Elder Scrolls Story: Orgy in the Camp

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: DrakeHavok is this little story of Serrek having his way with a bandit's camp.

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Orgy in the Camp for DrakeHavok by Draconicon

"Alright, guys, alright, you got me."

Serrek held up his hands as he walked into the camp, glancing from side to side at the various bandits that were holding their weapons on him. From the two orcs with the big axes to the redguards with their bows, and even another Argonian with a dagger in the background, it was clear that they were jumpy as all hell.

The orcs were closest to him, and one of them seemed to be the leader. He lowered his axe so that the blade was near the Argonian's throat.

"What are you doing here? You a guard, or a mercenary, or something like that?"

"Heh, something like that."

"I know the Jarl's got a bounty out for me and my men, and if you think you can take us down -"

"Trust me, I'm not here for anything like that."

Hell, I didn't even know there was a bounty on you. Go figure.

"I'm here for a much simpler reason."

"Yeah? Well, the only thing we're looking for are coin and whores, and you don't look like either of those."

"Oh, I think you'd be surprised."

Looking the orc right in the eye, the Argonian slowly let a power he'd found from a minor standing stone ooze through his eyes. The orc's eyes turned green in return, and the look of suspicion faded a bit. Serrek turned his gaze to the other orc, and just as with the first, the green light came and the suspicion faded.

"Don't worry, everyone. I'll make sure that my time here is MOST pleasurable for all of us."

One of the redguards, looking particularly nervous, was looking back and forth between the orcs and Serrek. Not wanting to start an incident - at least, not yet - the Argonian smiled and offered his hands.

"Come on. You can search me. I have nothing on me that'll hurt any of you."

"What if you're a mage?"

Arching an eyebrow, he pulled at the edge of the rough tunic that he wore, the clothing dirty, ripped, and damaged. His pants and boots didn't look much better, and he knew it.

"Do I look like a mage?"

"No -"

"And besides, they wouldn't accept someone like me. Now go on. Search me, and we can get this over with."

The Argonian kept his hands up, even though he already knew that he'd won. The orcs would obey him, which meant that the rest of the camp would be under his control before long. So it wasn't hard to submit to the body search, even as the dark-skinned Redguard prodded him everywhere, even in places where only the paranoid would consider a weapon hidden.

Still, Serrek managed to chuckle when the Redguard pulled his finger free from the reptile's rump. Looking over his shoulder, he shook his head.

"I told you that I didn't have anything on me."

"We can't be too careful."

"Of course not."

The ring on his hand glowed green as he reached out and patted the Redguard on the shoulder. He felt the magic slip free at that moment, and chuckled at the small response in the archer's eyes as it took effect.

"Of course not. Does anyone else need to search me?"

Reluctantly, the other six or so bandits shook their heads, lowering their weapons. With the orcs at his side - as 'oversight,' one of them said while groping themselves - Serrek was given free rein in wandering through the bandit camp. They didn't like it, but he could tell that they trusted the big orcs to keep him in line.

Heh, I wonder what they'd think if they knew what I really wanted here?

His roaming of the camp had a dual purpose. The main one was that he had a chance to look at all their possessions, assessing what was valuable, what was useful, and what was trash. Unfortunately, a great deal was slotted in the middle category; this particular group seemed completely focused on what could be useful to them, rather than keeping treasure or having bits of trash that could be passed off as treasure.

Still, at least they had a couple of chests that were locked down. That was usually a good sign of some valuables, at least.

The other point of roaming the camp was to get in touch with the other bandits. Whether he touched them with the ring or met their eyes with a simple glance, all he needed was a second to get them all on his side. The suspicious glances became friendly smiles, and soon, he was surrounded by people that likely thought that he was their best friend in the world.

Once that was done, and nobody looked at him with worry anymore, Serrek dropped his pretenses. Reaching down, he grabbed hold of the two orcs through their loincloths, and grinned at the heft of the cocks he found down there.

Now that is what I've been looking for. No more weedy little dicks from Bosmer for me, he thought.

"I think it's been a long time since you guys have had the fun that you deserve. So, why don't we start making up for that?"

"Hmmph. How's the little lizard thinking we should do that?"

