Companions Chapter 08: Home Away From Home

Story by Evoquus on SoFurry

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#8 of Companions

[Companions Chapter 08]


WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, then you must stop reading now. The author has taken steps to ensure that this story does not appear in any subject-inappropriate or age-inapropriate forum. This version has been posted with the author's permission to





* by Evoquus



* (c) Copyright 2002, Evoquus, All rights reserved.


* Feedback is appreciated: [email protected]



Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex: M/M, Human-Stallion-Mare, Anal, Oral

Chapter 08: Home Away From Home

I had only about a half hour to shower, change, grab a bite and get to my meeting. I was a couple of minutes late, but not enough to cause any fallout. A few coworkers whispered their concern for my whereabouts, while others hadn't notice my absence at all. To them my absence had only been one and a half days. It seemed unimaginable that the timeline for all that had occurred to me had actually spanned less than a hundred hours. It felt more like a hundred years.

As was typical of these mandatory meetings, my attendance ended up being completely unnecessary. After it was over, I asked for a couple of weeks off. "Family emergency" were the magic words that always went unquestioned. No one ever wanted to know the details. This was vacation time that I had already earned, and the company was happy to get it off the books, anyway. I couldn't think of a better vacation than bonding with my Companion, and all I wanted to do was to get back to him.

It wasn't until I returned home that I finally felt like I could relax. My Companion peaked over the backyard gate when I pulled up, and I imagined him wagging his puppydog tail, so happy to see me too.

"You're a sight for sore eyes," I said, getting out of the car. "Any trouble from the neighbors?"

"No. How was your meeting?"

"Dreadful. I'd rather be strapped to a boulder."

"I can arrange that."

"Hee-hee-hee, you wish. How's Shianna doing?" I couldn't see her over the fence.

"Okay, I think," he said. "She is still very upset with herself, but she is napping now." Then he asked quietly, "How do you feel about her?"

I shook my head. "Life is too short for grudges. The only one who hasn't gotten over it is her. Maybe tonight, if you and I show her a good time, she'll start feeling better about herself."

"That is a good plan. I am looking forward to it."

"Looking forward to what?" Shianna asked, walking over to us.

"Looking forward to getting naked and cozy with a very pretty little mare I couldn't stop thinking about for the last hour," I said.

They both had their heads over the gate. I couldn't quite do the sandwich thing from the other side, but it was close enough to satisfy all parties. Then the cops pulled up.

At least a dozen squad cars jammed the streets. Doors flew open everywhere, and the ratcheting sound of pumping shotguns frightened birds out of their nests. I turned around slowly with my arms in the air.

"What do you want me to do?" panicked Shianna.

"Nothing," I said to them, speaking slowly and deliberately. "This is just a misunderstanding. I broke no laws, so they can't do anything to me. They will take me downtown and question me. With luck, I'll be back in a few hours. You two stay here and wait for me. Do you understand?"


A bullhorn blasted for all the neighbors to hear, "Get on the ground with your hands on your head!" I didn't need to be asked twice. I was cuffed before I could even get my hands up. Two cops pulled me to my feet. "Mr. Racher, you're under arrest."

"For what?"

"We'll let you know."

As they escorted me down the driveway, a large police van pulled up. And to my horror, I realized it was a MOUNTED police van. They were taking my horses.

"Rovaun! Don't fight them!" I yelled over my shoulder.

"SHUT UP!" the two cops shouted directly into my ears, causing them to ring in agony.

They shoved me into the back seat of a squad car, and I turned to see Rovaun and Shianna with ropes around their necks, being orderly led into the van. "They'll be okay," I said to myself. "We'll get through this one, too, and probably laugh about it tonight. Fuck you, Destiny."

The squad car pulled out and I watched my horses for as long as I could. They watched me disappear as well.

"Where are you taking my horses?"

"To the glue factory."

I was sure that wasn't true, at least 90% sure, that is. It was the other 10% that really had me terrified. Only someone really pissed off would have said such a thing. I sat in silence the rest of the way to the station, hoping not to piss them off more. Why were they so pissed in the first place? Because I kept getting away, that's why. I bet they hated that.

