The Ryan Story: Final

Story by Khendarian on SoFurry

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#33 of Ryan

And the moment someone may have been waiting for: the final part of Ryan.

Yes that's right book one is DONE! At least the rough draft is, that is what you're looking at. Now for all the fun of editing and reworking and rewriting and so on.

I guess I could start on Book 2 while I was at it. Maybe :D Book 2 has not been written out yet unlike book 1 which was mostly done when I started posting it.

Anyway, enjoy!

"You will be calm if you are addressed, do not get angry, give as little information as you can. Allow Irian and Norian to guide you and look to Pax. Whatever you do, do not snap, snarl or otherwise become agitated," Mikhail said.

Ryan lashed his tail. "I know this! You have said it so very often!"

"And I will keep saying it until you can hear it without snapping at me! You must be as best you can here, my prince."

Ryan sighed. "I know. I will try," he said, then tugged at the collar and tabard. This was the first time he had ever worn any clothing as a dragon and it was more than just a little bothersome.

"Do not pull at it," Pax said from where he stood in front of Ryan, currently in his bipedal form.

"It itches so very much!"

"You will get used to it, Ryan."

"Feel like a cat with a new collar," the young prince grumbled.

Irian laughed. "Apt comparison. Alright, Norian and I need to go to the council chambers, Mikhail needs to stand ready. Just observe my prince and we will guide you."

"As you say," Ryan said as he nervously looked out the large tinted windows at the council chambers. They were laid out rather like a roman or greek theater, large stone blocks for the dragons to sit or perch at, all worn by centuries of claws wearing at them.

A large sand covered floor stretched over the center of the chamber, more than large enough for even the largest breeds to be in their full form.

The pedestal to address the council was, however, considerably smaller. They explained to Ryan that tradition held that all dragons addressed the council in their bipedal forms, even the tiny ones, as it brought them all to close to the same height, the tiny ones having their own dais to stand on.

Pax crooned and patted the young dragon on the side, then put a hand on his neck. "Easy my friend; we will win."

Ryan nodded, saying nothing, as he looked out on the chambers nervously, wondering what was to become of him.

"Irian has requested to address us first as he has critical information to pass on. If there are no objections, I will allow him to speak first," Malthus announced from where he stood on the pedestal, the bright lights of the chamber shining down him as he looked around at the dragons gathered.

"I object," a dark grey dragon said, bringing his head up from his fore claws.

"On what grounds, Lord Ash?"

"That I called this convocation and the information that I hold is vital to all dragonkind as well. Irian can most assuredly wait until it is presented."

"I assure you, Lord Ash, that this information is pertinent, is more critical than any other," Irian said.

"And I remind you that we are to address council members by title," Malthus added.

Ash snorted. "How would you know if you have not heard what we have to say? Perhaps you are listening to rumors?"

Irian lowered his head. "As you say; I am not aware of it. I withdraw my request and yield to Lord Ash."

"Granted," Malthus said and Irian stepped off the pedestal diffidently. He padded over to Norian who nodded to him.

"Nicely done," the older dragon said.

"Thank you."

Ryan growled as he watched the monitor. "Why did he duck away? He should stand up for me!"

"Strategy, my prince. Ash would expect aggression. As I said, we will retreat and appear passive until we know what they are doing. Hopefully they will make mistakes."

"I hope you are so very right."

"As do I, my prince."

Lord Ash shifted to his bipedal form and strutted to the platform with an air of arrogance and self assuredness that set many of the council members to bristling. He looked around at the assembly, head held proudly erect, his crest back, his gaze imperious. His breed had a fantastic crest that rand from their head to tail and was fully controllable, made up of hide stretched through many spines.

His tail flickered idly back and forth as he looked around at the council, a smirk on his face. "Lords and Ladies of the council, as you well know the last fifteen or so years have not been our best. There has been much confusion, little direction, and a great deal of uncertainty. Dragons, as we are personally aware of, do not like uncertainty.

