UFA Vs. HRF Chapter Three: Wolf Strikes Back

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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UFA Vs. HRF Chapter Three : Wolf Strikes Back Story and Characters Michael .B ( Max The Wolf [Yiffstar] LT_Max_W_Charger [FA]) Disclaimer is as it is for this story. No one under 18 or 21 depending on where you live in this world and what laws the prude Christian House Bitches made to ban yiff or maybe the radio because it plaid rock n' roll. Who da fuck knows. Now on to the story my little hellyins and I shall corrupt you fragile widdle minds. Also go easy on me...this is my first Male on Male story...^_^ ================================================================ Theme Song: Banana Phone - Raffi Do you think I would use that as a song theme...no...not till you see me make a dopey ass story that needs to be shot to hell...this is the theme. [One Little Victory - Rush] Story started: 5-12-2009 Finished 5-14-2009 Edited 5-16-2009 ( Redid the name of the M60E3. It didn't have the 3 on the end ^_^ -blinks- and the more Stupid Fallow Follow mistakes... DAMN YOU WEBSTER!!! YOU AIN"T MADE MY LIFE EASY...BUT HELL!! -ends up bitch slapping a hard back Websters Dictionary- ) ================================================================ [All it takes is one little thing to push someone over the edge with destroying effects.: Quote of Michael .B]

  • * * The morning sun rose high into the sky bringing around the noontime heat as a soft breeze drifted through the woods. Deep inside the abandoned water treatment building various humans and animals walked the halls ranging from the skills of medics, Computer hackers, lab techs, guards, and mechanics. Two human guards stood in front of a large metal door armed with AKs-47u assault rifles and Colt .45's. Inside the room I was sided by the Alfred brothers...Blaze and Reno Alfred; my hand picked second in command. Chained in front of me to hang by the arms was the female sniper we had captured last night while leaving what was left of my life and home behind. Blood coated her exposed body along with burn marks from high voltage shocks. "That pup could have made a nice pare of mittens. She can be replaced, but I would rather make a coat out of your bitch sister." the woman spat out in pure hate before all the wind left her when my fist found her stomach. Causing her to double over as much as the chains would allow before I leaned in close to her ear. "Don't you ever talk about my family like that you bitch...now tell me....where in the hell is your boss!" I growled before I stepped back watching as she regained her breath just before she spat some blood out onto the tip of my boot. "I ain't going to tell you anything." she retorted. I sighed slightly crossing my arms after lighting up a smoke, watching the woman bleed slowly from her wounds. The floor coated in crimson, I then turned and walked to the door followed by the brothers...soon I turned around while reaching out for the handle; I grinned. "You two stay here...do as you wish with her, don't kill her unless you get the order personally from me.." I spoke while looking to the two towering wolves before me as they both gave a grin along with a few nods. I watched them walk back over to the woman while speaking a few words to one another and laughing; then I walked out of the room and down the long halls to the cafeteria and got some coffee and something to eat. It had been a long night and morning. I sat alone near the back of the room while looking at the wall intently as if I could see what was beyond the concrete, metal, dirt and paint. What was I doing...leading a war against a highly trained group of people who was who knows how many strong and all I had was a handful of fighters, transports, weapons and food. That only meant there was one thing to do...take the weapons of the fallen HRF, and do hit and run raids on there supply caches that was where? For all I knew they could be in red China and guarded by sentry bots armed with Star trek Phasers. Slowly I looked up when I saw one of the hackers walk up to me, a young Doe, standing around four foot high...dressed in a casual suit with a pink bow around her neck. Her fur was a light sandy brown dappled with white spots and streaks. "Sir...we...we um..." she started up in stammers. "What?" I snapped, surprising her and myself before I shook my head. "I'm sorry Ginger...I'm tired, stressed, and hungry...I didn't mean for it to sound like it did. What is it that you want to tell me?" I spoke in more of a calmer tone while leaning back in my chair. "We...found your father...it seamed the HRF got to him as well. He's in the hospital and we have guards watching him... They did a number on him Sir...he has second degree burns, a broken arm, leg and they think more but their giving us info a bit at a time...so we don't know the extent of the damage done." Ginger said softly while resting her hoof upon my shoulder before she sat down in a chair next to me as she looked at me. "I know this is all hard on you Sir. We all wish this didn't happen to you...you have been so kind to us over the years and we will follow you into hell with out question.". I sighed softly while rubbing a hand over my head, letting my fingers