Chapter 2: Red Eye

Story by XenorosthXMD on SoFurry

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#3 of Pursed Series

Xenorosth woke up in the middle of his room. He stretched out his scaly, blue claws. He yawned lazily. Xenorosth's life had become very easy ever since he found his mother, found him a few months ago. She was the only reason Xenorosth had such a wonderful cavern to slumber in.

The cave's main area was 100 feet high and at least 1000 feet long as well as wide. That was where Xenorosth and Ariel ate their meals together, talked about meaningless topics and even where Xenorosth got lectured on how certain plants could cure some diseases. Xenorosth killed a lot of time there.

There were also two bedrooms. One, much larger then the other, was for Ariel, and the other was for Xenorosth. Both rooms had large dragon-sized cushions to lay one and a room to story any gems they found. If Xenorosth was distraught and wanted to think, he would go to his side of the cave. Overall, Xenorosth found the lair very admirable.

Xenorosth, finally willing to leave the comfort of this cushion decided to get up and go into the main room. As Xenorosth enter the main room, he saw Ariel tearing at a large piece of meat. Ariel, though relatively 50 ft tall and 100 ft long, didn't eat more then two or three kills a day.

"Morning little one," Ariel greeted. She offered Xenorosth a 20 pound piece of meat. Xenorosth accepted thankfully. He dove into breakfast ravenously, his sharp teeth and claws tearing through the meat easily. His mother was amused by how much Xenorosth was enjoying his meal. Ariel gave Xenorosth deer, but he was acting as if it was a royal moose.

Xenorosth finished quickly. He looked at his claws, now stained a pinkish color, and started licking them clean. "I think I need a bath. I want my horns, spine spikes, claws, and scales to be shiny," Xenorosth told his mother. Ariel wanted her scales to have a nice glow as well. "A bath would be nice. Shall we go to the waterfall?" Ariel suggested. Xenorosth knew nothing of this waterfall. He eagerly agreed, curious of this new spot.

The trek was not that long. In fact, Xenorosth was amazed that he didn't notice it before when he went on his occasional exploration of the woods. The waterfall was 100 feet tall and about 25 feet wide. The waterfall ran into a small lake, deep enough to conceal the spikes on Ariel's back. Xenorosth was only five feet tall, so he had to swim. Ariel waded into the lake while Xenorosth swam beside her. Xenorosth had to be careful not to get too close to the falls. Otherwise its immense force would drag him down into the depths of the lake.

Xenorosth swam playfully in the lake. Ariel smiled, watching the hatchling have a good time. She took a deep breath, and then breathed fire into the lake. As soon as the flames hit the lake, the water became pleasantly hot. Steam quickly filled every corner of the area, reducing visibility greatly. Xenorosth loved it. He floated lazily, enjoying himself. Ariel decided to get playful. She splashed Xenorosth, making a wave of water. Xenorosth meeped as the wave crashed down on him. Xenorosth recovered swiftly and swam back up to see a smirking Ariel. Xenorosth even chuckled.

Xenorosth and Ariel soon stopped fooling around. They got themselves clean and when back to the lair. There, he was told a story about some creature called a "human". It was about how they would bicker over the most miniscule things like pieces of paper. In the end they all killed each other out of disagreements. "Do humans really exist?" Xenorosth asked Ariel. She laughed, "Oh, don't be so silly. The closest things to humans that exist are the animals that walk on two legs." Xenorosth tried to picture those animals, but the concept was too weird and strange to picture. "Well can I meet one?" Xenorosth wondered, fascinated at the possibility that an animal could walk on two legs. Again Ariel laughed "Once you are able to make a portal to that world and know enough to survive there without my protection." Xenorosth red eyes shined like polished rubies at the thought of learning how to do magic. "When can I learn? I wanna learn as soon as possible!" Xenorosth exclaimed. Xenorosth's exuberance shown clearly in his voice. "Right now," Ariel answered, beckoning him. Xenorosth followed her into her room. She laid on her cushion while Xenorosth laid next to her on the ground.

