Story by Otterboi on SoFurry

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#2 of POW

I shivered as I huddled closer to the others in that cell. It was a cruel contraption, made of iron and blocks of ice. There was nothing erotic about the way we held onto each other. No one cared about the close proximity of another naked male. We needed heat, and the only way to get it was to stay close together. Even with us embracing each other it was bitterly cold.

The ones on the edges constantly had to shuffle inwards so that their backs could get some warmth. The fact that none of us had any clothing and thin fur to protect us made it even more unbearable. I do not know how long we huddled there, in the cold, and the dark, but it felt like forever.

The worst part was that I was surrounded by naked males, and I didn't care. I couldn't care. They had already excluded one from the knot of warmth when he made a comment about how some fur kept rubbing his ass.

No, it wasn't me. But that otter did have a cute ass, small and firm. Nice to squeeze and to stroke. It is too bad that he died of hypothermia soon after being shuffled out.

One day the door opened, flooding the room with light and heat. Despite the fact that the light hurt our eyes, we all turned toward the door, and the welcome heat.

"Listen up, scum!"

snarled the Wolf framed by the door,

"The only reason you are seeing the light of day is because my superior has got it into his head that at least one of you has some important information. I'm not so sure. If you prove me wrong, willingly, I will not put you back in this cell. But you will tell us all you know. If you resist, you will tell us everything anyway, but it likely that you will not enjoy the process. Then, I will throw you back in here and make sure the cell in cooled down even more. Got it?"

All of us nodded dumbly. I could feel a few of my cellmates tense.

‘If they are going to resist, I should too.' I thought.

One by one, my cellmates were taken out of the room and put into the custody of different Furs, usually Wolves, who then took their charge to be interrogated in separate rooms. The screams began almost right away, I shivered as the screams got louder and louder. And then they stopped. Just stopped. I could feel my heart in my throat as the Fun in charge of me, a Weasel, led me to a room just out of sight.

A look of distaste crossed his face as he shoved me into the room and closed the door behind me. For a few moments, I stood there, looking at the door, wondering why the expression on the Weasel's face had looked so familiar. I heard a noise behind me, like some Fur clearing their throat to get attention. I whirled around. Sitting next to a pedestal in the middle of the room was the sexist Fur I had ever seen.

That was the beginning of the end for me. That is when I met Master.

The room was cold, but nowhere near as cold as the cell had been. Here, you could only see your breath if you knew where to look and you had sharp eyes. Like me, the Wolf had no clothing on. But, unlike me, he didn't need them. His thick Grey fur isolated and protected him just as well, if not better, then any thermal clothing would have. In the back of my mind, I remembered a small tid-bit of information.

In the olden days, Wolves went into battle nude. Looking at his magnificent frame, I could very well imagine this beautiful creature on the battlefield. Turning heads and drawing admiring glances of even the straightest of Furs. Right before he plunged his pike, or his two-pawed sword through their bodies, impaling them with ease.

I was breathless as the Wolf got up off of his seat and walked towards me. The way he moved, the way his hips swayed, how his eyes were locked with mine, gave away how prepared he was. He may have looked calm, but he was ready to meet any physical resistance. I could feel my breath catch in my throat as his paw closed, gently, on my upper forelimb. At his touch, I felt my heart start to beat faster.

Pulling me forward slowly, he guided me towards the pedestal. I went willingly, knowing that the magnificent lupine could easily render me senseless and carry me over there. When we got close enough, he picked me up and gently placed me on the cool metal table.

"W-why are you being so gentle with me?" I blurted out, as he pressed me backwards. With my back solidly on the pedestal, I felt magical restraints wrap themselves around my limbs, rendering me immobile. The Wolf took a few moments to assure himself that the restraints were secure, before he spoke.

"I do not enjoy inflicting pain on others," He said, his voice a warm and deep baritone, "Especially for no reason. If I hurt you, it will be because you have refused to answer my questions."

I felt my heart skip a bit as his beautiful brown eyes looked into mine. "I will not hurt you because I feel like it, but I will do all that is necessary to obtain the information I seek." I was rendered speechless, partly at how sexy his voice was, but partly because I could tell he was being completely honest with me.

No, I do not know why I could tell that about him. Call it instinct.