When we got to the station, they didn't book me right away. That was the first clue that they really didn't have anything on me, and I felt a little better. They sat me in a chair on one side of a table in an interrogation room that looked just like the kind on TV cop shows. It had a cage in the corner, a one-way window on the wall, and a high mounted video camera that never turned off. On the table facing me was a blank monitor and VCR. Everyone but me left the room. They neglected to remove my handcuffs.

After thirty minutes of convincing myself my destiny was still going to be beautiful, a cop and a detective walked in. The cop sat down by the window.

"Please, tell me what I am charged with," I asked politely.

"That all depends on your cooperation, Mr. Racher," said the detective across the table.

"I will cooperate fully. This is all a simple misunderstanding."

"Then we should be out of here in no time." He leafed through a notebook. "Let's see, we have probably a dozen traffic code violations... driving an unsafe vehicle..."

"Guilty," I confessed.

"...improper transportation of livestock..."


"...unsafe lane change..."

"Why not? Guilty on all counts."

"...murder of a police officer..."





[Stunned silence]





"What was that, Mr. Racher? No smart-ass retort?"

"What are you talking about," I spoke, slowly. "I did not kill anyone."

"Would you like to see? Got it right here on tape." He pushed a button on the VCR, and the monitor crackled to life. The video that it showed had been taken from a camera mounted on the dashboard of a patrol car. From behind, I watched my van pull over to the shoulder and stop. Then I saw the third cop sidle up to me with his right hand clearly on his gun. He stopped before he could reach me and doubled over in paralyzing grief. My van sped away, and the cop slowly stood up. Then he ate his service revolver and collapsed.

My destiny was shit.

I put my head on the table. "I'm so sorry," I said. "It's my fault. The third cop was all my fault."

"Sounds like a confession to me. What do you think, Bill?" He turned to the cop in the chair.

"I think he's very, very sorry, Frank," he condescended.

"We didn't mean to hurt anyone," I whimpered into the table.

"We who?" pressed the detective across from me.

That was a deadly slip! I had to protect the Hipponaurs. "Me... and my horses." Ironically, it was easy to make the truth sound like a lie, which was what I had hoped they would think.

"Don't give me that shit! Who else was in the van?"

"No one... It was just me. You can see for yourself." I indicated the monitor, which was still running the tape of the fallen officer. "Where the hell could anyone else have been sitting?"

As I continued watching the tape, I saw the officer's foot pivot slowly from left to right. Was that postmortem? Then another patrol car pulled into the spot where my van had been. The cop jumped out and checked the vital signs of the dead guy, then carefully helped him to his feet.

"What the FUCK! You told me he was dead!!"

"I never said anything, Mr. Racher. You're the one singing like a canary. And it doesn't really matter one way or the other, as far as you're concerned. Attempted murder of a police officer is still a life sentence."

Then he looked at the monitor. "Barney, on the other hand, is probably the luckiest son-of-a-bitch alive. His gun jammed. And do you know why he collapsed? I'll tell you why, Mr. Racher. He said... that even his trusted service revolver had betrayed him."

The detective stood up. "Barney is one of my best friends. He has an adoring wife and three lovely kids. I can't think of anyone more full of the zest for life than him. And there is no way in HELL he would ever take his own life..." He leaned on his knuckles, "...until he met you."

He stood up again and paced behind me. "I don't know how you did it, and I don't really care. Because I have two other cops and two other tapes that clearly show a criminal pattern of behavior. You are some kind of demon, Mr. Racher. And I shall personally see to it that you remain safely locked away."

"How are the other two officers?" I asked, hoping for the best.

"What the fuck do you care!"

"I care!"

"I think he cares, Frank," mocked chair cop.

"All three of them are on administrative leave," he said. "And, thanks to you, their careers are probably fucked."

I sighed in relief. "Thank God their okay."

He slammed his fist on the table. "They're NOT okay, Asshole!! You fucked with their heads and the result is on tape! Tape that is now evidence! It's not just YOU that's fucked! Now THEY'RE fucked! Everybody's FUCKED because of YOU!! And for WHAT!? To get out of a stupid fucking traffic ticket!!"

I lowered my head again. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of the trouble I caused everyone. I'll make amends somehow."

"You can make amends by rotting," he muttered.