"Now," Ariel started "to use most of your basic magic you must enter your secret place in your mind. I am guessing you haven't searched your mind in a while if you have at all. Once you are there, you picture clearly what you want to do. Sounds simple right? However, you must be as precise as possible. Once you get your picture, you put energy into along with your intent. Anything involving yourself, is a bit harder though. For example, when you try to teleport you must have a near perfect image of where you are going. Then you must picture yourself there. Don't try that yet. Try this." She placed a sapphire in front of Xenorosth. "Make an illusion of the sapphire."

Xenorosth hesitated, and then focused on the sapphire. At the same time, he went deep into his own mind. It was this was his own private world. He had never entered his mind like this before. He found that many of the passages were empty, a black void. Was this representing how little he knew about himself, or was the darkness in him representing what he didn't know? Perhaps it was a mixture of both. Either way, Xenorosth knew that this dark labyrinth was much larger then just the parts that were illuminated. As he meandered in his own conscious, he searched his mind for something that stood out to him in this already inexpressible place. As Xenorosth continued to wander in his own enigmatic mind, he found a bizarre light radiating from what he assumed to be the nexus of his mind. Xenorosth approached the light cautiously. This must have been the place. He painted the sapphire he saw in front of him in his in the air, making a picture of there being two sapphires.

Ariel chuckled. The hatchling hadn't moved an inch for an hour. Normally he couldn't be still for 15 minutes unless he was asleep. Suddenly, a sapphire appeared in front of the sapphire that she placed in front of Xenorosth. Xenorosth finally moved, but he was disoriented. It took a moment to see his success, but when he did he grinned. "Not bad for a first timer at all! For the normal hatchling it takes two hours to do that the first time. You only took one." Ariel praised. Xenorosth was unsatisfied though. Still, at least he knew about his secret spot now. He let the illusion of the sapphire fade away. Ariel offered a spot on the cushion. Xenorosth accepted gratefully.

Ariel began a lecture. Xenorosth drank in the words, making mental notes as she spoke. The lecture was another hour. By the time Ariel was done Xenorosth was exhausted. He fell asleep right there, too tired to move from the cushion. Ariel curled up around her hatchling protectively. "Have a nice rest, little one," she murmured in Xenorosth's ear. Xenorosth, though asleep, purred in response to his mother's gentle words. The two dragons slept together serenely as the eternal night went on in the Realms of Darkness.

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A black, male dragon growled in frustration. Images of the little blue hatchling with his mother flooded his head. That cursed hatchling got to his mother before he could capture him. He was too late to snatch him away without any major opposition. He at least had the relative location of the two. He saw them both at the waterfall.

The black dragon was close to 55 feet tall. His eyes, a blazing ruby, sparked fear into his enemies. The spikes going down his back were sharp enough to impale anything pressed against it. His horns were like two sharpened, curved sticks. His black scales that shined in the moonlight gave him a unique edge of beauty. It allowed him to flatter someone into doing his bidding. Still, despite that edge, he was very, very intimidating.

The black dragon had formed a plan. It was basic, but had a very good chance of working. He would simply stalk the hatchling until he was too far from his mother to cry for help. Then he would pounce and capture his prey. He would use a spell to put some small part of his soul into Ariel's hatchling. This would make it so he could have an influence on any thought that ran into his head. He couldn't force his body into anything by those doing this, but he could make it so even if he escaped, he would always make it so he would want to come back to him of his own will. He wasn't sure what other side affects there were but he didn't care. He will shiver in fear of his master and his name: Yamizephyr.

Thoughts of the black dragon breaking the little one made the black dragon shiver in anticipation. He wanted his pet to be obedient. Perhaps he might become a minion. The hatchling needs "quality time" with him. Sooner or later, he will become a willing slave.

The black dragon looked up at the night sky. After a moment he teleported to only a place he knew. He would strike soon. Very, very soon.

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Xenorosth had a lot of practice with basic spells in the following week. He caught on exceedingly fast. In only a few days, he could make large illusions, summon up and copy items. It took only a minute for him. But this was all exhausting to him. He needed a break. Exploring time! A good exploration of new areas would do him some good. He offered mother to come along, but she declined the invitation.