Finally, I found my voice. "What if...what if the information you want, I-I can't give you? Are you going to torture me u-until I tell you what you want to hear?" I could not read his face as he tipped his muzzle to one side and replied,

"To what do you refer?" The look he gave me made me blush. It was if he could see right through me with those eyes. In spite of the fact that I had not been wearing clothing from the start, I had not felt exposed. Just cold. But now, as that Wolf looked down on me, I began to feel naked, for the first time in awhile.

It was a heady feeling. Too be alone, naked, in the same room with a fur that looked like he could be used as a model for an erotic statue. I was distracted from my internal revelations by leaning down and asking,

"What is your name and rank?" I bit my lip before replying,

"M-my name is...Ryin. Like the weather, but spelled different." The Wolf smiled, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "And your rank?"

My blush became deeper as I replied, "I am...just a foot-solder, Rank-and-file." The Wolf's smile became bigger, full of warmth.


He said pleasantly, "Isn't cooperation so much easier, so much more fulfilling then resistance?"

I gave him a weak smile and shifted on the pedestal. He smiled back and then asked, "You put up a good fight out there, but where your comrades? Why didn't they help you?"

I swallowed once before replying, "Honestly I...I don't know." He took hold of my arm and said,

"Where?" I took a few breaths, and then I repeated myself. Almost as the last word left my mouth the pain began. A sharp, piercing sensation racked my arm. Looking over, I could see the long needle that my interrogator was sliding into my arm through my palm.

"Stop! Please!" I sobbed. To my surprise, and to my relief, he stopped. "I don't enjoy this." My captor said,

"But I enjoy you lying to me even less." I stammered that I wasn't lying, that I honestly did not know where they were. He shook his head and continued to slide the needle in. I was crying and cursing in turn.

He asked me questions and I answered them to the best of my ability. But he kept going back to that one question. Time and time again I told him that I didn't know. Each time, he slid the needle deeper. Soon, he had run out of room on my right arm, so he started to insert one into my left. I was sobbing more than cursing at that point.

My eyes had become raw with the tears. "They left me!" The pain dulled as my interrogator stopped pushing the needle in.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Sobbing with the pain, I said, "As punishment for something that I did, I was sentenced to 24 hour guard duty. The furs at the base hated me, so it would be conceivable that they left me there and went somewhere else." I took a few shuddering breaths.

"Even if they knew that we were about to attack?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Especially if they knew you were about to attack!" i cried.

I closed my eyes and tried to get a hold of myself. I felt a warm pressure on my chest and I opened my eyes. My interrogator was looking at me with a strange light in his eyes.

He then asked, "If that is true, what did you do to deserve such hatred?"

I sniffed a few times and then replied, "They hated me for what I am, what I stand for."

My interrogator looked deep into my eyes and asked, "What do you stand for? Surrender to end this pointless battle?"

I shook my head. "No," I replied. After a moment's consideration however I replied "Well, not just that. I...i am a Fairy." I expected to see fear and hatred in my interrogator's eyes when I announced that, but all I could see was humor and a deep sadness.

"You mean to say," He asked in a calm tone, "That the ones you served under hated you, enough to betray you, for what you do in private with a willing fur?"

I nodded and then added "Well, not just that." I then told him about the shower scene that had started it all. By the time I was finished, my interrogator was shaking his head in disbelief.

"I knew that our two countries were different, but that is ludicrous!"

Shaking his head in disgust, the Wolf pulled out the needles. I yelped but the pain stopped as he spread a salve on my arm. He then released the restraints.

"I am done questioning you, leave now." I looked into his face as I got up from the table. Suddenly, I felt a compulsion to be near this magnificent creature. Before I realized it, I spoke.

"Could you grant me a favor? Please?"

My interrogator looked at me crosswise. "If it is in my power." He said, hesitantly.

I lunged towards him. I saw him tense up as I approached. But I did not pay attention. I could only think about my interrogator's long, soft fur. I wrapped my arms around him, burying myself in his fur. He was only a head taller than me, but I felt like he was a giant.

"Hold me. Please, hold me close." I begged, my face still buried in his chest-fur. A few moments passed. Then, I sighed in satisfaction as I felt his arms wrap themselves around me, enclosing me in a warm embrace.

"I can do that." He said softly.

I nestled closer, enjoying the warmth of the embrace. A soft moan echoed from the depths of my body as his paw traced their way down my back. My back arched as he grasped my ass. Squeezing gently, he pulled me closer. I gasped and opened my eyes. Raising my head, I looked up into that sexy lupine's face and my body melted.