"I really think he's sorry, Frank," boo-hooed chair cop.

"Shut up, Bill," he said, the joke having gotten stale long ago.

"No," said the cop rising to his feet. "He's really ree-hee-hee-lly sorry!"

My head snapped up in terror. Chair cop wasn't faking. It was all happening again.

"Oh GOD!!" shrieked the detective, grabbing his temples.

"No, no, NO, NO!!! SHIANNA! STOP!!!!" I jumped to my feet and the door burst open as two more cops stumbled into the room. All four were writhing in emotional turmoil.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" screamed the detective to me.

"I can't! I'm handcuffed!"

He whimpered and fumbled with his keys and cut me loose. "Go! Go!! Go!!! Oh sweet mother of God, GO!!!"

Chair cop started reaching for his revolver.

"Give me your guns!" I shouted. "GIVE ME YOU GUNS!! Put them on the table!"

The cops that could still function, did so. I had to take the gun from the one curled up sucking his thumb. I tossed the weapons into the cage and locked it, then ran down the corridor.

The cops at the desk were also stricken with inconsolable grief, but they did not seem suicidal. Perhaps the effects were not as strong here. I ran out the front door and around the outside of the building to where the interrogation room was. Rovaun and Shianna were waiting for me. I hopped onto Rovaun and rode off just as dozens of sirens could be heard from all around us, converging on home base. We didn't have much time; I had to get the horses out, but there was no inconspicuous way to do it. Then a lucky break, I spied a U-Haul rental lot with a twelve-foot moving van ready to go. It was perfect.

I parked the horses behind the building and went inside. The teenager behind the counter was not at all pleased to see me.

"Oh, dude, it's two minutes to closing."

"Then let's do this in two minutes." I pulled out my wallet. "I'll make a deal with you. I need that van. Here's my license and my credit card. Make a copy of both, let me sign a blank rental form, give me the keys, and I'll give you a fifty buck tip."

I was out of there with a minute to spare. The horses fit comfortably inside and there was even a small sliding window between the cargo and driver compartments, so air and communication would not be a problem. I locked them in and climbed into the driver's seat.

"How bad is it?" asked Rovaun.

"Bad," I said. "I'm public enemy number one."

"But you didn't do anything," protested Shianna.

"That last cop that pulled us over tried to kill himself."

She gasped in horror.

"He's okay," I reassured her, "but we're in pretty big trouble. The police have taken it very personally."

"Oh Rovaun," she cried, "I'm so sorry... I panicked when he pulled his gun!"

"It's my fault, Shianna," I said. "I told you to do it."

I started the engine and was immediately cut off by the teenager in his Honda Civic, who waved to me as we both pulled out and went our separate ways.

On the road, several patrol cars were mobilized. On more than one occasion, a cop pulled up right next to me and compared my face to a mug shot that must have come from a security camera. Why they never stopped me, I couldn't tell, but I noticed Shianna keeping a close eye on traffic, and I was afraid to ask if she was still messing with their heads.

Once we had gotten out of the city, the massive mobilization of law enforcement waned. I found myself naturally heading north again, toward my parcel, then suddenly realized that that was a very bad idea.

"Where can we go, Companion? I'm out of ideas."

He stuck his nose through the window, and said confidently, "We should go to your property."

"No way. It'll be crawling with cops.

"I do not think so."

"Why not?"

"Because it is not my destiny to have conjugal visits in prison. I believe this situation is not as serious as you think. Once everyone calms down, they will realize that you have committed no real crime."

"Companion, with all due respect, you are not at all familiar with federal and state criminal statutes. Maybe I haven't broken any Hipponaur laws, but there are probably a thousand things that the HUMAN government could charge me with."

"Perhaps, but you are still considering only the worst case scenario."

"And you're considering only the best!"

"Trust me on this one," he said, with his beautiful smiling eyes.

I looked at him and then shook my head. "How can I refuse such a long face?"

He knew something I didn't, or perhaps it was just gut instinct, but I was too tired to argue with him, and my private little haven was only twenty minutes away. There were no cops anywhere anymore, which at first seemed a bit eerie, but was actually quite normal. Around here, they simply weren't in demand. I had a brief anxious moment when I passed a motorcycle cop who had pulled over a Volvo, but the moment faded along with the cop in the mirror.

