The Beginning: Part 4

Story by TheToxicRabbit on SoFurry

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#4 of The Beginning Series

Heyyyy, I know I said that I would upload this in the morning, but seeing as I'm awake at this unholy hour, I figured that I should upload it anyways. And besides, it's technically morning... 4 in the morning... Anyways enjoy reading this part, it's a little lengthier than the others, but it also has a little more detail. I'm testing out different ways of writing, so bear with me throughout the making of this story.

"Wake up...Wake up...Theo wake up...Oh for God's sake, WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Theodore immediately shot up from the ground, almost head-butting Carin in the process. "Gahh, geez I'm up, what do you want?" Theodore asked scratching his head and sounding very annoyed with the interruption of his sleep. "We need to get a move on that's what I want!" Carin shouted in response rather agitated. "We can't just stay here all day, and besides we need to be back at base before noon or else we're AWOL!" "Well what time is it now?" Theodore asked pointing at Carin's wristwatch. "Uhh... FUCK, IT'S 10:30 ALREADY" Carin started panicking and began to scramble to her feet. "WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!" Carin grabbed Theodore by the arm and yanked him out of the tent, pulling a few pieces if fur from his arm in the process. "Get a move on!" Carin was scrambling around the campsite, grabbing all of her belongings. "Don't forget the cube Theo." "Alright." Theodore reached his arm around the top of the tent and pulled the cube from the tip. Following the cube's removal, all of the camping supplies glowed with the same bright light that the cube had glowed the day before. Shortly after, the supplies had vanished in thin air, leaving no trace behind besides the indents in the grass marking where they had stood the night before. Both Carin and Theodore were now standing alone in the nearly empty field of grass. "Camp's put up, getcher boots on, I'll get our rides." Theodore paced over to where their sleeping bags used to be and picked up a small remote that had the same crescent marking that Carin had across her eye. Theodore fiddled a bit with the remote and entered a sequence of numbers and letters that eventually caused the device to produce a few quick beeps signaling that the code was approved. "Your ride's ready". Theodore informed. "Why do you need a remote lock for your ride again?" "The organization doesn't trust me, they think I'm gonna go off the grid and reveal secrets or something." Carin proceeded cover her right eye with her right hand until a bright light emitted seemingly from Carin herself. She pulled her hand away and with that motion the light faded and Carin was now holding a small disk in her hand and proceeded to toss it into the air. The disk flew and spun at such a high speed that it would have caused a whirlpool if it were in water. It expanded and unraveled, almost like a transformer, into a larger, more elongated version of what it once was; it looked akin to a very flashy snowboard with a few extra technical bits added to it. The newly shaped object slowed its spinning and began to fall back towards Carin. With an arm extended above her head, she caught the new device. "Alright, low-flyer is ready, what about you?" Carin started to pace towards and then behind Theodore. "All right here goes nothing." He took his right hand and clutched his left shoulder, where his gear marking was located. Theodore then turned his hand clockwise a quarter turn as if he were turning the gear. Another bright light had glowed and then disappeared, leaving Theodore with a black, quarter-sized coin in his hand. Theodore took the coin and placed it flat against the nape of his neck. Carin suddenly jumped a bit and hurriedly spoke to Theodore. "Theo, remember what happened last time?" Theodore's ears perked up as he looked down and remembered that if he didn't remove his shirt, it would have been torn to shreds a few moments later. "Oh yeah..." He said almost apologetically, his ears dropping back down showing that he was embarrassed. "Thanks Car." If Theodore's face wasn't covered in fur, his face would have been a bright red as he crossed his arms over his shirt and pulled it up and over his head, past his ears and tossed the shirt to the ground. Carin stared at Theodore from behind and seemed to feel as hot as he felt, she had never seen him like this. Theodore wasn't very muscular, but he wasn't lanky either, he had no muscle definition, but his features were still smooth, and all of this make Carin realize that maybe she wanted to know Theodore in a more 'intimate' way. None of that could actually happen Carin tried to reassure herself. The device on Theodore's neck activated and produced an appendage from the bottom of it. The metal appendage ran down along Theodore's back and stopped right above his tail, ending in a dull tip. After the first appendage settled two more appendages appeared from the coin, but this time the appendages were on either side of Theodore's spine. They went across the top of his back and began forming what looked to be armor plates that covered his Shoulder blades. Almost immediately after the plates set bright, purple hardlight shot from the bottoms of them, ending in a sharp point. At the sight of the new 'wings' Carin snapped out of her trance and got a jealous expression plastered onto her face. "Aww c'mon, they gave you electro-wings!?" She complained "No fair, those things are so fun..." Theodore looked back at Carin and shrugged as he gave her a teasing smirk. "Guess they just like me more, hehe." Carin rolled her eyes at the remark and activated her low-flyer. Energy visibly coursed through the etchings on the machine in a neon blue color ending in a crescent shape at the front of the board. Carin tossed the board onto the ground and it hovered just above the grass. "Well don't forget to grab your shirt before we take off." Theodore looked down to see his T-shirt sprawled across the ground. He bent down and picked up the shirt and proceeded to tie it around his head like a bandana. "We ready?" Theodore asked rhetorically as he got into a running stance. "Then let's get a move on." He kicked off into a sprint ahead of Carin. His speed kept increasing until his legs wouldn't carry him any faster, then he leapt forward. Almost instantly, Theodore's electro-wings reacted to the sudden change in body position. The back plates produced two more sets of hardlight wings making a total of three sets of wings. The set of wings on top faced completely outwards and were violet colored, these were used in turning and assisting