Grad-Bash Part 13

Story by Cole Stryker on SoFurry

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#13 of Scout's Honor

A little (a lot) late with this one, my apologies, been hectic over here. But now I have more free time and am working faster, got this done this morning

Sorry again, but happy reading =D

Copyright © 2015 Cole Stryker

*Part * 13

"He did what?" Sarah asked with an icy edge to her voice. She stood up from the bench that I had asked to meet her at (the same one from before) and seemed as if she was going to go on a shooting spree (I know, I know "2015, not supposed to say that", who cares, she isn't actually going on a shooting least I hope not). I stopped her, barely, by grabbing her wrist. I could tell someone gossiped about something that Sarah had gossiped about. Ironically, she hates rumors.

I remained seated and spoke softly, trying to calm her down, and because I didn't have the energy. "What happened?"

She hesitated and looked out towards the cabins. "Okay," she finally said and relaxed, "I may have said something to Jen about your little 'hike' in the woods with Carson."

Mother fucker. I wanted to get up and scream and say that it was none of her damned business to spread that around. I would have, if I had the energy. The only thing it accomplished was to steer my mood deeper into fatigue. I managed a quiet "Are you serious?" Lacking any emotion, might I add.

She turned and sat down next to me in one decisive motion, placing a warm paw on my thigh. Her tail was curled around the leg of the bench. "Scout, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have said anything-"

"Then why did you?" I interrupted.

"I...I don't know," she said her ears falling flat onto her head. She withdrew her paw and placed folded both in her lap.

I sighed. It was pointless to try and argue, it would be even more pointless to think that I could ever be mad at her. And, to be perfectly honest, I was still seething about Brent's "apology".

I could punch him in the gut or the face or the arm or the leg or the back or the dick or everywhere. I wanted to scream inside, but...I don't know. i didn't have the energy. It was as if some force was just tying me down and withholding me from getting what I want. Or, maybe, from what I think I want. But between Carson telling me he had liked me for years and Brent's ego, today was turning out to be one hell of a story. I wished, though, that it was fiction.

But, it's not.

Oh, right on time. What pearls of wisdom will I get this time.

Don't let Brent get to you.

Wow, that's Dr. Phil material.

And, if you would let me finish, don't be a wise ass.

Hmm, and here I thought I would've missed your charm.

It's a great quality to have. Listen, Brent's got something up his ass. You shouldn't let an egotistical son of a bitch like that get to you.

And why not?

Because whatever's his problem, isn't yours.

He can't just-

I know, I know. Believe me, I know he shouldn't have done half the shit he's done to you. But has that ever stopped you?, but-

Then why should this be any different.

And with another heavy sigh, I wanted to say he was wrong...but-

You know I'm right.

Shut up.

I felt myself being pulled from the trance I was in, staring at the reddish-orange reflection of the sky on the lake's calm surface. A paw was holding my own, I could barely see who's, our fur was almost the exact same shade. especially in this light.

The sun hung beautifully in her eyes, almost allowing for her hazel eyes to glow against the darkening landscape. Her fur...Oh, how I've always wanted that fur! It was so well kept, it shined in almost any light, even when it was dark out. When I first told her...well, that I liked her, I remember her fur had been almost ablaze. It was as if a princess, a beautiful princess who reigned over a castle made of ice, had been put together by the castle's foundation (I was pretty poetic back then). I remember thinking that even touching it would feel like an exotic silk from India, authentic and smooth (and, I wasn't wrong).

It was kind of a funny story, though, it was mostly embarrassing and pathetic.

Then I'll tell it.

No you-

It was in the fifth grade, and Scout had just gotten out of his diaper-

Can you go without insulting for once in your life?

So where was I...Oh! Okay, so Scout had just finished lunch with his friends back then, pretty nerdy bunch. they were talking about some new video game that had just come out like the manly jocks that they were, when Scout stopped listening.

He saw her walk in from across the room. And let me tell you, His tongue had never hung so far out of his mouth. His pants have also never been tighter.

Cool it.

As I was saying: he was a kid with desires just like the rest of 'em. But Scout apparently liked the out-of-his-league type. And so there he was, just staring at this girl, her tail flowing behind her as she walked, and one of his friends saw him, looked where he was, turned back and said.

"Dude, there's no chance," he said.

Scout, dazed, shook his head and asked, "What?"

"The vixen. Sera. You're never going to get her."

"I so can."

"Wanna play what are the odds?" His friend had a malicious smile. The game, is pretty simple, a reason why many kids and teenagers like it. Someone says "What are the odds whip out your dick in public" or whatever, and then the person being asked has to say "1 out of...let's say 10". Then and this is the part that most teenagers get confused on, you each say a number between 1 and 10. If you both guess the same number, let's say 6, then the person who was asked has to go do it. But if the numbers you each say add up, like 6 and 4 (because that adds to 10), you both have to do it. It's a wonder nothing ever gets done at school.