I turned off the highway onto the winding dirt road that led to my parcel one mile ahead. After every blind curve I expected to encounter a roadblock, but only bunnies blocked my way, and they were happy to let me pass.

My heart pounded the most when we came around the final bend. My barn came into view, sitting peacefully alone, basking in the late day sun. No one else around for miles. All three of us took deep cleansing breaths and let out sighs of relief. It was a glorious welcome homecoming.

"Looks like you were right, big fella," I said, kissing his face. "And I know why you wanted to return here, you horny sex machine."

"Why?" asked Shianna.

"Because it is the right place AND it is the right time," I laughed.

"This is where my Companion and I experienced our First Time," he explained to her.

"Which was REALLY the third time, I might add."


"Ignore him."

"Yes, we're having some fun now," I said, pulling up to the barn.

I let the horses out, and both were quick to stretch their legs and trot around the meadow. They made such a lovely couple. I went inside the barn and looked around. It all looked familiar, but still seemed like it had been ages since we had been here last. There was the door that Rovaun destroyed. Over there was a dried blood stain on the floor - that brought back fond memories. And on the bench was the carcass of the second sandwich I had never finished from the deli. Some other creature had finished most of it for me.

Rovaun came in. The sunlight didn't quite dapple off of his coat like it had done three days ago, but the mood was the same. I caressed his face and looked into his eyes.

"I desire you," I said. "Do you desire me?"

"Forever and always," he said smoothly.

I slipped out of my clothes and stood in front of him. He nuzzled and gently rubbed the tip of his nose over my body - just touching. He had already tasted and smelled every square inch. Now he surveyed me with just his velvety touch. He even kept his eyes closed. It was wonderfully intimate, thorough, and erotic. I would do the same to him, too. Explore every square millimeter. Count every hair. And if I should ever lose track, I would not hesitate to start over again. It could take years, but we would have them. That idea was incredible. Too good to be true. Yet here we were, safe and sound, just as he had known we would be. As far as I was concerned, my Companion and I were already one.

He slowly walked around me to reach areas unreachable from the front. This was more than just foreplay. He truly was mapping me with his touch. I recognized it as a simple memory trick from school. One can memorize the spelling of a word by looking at it, but one can memorize it faster by both looking at it and verbally spelling it out. Separate areas of the brain recorded both the sight and the sound. Rovaun was making sure he would always recognize me. If he became deaf and blind and afflicted with a headcold, he would still be able to pick me out of a lineup.

Once he had made his way all around me, he teased my cock with the tip of his nose. A string of precum connected us. He sensed it and could not hold back anymore. He took me deep into his mouth and made love to me.

"Ooooohhhh, Rovaun," I moaned, "I love you, I love you, I love you..."

"Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm," he replied.

It was warm and very wet inside as he salivated over me. And that made it all the more erotic.

"I'm going to cum any second, now," I sighed.

"We can't have that," he said, letting go of my slathered cock.


He kissed me then turned around, set down, and lifted his tail.

"Don't you think it is time for MY First Time?" he whickered.

I looked at my watch. "Yes, I believe it is that time. But first, a kiss for good luck."

My lips encircled his anal ring while my tongue burrowed inside, and I, too, salivated over dinner. He whickered his pleasure as my tongue sought out those sensitive nerves I had found before. Then I stood up and positioned my cockhead at his entrance, pushed gently, and easily glided all the way in. I slid in and out slowly, so he could become accustomed to the new sensation. He closed his eyes and ears to concentrate solely on the stimulation in his rectum. It truly was an entirely new feeling, and he mapped it as well. When he was done analyzing, he opened his eyes and ears to simply enjoy it.

"How does it feel?" I asked.

"Like defecating... sort of."

"How romantic," I smiled. He was such a crack up.

"No... I mean... it feels good... Really good, in fact."

"Don't worry about hurting my feelings. I know how it felt when I lost my cherry to another guy. It DID feel like I was defecating, at first. But after a few moments I realized it felt nothing like it at all. Why don't you try analyzing it again."

He raised his head and closed his eyes again, then his mouth slowly fell open. He tightened around me slightly and I couldn't help but speed up because of it. His breathing became synchronized with my pace, and faintly in my head, I could hear "Oh...Oh...Oh...Oh..."