"My breed and family has been effected as much as any," he continued and a voice cried out. "You mean taking advantage of it!" There was a titter of laughter at this and Ash glared.

"We merely wish to keep our affairs in order and our interests functioning. If we are aggressive we have always been so and I resent the implication we have taken advantage of anything. We only wish the best for dragonkind."

"Best for you, perhaps, but what of those of us who do not mind humans?" a female called out, "What of those who do not wish to return to the old ways?"

"There is room for all of us!" Lord Ash proclaimed. "Just because my family and allies are not overly fond of humans does not mean that they are not worthy of being kept alive. Dragons are dragons, humans are humans, we believe. Let them stay separate. For those who believe otherwise, that is unto them."

"Why Lord Ash, do I hear the sound of you back peddling?" another voice yelled.

Ash snorted. "Hardly. I have come to accept that humans have some value."

"This from the dragon that called them an infestation?"

"We all learn in time," Ash said with a little bow. "Be all of that as it may, we lack leadership and our traditions are incapacitating us. All of us surely agree on this."

There was a lot of grumbling and finally one of the dragons raised his wings and fore legs. Malthus nodded to him and he stepped forward. "We do agree that there has been a lack of leadership on the council and that things are in a poor state in general. All of us know this, you are correct. We have taken steps to continue making decisions and alter our processes to work more efficiently without our traditional leadership, though it is not easy to move from tradition.

"All of this is known. It is also well known that you would declare the royal breed dead and gone, or at least null and void. You would place you or one of yours as chancellor or what have you. We have refused this before, we will refuse it again. What then, do you plan to do?"

"In the past we have indeed wished to rule, to guide, and to instruct. No dragon can claim to be immune to the desire to lead," Ash replied.

"Yes, you have just taken it to an extreme!" someone yelled.

Ash glared. "We have, however, found another way of doing this."

"Here it comes," Irian muttered.

Lord Ash raised his arms and wings. "Lords and Ladies, we have found the royal family! The are safe and sound!"

All of the dragons stated to roar and call out at once and Lord Ash grinned at the confusion he had caused.

Ryan snarled. "He lies!"

"We know that, my prince," Pax said.

"I wish to hurt him!"

"No!" Pax growled. "That is what they wish! Calm, my prince, easy, be at peace."

Ryan growled and started to pace, his head turning to follow the monitor.

Irian raised his wings and Malthus nodded. The chamber quieted. "Why, that is wonderful news Lord Ash! If this is true. What evidence do you have to back this claim?"

Ash smiled. "Plenty, I assure you."

"Well then let us see this evidence!"

Ash snorted. "Do not trust me Irian?"

Irian refused to be baited. "Lord Ash, of all the people in the world that the royal family would go to your family would be one of the last on the list. You have ever opposed them, ever stood in their way, and ever called for their removal. And now you say you know where they are? Pardon me if I am skeptical."

Lord Ash smiled. "I am so very sorry your prejudice against myself and my family has clouded your vision, Irian."

"Enough of this! Prove your claim or withdraw it!" Irian said dismissively.

Lord Ash yawned. "As you wish," he said, smirking at Irian. He nodded to someone standing next to the great doors at the end of the hall and they swung open. In walked two dragons, one red and gold, the other rose and gold. They smiled to the council and within a moment, everyone was on their feet, roaring, calling out questions. Irian turned to look at Norian in shock.

"This is not good," Norian muttered.

Ryan stared at the screen. "Those are not my parents..."

"No, no my prince, they are not," Pax assured him, sounding a little uncertain himself. "My family assures me that it is a hoax."

"You are so very sure?"

"Yes, my prince, very sure. I know now how they managed this and I did not expect them to produce dragons that looked like your parents."

"Pax, my breed is unique and they look so very much like me! They look like the pictures I have seen of mother and father!"