with changing altitude. The set of wings in the middle were currently angled at a 45 degree angle, but could move freely at all angles and even align itself with the other pairs of wings, this pair was strange as it had a mind of its own and changed color between the violet color of the top wings and the teal color of the bottom set. This set is used for maintaining balance and stability whilst in flight and is completely self-controlled. The bottom set of wings face parallel to the wearer and are a teal color, this set is used exclusively for propulsion, the electro-wings' propulsion system can accelerate up to flying speeds of 600 Kl/h when in overdrive, the system can also act as an air brake by tilting up to cause drag and therefore slowing the flyer's speed, these wings are even capable of allowing the wearer to hover midair by propelling whatever substance the user is flying through at an equal and opposite rate to gravity. As the wings came out, the propulsion system activated and increased Theodore's speed exponentially. He took off into the sky leaving Carin behind for a few seconds until she finally decided to get going before she fell too far behind. "Thanks for waiting bunny boy." Carin hopped onto her hover board and stomped on the overdrive switch located on the back of the board, the whole board lit up and the nano-exhaust system generated a bright light. Within a second, Carin had sped off leaving a neon blue light train in her wake. She kept an eye on the skies to try to find Theodore and after about a minute she found him doing aerial tricks near some low-lying clouds. Carin put on her earpiece and turned on the internal communicator "Theo, do you read? Can you hear me?" There was nothing but silence for a few seconds, but a voice came through the earpiece and Carin saw that Theodore was now hovering midair. "Loud and clear" Carin slowed to a stop so she could look up at Theodore while they were conversing. "Hey, I kinda need you to guide me to the base, not do fancy sky tricks, so if you could make your way down to me that would be great." "Ughh, alright mom. Geez you know how to take the fun out of everything don't you." Theodore's voice sounded low and sarcastic, but it was still light enough as to prevent it from sounding like actual disappointment. Carin could see him turning around in the air as he was looking for her "Man, for a black cat in the middle of this big ass green field, you sure are hard to find." Carin knew that if she didn't help Theodore find her they wouldn't be leaving that spot any time soon. "Turn a bit to your left... Stop... I'm by that big rock, see me waving?" "Ahh, there you are, target set to crazy cat lady, and here I go, I'm on my way." Theodore took off in Carin's direction flying in a straight line until something hit him in the face, making him lose control for a moment, but he managed to steady himself just before he reached Carin. "What happened up there, and why are there black spots all over your face?" Carin reached over to Theodore's face and poked at one of the black spots. Whatever it was, it had a slimy texture and seemed to have weird things sticking out of it. As soon as Carin felt the slimy texture she recoiled and held her hand to her chest "EWW, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" Theodore felt around his face until he touched one of the spots. His hand recoiled for a split second, but then returned to its original position. He grabbed whatever this foreign object was and examined it, it seemed to have once been something with small wings. "Gross..." Theodore continued examining the goop on his fingers. "It looks like I flew though a swarm of bugs." He looked at the bug guts on his fingers then wiped it onto his pants. "And it also looks like I'm gonna need a shower after we get back." Carin snickered and swatted Theodore on the chest "No shit you do." She laughed at her own joke longer than any normal fur would have liked to admit. After her laughing fit settled she fixated her gaze on Theodore. "So where are we headed?" Carin asked gesturing to the field they were currently in. "Uuhh, let's see..." Theodore pulled out his map and began to analyze their current position relative to the base. "Uhh, about 4 miles north east of here, we should get there in no time." Theodore began to get in his running stance again, but Carin grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. "Hey, Theo, what happened to your tattoo? It's white now." Theodore couldn't make sense of her remark at first, but then it stuck him as to what she was talking about. "Huh? Oh this?" Theodore pointed towards the gear marking on his shoulder. "It's always been white, didn't you notice?" Carin looked at him in confusion almost as if he had three heads. "No, it was black before, I know it was, I saw it when..." Carin paused before she had said too much and embarrassed herself. "Saw it when what?" Theodore interrogated her "When I took my shirt off? Hehe, were you checking me out?" He said teasingly to Carin. Her tears dropped and her tail hung low, making it plainly obvious that he was right. "N-no I wasn't, I just so happened to notice it when you uhm, took uhh... your shirt off..." Carin's voice became weak and she could hardly feel her face through all of the embarrassment, she felt extremely hot in her cheeks and she couldn't look Theodore in the eyes. "Hey what's wrong, you're not embarrassed are you?" Theodore's voice was calm and careful as he reached over to caress Carin's left arm "Aww, c'mon don't tell me you're embarrassed to say you were checking me out, it's okay if you like me... To be honest... I kinda like you too... in that... way..." Neither of them could believe that those words had come out of the rabbit's mouth, but there was no denying that those word were spoken. Theodore quickly let go of Carin's arm and started vigorously rubbing the back of his neck. "Uhhm, anyways... we should get going or else we're in deep shit with the boss." Carin snapped out of her hazy spell and quickly readjusted to her surroundings. "uhh, yeah we should do that." The two were about to take off until Theodore stopped. "Oh, by the way, the gear is only black when I have my wings ready, otherwise it's white like it normally is." Carin nodded in confirmation. "That's great to know, now let's get going, I'll follow you." Theodore started to run and Carin activated her board again. "I'll stay low, try to keep up!" Theodore got into his running stance and without hesitation he took off sprinting, and then flying. Carin got on her board, hit the overdrive, and chased Theodore through the plains. She chased him like a dream that was too good to pass up. Theodore, I'm really glad you're my partner.