He opened his eyes again and looked at me adoringly. "You are so right, dear Companion. May I link with you?"

"Yes you certainly may, Companion, and you don't have to ask."

I felt myself being made love to. The feeling in my ass was neither subtle nor painful, but it gave me a warm satisfying sense of well-being to have my lover inside me, and enjoying the accommodation I provided him. I also felt my raging hard-on on the floor. I was ready to cum now, and I was ready to feel my lover cum inside me too. I tightened my ass and pumped hard with a steady rhythm. My balls boiled as they both slapped his ass and rose into my body. Stereo cymbals crashed, and I injected my seed into him and felt it squirt into my bowels while I hosed down the floor. The link faded, and I brought the pumping down to a slow undulation, not really wanting to end it right away.

"How would you rate that slimax?" I asked.

"That was about an eight," he said.

"On what scale? Richter?"

"Oh don't sell yourself short, Rocky," said Shianna. "That was clearly a ten where I was standing. In fact, I think you even hit me with some of it."

Shianna had been leaning against the doorway, enjoying the show.

"Oh, sorry, for starting without you, Shianna. We hadn't really been alone for a while, and things just got heated up, and,... you know."

"That's quite all right, Danny. I was happy just to have a front row seat. And I told you I wouldn't laugh."

"Have you tried it?" he asked her. "I highly recommend it."

"It does look like fun," she said.

"Uh, perhaps a bit later?" I suggested.

"Forgive me, Companion, that was presumptuous of me."

"Quite all right old chap. I just want to stay inside you for the moment. I kind of wish I had a monster knot on the end of my dick like you."

"I know what you mean, Companion. I find being tied inside you to be immensely gratifying."

"'Immensely' is the key word. And you know what just occurred to me... If we do this often enough, isn't is just as likely that Tantau will come out of you instead of me?"


"You said that awfully quick, but you don't really know, do you."

"No." Snort.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to see who he comes out of first, then."

I could not believe how magical my life had become. Just look at me! My dick was inside the ass of my stallion lifelong companion - a life that would last another millenium perhaps! Cops might come or they might not. I would outlast them, regardless. And Rovaun would be with me, always. The last time we mated here, the sun was almost setting. I just realized it was nearly that time again.

"You guys wanna watch the sunset?"

"Yes!" they both said.

I eased out of Rovaun. "Do I go naked again?"

"If you like."

I climbed onto him and he rose up and carried me out with Shianna following close behind. There was still about twenty minutes of daylight left, so we took our time going up the hill. At the top, the orange ball hovered quietly over the infinite horizon. Both Rovaun and Shianna were enthralled by it. I still didn't know why, and felt the moment to be too sacred to ask. Perhaps the setting sun symbolized the fragile threshold between life and death, good and evil, past and future, existence and oblivion. It was a simple defining moment that produced profound change in the world, and it was something to be respected and revered, and to be shared with loved ones. When the sun was gone, there was a feeling of triumph we shared, having passed safely from one world to the next. Together, as a team, we could face adversity.

It had been a long and horrific day, and when we returned to the barn we decided to just lay down for the night. The van had a few ratty blankets for protecting furniture that made for simple bedding material. And, of course, the horses were like heat lamps. No one had any trouble sleeping this night, not sleeping anyway. For me, it was far from restful. I kept having the same dream. I was standing naked on a hill with Rovaun, my back to the setting sun. We were kissing tenderly, and I could feel his undying love for me. Then I began floating, flying backwards, high into the sky, much like the dreams I had had in my childhood. It was wonderful. I floated toward the warm and friendly sunset. And then it changed. The sun opened its mouth - the jagged mouth of the Devil, and swallowed me whole.

The next morning was bright and cheery as ever, but I awoke restless and agitated. Rovaun was still quietly snoozing, but Shianna was sitting up. Her eyes looked both happy and sad, and she was quivering.

"Are you okay, Shianna?"

"Perfectly!" she sang.

"Did you... sleep well?" I asked, wondering if she, too, had experienced this dream.

"Yes!... Ohhh, I can't wait any longer. Rovaun, you sloth, WAKE UP!!"