"That can be faked, Ryan," Pax replied. "Irian will try to get them to trill, which they will not be able to, and that will settle the issue."

Ryan nodded. "You are right."

Pax smiled at the prince, wondering what was going on deep inside.

The dragons were in a uproar and Ash simply smiled at the commotion. Irian lifted his arms and wings, glancing at Norian who was also look at the pair of dragons with a rather dark expression. Malthus nodded to him and he walked up to the platform to stand next to Ash.

"I am not so very sure what you are on about, Ash," he muttered. "But this is not in any way amusing."

"Why Irian, I have no idea what you are talking about!" Ash said, grinning. "I thought you would be happy to see them!"

"They are imposters and you know it," Irian hissed.

"Are they?" Ash asked, amused. "How would you know?"

"Stop playing games," Irian growled.

Ash laughed low and without humor. "Oh Irian, the games are only just starting."

"I will put an end to this foolishness now!"

Ash stepped back with a mocking bow. "By all means!"

Irian turned, feeling less sure of himself. "Lords and Ladies," he roared and everyone quieted. "This is wonderful news!" he paused. "If it is true."

He looked over to Ash who shrugged. "I think it is clear they are indeed the royal family."

"I am not convinced!" Irian nearly roared.

Ash snorted. "It would seem, my fellows, that Lord Irian has an issue with surrendering control."

"Not at all!" Irian said, indignant. "I merely wish to insure that we have not been duped."

"Would I do that?"

"I think I need not answer," Irian said stiffly and everyone laughed.

Ash grinned. "Continue, then, Lord Irian."

Irian turned to the pair of dragons who were looking at him, smiling. "Indeed, this is so very wonderful if you are who Lord Ash claims you to be. What proof do you have?"

They both smiled and gestured to Lord Ash, who nodded. "What would you have them do?"

"Speak! Trill! Verify their claims!"

Ash sighed deeply. "I fear they cannot trill nor speak very well."

"How very convenient!"

Ash growled. "Show some respect and honor!" he shook his head. "Lord and Ladies of the council, I fear that a great evil has fallen upon them," he said sadly and nodded towards the two dragons.

The pair nodded and lifted their necks to show two long scars that ran down each side of their throats. Ash turned to the council. "Dragons who have no respect, no I dare not even call them dragons, have silenced them in the most horrible way possible!" he said, his voice filled with outrage

Irian stared at the pair of dragons for a moment then fixed Ash with a cold stare. "This seems like something that you would advocate."

Ash shook his head. "No, no, not I. I did not agree with them so very much in the past, I freely admit this. I admit being suspicious of the trill and even advocated the ability removed...." He shook his head. "I did not realize then what an evil that was," he finished softly.

Irian snorted in anger. "So how did this just happen with them in your loving care?" he sneered

Ash shook his head and rustled his wings. "So quick to judge, Lord Irian? I would have thought you more fair and not so very prone to jumping to conclusions. Was it not you that said a council member should be open, slow to anger, slow to judge, and quick to forgive?"

"About things requiring judgement but this is preposterous!"

Ash sighed. "Well, I am so very sorry your anger and dislike of me has clouded your emotions so very badly. I admit to not being a totally honorable dragon before though I defend those actions on a misguided sense of pride in all dragonkind and what I though to be the actions of few to reduce us.

"That was most assuredly wrong! Indeed, very wrong! It was only when I saw the evil that had been perpetrated on them that I was shocked out of my foolishness. I only regret that it took something so hideous to force me to change my mind."

"To answer your accusations and answer the councils obvious questions, please allow me to continued," Ash said, looking to Malthus.

Malthus considered for a moment and nodded. "Proceed."

Lord Ash nodded, glancing briefly at Irian. "One evening while I was at my home an associate of mine came to the door, telling me that he had something that I must see, something that would be very valuable to our cause." He paused. "Yes, I admit that I was looking for a way to sway the balance of power at that time. Fortunately, the council wisely refused my plans. But to continue...