"Now it is your turn to grant a wish of mine." He growled lowly. A pleasant shiver ran through my body as he said those words, but my mind chose that second to come back.

I hated myself as the words ‘I can't' issued from my mouth.

My interrogator's smile warmed my entire body as he asked, "What do you mean?"

I didn't want him to let go of me, so I gave him the long version, finishing with my promise to myself that I would never be fucked, only loved. That Lupine looked me dead in the eye and, after a moment's hesitation, replied,

"There is a way around that."

I tipped my head to one side and asked him if he would mind sharing it with me.

"You could be my Bitch" He said calmly, "my Pet."

I felt confused as I asked what that meant.

"If you were to become my Bitch" He explained, "you would live with me, eat with me," And then he smiled, as he concluded, "And sleep with me."

I blushed at the thought of sleeping with this sexy wolf. "Are there any...bad parts?" I asked.

"Well," he replied, "That depends on your definition of ‘bad'. For example, a Bitch is only allowed to wear a collar of the master's choosing."

I blushed even more. "So I am always...naked?"

I moaned loudly as he lifted me up and began to rub his cock against my entrance.

"In time," he whispered, "You will think your collar is the only thing you need. It gives you all the protection you would ever need."

I looked up into his face.

"What do you mean?"

The sexy lupine smiled and said, "It shows that if anyone tries to bother you, or hurt you, I, as your master, will have them punished."

I had long since given up trying to resist his offer. "It's not fair!" I sobbed, "You are offering me heaven or hell and you are pretending I have a choice!"

He grinned and asked, "What is your reply? Will you be my Pet? My Bitch?"

A stream of yeses poured from my throat as he continued to rock his hips slowly.

The sexy lupine smiled in triumph. "I will be back."

I whimpered a bit as he put me down and let go of me. I asked, "Where are you going?" He turned as he reached the door.

"You know? Your government and mine are have a few similarities."

He laughed and I could feel my heart stand still as his beautiful laugh filled the room.

"The paperwork in a pain in the ass."

I giggled and he left, closing the door after him. I sat on the table and waited humming to myself.

I was happy. Things were going my way, so of course things were about to go horribly wrong.

I was spinning in place on the table when I heard the door open again. Spinning back around, I was greeted by the sight of the Ferret that I had fought in the showers. An evil smile lit across his face as he approached me.

"You won't be able to say no this time you bastard." he rasped, lust in his eyes.

I scooted backwards, putting the table between me and him. "I won't do anything with you! I have a-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence. The ferret lunged at me, far faster than I had expected. I yelped in pain as he grabbed my limb. Pulling a dance like move, he went under my arm and ended up behind me, twisting my arm up cruelly. I yelped in pain and tried to wiggle free, but he kicked my paws out from under me and then followed, planting a knee in my back.

A standard restraint taught by the army. There is no countermeasure.

I whimpered as he tweaked my arm, reminding me who was in charge.

"You are at my mercy, little bitch." He growled in my ear, "And I am not feeling very merciful..."

Pressing me against the floor, still not letting go of my arm, he reached down with his other paw and grabbed my tail roughly, hauling it up and out of his way.

Whimpering, I tried to pull my tail back down, but he twisted my arm hard.

"I am calling the shots, Bitch. Resist and I will take great pleasure in breaking you!"

I could do nothing but sob as he positioned himself at my entrance.

I still have nightmares about this. About that Ferret. He opened the door of perception onto a world of possibilities that I never knew existed. It has taken me years to force that door shut again.

My tormentor left me on the floor, laying in a puddle of blood and semen (both mine and his, I could not deny him that). Sobbing softly, I just lay there, unable to work up the volition to get up.

Tears were beginning to join the pool of fluids on the floor when the door opined again.


I was picked up gently a laid on the table. This time, the restraints did not activate. With eyes that kept becoming unfocused, I looked up into my Master's face. Putting his paws on either side of my head, he began to massage my temples. As he rubbed, my vision began to clear, and I was able to focus on him.

"What happened? I wasn't gone that long..."

I was really out of it then, I can't even remember what I said. Apparently, I said enough though. The next thing I remember is being surrounded by furs in concealing cloaks.

I remember them raising their paws over me and a soft light coming from them. I remember thinking that this couldn't be possible, that magic was too rare to be used on a no-fur like me. Then an overwhelming sense of peace enveloped me and I slept.