A Letter from My Love

Story by FunnyFarm on SoFurry

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#1 of War Poems

People often forget that soldiers are not the only casualties in war~

"A Letter from My Love"

~~Wayne Magill~~

I had a darling I loved so dearly

He was brave and strong and left nothing in a shroud,

But when his letter came, he went so cheerily

And he told me, "I shall make my country proud!"

On the day of his going

He kissed my cheek and waved,

And with pride and pleasure showing

Left for the honor he craved.

For one long year apart

He wrote both day and night,

But in one letter he poured me his heart

And left me all a-fright.

He talked of gore and guts and blood

And how his fate was sealed,

He spoke of how the bodies flood

Every medic that they wheeled.

He told me all these horrid things

And that he'd never make it through,

He said somewhere a sparrow sings

Of my limitless love for you.

He admitted all his foolishness

And confessed of all his fear,

"Nothing here will ever progress."

"I love you, dear."

On and on, his letter went

For three whole pages long,

And all the things he aimed to vent

Were in his dying song.

Soon enough the end was reached

And I was all in tears,

All the lessons that it teached

Had confirmed me of my fears.

I walked myself to his abode

Through the midday sun,

And I opened the dresser as it forbode

I finally found his gun.

As my last farewell I had bade

I pressed the metal to my head,

I told myself I shouldn't have stayed

But now my heart was dead.

In one last faint breath

I knew my life had gone,

But even in the wakes of death

Our love shall live on.