"I of course was intrigued by the idea and so I went with him to see what it was. I was stunned when I found that he had the prince and his mate, the last two royal dragons, captured! I had never expected such a thing. At first the sight filled me with joy," he said and stopped. "Joy. Yes, I admit it. I was happy to see my foes captured then. I understand now that it was a weak, cowardly thing to think."

He shook his head, wings drooping. "So I taunted them and they said nothing, just stared at me. I turned to the dragon who had lead me here and asked why they were not speaking. He told me, proudly he told me, that he had cut their vocal chords!

"I was stunned! They both howled in fury, a voiceless weak howl. I found myself sickened, utterly dismayed by it. I thought that such a sight would fill me with joy but no, no. I was so ashamed that I could hardly stand."

Lord Ash looked around the room, tears rolling down his muzzle. "The dragon who brought me there mocked them, laughed at them, mimicked them with ah ideas imitation of their birthright, the trill that was now denied them. He spat on them, jabbed at them with his claws and they ducked their heads. The prince ducked his head to this, this monster!"

The two dragons lowered their heads, whimpering, nuzzling each other, trying to comfort each other. Lord Ash shook his head. "I am sorry my prince, my lady," he said in a low voice. He turned to the council. "I subdued the traitor and had my people take him into custody and freed the prince and his mate. The best healers have looked them over and they say they will never trill again." He stopped and closed his eyes for a moment before continuing. "They may be able to restore some speech, later, when this is not all so fresh."

The male dragon lifted his head and moved closer, looking at Lord Ash, opening his mouth as if to speak, but no sound came out. "No, do not try my friend; you will only hurt yourself," Ash said urgently.

The dragon shook his head and moved closer. Ash looked at him and pulled out a microphone from the pedestal, turning it on and holding it up to him. "I am sorry to have caused all this worry and I assure you that what Lord Ash says is true. Please, listen to him! We will get our voice back someday and the trill...perhaps it was time for it to go. Perhaps it is time for all of us to be equal. I only hope that our son," the dragon said in a raspy voice, then broke off.

"I only hope that our son is safe. They took him from us and we know not where he is! They took him!" the dragon stopped, coughing and Ash pulled the mic away.

"Not, that is enough!" Ash said and pet the male on the nose. He turned to look at Irian and then at the council. "I have little more to say. You have heard it from him, from the prince that they hope their son is alive and well. We only hope that we can find him before others do."

Lord Ash lowered his head and all he dragons stood up, roaring in anger. Finally one voice broke above the rest. "Who is responsible for this outrage? If you have him bring him before us so we may have justice!"

Ash nodded grimly. "I do and he is indeed here and read to be presented and judged for his crimes. Bring him!" he roared.

The doors opened and for dragons drug another dragon out, who was bound in chains, gagged, growling deep in his throat and trashing, trying to get away. The two dragons Ash had brought in previously snarled silently and backed away from him.

The four dragons that brought him in jerked him to his feet and Lord Ash looked down at him with a cold stare while the dragon stared back with impotent fury.

"I present to you the greatest traitor that dragonkind has ever known!"


There was roaring, pandemonium, screams for his death, for justice, for vengeance. The pair of dragons Ash brought in looked at Xerxes with fury and with some fear. Lord Ash looked at the council, surveying them with a grim expression.

Irian looked to Norian who shook his head and brought his hand to his mouth, signaling that he wanted things stopped so the could regroup. Irian looked to Malthus who nodded and shifted to his full form, rearing back and roaring with wings spread, indicating that he wanted everyone's attention.

"Silence!" he roared and the chambers gradually quieted down. Malthus sank back to all fours and folded his wings. "We are going to adjourn until the morrow. Tempers are running high and miscues are all too likely to be made. I propose that you confer amongst yourselves and discuss what has occurred in a calm, reasonable fashion, and plan lawfully what will be done next.

