War of the Dragons - Chapter 15

Story by Tempest of Reach on SoFurry

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Arcantos' suggestion of talking to The Dread Sky at all, let alone the possibilities of actually seeing him set free was not a suggestion that the Duke took very well. Yet, now that the idea had been spoken, Temeraire stepped back into the discussion, and whilst no politicians, was still a dragon of great charisma, intelligence and stubbornness.As the minutes ticked by, Temeraire managed to whittle down the Duke's arguments against simply seeing the Dread Sky one by one. Demolishing them with a combination of cold logic and calculated words. Until finally, when the Duke was teetering on the edge of deciding one way or another, Arcantos placed his hand on his desk, showing the bandages that had been wrapped around it, saying. "Sometimes, the best decision is the most painful." With such a sharp reminder of what Arcantos had to do, simply to gain access to talking with the Duke, Cavador conceded.Thus, the Duke of Kuvine escorted Sir Temeraire and Arcantos out from his study, and back into the winding corridors of his citadel. Down, down they descended into its depths. First, moving away from the glorious comforts of the privileged and the rich, then depriving them the pleasure of natural light as they plunged down into the bowels of the earth itself. Leaving the ballroom and all its politics, dancing and joy far, far, behind.Now, guards came into view, positioned first at the top of a long, narrow winding staircase that they could only descend one by one, and for the older two dragons was a rough squeeze besides. Then, another pair of guards waited at the bottom, in front of a large iron-set door.  Arcantos noting that the two dragons - a quad dragon and bipedal dragoness - were both blue, indicating a likely both water dragons. This door

was heaved open by the two dragons at the Duke's nod. Even behind this, there had not arrived yet.  A slab of metal had to be risen up on chains by the guards behind the doors before they were finally allowed though.. and the slab of metal dropped ominously behind them.The dungeon that The Dread Sky resided in was surprisingly large. Extending out far beyond what anyone could see, even after their eyes adjusted to the darkness. The only sign of the enormity of the dungeon, was faint shafts of moonlight seen in the distance, coming from what Arcantos guessed would be air vents... and from the distance, it would take him five minutes of walking just to reach them. With how high it seemed, Arcantos was sure he had enough room to fly as well."Come out Dread Sky! I know you are awake!" Duke Cavador's voice rung out, disrupting Arcantos contemplation of this strange dungeon, and drawing his attention back to the reason why they had even come to this place. To talk to a dragon that was considered by many to be a monster for his crimes. At first, there was nothing, no response, only silence... yet just as Cavador grew impatient and was about to speak again, a dark sinister chuckling sprung up from around them. "Well well well... if it is not young Cavador himself. Such a brave dragon you are, to come here into my domain, into the darkness where death can some swift for those not prepared for it." Arcantos got a sense of a figure prowling round them. A shadow filtering in and out of view as it circled them... the master of darkness, the hunter of dragons, a monster that could end them on a whim. Cavador stood firm however, saying back."I am no hatchling for you to scare away Dread Sky. But a strong warrior, a wise leader and a proud father. Begone with these

games of yours, and reveal yourself to us!" This firm declaration was met once again but a chorus of sinister chuckles, surrounding them just as the darkness hid the stalking hunter from their view."Games? Oh, these are no games young Cavador. These were never games since your kind stole away my home, forced us from our lands to be refuges that none would accept! These have not been homes, since the lives of my family, my friends and loved ones were cut short by you bloodthirsty hunger! These have not been games, ever since I have been imprisoned here, alone in the darkness for fifty years!"The Dread's Sky voice rose up as he went on. Sound, wrath and power growing and building upon one another until they became a roar that threatened to stagger Arcantos with its intensity... yet, almost as swift as the wave of anger rouse up, it vanished, leaving them in the darkness once more. Though, The Dread's Sky's velvet menacing voice did not leave them alone for long."But, if we are talking about games young Cavador... pray, do tell me how your father the Duke is? After all, he and you were the last to visit me all those long years ago, when he felt the need to stop these tortures, in return for a simple answer... has the sorrow weighed down his wings yet? The regret stiffen up his limbs, the guilt eat away at his sanity, until he is put a shell of his former proud, bigoted self?!""Enough!" Temeraire's voice cut through the darkness, stilling the growl that had been coming from Cavador's throat, his lips pulled back into a snarl. Arcantos thought that it also made The Dread Sky pause, not expecting such bravery from a noble. "We are not here to discuss the past, and the sins performed so long ago. We are here in order to talk about the gift of the present.