So, Scout said, "1 out of 10."

And they counted down, guessed a number each, and, what a surprise, they both said three.

Of course, he was happy that this happened. It gave him an excuse to go talk to her, and if she turned him down, it was only a dare.

Scout decided to ask her after school when he knew she would be alone (her friends all left to go to a smoothie place nearby, but she always just stood by herself, texting). And, at 3 o'clock sharp, he "confidently" walked up to her and managed to say, "Uh...hi..."

She looked up from her phone, obviously not interested, and went back to texting. Scout didn't know what to say, so I helped him a little. "Your fur is very...pretty."

Her ears perked at this. She dropped her phone about an inch, still clinging it with both paws, while her eyes lifted towards Scout's. He froze.

"You're Scout right?"

"Um...yeah. I-"

"You really think my fur is nice?"

"Well...yeah. I think it looks really nice."

"Ah, thank you, yours is pretty nice too. A little on the rugged side, but it's a good look for you."

"Um, thanks."

They stood in awkward silence, both ears twitching. Her tail lazily wagged behind her, catching her turquoise dress, while Scout's laid dead still.

"So..." he broke the silence, "would you want to, I don't know, see a movie sometime?"

She looked at him, ears perked and eyes locked. Then, this is the good part, she busted out laughing. "Oh," she stopped short to laugh a little more, "I'm sorry, Scout, I're not...I don't think it would work out."

His ears and tail both dropped, then he realized his disposition, and tried dreadfully hard to regain his posture. But the damage had already been done.

She gazed at him, a hint of guilt in her eyes. "But...maybe we could go get a smoothie, not like a date, but to chill...and stuff."

A pity date, was the best he was going to get, so he took it.

I really don't see the humor in that.

Because you failed to mention how disgusted she was at the idea of going out with me. And the only reason we kept hanging out was because her friends told her to see how big I was.

Oh, shit, that's could I forget that?

I felt Sera's hand, still wrapped around mine, fall into my lap. Her soft head fell lightly onto my shoulder, her ears tickling the fur on the back of my neck. "I'm sorry, Scout," she said. I thought I felt her snuggle up to me a bit.

"I know," I replied and rested my head on top of hers at an angle. We stayed like that for a little bit, my mind thinking about the hike and how I blew it, when it occurred to me, I never said anything to Sera yet.

To end the silence, I said, "So, we almost kissed."

Her head shot up immediately. "What?! How? Was he good? I heard he was good. That was all Brianna could talk about-"

"I said 'almost'," my tone sharpening thinking about what it would've been like to actually kiss him.

She cocked her head to the side. "Almost?"


"Why 'almost'?"

I sighed. "I don't know...I was just thinking about Brent and-"

"You still care about that asshole?"

The first thought that came to my mind was 'yes', the next was that I wished it to be a 'no'. "Maybe. I don't know. I mean, we've been together for a while."

"Yeah, but a while doesn't mean happily."

I turned to her, my ears perked. "Were you just helpful?"

She punched me -hard- in the arm. I yelped and rubbed the spot immediately. "I'm always helpful, dick."

"That's a laugh."

We chatted for some time after that, about guys and who we think were hot. Honestly, she did that a lot when I was depressed. It'd always used to brighten my mood. It was probably because of her, if it weren't for our differences in quality of fur, people could mistake us for brother and sister. Besides Kit, she had known for a while about me and my...appreciation for the male figure. Actually, she was the first one to know. She took it well. Really well, honestly. She was excited to have a, and I quote, "gay best friend to go shopping with and do nails and comb fur and talk about guys and etc." (she went on for quite a while). I always told her she was just happy that I trusted her enough to tell a big secret to. She had laughed and said I was crazy, but i could see the playful gleam in her eye.

The sun had finally reached below the tree line, leaving us in the shadows. I looked out toward the lake, the rustic water now changed to a field of shifting lavender. The leaves that fell made it look like patches had caught on fire. What went wrong? How'd it ignite?

Human error, probably. That's how most things go.

"Reflecting on life, Scoot?"

The dream in front of me dissipated. I glared at Sera. "I hate when you call me that?"

"Aw," she wrapped her arms around my arm and looked out onto the lake, "you like it, shut up."

"Uh, no, I don't."

"But it was so funny-"

"You promised never to say anything ever again. We pinky swore." Saying that, now, I felt like a child who didn't get his ice cream cone from his mother.

"Oh, c'mon..."


"Look, I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd actually fall-"


She sighed and unwrapped her arms. "Fiiiine. I'll stop." She got up and glanced backwards and batted an eye. "Bye, Scoot, see ya' tomorrow."

Sometimes, I wonder why we're friends...