Guro Challenge #8: Undead/Zombie

Story by chelonianmobile on SoFurry

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#14 of 33 Day Guro Challenge

Y'know, we might not be so different. Well, we are one way. You squeakers taste better.

Nah, fer serious, I mean it. Why'd you go a-wanderin'? No matter, 'twoulda turned out far better fer both of us if we'd stayed home. I see all yer scars, that mean you was lucky or unlucky till ye met me? Life's hard that way. Not sorry I did it, but sometimes I wish I didn't 'ave to. Wish good beasts could roam safe widout me watchin' the wilds. Like I said, life's 'ard.

Heh, lucky you. Quick an' painless, more'n I woulda got. Another way we ain't so different. Reckon I been dead a dozen seasons an' me body's not caught up. It's hot an' I still shiver sometimes. Is bein' dead this cold inside? Is Hellgates as bad as the dreams that plague me? Don't know whether I hope it is or that it ain't. Some o' you vermin I do. The ones made me this way. You, I dunno. Didn't know yer well enough. I don't judge. Not like I 'ave any hope of headin' elsewhere. Ah well, jus' more reason to enjoy meself 'ere!

They say everybeast destroys the thing they love. Is that ever more true than wid cookin'? Good food is love, friendship, family, an' to feel it ye must eat it. Aw, I'm ramblin'. Brother dear allus told me not to talk wid me gob full.

Want some? Ye're delicious, I tell ye. No? Yer missin' out. Still, more fer me.

Mmm. Lemme jes' get me whiskers clean. There, now. All done, we're even. No more hurtin' from or to ye. Could we be pals now, p'raps, now it's done?

It gets breezy in the eve round 'ere, don't it? C'mere, it's awright. Been a long time since I just held another beast. Reckon I need this, an' after today so d'you, I think. Ah, yer still warm from the fire. An' wet, eurgh, lemme jes' tuck me cloak round... Ahh. Better. See, we c'n get along now. You rats ain't so bad when yer quiet like this. I think I like you. D'you like me? Was that a nod? Aw, yer sweet. Come wid me tomorrow? Don't fret, nothin's gonna hurt yer no more, not while I'm 'ere.

Already asleep? Yeah, I oughta be too.

Nice fire, I likes a good fire...