And I believe it will be of great interest of yourself as well.""Pah. As if you can have a topic that will be of interest to me." The Dread Sky said with a contemptuous snort, though Arcantos was relieved to note that his bubbling wrath and clear hostility were no longer as sharp as there were when addressing Duke Cavador. "Unless you are here to offer me my freedom, then begone! I am sure you have more important things to be doing than harassing a prisoner." "Your freedom is the exact subject which we wish to discuss... Valerem." Temeraire said calmly, earning a long pause from The Dread Sky... then he stepped forwards, finally revealing himself to the three dragons. Arcantos instantly recognized him as a Meridian dragon, effectively a hybrid between western and eastern dragons, though unlike a true hybrid they were still fertile. The Dread Sky, or Valerem as newly named, did not have the near serpentine nature of the eastern dragons. Nor did he have the broad, stocky build of the western dragons. Instead, he had a more restrained, yet still powerful form. Reminding Arcantos of a tiger or jaguar. The jaguar comparison might be more fitting, for Valerem was coated in a deep black, showing why he so easily was able to keep from view... though Arcantos could see some scales had faded to black. The Dread Sky was around the same size as Temeraire, smaller than Cavador was, and his powerful body bore several scars that told of his battle heavy past."Valerem... it has been a long time since I have heard another voice call me by my name. Especially as it has been even longer since I have shared with anyone what my name actually is. That alone makes me curious enough to speak with you... but I am more curious as to why you desire to speak to me about my

freedom. I have been imprisoned for life after all for my crimes... and it is not a punishment that can so easily be overturned.""As you said, it has been fifty years since you have been imprisoned. A lot can change in fifty years, especially now that Death In The Night has stopped their activities." Temeraire explained calmly, talking to Valerem as if he was just another dragon, and not a criminal of the darkest of crimes. "The refuges you mentioned a long time ago, have all been given homes, many of which are where your country, Aron'olia, once was. Duke Cavador has been quite generous and helpful in that regard." "Really?" The Dread Sky questioned, his voice filled with skepticism as he turned to look at the purple dragon, The Duke finding it difficult just to look at Valerem's face, let alone meet his gaze... something that made the black dragon smirk. "I'm sure many are soooo happy to live under the claws of the western dragons that see them as freaks or vermin." "Oh, I would not say that. The Duke went though a lot of effort into ensuring that the Meridian dragon's were treated no different than anyone else. Indeed, he even persuaded me to take an old flightless dragon into my employment as a blacksmith, as well as provided lodging to his family. Kornarok is his name." A look of surprise filtered across Valerem's face as Temeraire paused, though it appeared again as the eastern dragon said. "An old friend of yours if I am to believe. He never named you as The Dread Sky of course, but considering how he matched the reports of the Emerald Fire, and a little digging of my own, it wasn't that hard to put two and two together and get your name." "Fine, you've explained how you know my name." Valerem said with a growl, waving a claw in a contemptuous fashion. "But that's just a waste of our time. We all know what is the more pressing matter here, even your stupid youngblood guard you brought here." Arcantos nearly smirked at just how much The Dread Sky was overlooking him as he continued. "Why did you speak of me being freed when my punishment is not yet complete?" "Because we believe that the current form of punishment is not only ill-fitting, but cruel and unjust." Temeraire answered the question without missing a single beat. "Fifty years... fifty years of darkness and loneliness. Fifty years of sorrow, regret and guilt... the fact that after all this time, after all these years, you have remained sane and strong is a testament to your will... and yet I fear how much longer you can last." "What makes you think that I have felt any sorrow, any regret or guilt?""Please, I've talked to Kornarok remember? As well as his mate, Naremiren. Who happens to be your sister if I recall correctly. I am good friends with them both, and I have heard of yours story Valerem. Of how you tried to resist the urge for vengeance, but the need for Blood drove you mad and away from them. Away from friends and family, away from a lover who could've been your mate, and away from your son. Valaronex." Valerem flinched, actually flinched when his son was brought up. Then his wings snapped out and his lips drew back into an aggressive snarl."Enough! You've made you point easterner! For someone who said he

