Reaching Within

Story by Equusaz on SoFurry

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For all of you "cosplayers" .... back in the day we used to call this LARP and for a lot of us, it was a way for us to explore who we were as people and show faces to the world we never would have. I didn't experience what Shaun does here, but I know several who did. I raise my glass to them and wish them luck (for me I found to just be me - and to hell what people should think I should be --- turns out I can be pretty funny). Non sexual. Enjoy!

"Mr. Stevens is on line two Mr. Taylor." The receptionist called over the intercom. "Indeed, thanks Sarah, I'll take it." The tall stallion dressed in a smart navy business suit picked up the phone. "Shaun here.." he intoned as he sat back in his plush leather chair. He had a corner office on the top floor of the building. He swiveled the chair to look out over the landscape of the city gleaming in the afternoon sunset. "Yes, close the account, and sell forty percent to Allied...yes forty. Don't question me, just do it. Don't forget the meeting tomorrow at seven am." He hung the phone up and smirked. His black mane draped down neatly to his right as he made a note in his scrap book, his tongue sticking out a little as he finished. He picked up the phone again and pressed the button for the receptionist.

"Sarah, please order flowers for my wife, and make reservations for tomorrow night. Yes, it is. Yes. Thank you. She'd be pleased. Good choice, yes that will do." He hung up the phone again. He glanced around the office with a smile on his face taking in all that he had become. The master's degree from Yale, the Bachelors from California State, the smiling picture of his wife and colt on his desk, and the other picture. He reached down smiling at it. The bunch of misfits stood around a confident and much younger Shaun Taylor.


Circa 1998

The lanky colt sat on the folding metal chair in front of the plastic table scribbling furiously on some paper, a book open next to him, his tongue poking between his lips slightly as he concentrated. Three others were doing the same, a slightly chubby tiger, a shy and retiring bear, and a leopard with thick glasses. Shaun reached over and flipped the book over a few pages. "AD&D Players Guide" was embossed on the side. He reached over to a pile of dice and selected a four sided rolled it twice. He grunted and wrote a few more things down.

"Hey Chris, we're closing in 10!" Alex, the feline proprietor in a neat white shirt and slacks called from the front as he closed out the game store's register for the day.

"Ok Alex, we're about finished." The last voice came from Chris, the elder and portly mule dungeon master. He brayed a chuckle as he put his books, maps, dice, and miniatures away carefully in his gaming case. "Well, that's about it guys, are you done!?"

"One sec...just one..." the colt stammered timidly scribbling furiously for a few seconds before sighing. He slumped back in the metal chair as it groaned a little in his board shorts and t-shirt. He handed his sheet to Chris the Dungeon Master. Chris took the paper and put his glasses on and read. "Hrm...nice job. Two levels tonight. We normally don't allow that, but you did well Shaun."

The colt smiled timidly, his black forelock falling over his white nose blaze against his chestnut fur. "Ah, thanks, I mean, it was nothing." He ducked his head a little, putting his books, dice, and miniature wizard in his backpack. Chris peered at him over his wire rimmed glasses giving him an odd look. "Shaun, I mean it. Your idea of blocking the entrance of the cave with multiple layers of spells, with the stronger players in front of each one, with them timed to go down in sequence until at last the weaker players could come into play just as the strongest were on their last legs allowed your team to remain alive. Otherwise those orcs would have slaughtered the weakest first."

Shaun shrugged again ducking his head. Chris chuckled. "What?"

" wasn't anything Chris, I mean...." "Really?" This came from the leopard. "If you hadn't I'd have been creamed. As it was, my thief was able to conceal himself before they came in and did double damage. That's tactics! Wish I'd thought of that. You were the one with all the good ideas...."

Shaun blushed again. Lonnie was right though. He'd seen the solution right as the GM was making a hasty sketch map of the battle. He'd pointed out his ideas, and the others had been opened mouthed for a while. This was the second time these guys had said these kinds of things. Shaun just didn't understand why others didn't see what he did.

Chris thought about the shy equine for a bit. It wasn't that he was shy. He sat there, soaking in all this information and had a few brilliant ideas. The only time Shaun seemed to take charge was during the actual role play parts of the game. He'd been the only one left conscious during a scene with another orc party, and his player had a slight acting ability. Chris had asked him to act out what he would do. The speech Shaun had given was booming, threat filled, and full of menace. Chris found his skin tingle at it and wondered where THIS young colt had hidden the hardened Wizard inside. He'd rolled for the colt to see if the skill had been met, it hadn't but he'd handed the colt victory anyway. DM's prerogative. If someone came up with something that outstanding, there was no reason why he couldn't bend the rules a little.