He sat up, ready for the emergency, scanning the room. "What is it!?"

We both looked at her trembling face and watering eyes, then she beamed, "I think I'm pregnant!"

"What!?" Rovaun pressed his forehead into her abdomen and closed his eyes. No one breathed for ten seconds while he somehow analyzed her womb. Then, in a single bound, he leapt off of Shianna and onto me, jamming his mouth onto mine, kissing me like there was no tomorrow. "It's Tantau!" he whinnied. "Tantau is in Shianna!! Of course!!!"

He got up and danced around. I was completely baffled.

"Of course... how?" I said, far from convinced.

"The three of us, in the forest yesterday!" he said, excitedly. "It has been nearly 24 hours since conception, right?"

Shianna nodded, knowingly.

He brought his head down to mine. "Companion," he said, "Tantau is alive! Let's celebrate."

"But Rovaun, Shianna is not your bond mare. She CAN'T be pregnant."

"She CAN! It is true that my seed cannot fertilize her, so she cannot be Tantau's biological mother - but she CAN be his surrogate mother! She is carrying OUR child! Destiny is BRILLIANT!"

"I thought I was going to carry Tantau," I protested.

"Just wishful dreaming on your part."

Rovaun set down next to Shianna and they hugged, deeply.

"Are you okay with this, Shianna?" I asked.

"Are you KIDDING!?" she cried with joy. "I couldn't possibly be happier!"

"Well,... this is weird, but it certainly cements our little love triangle. Congratulations to ALL of us!"

I piled onto them, hugging and kissing them both. Then everybody wrestled everyone else, and I only ended up with a few bruises.

After settling down, I rubbed Shianna's belly and asked Rovaun, "How do you know he's in here?"

"Hipponaurs are keenly in tune with their offspring. Companion, there is no doubt that I am in there, and I sensed that you are in there with me."

"And there is just one entity in there?"

"One entity: two compatible seeds that have become one, and now have a nurturing place to grow. Now kiss me, human."

Our tongues dueled some more inside the arena we built with our mouths. He had not been so passionate since the first First Time. I loved it.

"Shianna," I said, after surrendering the battle, "can you sense Tantau?"

"Nope. But I know I'm pregnant. So Rovaun is right - it must be him!"

"Okay, that makes a twisted kind of sense. But the ultimate question, Mr. and Mrs. Know-it-all, is: How did *I* get in there?"

"Don't you remember?" asked Shianna.

"Of course I remember, but Rovaun was the one who mated with you, and then I sucked it all out."

"Not all of it."

"Well of course, not all of it! But it still doesn't explain how MY seed got in there."

"What happened just before you ate me out?" asked Shianna a la Socrates.

"You sucked me off."


"And then I kissed y... Ohhhhhhhh."

I remembered tasting my own semen during the kiss, and also later reaching for her clitoris with my tongue. She had clamped down on it during her second orgasm, and that was probably when little Tantau made his move. He was a sneaky little dickens - definitely a survivor.

It still didn't quite seem real. Perhaps I was just numb to the news, but that didn't bother me. My dream bothered me. I hated to spoil the happy moment, but I had to get it off my chest.

"Rovaun, I had another dream..."

"Do you now have breasts as well as a womb?" he kidded, jovially. Shianna busted up.

"No... this dream was different. I was kissing you at sunset, then I started floating away toward the sun, which then opened its mouth and swallowed me."

Both Rovaun and Shianna sobered up and looked at each other.

"I'm... sure it means nothing," he said.

That was obviously a lie. It was some kind of omen. I was about to press him further, when there was a knock on the barn door.

"Mr. Racher?"

Everyone immediately got to their feet, and I put on some pants. Outside the window I saw a well-dressed man backing away with both hands in the air. His left hand was empty, and his right carried some government ID. There was no one else around, and I didn't even see a car.

"Keep cool, everyone," I said. "Let's just see what he wants." The horses huddled into the corner out of sight.

"Who are you?" I shouted from inside.

"FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder."

"You don't look like David Duchovny," I said to the Federal Jack Ass.