had no desire in bringing up the signs of the past, you certainly had no problem in digging your claws into old wounds! Now speak swiftly, and I might just let you all live!" This sudden, trembling wrath make Arcantos flinch and take a step back, away from The Dread Sky, seeing now why he was called as such... but Temeraire stood firm, as he looked calmly back at Valerem."You are the one that asked why you would have sorrow, regret and guilt. So I provided you an answer to them. As for the bearing they have on the conversation. It shows just why the continuation of this punishment in its current form is cruel and unjust. Not only that, but it allows one to perceive the might of your fortitude, and come to respect it as I have... as well as desire to see it not be squandered as it currently is." Silence fell after Temeraire was done, stretching out the seconds as the two black dragons met one another's gaze... until Valerem snorted and lowered his wings."You western dragons and your strength... but fine, I see the points you're trying to make easterner. You don't desire to end my punishment, but simply change the form that it takes. A clever loophole that young Cavador can use to set me free. But of course, the question now is what form will my punishment be, and why should I accept it?""Servitude will be your punishment." Temeraire said, as Arcantos noticed his tail was uncoiling itself now, having coiled up in a sign of tension when Valerem anger showed itself to them. "For the rest of your years, you will serve as an agent of the shadows. Defending our interests against those who would threaten the peace between the western and eastern nations.""You want me to be a spy for Cavador?" Valerem questioned in disbelief, before he simply burst out

laughing at the idea. "Me! Working for him! Not only that, but you expect me to play a role that requires deep trust in everyone involved, or it will all fall apart! That will never happen, not after what I have done to him and his family! And besides, he's a western dragon, he can't stand the thought of stealth and spying!""That is why I am not asking you to work for him." Temeraire said coolly, ignoring the startled look that he got from the Duke for that statement. The Dread Sky's laughter was cut off abruptly as he snapped his jaws shut to examine the eastern dragon as he finished. "I am asking you to work for me, as my agent... or if you prefer to call it that. My spy." "You've got balls to come down here, and say you want the Duke to set me free to work for you." Valerem said, his voice mingling together respect for Temeraire's audacity, as well as mirth for what the eastern dragon was actually doing. "I am sure he has great trust and respect in you to allow you down here to talk to me. Yet, I highly doubt you can have a way to convince him to let me work for you, knowing my history.""Oh, I do... and even if he didn't, he wouldn't have a choice." Temeraire said, getting a glance from even Arcantos at his casual confidence, wondering what exactly his friend was getting at... as Cavador wasn't looking to happy currently. "As I'm not recruiting you as Sir Temeraire, noble of the west. But as Captain Temeraire of the Z?w?xiàn Vexillatio." That little bombshell drew a surprised exclamation from Cavador, and made Valerem blanch. The latter reaction making Temeraire smile. "Sounds like you have heard of it.""The Meridian Battalion." Valerem translated with a slow nod of his head. "Yes... even down here in the darkness, I am not complete

unaware of what goes on in the world above. I knew who you were as soon as you stepped into my domain, Sir Temeraire, inventor of the mag-rail... and I heard that twenty five years ago, the western and eastern nations decided to create a united task force in order to strengthen their supposed bonds.""And it didn't work." Duke Cavador spoke up once more, finally rejoining the conversation after his long period of silence. "The Z?w?xiàn Vexillatio got no respect from the armed forces of either nation, and whilst they were meant to have authority, it was hardly recognized by anyone at all. Western dragons viewed them as perverted lay-abouts, whilst eastern dragons viewed them as celibate stick in the muds.... and their ultimate fate just lead to the relationship between our two nations rapidly deteriorating." "Complete and utter annihilation." Valerem said, his lips curling up into a smirk. "Not a single dragon of the Meridian Battalion survived, and their headquarters was completely razed to the ground. To this day, no one knows what fate befell them precisely. Whom were the dragons to have slain them. But the west blames the east, and the east blames to west... and it wasn't long after that which Tryndamous slew your previous High General in and took his place, and even I know of his hatred for the east.""Yes, and with that fate in mind..." Duke Cavador said, turning to fully face Temeraire with a scowl on his face. "How can you just go and claim to be a Captain from them? After twenty years of silence, you expect me to just believe that you're a survivor of the massacre, without any proof to back up that claim?""Whoever said I didn't have proof?" Temeraire said calmly, turning to face the Duke himself, knowing that it was important to get his