Chris had a bit of an idea forming. "Hey Lonny, Chas, Bill, are you all coming tomorrow to the LARP?" All three nodded. Lonny pushed his thick glasses up his muzzle again. "Yeah, I'm bringing dip."

"Larep?" Shaun cocked his head to the side. Chris chuckled. "Its LARP, Live Action Role Play. It's a different type of game."

Shaun leaned forward to listen. Chris had met the colt outside of the sciences building. He was a freshman in college studying business and marketing. They had chatted for a while and Chris liked the youngster. Chris taught art at the college and role played on the weekends just to have another creative outlet. He'd asked the youngster if he'd ever role played before. The shy colt had shaken his head.

"Well everyone needs a social hobby. Why don't you join us?"

And he had. Shaun had arrived a few weeks ago, and Chris showed him a few books he'd need and dice. They had sat and talked for a few hours before the others arrived about the rules and mechanics. Soon the colt was excitedly reading through the book. It was obvious that the poor equine needed some type of creative outlet and he'd buried his muzzle in the book easily.

"Well, it's like this DnD stuff but it isn't. You still have a character, skills sheet, dice, and such, but the real fun is to act out the character. You also get to dress like the character." Shaun shook his head a little confusedly.

"Like in a robe?" Shaun tilted his head to the side confused. Chris brayed a laugh taking off his glasses. "If we were wizards yes, but this one is different. It's a Vampire game."

"Ahhhh" The equine gave a waving gesture of dismissal. Chris laughed hugely. "No, you have it wrong. You don't go around sucking on people's necks and biting people. No, the point is to "not get caught" being a vampire and to act like everyone else. And, there are different types of classes or clans I should say...."

Chris nonchalantly pulled out his "Vampire" book. He handed the book over. "Read this. It looks like Alex needs us gone. Call me tomorrow around noon if you're interested ok? We start tomorrow night at sundown at the community center. "

Shaun shrugged, put the book in his bag and left.


Chris was finishing his sandwich when his phone rang. He picked it up dusting his hands off and putting the paper he was grading down. "Hello?"

"I wanna play! What do I do?" It was Shaun. He sounded very excited and almost child-like. Chris tried not to laugh on the phone but caught himself giving a short bray of surprise. "Ok, well what character do you want to play!?"

"Well, I'm studying business...someone powerful, and well, ready to take on anything!" Again Chris caught himself in a short bray. "Ok, come over. Bring a suit, and some nice shoes."

"" The colt's enthusiasm died down a little, and he sounded skeptical. "Why?"

Chris couldn't help himself and laughed a little. "For your costume."


The bell rang on his apartment door. Chris answered the door to the young colt holding a large garment bag, wearing his traditional board shorts and t-shirt. "Ah, come in!" He chuckled throatily.

"Um, what is that?" Shaun eyed the mule. "My costume. You have the pleasure of addressing Pierre Fauntenbleu III. Actor and Vampire, at your service!" The mule bowed. Shaun nickered a chuckle back. " you said...costume. I see."

"Did you make up a character?" Chris asked. Shaun nodded and dug the sheet out of his folder handing it to the older mule. Chris put on his glasses and eyed the sheet. Ah yes, traditional business hungry. Powerful for his age, young as a vampire, and ready to take on the world. He has all the right stats. This colt sure can plan and strategize.

"Ok, so tell me about your character." Chris ushered the youngster into his apartment. The youngster took the sight in nervously and sat on the edge of the couch. "Well, he has a master's in business and economics, he's from a very wealthy family and is young for a vampire, but he's in his thirties. Uh....he loves his job, his family, and his clan, and wants to do everything he can in his power to make money to make his loved ones safe." Shaun reached absently for a bowl of nuts Chris had laid out. The mule smiled.

"Well, you do realize you have to act the part? That's the whole point of LARP. YOU need to the character, to reach down inside and find him." Shaun nodded excitedly. "I found a few articles online...about LARP and....ah...." Here the equine looked nervous. He rubbed his mane absently through his disheveled mane. "We're not going to drink blood or kill anyone right!?"

Chris smiled. "No...those are the type of people who give this fun activity a bad name. No killing, no punching. If you need a DM for combat raise your hand, and ask folks to freeze. We don't act out battles. If you want to be out of character just put your hand over your head flat to indicate so. That way no one interacts with you. If you get uncomfortable just leave the area and find a DM and let him know. They take care of it." He patted the colts shoulder on his t-shirt reassuringly.

Shaun fidgeted with his fingers. Chris smiled kindly. "Look, why don't you get dressed, we only have a few hours before it starts. We can walk there from here, but before that I want to see how you do."


