough to get her down a couple more streets to the park, trying to catch and hold onto any clothes that ripped off her as her body changed, eventually tying them around her neck and arm to hold there. She began feeling top-heavy, in a way, and before she could even think, was soon running (very poorly if you may add) on all fours, getting a little tired as she got closer to the park. Strangely there didn't seem to be anyone out at that time. Very strange, indeed.

Eventually her eyes became more adjusted so that she was able to better see where she was going. When she finally reached the park, she was almost out of breath, but able to easily recover (though she wasn't the most fit of all around her, she didn't strain herself too much). She turned around, believing no one saw any part of her, but she did see a couple lit open windows (she wasn't so much concerned about covering up her "certain areas" anymore; rather she was just concerned about them seeing the big picture). It still wasn't very late, but it was easily understandable what those lit windows were doing, as she saw people looking out. Her face frozen, but still knew that meant "move, fast."

As Kelly moved deeper into the park, clacking sounds with every poor step, she reached a clearing just far enough out of the way that not many people would see her, even if they walked by; like those ones who walk in the middle of the night for who knows why if it wasn't for the reason of being alone or in the peace and quiet, They probably wouldn't find much reason to go to that particular area for a short enough walk anyway, and it was designed well enough that she was easily able to think of an area to move to, out of the way of anyone discovering her, for a couple moments. Once at the clearing, she reached out with her front-left leg, pressed into the ground, pulled herself around in a circle and crouched behind a tree, slamming her back against it hard. For a moment after reaching up to hold her neck, hurting from the impact of hitting herself against the tree, Kelly learned that she wasn't on all fours anymore. Her 'now hands again' felt tender but she could feel fingers moving again.

All these things were happening, and she didn't know how to take them; everything was new and a shock to her. The pain began fading while Kelly caught her breath, slowly adjusted her posture so that no one could possibly see her, and stopped herself altogether. She grabbed herself, trying to give herself a hug for nearly ten minutes. She was all covered in short, but thick fur.

When she was just relaxed enough to let go, Kelly started running her hands up and down the rest of her body. Her legs felt as thick as a horse's hide, with two hooves at the end of each leg. Her body was built similarly to her normal body, still feminine in form with her usual skinniness. Her private areas were almost completely furred over, but still in noticeable form and detail; in other words, you could tell her gender. It felt completely obvious, though, when she touched them that they were still similar. That thought was replaced by another when she reached around her waist to her backside to re-discover that thing whipping her legs on the way down. It was a long... "Tail?!" she quietly murmured, as she was barely able to make any more noise. She pulled on it a little to learn it was in fact hers. Kelly could still hear and understand herself, which was enough for about ten seconds of comfort, before she looked again. Kelly started shaking it, feeling fear, mixed with anger; an expression shouting in her head "Why?!" She stopped for a moment to relax, again, and loosened up the muscles in her face, which were almost hurting from being so tight from her crying so hard. She just pulled it in front of her, holding it on her lap, and just started petting it. It seemed to be the one defining thing telling her "Yep, this is yours. Get used to it. Learn to love it all, because it's yours... you now."

Kelly continued producing tears as she got a hold of herself and continued seeing what she'd become. Her hands moved up to her face... Oh, wow did she get shocked at what she found. Instead of the head she was used to, she felt a longer face, like that of an animal, coming out of her. She was easily able to feel what she expected to be her mouth, chin, and what would normally be the bridge of her nose to the tip; only, it was different! It was long, like a giant, bony paper towel tube like a child would hold over the bottom of their face to make noises. It was on her though, and it wasn't cardboard. It was a real, bone and fleshy and furry muzzle on her face, with a large snout on the end.

Kelly started crying even more, making sense of what was now her, what she assumed to be some sort of horse-demon-thing. Moving up to wipe her tears, she was able to fully tell what were now her hands, all furry, with claw-like hoof tips, which clacked when she put her hands together. She dared to reach up to her head... sort of. She ran her hands up the sides to feel what were now almost like horse's ears. Letting go of them she practically slapped her head, to find quite a bit to her relief, no horns. She did feel a little bit of what she thought should be her hair, or at least... her hair style clearly obvious.

She put her hands on her face and continued sobbing. She was able to find some distraction by not knowing where to put her hands; over her eyes, on her muzzle, or the end of her mouth and snout? She gave up and just grabbed her mouth area, crying into her hands, muffling the sound so no one would hear her.

She paused, looked around for a moment and noticed a small pond over just into the open

She, gasping for breath, didn't feel that she wanted to move her legs anymore, but the overwhelming curiosity/anxiety of seeing what she looked like and the thought she could rehydrate (hopefully the water wasn't that filthy) convinced her otherwise. She slowly moved away from the trees, looking around to make sure no one was watching, and dashed straight to the pond.