trust on this matter, just as much as it was convincing Valerem that it was worth serving him. "After all, you helped put the Battalion together yourself, I'm sure you remember how you marked them so everyone knew who they were, and respected them for their dedication towards peace.""Yes, we inscribed the symbol onto their chests." Duke Cavador said, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at Temeraire's question. "We used aether ink to do so as well, to ensure that even as they grew and lost their scales, or if their were scarred, the marks would never fade and always been prominent. I don't see why you ask, as you don't-" Here, Duke Cavador's eyes dropped down to Temeraire's chest, and he paused upon seeing the breastplate that lay there.For a few long moments, the Duke just stared at the breastplate in silence, before he slowly lifted his gaze up to meet the eastern dragon. "I've never seen your chest." Duke Cavador said slowly, almost as if he found it hard to believe himself. "After all these years... you've always had that breastplate on, covering your chest... are you telling me, that the breastplate has been covering the mark of the Z?w?xiàn Vexillatio all this time, hidden in plain view?""I am." Temeraire said with a smile, not quite a smirk but most definitely smug as he unhooked the clasps at the bottom of the breastplate, before grasping it in one claw. Lifting it up, he revealed to both Cavador and Valerem what lay beneath. The white symbol that had been permanently etched onto his chest. "For twenty years I have kept this a secret from the world. Twenty years of private investigation and preparation... twenty years establishing the foundation for their resurrection.""So that's how you plan to fight him." Duke Cavador said, his

voice light in shock as he glanced to Arcantos, then back at Temeraire. "That's why you have nearly a full squadron of personal guards instead of just a patrol, and why you're always seeking dragons of great talent... you want to resurrect your Battalion, greater than it was before.""Exactly." Temeraire said with a nod and a smile, letting a breastplate drop back onto his chest, and click the clasps back onto it. Turning to Valerem before he continued. "That is why I desire you. I need a spy, an agent of the shadows in order to protect the Z?w?xiàn Vexillatio from those who originally destroyed it... I need help of a group of dragons that are equal to the shinobi themselves in stealth and subterfuge." "Death In The Night." Valerem finished for Temeraire, before smirking again. "You have done much in describing to me what you desire to change my punishment to and what it will entail. Yet, you have not yet done anything towards convincing me that I should accept this punishment of yours. That I should serve you as your agent of the shadows. After all, I am quite safe down here, and out there, you expect me to put my life on the line for people I do not even know."Temeraire was a little taken aback by how casually Valerem dismissed what had previously been discussed, but recovered and forged onwards. "You will have your freedom. You will feel the sun on your scales, and the wind underneath your wings. You will experience grass under your claws, and fire warming your side. Not only that, but you will be able to see your friends and family again. You will be able to joke and play with your friends, you'll be able to talk and embrace your sister... you will be able to be with your son again.""And why should I be allowed that?" Valerem questioned

with a low growl, effectively silencing Temeraire, the eastern dragon rattled at this sudden turn of events. "Why should I be allowed such gifts and pleasantries? I am a criminal of the highest degree. I am a murderer whose claws are stained with blood of his victims. I am a monster that burns the innocent to ashes. Why should I be allowed to be set free?!""Because we all deserve redemption." Arcantos spoke at last, stepping forwards to position himself squarely in front of the Dread Sky, whose wings had once more spread up in anger. "We all deserve that chance to set right what we have done wrong. We cannot erase the sins of the past, but we ensure that we do more right for the world that the wrong that we have done. And I know for sure, that you desire to penance for your sins." "Wordy little runt aren't you?" Valerem said with a snort, though he did lower his wings once more as he stared down at Arcantos, wondering just who this guard was to talk so boldly like this. "What makes you so sure about your ideals of redemption and penance then? And that I desire them?""Because you're here." Arcantos said, tapping a foot on the cold stone floor beneath him in order to make his point. "Because you have been trapped in this dungeon for fifty long, lonely years. Because you left after burning the carriage, only to return. Because you allowed yourself to be captured and punished for your sins.""Allowed? He didn't allow himself to be captured!" Duke Cavador protested rather strongly at this statement, causing Arcantos to turn his head to look at the Duke over his shoulder. "One of my guards managed to sneak up behind The Dread Sky and drive a spear right through his leg. Yet that wasn't enough to stop him! He managed to kill six of my dragons before

