2 down 400 billion to go

Story by Marcus R Jones on SoFurry

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With earth already light years behind the young dingo his new found freedom was now solidified. Not his overbearing father or mother could have drawn him back to that "prison".

2 down 400 billion to go

By: Marcus R. Jones*

With earth already light years behind the young dingo his new found freedom was now solidified. Not his overbearing father or mother could have drawn him back to that "prison".

He is headed for empire space, approximately three hundred light years from earth, and its prison of law. The empire, where the ships are sleek and efficient, and poverty is of the past. At least that's what the merchants and travelers who landed in the Galileo talked about. He just hoped they weren't exaggerating.

The light of millions of stars flooded, and warped around the cockpit of the ship. The creaks and rumbles of the craft bothered him very little. After all he was traveling at over 4000 times the speed of light at some points. Blue, Red, Orange, Yellow, White, Purple, Pink after each jump his cockpit was flooded with these.

His gaze shifted with the stars, and his thoughts wandered from his current task. His ship in super-cruise around a main sequence yellow star, a few planets, rocky mostly. A station orbited a metal rich planet, controlled by a local faction aligned with the Alliance. His main fuel tank was half empty, so he slowly fly his way over to it, but s sudden jerk in his controls heaved him off course, and threatened to pull him out of super-cruise.

A pirate!, he thought. It must be. He had heard of their ship modules that could pull nearly anything out of super-cruise. The feminine electronic voice of his ship's AI crackled through the speakers around his head, "Align with escape vector!"..."Align with escape vector!". With little time to spare he griped his controls tight, and pulled up and into the ever moving escape vector. He wasn't about to get himself blown up only a few hours after leaving earth!

The controls constantly fought against him, making his ship veer away from its target, but he had completed his training, especially for things like this. With little time left he hit the accelerator forward and strained to keep his vector inline. With what was comparable to the end of a massive thunder storm all fell silent. His ship creaked as the pirate moved on to find other prey, less skilled than this dingo. He was safe, for the time being.