"After so long? Nothing but an orgy will suffice."

And they'd believe it, too, considering the strength of the spells he'd put on them. A combination of a hypnotic gaze and a charm spell made for a powerful effect, one that would hardly allow them to believe anything but what he told them.

Certainly they looked interested. Several of the archers were already eyeing each other, and one of them had stripped off his pants, letting a decent sized dark cock pop out. Chuckling, the Argonian turned to the orcs again, only to find that the loincloths were hardly doing their job anymore. In fact, they might as well not have been there, for how little they covered. Serrek licked his lips.

"Mmmm, now don't those look deliciously big?"

He stroked them each, the shafts so thick that his fingers couldn't reach around to touch his thumbs. It was a most lovely sight, and one that he had missed. Too long around elves and humans - though the latter had decent endowments, at times - had almost made him forget the massive girth and length of the green-skinned warriors. He wasn't going to forget again anytime soon.

"Mmm, now why don't you boys - whoa!"

He was swept off his feet, pushed to the ground with his ass facing one orc, and his mouth facing the other. Slowly, his grin returned as one big green cock rubbed against his cheek.

"Well...a little more aggressive, but I'm not complaining."

He opened his mouth, and it was immediately filled with the warm, musky taste of cock flesh. The Argonian moaned around it, even as his tail was lifted and the orc behind him spat on his hole. The addition of a finger, rubbing in the spit and pushing in a little bit, made him worry slightly over whether he could take what was coming, but he put the worry to the side. For now, it was better to think of how much fun this was going to be.

After only a few seconds of fingering, he was nearly lifted off the ground by the sudden thrust from behind. Serrek let out a muffled moan around the green dick slamming down his throat, arching his back as he was filled from both ends at once. Bounced back and forth between the big green guys, the Argonian's cock swiftly lifted up, coming to a throbbing erection that beat against his belly as he was shoved back and forth.

The orcs seemed quite content with him, their eyes focused on him, and neither saying a thing. Whatever they were thinking from the spell, it was obvious that their entire focus was on the sex, and the Argonian was fine with that. He groaned, moaning around the cock in his mouth as he slathered it with spit and licked it clean. Every so often, he got a drop or two of pre for his reward, and he moaned as he happily swallowed it down.

Behind him, he was pounded hard and fast, his ass opening up for that big green cock. He quivered with pleasure, his entire body tingling already at the feeling of being left so wide open by the big green cock.

It doesn't get much better than - WHOO! I stand corrected!

His eyes went wide as his cock was pulled into a mouth, and as he looked out of the corner of his eye, he could see a human woman - surprisingly - with her head under his body. She was sucking hard, too, dragging his cock deep down her throat and slurping over it again and again.

In fact, the entire camp had erupted into sex. There wasn't a group of less than three, and he saw one cluster of bandits that had as much as five people participating in the same thing. It was like a stage show of adultery and hedonism. Serrek grinned, then moaned again as he felt the orcs go balls deep in him, his cock throbbing all the harder in the woman's mouth. He swore that she attacked it with greater vigor.

And when she squeezed his balls, there was no way that he could hold back. With a deep moan, he came down her throat, and squeezed down on the cock in his ass. He shook all over, the pleasure almost overwhelming. Almost.

The orcs didn't stop. Even as he came, they kept using him, and Serrek slowly looked up at the one fucking his face. The intense need there worried him; he'd been hoping to start an orgy and exhaust everyone, but if these guys were still so eager for more...well, things might be a bit more complicated.

Five hours. Who the heck fucks for five hours?

Apparently bandits that didn't get much action. The Argonian rubbed his ass with one hand while dragging a bag of spoils with the other. The chests had been as richly filled as he'd hoped. With a little luck and the right shopkeeper, he'd have enough in there to buy a house and live comfortably for a few months.

He paused as he walked by one of the orcs, and scribbled a note down before putting the paper on its face. Hopefully, they'd take the warning to get up and leave banditry seriously; he'd forgive a bit for a good fuck, but if they had a bounty on them, as they said, then he wasn't going to be able to leave them alone forever.

"Heh, now to get back to Whiterun...Strength potion, don't fail me now..."

The End