Shaun came out of the back bedroom a few minutes later. He was dressed in the suit with his t-shirt underneath, with his mane and tail still shaggy. Chris sighed. Shaun deflated a little, his ears drooping. "What?" Shaun looked confused. Smiling, Chris gestured him over to the mirror by the front door and had him look at himself. Chris was wearing a billowing and flowing white shirt, tight black pants, and knee high leggings over his hoof boots. He also had bells braided in his short mane, and had several ear rings in his right ear. "*I* look like an artist. You look like....a beatnik who stole that suit...."

"Look at yourself. Does that look like a successful and rich businessman?" Chris gestured at the well dressed, but mangy colt. "N-no?" Shaun laid his ears back.

"Ok, go shower. I have a main and tail brush in the bathroom, get redressed. I'll also put out a tie, and dress shirt for you that should match the navy suit."

Shaun clopped to the bathroom. Chris's hand firm in the small of his back. "Give me your suit when you get undressed so you don't ruin it!" He called behind the door.

Shaun's arm snaked around the closed door to hand the suit to Chris a few seconds later. The sound of water running echoed around the apartment. Chris smiled and went to his closet. He found a nice crisp deep blue shirt, and white silk tie. The silk tie would match Shaun's blaze that shone against his chestnut fur perfectly.

A few minutes later Chris opened the bathroom door a few inches as the shower kept running. "I have main and tail oil in the cabinet, and a comb next to it, use those, and then get dressed in the bedroom. I'll be in the living room finishing up some grading!" A whickering affirmative was all he heard. The mule trotted to the living room and continued grading the art-history exam papers. His mind always went blank as he concentrated on the essays, looking for errors in logic, waiting for a bad turn of phrase. These were upper classmen, people who were expected to have perfect papers.

A while later, while engrossed in a very intelligent dissertation on the importance of French impressionistic art on modern European architectural design, he heard a cough from the hallway, almost forgetting Shaun was there.

He turned, and gasped. The stallion standing there was not the young and shy little role playing business major. Here was an equine amongst equines. Shaun's body language was the only problem. Deferential, shy, and no confidence. Chris shook his head and smiled. "Ah, Mr....?"

Shaun smirked shyly..."Taylor? It's me Shaun.." he murmured.. Chris laughed hugely standing and striding over to Shaun. "No, no no! You are not some retiring little colt. You, my good young man, are a stallion. Here..." Chris grabbed the colt by the hand and led him to the mirror and showed him his reflection.

Shaun stared. In front of him was a strong, dapper, and elegant stallion. He'd spent an hour on his mane and tail alone, and it showed. They glimmered in the light and flowed. His thin frame filled out the suit well. His muzzle gapped as Chris lead him out the front door.

The older mule leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Now my good confident businessmen, why don't you get your pompous ass out there, knock imperiously on my door, and demand to see "Mr Smith. Hrm?"

Shaun nodded weakly. "And remember, reach down and in for that feeling. You know how...."

A few seconds later there was a knock at the door. Chris opened it. The steel eyed stallion stared at him. "I'm here to see Mr. Smith my good man! I expect he will see me at my command?" Shaun raised one eyebrow enquiringly and coolly.

Chris smiled, the colt returned the smile...


There were over forty furs at the LARP event, all of them milling about, waiting. Chris had intercepted the few DM's in charge of this game and had given them Shaun's description and character sheet some time before the colt was to arrive. He gave an "introduction letter" to the clan leader of Shaun's "clan." He milled amongst his fellow characters making small talk. Suddenly, the door to the hall resounded with a firm knock. The security guard (a bull character in disguise) opened the door. Shaun stood there, coolly eyeing the room for a few second. "Sir, you may announce me" He said blandly handing his business card to the guard who looked at it confusedly. Shaun turned and gave him a hard look with one brow calmly raised.

"Um...." The guy's hand went to his hand indicating help. A DM came over (a canine) in a rush and the two had a hushed conversation as Shaun looked bemusedly at. Finally the bull nodded. "Ah....yes...ok...sorry sir..."

The bull straightened up and intoned deeply, "Mr. Franklin Smith, here to see Lady Flemmel!" The bull intended. Shaun nodded haughtily, handing his coat to the bull languidly, handing a dollar bill with it, to the annoyance of the bull. Suddenly the lioness who was Shaun's Clan leader ran to the door, and took the equine paw into hers and shook it daintily. "So wonderful to meet you Mr. Smith, I'm Theresa Flemmel."

Shaun adopted an amused look. "Charmed....." He took her paw and kissed it


By the end of the evening, it was agreed that Shaun had the best acting ability of the group, and he was awarded a lot of experience points. He was a member of the group all through his bachelors program at California State. In the end, the whole group stood for a portrait. He stood in the front, his imperious look, his slick suit, and his shining mane could not hide the confident smirk. He always would look back on that night and remember how he had reached deep within to find his true character.