he finally fell. Six dragons! When he was already fighting fourteen of them! He killed nearly half of their numbers before falling. How can you say that he allowed himself to be captured?""Your grace... you've been trained as a soldier just as myself. Surely you know that we are trained to have an awareness of a battlefield situation, and be prepared for when we are to be struck from behind?" Arcantos said calmly, showing his reasoning behind his decision... but he didn't stop there, either, going so far to say. "And yes, he might of been able to slay twelve dragons before he got captured. But, he could off fled, and tried to escape before his wings got punctured. Yet, he stayed and fought a battle that he knew he couldn't win.""Maybe he simply thought that he could fight against my guard?" Duke Cavador suggested, but it was a weak defence, and even he knew about it. So much so, that he didn't try to defend it at all when Arcantos simply shook his head, before turning back to face Valerem, knowing the final blow needed to be struck."No... Valerem could of easily left the carriage to burn, and flee. His mission was complete... only, he heard the screams of not just the dragoness he intended to kill, but the life of a young dragon... one who he returned in an attempt to save... yet his hesitation meant he could not. It was that realization, that guilt of the monstrous deed he had committed... that was why he stayed and fought... that is why he sought death that day.""As I said before, you're a wordy little runt aren't you?" The black dragon said, his voice taking on an odd, almost hesitant tone as he addressed the youngblood in front of him. "If we are to believe that these little assumptions of yours are correct, then yes. It would seem that I do

desire redemption myself. Yet, I do not see why you are correct about my hesitation, and why I supposedly stayed and got captured.""That is something you will have to agree with yourself. I can only put my reasoning before you, and hope you accept it." Arcantos said, gambling now for the result he wanted... but confident in the calculations behind this risk. "I am author. Where dragons hear grand speeches, I hear patterns and tricks, where dragons see champions and heroes, I see trails and tribulations. Where dragons seek logic for decisions, I step into the one who made it, and seek for the emotions that controlled their actions. And it is this that lead me here, to stand before you, claiming that you seek penance for your sins."Tense silence followed after Arcantos was finished with his speech. The bipedal stood firm, focusing on keeping his breathing steady in order to stay calm, whilst Cavador watched The Dread Sky anxiously, unsure how the dragon he knew as a monster for so long would react to this claim... and Temeraire looked between Arcantos and Valerem, hoping that neither of them would break under the pressure... and Valerem... just looked at Arcantos for several long moments... until a full minute passed and he sighed."Very well... I accept the truth that you have presented to me. I will perform the tasks that you have set for me, and seek penance not just for my sins, but for those I hurt in my quest for vengeance..." Valerem turned to Temeraire now, and bowed to him, spreading his wings out wide with the gesture as he said. "Captain Temeraire of the Z?w?xiàn Vexillatio, I. Valerem of Aron'olia, The Dread Sky. Swear allegiance to you. My eyes are your eyes, my wings are your wings, and your burdens are my own.""Rise Valerem of

Aron'olia, rise as I accept your allegiance, and swear to never betray your trust. Swear to be a leader in which you can believe in, and swear to aid you in reforging bonds that fifty years of loneliness have worn thin." Temeraire said, his voice and statue taking on a majestic and military edge.This caused Duke Cavador to reexamine his new friend, and truly believe that he was chosen to be Captain of the The Meridian Battalion, even as Valerem rose up... The Dread Sky, the greatest enemy the western nation had known for nearly one hundred years, was now to be their greatest ally of the shadows...