"We will the reconvene, decide our order, and then follow that order. Until then all decision making, maneuvering, and other dealings are formally declared stopped." He paused. "I am also invoking a lockdown. No one is to leave nor enter. Sargent at Arms, see to it." A dragon of the Jamaican breed that Ryan had seen at the safe house nodded and left the room.

"I would remind the council that we are to decide thing by reason and thought, not by emotion and instinct. I will also remind you that challenges, fighting, duels, and any form of blackballing or bribery is prohibited. I declare this session dismissed."

He paused, considering. "Hold! Before you leave, Lord Ash, take those two back to your chambers and hold them there. They are not to be allowed out until I say otherwise."

"You would deny them their birthright?" Ash demanded.

"I would deny any the ability to stir up and possibly disrupt the council and for now, will they, nil they, they are a disruption. Until we have formally questioned and made a determination they are to stay sequestered."

"And Xerxes?"

"Will be taken into our custody. Dismissed!"

Ryan stood there, trembling. "Pax..."

"Ryan, please--"

"They are my parents!"

"Ryan, we cannot be sure of that-"

Ryan snarled. "You saw what was done! You saw how they were treated!"

"You need to calm down and think about this."

"I wish to kill those who did this!" he snarled.

Pax bit down on the part of Ryan's wing, causing him to squeak in pain and startlement. He looked at the tiny dragon in shock. He hung his head. "I am so very sorry, Pax."

"I understand your worry, your anger, and your outrage, Ryan. I know you wish for your patents to be alive and well and I fervently hope so as well. But Ryan..." he trailed off and shook his head.

"They could be my parents, Pax. They could be."

"It is possible, Ryan," Pax said and then sighed. "Think! You do not know Ash and I assure you he is one of the most vile dragons alive. He hates your breed and hated your parents with a burning passion. He's been trying to take over since they went missing."

"You heard what he said about that!"

Pax snorted. "I heard; he's lying."

"Dragons cannot change?"

"I did not say that. I would simply say I would find it so very hard to believe in this case."

"But he could have!"

Pax sighed, uncertain of what to say and wondering if perhaps his own prejudice was carrying him along when Sulvius walked in. Ryan walked over to him. "My parents!"

Sulvius shook his head. "No, they are not."

"But you heard all that was said! What Ash said! Pax said that he would not or could not change, but we cannot believe that."

Sulvius lifted a hand. "All of that is quite true. They could have been captured, they could have had their vocal chords cut, and Ash could have had a change of heart. We know that Xerxes has already tried to kill you as well. All of that is true and possible."

"Then why are you so very doubtful!"

"One, because I know Ash all to well, but I would not base my full debut on that fact alone. Any dragon can change."

Pax snorted. "Not him."

"Pax, if we do not believe that anyone can change then we may as well destroy ourselves as all of have acted in a less than honorable fashion at one time or another."

The tiny dragon nodded. "You are right."

"So what is the problem, Sulvius?" Ryan asked. "My could be them! They could be alive!"

"While I think they are alive those two are not your parents."

"Blast it all why not?" Ryan demanded.

"They made one very critical mistake and I am so very disappointed that Pax did no notice it and that Irian did not catch it. He played right into their hands I fear."

"And what was it I missed?" Pax asked, cocking his head.

"Ryan, you were raised by Allen and Beth, correct?"

"Of course!"

"And how did they get you?"

"My parents gave them my egg; I was given to them."

"Do you think they are lying?"

"Of course not!"


Ryan looked at the older dragon as if he had gone crazy. "They are my parents; they would not lie to me."

"Other than that, Ryan. Anyone can lie."

Ryan looked troubled. "I know not."

"How did you know what your parents looked like then?" Sulvius asked.

Ryan cocked his head. "Mother showed me pictures of them."

"And you've no reason to believe those pictures are fake?"

Pax rumbled. "Get to the point."

Sulvius raise a hand. "Easy, Pax. He needs to reason through this himself."

