No third wheel here... I'm back baby!

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#4 of UPDATES!

I've been gone a while. I know this. Writing gets hard every now and then, especially between work, a youngster to raise, bills, a busted car with no AC, and my wife just leaving her job to work on art full time before she goes back to school to be a vet tech, so honestly, It's felt good the last few days to just sit the hell down and write some to cool off at the end of the day, and I'm glad to see I haven't lost any of the talent for it. Considering my longest ongoing piece is currently over a third of the length of book one of A song of Ice & Fire, 'Game of thrones' at 113K words, goddamn, I'd hope I hadn't lost anything!

But this looks set to turn out a comfortable 6-9k depending, so I'm rather pleased with it. So here, have a teaser, know I'm not dead, and that the Kinky writing is getting back on the rails!

The long hallway down to the bedrooms was decorated with various pictures along its length; Shots from Isiat and his buddies in Iraq sitting astride a Chally' two tank. Isiat and Shadi at their wedding out in the countryside. Isiat, with his entire face covered in wedding cake, after he'd tried that same stunt on Shadi. Needless to say, it hadn't worked quite the way he had planned.

Still, the short little curvy feline in the pictures still looked as good as she ever had, her sandy tan fur and dark brown hair to her waist as catching to the eye as a well cut and polished gemstone in a jeweler's store. Even her mismatched eyes glinted in the light of the pictures; One a deep emerald green, the other a brown shade of topaz, put together to give her entire appearance a lovely earthy vibe.

In a way, he'd always thought her personality matched the way she looked flawlessly, and just like the the forests and hills the particular subspecies she belonged to came from, there was always something new to discover, or something unexpected she had up her sleeve. Hell, last year it had been him and two of his mates stumbling home to find Shadi and both of their missus's tangled up in what could only be described as a 'literal clusterfuck'. Suffice to say, that had resulted in a rather memorable evening that all of them had proceeded to never mention again unless it was to simply take the piss out of each other for a perceived lack of performance. Admittedly, it had been the women's idea....

That part entirely beside the point however, he made his way down the corridor, his ears perking as he strained to try and make out any sounds coming from the master bedroom at the end of the hallway. Even in his heavy combat boots, he still managed to retain some of that commando stealthiness, learned to the point that it had become a second nature to him. Pressing his cheek up against the doorway, he heard the faint shuffling of somebody -trying- to move about quietly; Two somebodies in fact... What mischief was that darn feline up to now...

Carefully and slowly, he twisted the doorknob, the door creaking obnoxiously loudly as it turned inwards on its hinges. The inside of the grand bedroom was entirely pitch black, thick, blackout curtains pulled and tied shut across the windows, and the faint illumination filtering down from the kitchen at the opposite end of the hall did little to help shed light on the situation. But for certain, he made out the silhouettes, the two females standing at the foot of the dark wood king bed, one leaning against each bedpost at the foot of it. As his eyes adjusted, details slowly began to emerge from the darkness, and Isiat licked his lips despite himself. Oh Shadi, you damned naughty kitten...