rake through my hair before I gave a nod. "Thanks. Keep looking for one of there Supply Caches...we need more food and weapons.". Ginger gave a nod, leaning over and placing a soft kiss to my cheek before getting up and walking out. "You'll be the first to know Sir." she called back to me before disappearing through the large double doors. I just sat there silently looking at my food before I started eating once more, soon having enough of it I headed out of the room after dropping off my empty plate in the tray and walked out the door. As I walked the halls I did my best to look cool and composed but that was a job all on its own let alone the thoughts running through my mind. I figured I needed sleep...yes that's just what I needed, I have been running all night and day on rage, coffee and cigarettes. So I just made a turn down the hall aiming to the sleeping area of the base; stepping through the heavy metal door I stepped into a bedroom that was somewhat removed of personal effects besides the fact it had a couch, a small round dinning table able to hold about six to seven people, a small mini fridge and a large bed...oh did the bed look so inviting. Soon as I laid down I was out like someone hit a switch in my body and turned me off like a little toy. When I woke up I heard knocking on my door; sitting up I yawned before setting my feet upon the floor, standing up and walking to the door and opening it to see Ginger standing in the hallway with a bright smile. "We found a HRF Weapons Cache...its located at a old Armed Forces airbase that has been empty since world war two. So all ya would have to do is contend with HRF and not the local Military. But..." she trailed off slowly before she shrugged and kept on. "HRF has been known to recruit Armed Force Vets. So you might have to deal with them." I rubbed the sleep from my eyes before giving a nod. "Have everyone we can spare ready, and armed. Have them wait for me outside...I'll be there soon." Ginger gave a nod and took off in a jog down the hall as I turned back around closing the door. "Up first...Shower." I said to my self as I walked to the bathroom to grab a much needed shower. When I moved to the outside of the base I saw a good number of fifty ready, armed, and armored humans and animals. I looked at my small group of soldiers and gave a soft smile, I even noticed the Alfred brothers standing beside a gutted seventy-seven Ford F100 ranger. The doors ripped off, and two M60E3's mounted on a custom brace in the back, one facing the front of the truck and one facing the rear. I walked over to the truck and picked up a Remington M1100 Full size Semi-Auto 12gauge shotgun loaded with Hyper Shock Magnum Slugs, and also I found my S&W .40cal handgun I left with Blaze...it was fully upgraded with a muzzle vent, extended clip, and a tactical laser and flashlight combo fitted to the attachment rail under the gun. "Nice work Blaze...I like it." I smiled and turned around to look at everyone behind me. "Okay...you all know as well as me that we don't know how many of the HRF are at this base...though we are few...we may have a advantage of being a smaller target to hit...I want everyone spread wide...they'll be defending their front ranks if we show up like this...they wont expect a smaller group of lighter and faster teams to come in behind them and sneak out their supplies..." I spoke with a grin then pointed to two large hummers with back mounted rocket launchers. "We'll also split them apart...divide their attention by laying down missile fire from inside the woods...I will trust the tech group with the data and aiming...if this works...we may have a snowballs chance in hell of getting out without a single loss of life. Everyone understand?" I called out looking at my proud and loyal group as they all nodded. I gave a soft nod and turned to look out at the woods. *God help us.* When we arrived half a mile away from the base it was nightfall so driving up without headlights was the best way to make it in closer without alerting anyone, when everyone was set and ready I looked out at the airbase watching jeeps and armed guards move about. I was smart...I left Natala behind to watch after my family while I did this little job. "Shit...their Active as a ant hill." I muttered under my breath. "Ants with guns." Blaze smirked slightly as he staid crouched down beside me, his yellow eyes shining softly in the darkness as the soft glow of the moon gave his jet black fur a almost violet hue. His M4A1 resting beside him fitted with duel clips and a high powered scope. "Blow me." I retorted with a smirk while poking him in the side slightly. "I would love to Master." was Blazes own quick witted remark only it was a true fact he would. "Later boy...we got work first...play later...and don't call me master..." I shrugged slightly as I got up moving back to the truck where Reno kept watch. We then moved in closer as we could before I looked back at everyone as we left the vehicles and moved to the edge of the tree-line. I then pulled a radio from my side and looked back some deeper into the woods where I knew our little mortar crew was waiting for there signal and then I sent it, a small series of beeps and soon the sound of missiles flying through the air was