Xenorosth flew out into the sky and soon was in new territory. He must have gone 50 miles already. He was in a completely new place. He glided back to the ground. He found himself on a nice grassy path in the woods. He walked about for a while. The more he walked, the more he had the feeling that something was wrong. This feeling soon got to him. He stopped and looked around cautiously. Something was up. Soon he figured out what it was.

He heard a low chuckle coming from behind him. He turned around, quickly backing away from the voice. He saw a giant black dragon towering over him. The black pursuer! The site of him sent shivers down Xenorosth spine. He tried to flee, but as soon as the black dragon saw this he made a quick spell making a rock wall as tall as he was appear right in front of Xenorosth. Xenorosth stopped, and only a second after a claw knocked him into the wall. Xenorosth felt a wave of pain wash over him. He fell to the ground whimpering. "Who... who are you?" Xenorosth fearfully asked. " My name? Yamizephyr. But to you, it will soon be master," he sneered. Yamizephyr place a claw gently on Xenorosth side. Despite the soft touch, Xenorosth howled in pain. Xenorosth didn't know what was happening to cause it, but pain was the only thing he felt. He tried to push Yamizephyr's claw off him. He hissed realizing though that he was paralyzed from the neck down. He could only breathe and talk. Yamizephyr forced Xenorosth to look into his eyes with his tail. Xenorosth stared into them. They seemed to put him into a trance. "You are a cute little hatchling. I'm sure many of my friends would like a ‘play date' or two with you." Yamizephyr mocked. Hearing this was too much for Xenorosth. He retreated to the only place he was safe. He went into his mind and ran to his secret place. He should be safe in his thoughts. He pictured home. He longed to be at home right now, laying on his cushion, sleeping peacefully for hours and hours. However he had to endure Yamizephyr's torture. "You will soon be slumbering at my side. My very essence is flowing into right now. You might as well give." Yamizephyr told Xenorosth menacingly. Xenorosth's will was breaking. His picture of home grew more vivid the more Xenorosth was tortured. Yamizephyr's eyes blazed as he continued to stare into Xenorosth's fearful eyes. Yamizephyr's stare was drilling into Xenorosth. The hatchling closed his eyes. Those red eyes were too much. It was all too much for him. Xenorosth could see himself at home the picture was vivid in his mind.

It was so sudden. The grass that was underneath Xenorosth turned to stone. No longer did he feel Yamizephyr's claw. He could was no longer paralyzed either. Xenorosth opened an eye. He was at the lair. But how? There was only one answer to this. He teleported! Still, Xenorosth was too shaken to care about his accomplishment. He got up, struggling with his emotions. He entered Ariel's room. He needed her security. His mother was curled up, sleeping on her cushion. Xenorosth slowly crawled up onto the cushion and nuzzled his mother. He couldn't think straight. He just wanted to lay down. The light nuzzle was enough to wake up Ariel. She was surprised to see him back so soon. "So how was your adventure?" she asked. Xenorosth only whimpered. He didn't want to think about what happened. Obviously, something was wrong. Xenorosth wouldn't talk. This worried Ariel. "What happened? May I look into your mind and see?" Xenorosth only gave a small nod.

Ariel entered Xenorosth's mind easily. She shuffled through Xenorosth memories until she saw the scene with Yamizephyr and Xenorosth. Seeing that black dragon enraged her. What he did to Xenorosth made her feel even worse. It was no wonder why Xenorosth was upset. Ariel left Xenorosth's mind, not knowing what to say. She stroked her son with her tail tenderly. She started singing.

Flying gliding up so high,

Flying gliding through the sky.

See the scales gleam and shine.

Dragon fly so high!

The song put Xenorosth at ease. He closed his eyes. He relaxed as best as he could. Eventually it lulled him enough to let him sleep. At first, nightmares of those red eyes, burning scars in his heart came to him. But someone, something, made those dreams go away. He rested in peace. Yes. That was exactly what he needed most right now. Peace. Blissful peace...