Ryan shook his head. "No, they looked so very real. I saw my egg..." the trailed off. "Sulvius! One of the dragons in the picture was Cladden! I am so very sure of it!" he said, growing excited. "I did not think of it before but I am so very sure it was Cladden!"

Sulvius nodded. "I would not be surprised. They spent some time at his safe house."

"Why did he not say?"

"He probably did not wish to interfere or influence you."

Ryan nodded, considering, then froze, eyes wide. Pax looked at him with concern, crooning, and nudged him. "S-suvlius?"

"Yes, Ryan?" He replied gently, motioning for the young dragon to come over to him. Ryan walked over and Sulvius stroked his back, crooning.

"One of those pictures was of three men, my father and two others. I-I think one of them was Kheros!"

"It was, my prince," Kheros said, causing them all to jump.

"I did not know you were here!" Ryan accused.

"You were not supposed to, nor was anyone else. I used my security pass to get in undetected. They know that I am your guardian you see."

Ryan hesitated. "You know my father."

"Very well, my prince. He is one of my close friends, has been since we were younglings."

"But...why did you not say?"

"As Sulvius said about Cladden, I did not wish to influence you," Kheros said, "I wished to tell you, to let you know about him, what a wonderful dragon he is, but we all agreed that I should wait."

Ryan trembled. "You are my father's friend."

"And I hope yours, my prince."

Ryan swallowed hard. "You are, Kheros."

The big dragon smiled. "Then I am happy, my prince. We can talk more of this later and I can tell you more about him."

"Kheros is one of your father's close friends," Sulvius said. "Those pictures are obviously real. All of this reassures you that your parents are not lying and told you the truth in how you were given to them. Remember, Cladden accepted it and did not question, nor did I, or the others."

Ryan frowned, mulling it over. "Okay. So?"

"What did those two dragons say about you?"

"That they hoped that I was alright," Ryan said, puzzled. "That I had been taken and they did not know where I was."

"And that is not true and we know it."

Ryan growled. "This bastards!"

"To say the least. And watch your language, my prince."

They all gathered in the common room, Irian pacing back and forth. "I am so very sorry," he finally said.

"It could have happened to any of us," Pax said quietly. "They fooled us with it all; I admit it."

"Yes, Irian, please do not be so very upset," Ryan added.

"Thank you, my prince," Irian said. "I did indeed play right into their hands. They wanted me angry and off balance and they did it. I should have stopped to question and get advice but I thought I could put a stop to it all then and there by confronting them."

"Even the best of us get taken by instinct," Sulvius said.

Irian sighed. "True enough. I guess they won this round."

Sulvius nodded. "Unfortunately they have all the dragons wondering and thinking that what they are saying could well be true."

"So we should just show them Ryan and be done with it," Beth suggested.

"No. That is an obvious move and we do not know what their plan is, Irian cautioned. "They would expect that."

Isabelle huffed.. "You are all so very foolish! You should see it!"

Irian ducked. "Sorry, mother."

Norian eyed her. "Well almighty and knowing one, spit it out!"

Isabelle smirked. "Upset you did not see it yourself, Norian dear?"

"I do see it just fine, Isabelle, but am waiting for you to say it. Ladies first I think humans say, or whatever it is that you are!"

"Knock it off!" Mikail snapped. "Now tell us what it is you are seeing, Isabelle."

She snorted in amusement. "They are going to get you to try to bring Ryan out, the fakes are going to claim you stole him away and have brainwashed him. You can believe they have some sort of convincing evidence cooked up to support it, possibly some spies or traitors that have made so called observations. By the time anyone figures out the truth Ryan will be gone and we will be facing the council judges."

"Well no kidding!" Norian said brightly. "You figured that all out for yourself?"

Isabelle growled softly. "Jealous?"

Norian flicked his tail and Mikail glared at the both of them. The subsided and Mikail grunted irritably. "I agree. It is a good plan, especially with emotions running so very high."

