Resolutions - Part 5 - May

Story by AlSong on SoFurry

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It's mother's day and Wesley's meeting up with his mom to have a talk about the future. I hope you guys like it.

Resolutions (Part 5)

May: Moms and Brunches

By Al Song

May 10th, 2015

Nathan played therapist with me for a couple days after the incident with my ex. He had always been a good listener and it was never tough for me to hold a conversation with him. He kept checking in with me by asking how I felt and if I wanted to keep talking. Usually for the former question I would answer that I was fine since he was there being an amazing friend, and I would tell him that I always wanted to keep talking for the latter.

We went to 'Purine Café' a couple times to relive happy times of when we first hung out together. Even when the setting was different it was still nice to be around the handsome, wonderful wolf. It always made my heart melt when he hugged me and held me close to his chest. I also had dozens of dreams about him kissing me and the two of us being boyfriends. When I woke up I always hated my subconscious for bringing that up and tricking me into thinking that I could actually be with Nathan.

I really wished that I could be completely honest to him but I also knew that there would be repercussions to mentioning my actual feelings.

On Mother's Day I was meeting up with my mom at her favorite restaurant to celebrate together over brunch. It was a diner near the university where she first met my dad since they worked there together. I had a green bag with a bow protruding from its side holding a card and present on the interior.

I told the hostess that I was meeting up with my mom and she led me to the table another otter was sitting at.

"Hey mom! How've you been?" I asked as she stood up to give me a hug. She was taller than both my dad and me but by only a couple inches.

"Oh, I've been good Wesley," she said as the two of us sat down.

"How was New York?" I asked with a smile.

"It was nice. I did a lot of shopping. I got you something," she said and pushed a bag towards me.

"Mom, it's Mother's Day. I'm supposed to give you a gift, not the other way around," I said and then gave her my bag.

"I just wanted to do something nice for you."

I opened up the bag and saw a lime green trucker hat on the inside and I put it on. "Thank you so much, mom. I love it."

"My friends told me the types of things people your age liked to wear and I knew casual clothing would be something that you'd like." When she opened up the bag I gave her she said, "Oh, I love your gift too."

"I knitted the scarf myself and I translated some of your poems into Italian and French," I said as she pulled out the scarf and some pieces of paper.

"Thank you, that's so sweet of you," she said cocking her head and I smiled back to her. The server came over and I ordered a Belgian waffle and an iced tea and my mom got crepes with some coffee.

"How's your friend that you've talked about? The wolf. His name's..."

"Nathan," I responded.

"Yes, him. You said that you've been having a lot of fun together?" my mom asked.

"He's been great and he's an amazing friend too. We started New Year's resolutions and we've been helping each other keep them."

"What was your resolution?"

"Well, mine had two parts," I said. "I wanted to make more friends and I also wanted to get healthier."

At that moment the server brought our beverages and we thanked the tall boar.

"How are the resolutions going?"

"I could still be eating better but Nathan's been taking me on a good amount of walks around the city and on bike rides. He's also helped me make a couple friends and he's helped me talk to people in my class. I guess in general he's helped me not feel so lonely."

"He seems like a sweet friend," she said.

"He's also helped me get over my ex," I said and looked down into my iced tea.

"I'm sorry about all of that," she responded and put a paw on mine as I held onto my tea.

"It's okay now. He visited me about a few weeks ago which wasn't okay, but Nathan also helped me get over that, but it still stings a little," she looked even more concerned when I said that.

"I know I get busy but I have time to talk if you ever need to," she said and tightened her grip.

"Alright, thanks mom," I said and smiled up at her.

"No problem, Wesley."

The server brought my waffles and my mom's crepes and we thanked him. He said that if we needed anything else then he'd be available. We immediately started digging in.

After I swallowed my first bit I said, "To be honest I really like Nathan... romantically, but I know that I can't tell him that."

"There shouldn't be anything wrong with being honest with your friends. He's not a homophobe, right?" she asked.

"He's definitely not. He knows that I'm gay but I'm scared that it's going to make him uncomfortable. He's straight, so I'm pretty sure that he'd never go for a guy. If you were single and a friend said that she liked you then what would you say?"

"Well, the eighties were a different time and people were less accepting."

"I mean today and you were about twenty years old," I said.

"Well, I would just say that I'm not attracted to women but that doesn't mean that we should stop being friends," she said gently.

"Alright, I told myself that I wouldn't fall for straight guys again," I sighed and looked down again. "So, how's dad doing?"

"He's fine. He said that he'll be back from New York in a few weeks."

"I took vacation time to be with your dad since we were both feeling lonely," she said and I frowned at that.

"I didn't know you were feeling lonely. I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay we're both busy and I also need to tell you something."

"What going on?" I asked and perked my brow-line up.

"Well, dad found a job in New York and he's going to start teaching in June. I'm going to move there with him and I'll be searching for a place in Manhattan to open up a new boutique."

"You're both moving?"

"Yes, but we'll be back in Seattle in about two years," she said keeping eye contact with me.

"But I've only got a year left of school. Am I going to move to New York with you guys after I graduate?" I asked.

"We'll help you pay rent for you apartment while we're in New York."

It was times like these that made me regret a couple decisions that I've made so far. I felt like I should have visited my mom more often instead of texting her and calling her a few times a week. I felt like I was neglecting these other parts of my life. I was lucky to have an amazing set of parents that loved me but I hadn't been thinking about my family much and they were only dozens of miles away and now they were going to be thousands of miles away and I would barely be able to see them.

"You've got your friends to keep you company."

"I'll miss you guys though," I said looking into my drink again.

"We'll miss you too. If you need a summer job then I'll have a position for you at the store," she said.

"I think I'll be able to keep my job at the library at school but I wouldn't mind working a couple shifts at your store," I said.

"That would be nice, Doris and Laura will be happy to see you there," she said with a smile.

"Thanks mom, for everything. I love you."

"I love you too, Wesley."

"Happy Mother's day."

"Thank you."

-To be continued...