The Boy in the Room

Story by Glacies on SoFurry

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Matthew was observing a towering skyscraper that ascends above the neighboring structures,

colored in a dark and shallow pallette. There was a giant label that was stuck onto the direct

midsection of the building while orbiting the foundation was the same exact label as the one on the

building. The acronym was rather simple but did it's purpose of showing the building and the name.


H.A.G.O. was an acronym for the Humanitarian Agency of Global Operations...and yet it meant that it

was for humans only. The sole existence of this global and vital agency was that there was a secret

scientific research facility that experimented with human genetics, finding a solution to their species'

weakness when alone and unarmed. Apparently there was also participants by millions...and by after

a few hundred years these beings today are known as anthros and equines. These beings were

discriminated across the globe, each one treated differently or was even forced to leave their homes

due to the government. There were uproars all over the globe...each state in every country in every

continent demanded for action against these people that simply had a different form with human

reason. That stood until today, and these beings are used as labor workers so that humans can be at


Matthew sighs in curiuos disgust, wondering why humans hate a pair subspecies so much. But he

couldn't complain...he had gotten used to these facts but it still laid heavy in his heart. There was a

file folder in the man's hand constructed by modified glass, flexible like rubber but hard Engineers were able to use glass not only for windows but as a replacement for

paper which later was condsidered only the use for important things. Paper was also replaced by the

modified glass since it was created so it was easy to repair.

The blonde haired man opened the file folder and took out the piece of glass where holographic

script makes a layout for a description.

[Name: Matthew Harkins


Job Description: Employer [Matthew Harkins] is tasked with the safety, health, and wellfare of

subjects instructed to be with as his/her unnoficial guardian. [Matthew Harkins] will be granted a

high income salary, governmental/military protection, and assistance if needed within employment.

H.A.G.O Industries

A Bright Future Lies Inside Us]

Well the script was pretty short with Matthew already slipping the glass sheet back into the file

folder. Looking back at the skyscraper offered him both a sense of pride and wonder. He's going to

work with one of the world's biggest global industries, even though his new job seems off from what

they usually desire. But hey, getting paid big for just watching over someone...or probably something

was good. Well...that was something to shiver about.

There wasn't any exact guarantee of what he would be taking care of. But there is a clue it would be a

he, or she. But right now the man could care less. He needed this job since for a while he mainly was

paid with low income rather than average. Well Matthew is a graduate of a good college so he

doesn't have much problem of attaining a good job. Probably because there wasn't many good job

options at the moment.

Well, it's all or nothing. With false confidence just for the looks he strolls into the industry ...and was

taken back by the view.

If you have been to a national garden then the inside of H.A.G.O. has similarities. And the man

wondered how was this physically possible, the building outside didn't look as large as he guessed

the place was the 'Main Lobby'. It was like a terrarium, only much, MUCH bigger. The cieling was so

transparent that you could see multiple floors above leading to the sky at the very top a bit magnified

by the layers of glass. And good thing the sun wasn't there yet or probably the world's first natural

death ray is created. Pillars supported the giant glass layers and everything was in a simple industrial

white palette. The plants were professionally put together to create a dazzling miniature landscape,

like a sanctuary.

In front of this terrarium was a kiosk where a business woman was shuffling through files and

managing some data analysis. Matthew approaches the woman trying not to look so tense and


Then it all went down the drain when she says, "You look disturbed."

And he surrendered.

"Yeah sorry about that, first time coming here and I'm for employment." while handing over the file


The lady takes the glass out of the folder and reads, then moving over using her wheeled chair to

begin typing on the computer. Merely a few seconds passed and she already passes back the folder

to Matthew.

She takes a bow from her position, "Your position is ready for you now Mr.Harkins, please take the

elevator on the northeast side of the building."

Matthew bows as well then takes his leave.

He moves to the northeast side of the building just as

she instructed, and what surprised him was out of all the members walking around few of them

decided to take the northeast side of the perimeter. The elevator was exactly in front of the new

member who pressed the button and the doors opened. Looking around he found nobody paying

attention to him while he enters the tight space and presses the very last button for the

underground laboratory. Immediately the door shut, almost scaring the living crap out of him. Then it

got terrifying when for a moment all the cables holding the elevator had snapped and his body clung

to the ceiling. Gravity strapped him to the top of the elevator along with his blood laying flat on his

backside. Then came a blackout, his body just slammed to the ground when coming to a rigid stop.

"H...o?" Matthew's hearing was a bit haywire.

Slow, deep breaths Matthew.

"Oh, I think he's waking up now." it was a childish voice almost like a toddler's.

If his eyes had a mind of its own then he would say yes because without conscious intent they just

snap open like a fly trap. A little boy, probably about 12 or 10 in physical terms was grinning at him

with this happy go lucky personality that a 5 year old usually has. He knew this since the child had

this wide smile stretched across his face along with big wide eyes that stared down on was

kind of creepy to be honest. Other than his pale skin his eyes were this deep sapphire blue matched

with his long and somewhat droopy charcoal hair.

"Hello again. You feel better now?" he was right, the annoying child voice came from him.

The chilling sensation of cold was on his face, elbows, and knees. Raising his head Matthew found

an ice bag on each joint of his body. Huh, that could probably explain why he felt dead. The man

stands up, the ice bags slipping off his joints with minor pain...he must have been bruised during the

fall. The boy who wore also industrial white clothing simply keeps his undivided attention on him.

To Matthew the room was unique but simple, the wall is still the usual white tint, which impressively

blended together with the variously colored furniture. The bed was a metallic gray, and the two tables

were lime green. In the entire one giant room there were only three chairs, all three in a marrow red

color. There was the first table to the left side where a sun yellow lamp along with crayons, pencils,

basically all the materials an artist needs with a bookshelf, which ironically doesn't have many books

on the side. The other table was solitary on the left with its chair, probably for food and such.

But apparently there isn't a door...great. Mr Harkin's hands smothered his face in disappointment,

this was going to take a while to get used to.