heard fallowed by explosions. I looked out at the base as guards started running this way and that, and me and my group moved on finding cover before we opened fire upon our enemy. I knew my handgun would be a poor choice at the range we was firing from but my shotgun had just the reach out and touch I needed to down my own targets, and even for the wavering accuracy of a shotgun slug I always made sure I could get my target one way or another. One shot went wide and slammed into the small gas can on the back of a jeep, exploding and creating a large dome of fire and metal like a oversized grenade. During the commotion a smaller group came in from behind the base and made off with heavy duce and a half ( 2 Ton ) trucks loaded with food, weapons, ammo, medical supplies and armor; while another small group depleted the HRF of there fuel and parts. I got the signal all was done so I gave the order to pull back. We all retreated back into the woods and regrouped on the way back home. I had no doubts the HRF thought they fought off what was a handful of animals and humans in what seamed like a poor attack but they would get a rude surprise when they wake up the next day. I was grinning all the way back and still so while we loaded off everything we collected. I had a small group to check over what we got and make sure it was all in working order, and by time it was done we had over four years worth of non-perishable food, two years of perishable items, enough ammo and guns to fight a small war, fuel for countless months, and medical supplies to treat everything from a small sticker up to a case of broken bones and high fever. I was proud of my people, my friends, my family...all I had left was them...it felt good... "Nice work Boss." Blaze smiled as he stood beside me while Reno took up to the other side while we walked to the holding room. Upon entering the room I looked at the woman with a smirk. "You ready to talk now lady?" I asked. "I have been defiled by both Animals and humans alike...I have nothing else left...even my own kind are no better than these beasts" she replied with a broken tone, her body covered with dried blood, bruises and cum. I sighed softly walking over. "Well I will not lie and say that its not true...mankind is evil...everyone is...but there is that small handful of both humans and animals who are kind and caring...." I said while standing in front of her with my arms crossed. "Then why are you doing this?" she asked looking up at me as she hung limply from her bonds. "Why are you?.. Why did that bastard Marco have to kill Penny...she was just a pup with a knowledge that everyone was kind." I spoke slowly, trying to hide my anger and rage while I clinched my fist. Both Blaze and Reno could tell I was getting mad and it reflected upon them as-well, there hackles raising slightly as there lips curled back into a snarl. "All I was told to do is keep you from fallowing him...I had nothing to do with what happened inside there...all I want to do is go home...to my husband and kids...I'll tell you where to find Marco and when the next attack is and where...if you will let me go.. I don't want to be in the HRF anymore...I just want to be with my family." she closed her eyes as she started to sob. My whole outlook changed right then and there, my anger fading away into sorrow and pity. "If I let you go...how can I be sure that you wont tell them where we are and send us all to our graves.?" "I swear on my life..." she bowed her head before she spoke once more. "Take my eyes...I am a sniper and the HRF will not have me if I can not see...please...just let me go home." I gave a soft nod and walked away. "Very well... I'll have the medics come and get you then have some one drop you off at the local hospital with a report that you was hurt in a car crash. But if you betray what you told me...I'll hunt you down." I said while standing by the door before shrugging. "Where is Marco and the next attack?" The woman looked up at me slowly "Marco is going to attack the Howling Moon Pet Store tomorrow night at midnight." I smiled. "Thank you." I said softly before I walked out fallowed by the brothers. I walked on slowly down the hall before I stopped when Blaze placed his large paw upon my shoulder. "Can I talk to you alone sir?" he asked softly while glancing to his room slightly. Reno wasn't around so I shrugged. "Sure..." I followed him into the room, closing the door behind me as I watched Blaze move in front of me, before he then leaned close and ran his broad lupine tongue over my lips before fallowing it up with a deep slow kiss. I blinked slightly and smiled softly while I kissed back, running my tongue softly over his thin canine lips before forcing my way into his muzzle, my tongue brushing up against his incisors, and fangs while my hands moved along the back of his neck and slowly down and around to his chest where I slowly started to pull open the buttons on his shirt and running my fingers through his thick lush fur along his chest and abs. I've been somewhat bi but I have never been with another male so this was new but exciting at the same time because it was with one of the breeds I loved. It didn't take me long to trail my hands down to the button on his jeans, popping open the button