When Kelly reached the water, she didn't know what to expect regarding how she looked, even though it was a little obvious from what was going on earlier how she would appear. She instantly shifted her focus and took a long drink of water. The pond tasted a bit like the city, but not impossible to drink, and she drank quite a bit. After her rough period of physical activity, not only running, but the changing and such as well; she was exhausted. Kelly never got much regular exercise daily, and admittedly, most of her energy was from pure adrenaline, which was depleted by that time. After she felt hydrated, Kelly waited for the water to still, bowed towards the water and looked in to it. Through the darkness of the park, the bit of light from the half-moon, and her somewhat adjusted eyes; she was able to make out the general physical features. It was only somewhat fear, but much shock to her as she said to herself, quite loudly, "Bovine?! Oh man... Oh... gosh... Oh... Noo... Oooooohhhh..."

Her face, still partially frozen out of the fear of what was happening, began to, once again, form her expressions as she started making tears before quietly squealing to herself. As Kelly started to cry at a normal level, she ran back to the trees where she was before, and later changed from crying to a more noticeable balling.

After a while she started to calm herself, though a bit of her shock still holding her tight. After a couple of hours of just trying to chill, she felt she was completely, physically alone. This relaxed her more, and she started breathing smoothly, and thought about walking back home, no matter what they did to her. She felt "What else could I do anyway? Continue like this? How far would I even make it in the daylight, anyway?" when she noticed she was shifting back again. It wasn't very painful, but she was SOOOOOO exhausted as she laid herself down by a tree for a minute, not wanting to fall asleep, as she didn't know what could come from that. Would she change back? Would someone find her naked and in pain and think something other than what really happened, or call her crazy for her defense of herself so no one got put away for nothing? Would someone be 'looking' for Kelly and maybe... well, that's pretty much straightforward, isn't it?

Still overcome with anxiety over what had happened, she went over to the pond to take a drink before she headed back, until suddenly, Kelly heard a noise in the trees behind her. It was a crack, followed by a couple small steps with a little bit of weight to them, almost like a big animal or something else that she didn't want to bother checking out. So she ran to a small plot of trees nearby to hide. She looked back to see what it was, but nothing followed her. Maybe it was a squirrel and she scared it off.

She cautiously walked slowly back to where she was, grabbed her, or... what used to be her clothes, and quietly ran out of the park and to her house, trying not to even make noise when she would step on a rock of pieces of sticks or pine needles. The only thing making her more worried than that thing behind her was the reflection in the water still stuck in her head. Wanting to make sure she could stay clear of it, Kelly looked back. It was a deer, a healthy-looking young doe. Overwhelmed with anger of it scaring her, she ran back toward it. "rrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRrrrrrr!" she shouted as she chased it away. Realizing what she'd done, she quickly ran out of the park, away from sight of anyone nearby who'd have interest in investigating that sound.

It was very early in the morning, but still with the cover of the night, and Kelly was still able to walk back home, though naked, but out of everyone's sight from the darkness. She figured it wouldn't be as bad as someone seeing a giant cow-looking thing running upright through the streets like a monster.

Eventually, her only thought now was of getting back without anyone noticing her. Though there were less lights from buildings or the city, behind her, her eyes adjusted well enough she was able to find her way home. Still exhausted, she amazingly walked at a just fast enough pace that no one would suspect her of running from something or creeping or looking at buildings to break into; a pace that wouldn't draw too much negative attention, which helped her. It may have been very early, maybe around three a.m., but she was still by herself, and naked, and scared if, perhaps, that noise from back in the park was someone following her, waiting to jump her. She tried to keep her mind off it though, focusing only on getting home, but still kept an eye out in every direction around her.

Along the way, a strange, slightly uneasy feeling came over her, but she couldn't quickly figure out what it was. So she just tried to keep a low profile until she could get home into her room where no one would see her and then worry about it. It was when she reached her house that she gathered that thought of what she felt. Was someone else there at the park?! A weird feeling of uneasiness mixed with a strange bit of comfort (she couldn't figure out why), and the painful curiosity that was just killing her.

She ran to her room as quietly as she could before any of her housemates would notice. They should have been in bed by now, and knowing them, you never know; but Kelly didn't want them to see her in the other case.

She sat down on her bed and began getting dressed in comfortable clothes, before she decided to just collapse and rest for the night.

"What happened?!" she said to herself. "What was that? Did all that really happen?! Why? Is this a punishment for my horrible life before? Is God angry with me? It had to be like that, because I felt... natural like that, like I was supposed to, but would He do that? Why a cow? Will it happen again? If so, when, and what will happen then? Would I hurt somebody? I believe You can hear me, God, and I... just... please, if that was punishment for something, please help me to change. Don't let anything happen like that again, or if you wish for it to, don't let anyone get hurt. I don't understand everything about all of this, but just... please, just help me through this."

Kelly's mind was racing! She couldn't possibly try and make herself go to sleep. What if the same thing happened again? What would happen the next morning? She thought it had to be a dream, but it wasn't. It just felt too real. It was just too clear, and everything, the pain, the exhaustion, everything, was just too much, but that was the only other reasonable explanation for now.

Everything just got to be too confusing for her and, though her mind was running a marathon through a maze while being chased by... that animal, she was just so exhausted and just passed out for the night on her bed, however much night there was left that day.



Chapter 2 coming soon...!