"I, ah, I'm sorry," he said, "I know I shouldn't be making folly of your situation. It's just that, ah, this case is right out of The X-Files, you know? I love that show. I really am from the FBI. Agent John Sharpe. As you can see, I, ah, I'm alone and unarmed, so you don't have to worry about me blowing my own brains out, or anything."

"What do you want?"

"Just, ah, to talk and tie up some loose ends. I also have good news for you. The D.A. is dropping all charges."

That last sentence changed everything. We could have our lives back. I could go to a deli and buy a sandwich again. I turned to my friends, who all sighed in relief, and Rovaun's smug expression was saying, "I told you so."

"Can we talk face-to-face? You don't have to invite me in, ah, if you don't want to."

I opened the door, but stood at the threshold. He was not coming in.

"Ah...," he said. "Good. This'll be, ah... just fine. Yes..." He quickly poked his head inside and saw the horses. "Oh! Great!!" he said, apparently relieved. "You got your horses back. Whew! We thought we'd lost them. That's one less lawsuit we'll have to deal with, eh? Splendid!" He scribbled some notes.

His cheerfulness was annoying, and I couldn't tell if it was just an act or a personality quirk. Or maybe he was simply scared out of his wits.

"Do you, ah,..." he thumbed at the horses, "...sleep with them in here?"

"Is sleeping in a barn illegal, now?"

"No, no... heh, no, not at all. Anyone else in here, besides the horses?"


"Good... well, let me get right to the point. I, ah, viewed all of the tapes myself. Even the tapes of the incident at the precinct. And I think I have a pretty good idea of what really went on. It was fascinating... just fascinating. I... I really have never seen anything quite like it."

Then he looked at me as if he could see right through me. "You really didn't control that situation, did you? I... I mean there was some other invisible force involved, like a... like a guardian angel or something... a very zealous and protective guardian angel. Shianna, is that it's name?"

"Your point?"

"Well... my point is that you... you weren't to blame... for ANY of it. In fact, I saw you lock the guns up to protect everyone from your angel's wrath. It was really quite touching. The D.A. wouldn't have a prayer of getting a conviction. Even if he stacked the jury with Nazi skinheads, your little angel could probably muster up plenty of sympathy, eh? Heh, heh. And... and no one really got hurt, and all careers have been reinstated. We... we... we just want to make the whole thing go away quietly."

"I appreciate that."

Then he leaned in and spoke softly in case my invisible angel was listening, "Do you... do you need any, ah... help, or anything?"

"No thank you," I replied at normal volume. "My angel is under control. Why is the FBI involved?"

"Ah... yes... well, ah, my superiors asked me to review the tapes and assess your character, which... I... I told them seemed... very upstanding. And you have no criminal history whatsoever, so... they, ah, asked me... to ask you if you might be interested in... a little government work."


"I told them I didn't think you were the crime-fighting sort, but, nevertheless, the offer still stands. You know, what with the war on terrorism and all, a man with your abilities could be... very, ah, extremely valuable to us."

I looked at the horses. The Feds had no clue about them, and already they wanted to exploit them.

"Do you... ah, need to discuss this with your horses?"

I looked back at him angrily. "No. But I DO need to consider their well-being, don't I!"

"Ah, yes, of course, sorry, that was asinine of me."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sharpe. The answer is no."

"Well... I'm not surprised," he said, putting his notebook back inside his pocket. "It's a nasty business, really. You're probably much better off, but if you should have a change of heart, here is my card where I can be reached. Right... that's all I have, I guess, so I'll leave you be then. Oh... ah, just one more thing... that tattoo of yours."

He pointed to my chest. Then he pulled the trigger. And my brain was acutely aware of everything that happened in the next second. There was a loud reverberating bang, and brief flash of yellow light. A slug pushed into my chest, and then popped through my sternum. That caused another perceived flash, but it was only in my head. Then the slug opened up as it continued on its journey, unfolding like a rose. It held onto my heart for a millisecond, but its momentum was too strong, so it was forced to continue on through it, keeping some of it as a souvenir. And then it pushed against my back, but due to its blossoming shape, it found much more resistance there than when it had entered my chest. Nevertheless, my back eventually yielded, and the misshapen slug was set free in a shower of red fireworks. I started to fall backwards, and as I did so, I saw the Fed slowly lowering his arm, pulling a gray wisp of smoke with it. By now I was completely off balance. I looked at the horses, and only at this point had they just started to show any reaction. They were startled by the sound of the gunshot. I found it so amusing. Silly horses - thunder cannot harm you. I landed on my back, and bounced and slid backwards a few inches. My head hit the floor, but that didn't hurt. In fact, nothing hurt anymore. The Fed was still at the door, blocking the sun. He spoke to me in slow motion: "NNNaaassstttyyy bbbuuusssiiinnneeesssss, rrreeeaaalllyyy." Then he turned and slowly walked away. And as he did so, the sun's morning rays touched me, and then two things happened: 1) time returned to normal, and 2) I finally understood Destiny's beautiful purpose in the final 100 hours of my life.