I reached down inside his pants and gripped his quickly swelling sheath causing him to murr deeply. I softly broke the kiss looking down at the tip of his shaft before I started stroking him softly, running my hand from the tip of his shaft, down to his sac. Blaze slowly bowed his head while he started to pant softly, pre slowly oozing from his tip as it quickly grew to its full size. I stepped back slightly looking him over doing the math in my head a bit and noticed he had to be about eight inches long with a knot the size of a tennis ball. Blaze smiled softly looking down at me while his tail slowly lashed at the air with excitement and anticipation, his thick shaft throbbing with every pulse of his beating heart. He then moved back and laid down upon the bed with a large canine grin as his hypnotizing eyes watched my every move. "Its been a while for me...my brother leans more to the females, so he don't mount me as much as before." he spoke softly with a deep murr. I gave a soft laugh while I stripped out of my cloths and walked to the bed, moving slowly across the ocean of fabric then over the lupine. "Blaze...you just put a whole new spin of brotherly love bud." I replied in my quick witted sharp tongued way that either got me friends or enemies. I then reached down between us, taking his shaft in my hand before I started stroking him slowly causing soft moans to escape his muzzle as he closed his eyes panting softly while his hips started to thrust up against my hand in a slow rhythm. Blaze groaned softly while he kept thrusting up into my hand before he opened his eyes looking at me with a grin. "Take me please...just fuck me. I'll make it up to you next time...please I just need it so bad right now." he begged with a cute look, bowing his head down while the tip of his tongue peaked from his muzzle in a way that I always found cute as can be in all breeds of Canine and Feline. I couldn't help but to smile before giving a nod. "Okay...but don't think I'll leave you out of this...I'm going to make you howl." I snickered while I coated my fingers with his pre before I reached down stroking along his tail hole, coating him with a fine layer of pre before I did the same to my rock hard shaft. Once I knew it would be enough I rested my body against his while I pressed the tip of my shaft to his hole. With a little push I started to sink deep into him slow and steady, one inch at a time till I was hilted inside him. I looked up slightly only to be met with his tongue as it snaked out and over my face. I smirked, leaning up to kiss softly along his tongue and muzzle before I started off with slow thrusts...my hands upon his hips for more leverage while I playfully bit at his neck, causing him to murr and growl playfully in return while his paws roamed over my back, the feeling of his claws softly pricking at my skin and leaving superficial marks along my back only added to the feeling of pleasure I was getting, not to mention it put goose-bumps along my body as if I stepped from a hot shower into a ice cold room. Blaze started to pant harder as he matched me; thrust for thrust while he craned his muzzle back whining in ecstasy. His pre coating both of our stomachs as it remained trapped between us. I could feel every muscle in his body tense and relax...this wolf could take any full grown man and snap him in half like a dry twig...but yet here he was...soft loving touches, not a hint of that rough rugged side. I closed my eyes slightly as I picked up the pace, now at a even greater force, I could hear the faint creaking of the bed just over Blazes whines and groans of pleasure. I hand a hand full of his fur as I started to shake slightly from forcing my self to hold back, I knew I couldn't last much longer so I reached up and gripped his shaft just behind his knot, squeezing slightly with every deep thrust I made into him. This alone triggered the rising peak inside him to come faster, soon he gave a deep howl of pleasure as he shot rope after rope of his thick lupine seed upon my stomach and his own. The feeling of his tail hole clinching down with every pulse of cum caused me to lose it as well as I held myself firmly against him while I gave into my climax. As we both came down from our high...I felt his tongue softly running across my cheek softly, causing me to look up into his eyes. "Thanks." he said softly with a smile. "Its no problem at all Blaze...I've always wondered what it would be like to mount a big boy like you." I replied. God that sounded so gay...but I didn't care...I had fun and I know he did too and that made it all worth it. We just laid there holding one another till we fell asleep, and right then I remembered something.... What was I going to say to Natala when she found out.? I'd worry about it later...right now....Sleep....such good inviting sleep... (To Be Continued.) ================================================================ Heh...call it a cliff hanger if ya want...I donno what you would call it... but yeah.. Third chapter done and ready...^_^ I'm on a roll with this series. Comments are welcome...keep them constructive and kind if you are going to point out mistakes.. And also remember...more comments, faves, and votes makes me want to work harder to prefect my work.