"So what next?" Ryan asked from where he sat between his parents, tail flicking back and forth.

"I am not so very certain," Mikail admitted.

"We need to get Tanner in here," Norian said flatly.

"That is not a good idea," Mikail said, glaring.

"Yes it is. He is in far more danger now than before. Better to have him safe here and allow the council to think what they wish."

"Tanner is in danger?" Ryan asked, alarmed.

"Yes. They are going to go after any and all, humans or otherwise, that they see as a target for getting at Ryan."

"No! I will not allow this!" Ryan said, snarling.

"And that is why we are going to move everyone close and add security, my prince," Norian said.

"Can we trust security?" Allan asked.

"Yes, they are my people."

"How? This place is locked down," Isabelle said in a snide voice.

Norian snorted. "My dear, I had them moved here some time ago anticipating the need for them. You may try a bit of foresight one of these days."

Isabelle opened her mouth to say something, then closed it, glaring. Norian grinned smugly at her and Ryan let out a hiss.

"Alright, stop with the sniping and fighting!"

"Fighting?" Isabelle said. "You assume that he is worth battling!"

"Yes, she is far to easily beaten," Norian said smugly.

Ryan hissed again. "Either admit that you love each other or keep quiet!"

They both looked at Ryan with wide eyes and then at each other. Irian burst into laughter. "Oh, he got the two of you there!"

Sulvius grinned. "Pegged that one."

Ryan looked at them both in surprise. "But...but Norian is mated!"

Norian sighed. "I am lad, I am. But that does not mean that we do not love each other. It is a special kind of love. Perhaps one day I will tell you the story."

Isabelle shook her head and laughed. "Indeed, but it is so much more fun to snipe at the old fool."

Ryan looked between the two of them. "Your mate does not care?" he asked Norian.

"Why would she, my prince," Isabelle said "It is not like we are mates."

"You poor thing, missing out on me," Norian teased.

"Let us not talk so boldly of your shortcomings," Isabelle fired back.

"Not in front of the youngling!" Irian said.

Ryan shook his head again. "I do not understand."

"I will explain to you later, my prince," Pax said.

Mikail rumbled. "We need to plot out our next move."

"Agreed," Ryan said. "What should we do?"

"Pax, can your family get in and give us an idea of what they are doing?" Mikail asked

Pax snorted. "The day we cannot get into someplace is the day we are all in our graves."

"I would like to question Xerxes," Cladden said, grumbling. "He know who Ryan is and it appears is being throw out by his allies for knowing too much. I am sure he would testify for his life."

"Good idea but I think you will find that Xerxes comes down with a bad case of the deads, " Mikail said "I cannot imagine them letting him live."

"He is in a secure cell," Cladden reminded him.

"Not secure enough to stop them," Mikail said. "They are not going to let him live no matter the cost. I would be so very leery of being their ally were I a dragon thinking about it."

"Yes, they are not what one could call grateful or loyal," Irian said.

Mikail grumbled and sighed. "So Xerxes is probably dead or soon will be. We can assume the place that they were keeping him to start with has been destroyed and any other activities around it shut down."

"Why? I would think having more than one iron in the fire would be a good idea," Ryan asked.

"It is, but they do not generally think that way nor are the cohesive as you think. It could well be we are facing different factions with different motivations and that this was a coup attempt by one of them. If that is so there will be death and dismemberment on their side shortly."

"Hell of a way to run things," Irian said.

"I agree on getting Tanner and other humans that are on the protect list into safety as soon as possible. Norian, you have already secured all the humans in England?"

"Yes, the moment they attacked Per. The rest of the UK and Ireland have followed suit."

"What of humans stateside?" Irian asked.

"Unlikely any are involved in this, at least not directly," Norian said. "You would have to ask dragons here."

Cladden shook his head. "There are a few and I already have orders to pull them in. Most of the other critical humans are at my safe house or others already."