"Companion!" screamed Rovaun, "Are you inj... Oh, noooo..."

Violet blood seeped out of a dime-sized hole in the center of my tattoo. Rovaun licked the wound feverishly, but he was not aware that there was also an exit wound, which was much, much larger. The ooze from my chest was easily quelled, but the dark stain growing rapidly underneath me would not be.

"Shianna! We must get him to a human hospital!"

"Rovaun," I said, peacefully resigned to my destiny, "Stop."

"No!" he commanded, taking charge. "My essence has made you strong. You will survive this."

I shook my head and smiled lovingly at him.

"No, Companion, it is over," I said dreamily. "The little that is left of my heart, shall never beat anymore. Your essence has indeed extended my life, but only for a few more seconds. Just long enough... to say good-bye."

"You cannot die, Companion" he cried. "It is not your destiny! Our... Our destiny is to be here... to be together as ONE... Our destiny will be beautiful!"

"Yes," I agreed, "it WILL. These last few days with you, my Companion, my dear Little Red Pony, have filled an entire lifetime of void for me. And now I have a legacy - our son. Companion, can you believe it? We have a SON! Our destiny could not be more beautiful... And I truly have no regrets."

"No..." he whimpered.

I turned to the mare, whose eyes were flowing again. "Shianna," I said tenderly, "my sweet, beautiful guardian angel, please believe me, none of this was your fault. It was simply meant to be. If it weren't for you, I would have nothing to show for my life. I know you will be a wonderful mother to our son, and I need you to be there for Rovaun."

She nodded and nuzzled him lightly.

"Please... don't... leave...," he choked.

"I will always be with you, Companion, you have made sure of that. And maybe you'll even see me someday... in the sunset."

He closed his eyes to hold back the tears.

"I know what the sunset means," I said to him. "It is why Varyl climbs his mountain, and why Hipponaurs revere it so. Watching the setting sun is how you show respect for loved ones passed, and how you bid farewell."

He nodded, now unable to speak.

"It looks like I finally got one right, Companion," I smiled. "I think I would have preferred having a womb, but this will have to do."

He opened his eyes again, to respect my final moments.

"Take care of Tantau. Tell him I love him, and that I'm watching over him. But the both of you must go now. You must return to Hipponaur and warn them not to be so eager to meet with destiny. I was wrong about mankind, terribly wrong. It is still too soon. I know in my soul that someday, Tantau and Malaya will ride together on the sand. Please see to it that they get there."

"We will," he whickered, softly.

"Never forget that I love you, Companion. I love you, forever, and always..."

"Forever and always," he whispered.

He bent down and kissed my lips in silent sorrow as the last drop of life reluctantly left my body and sank into the darkened floor below. He and Shianna offered me a moment of silence, then honored my final request by disappearing into the hills. No one followed them, and I knew the three of them would be safe. No doubt, Rovaun would be asking himself how he could have been so wrong about our future. But I understood how it worked, now. The lessons learned from the Wraith's passing would forever change the way Hipponaur comprehended destiny. Some things would be certain, but they would never again be taken for granted. This knowledge would change them, help them survive, help my son to survive, so that someday, some beautiful summer day, my son Tantau would visit the beach. I had confidence that my Companion would understand this, that he would see that his destiny had made perfect sense all along. The short time that we had spent together would be remembered forever. And it would always be beautiful.


[End of _COMPANIONS_ Chapter 08: Home Away From Home]

[This concludes Part 3 of the series. Take a break.]

[Next in series: Chapter 09: Heaven]