Love Within War 8

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#8 of Dragon wars

For a single night i spent inside of the garage because my "mate" has a pissy fit with me making fun of her wrighting or something that has to do with her spelling, i don't know for sure but, being in the garage was a major bitch and now, i am back inside of the house.

I am starting to wonder if my mate likes torturing me or she loves me so much? :(

Anyways, since i am back, i have gotten good ideas on how this will turn out with my stories...................... and now my mate is wanting to help. Oh yeah go ahead and be nice now and when i tell you something is wrong with your spelling you throw me into the garage!!!!

"Sighes" Oh well, at least i get to type this in the garage. Dammit!!!!!!!!!

Love Within war 8

It took nearly a whole day for Qailo to calm down from his sudden discovery. Valqro was sent to a jail, Hylya and Anly were both in Hylya's room, feared at Qailo's sudden rage. Hylya was especially scared for they found out that Valqro was here for awhile and the leaders of the Light Dragons have thought of either banishment or death.

Hylya, never the less, didn't care if everyone had found out. She only cared if he was to live or die. She had talked to her mother, if he were to be exiled, then she would go with him. Anly truly felt hurt knowing that she would probably get hurt when traveling with him. But she would let her go.

For every night, for a week, Qailo hasn't visisted the house once. He only came once to yell at Anly for her mistake with the Dark Dragon and basically calling her a whore for having sex with any male and he yelled the most at Hylya. He was very furious when she said that she loved him and she would bare his children. It took all of Qailo's energy not to strike his daughter down for that. He did however strike at Anly for her affair and both females, grew dread for the their fearful loved one.

It's been a single week since Valqro has been in jail and not once did Hylya got to see him. Her father forbidden it and she was alone, except with her mother, who was just as alone without her mate. She had found out that Qailo, might file for her becoming a single again and that she might lose Hylya, since she was involved with a enemy.

It would pain Anly to lose her child, and especially if she was committed to exile, for death was not an option.

Hylya and Anly never left the house, for Qailo put guards around the home to prevent them from leaving. Only guards would bring them food and anything else if needed but they remained in home in till the leaders find out what to do with Valqro.

Two weeks have passed and now the leaders, have found out what to do with Valqro. As soon as the message reached Hylya and Anly, Hylya broke in tears crying and Anly did her best to ease her. They had found a high end on Valqro with his big part in the war. For he was involved with the leaders of the Dark Dragons and that he was thought to be leading attacks on the Light Dragons. The headers decision was made and Hylya never stopped crying. They were to execute Valqro tomorrow and as for Hylya and Anly. Hylya was to either be exiled out of the Light Dragons or, be removed from the valley and live with other Light Dragons away from them. Hylya chose exile.

Anly begged to Qailo to change his mind and foresee was he was doing to his daughter. Qailo never listened to Anly and he threaten her for exile as well for personal involvement the enemy. She cried for her daughter and Valqro.

It was the night before the execution and Hylya was in her room crying. Anly came in and saw her on her bed, soaking it with her tears. She walked to her and slowly rubbed her daughter's back.Hylya lifted her head to look at her mother and hugged her before resuming crying. Anly held her dearly and keeping herself from crying.

Hylya managed to calm down after and spoke to her mother. "Mother, why? Why does father have to kill him? He never did anything wrong. And because of it, I will be exiled." She cried more and Anly held her tightly, letting a few tears come from her as well.

For the whole night, Hylya cried and Anly never let her go. It was a pain in which none of them could be solved. It was in till Anly came up with a plan. She removed her daughter away from her and smiled. Hylya saw this and asked, "What?"

Anly smiled. "I think there might be away to save Valqro, but it would mean that we would have to travel to across the desert to Valqro's kind."

"How?" asked Hylya as she cleared her tears and throat.

Anly thought for a moment. "We could tell Qailo that we would like to see Valqro's execution in the morning. Then we create a distraction, causing them to spread all around and then we free Valqro and head into the desert."

"But don't we need supplies? Who knows, except for Valqro, how long it would take to reach the end of the desert."

Anly nodded. "Yeah but first we have to find a way to cause a distraction."

Hylya nodded with a smile. "Right but first I need to say this. If we do this, that means we are abandoning our kind to save another's."

Anly nodded. "And it would also mean that I would leave my mate as well."

"What about our family?"

Anly nodded. "We have to contact them all and tell them. Or actually I would tell my sister, since she is good at keeping secrets."

Hylya blinked. "are you sure about that?"

Anly nodded with a grin. "Yeah. Me and her never told our mother that we fucked our dad when she was absent, and vise-versa and that we both mated with twenty other males."


Anly giggled. "Yeah, what a fantastic time. But don't worry, we both weren't in heat. And besides I also haven't told my mother that I kinda had that hots for her most since she would always keep her breasts with milk and that she would let me suck on them."

Hylya couldn't believe that she was hearing this from her mother and finally spoke out. "You are a hornyass dragon, aren't you?"

Anly nodded. "Yep and I will also be horny with you once we get out of this mess."

Hylya smiled before kissing her mother on the lips and they both went to work on their plans to save Valqro and... to alter the fate with two different races.

Oh, major cliff hanger but i got to go and get ready for.............. something. Anyway