"Demons and Martyrs"

Story by Calyx on SoFurry

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#1 of Poems

Just an old poem I wrote a few years ago, that I thought I'd upload here.

"Can't live, can't die, can't even be allowed a moment to cry.

No pain, no gain, even if my tears continue to flow like icy rain.

Why do I even bother? Why do I do this to help another?

To protect my lover, my friends, my father, land and my mother.

As darkness and death rises to consume me,

I often wish that there was somewhere else that I could be,

But I know better, what the story of my life is with every single letter.

There will be no mercy for me, no peace, no joy and no hope. But that's okay.

At least this way the ones I love can be happy for at least another day.

What is a martyr if nothing more than a sacrifice?

We sacrifice so that others might live, they rejoice as they watch us die.

But its okay, hardly anything in this life surprises me anyway.

Still I am happy that I became a demon instead of a god,

The only good god is a dead one as they are nothing but hypocrites.

They enjoy praise but have done nothing to deserve it but cause more pain.

My blood departs from my body unheeded in its flow,

And as it does I sit alone and wonder, does anyone care?

I sit alone and wonder, will I always be the only one in this dark abyss that's here?

I sit alone and wonder and I smile. Not a true smile as I don't know how to do that anymore,

But one that hides the truth from everyone as they really do not wish to see.

They do not wish to see what resides deep inside me.

I sit alone and wonder what I ever did to deserve this,

I sit alone and know who is truly to blame."