Irian nodded. "Okay. Pax, see to your people. Kheros, see to our security and anything else you can think of. Norian, get your people into place. Lets sleep on this and see how it looks tomorrow."

Beth watched Ryan out of the corner of her eye as they readied themselves for bed. The little dragon's tail was twitching, flickering across the floor, his wings rustling, all the signs of a nervous little dragon. She knew he wanted to ask if he could sleep with them but did not want to admit to any weakness or, worse yet, upset his father.

Beth smiled at him. "Ryan, would you like to sleep with us tonight?"

"Oh, may I?" he asked hopefully, acting much younger all of the sudden.

"Of course," Beth said in a warm voice, glancing at Allen who nodded.

"You may stay, son," Allen said.

"Thank you so very much, father!" Ryan said gratefully.

They all climbed into bed and got settled in, Ryan laying between his parents, head on his foreclaws, tail curled about himself, his wings held tight to his back. Beth pet him, listening to him thrum with a smile on her face and looked into his golden eyes.

"Mother, do you think Tanner is safe?"

"I think he is safer here than anywhere else," Beth assured him.

"I like that he is closer," Ryan said, looking in the direction Tanner's rooms lay.

Allen had fussed about him being in the same suite, so they put him in the adjoining suite and opened the doors that connected the two. Kheros had placed a guard there along with filling the security offices of both suites. He also stationed a pair of guards inside the day rooms of each suite, along with the two outside the back door. It felt both frightening and reassuring to have all these guards standing about.

Kheros told them he also had dragons patrolling the halls outside as well as a roving patrol inside moving through the suite, and several other precautions taken.

Which is why they were stunned to find Alexis sitting in their common room the next morning.

She was surrounded by guards, all of them looking angry. Kheros looked as if he wanted to outright kill her. Ryan glared at her, wings spread slightly, his claws extended, and she sat there with her eyes downcast, not looking at any of the dragons that were staring at her.

"What do you want here, Alexis?" Kheros snarled. "Not finding enough dragons to rut with that you have to try it over here too?"

"I am not a whore," she muttered.

"I see. I suppose I would have to ask the hundred or so dragons you have been with!"

"Stop it!" she snarled.

"Enough!" Ryan said loudly. "Enough. Alexis, why are you here?"

She looked at him and her ears drooped. "Because of you, my prince."

"Oh, now he is the prince?" Kheros asked sarcastically.

"What a difference a day makes," Cladden muttered.

Ryan held up a claw. "Why now?"

"I have been watching trilled and everyone seemed so very happy," she said and stopped, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Ryan sighed. "What?"

She looked at him, trembling. "They have my egg, my family. You are the only way out of this."

Ryan looked to Kheros who snorted. "Nice try, but we do not buy it."

"I am telling the truth!" Alexis said in anguish.

"You would no know the truth of it bit you on the tail!" Cladden said coldly. "I have known you for far too long, Alexis. Do not look to draw your wings up around you and call yourself an angel!"

The dragoness lower her head. "I know I have done things that are wrong..."

"Wrong?" Cladden said incredulously. "That is putting it mildly!"

"Enough!" Ryan barked again. He looked at Alexis. "What is the truth here? Are you just trying to lead us astray? Perhaps trying to fool me into going with you or doing something that will cause us to falter and give them time to take control?"

"No! I swear it!" Alexis said. "I only did all that I did because I was lied to. They...Skerios, claimed to love me, to care for me, and acted as if I mattered and so I followed him. He promised me so many things. He made thing seem right even if I knew they were wrong and then...then I was gravid.

"After I laid he took the egg from em and took my family as well and I was forced to do all he said if I wished for them back!"

Ryan cocked his head. "A nice story, but does it have any truth? How do we know you had an egg?"

"Call a healer to examine her," Pax said quietly. "There are signs a female has clutched and it could not have been so very long ago that they have all faded."

Ryan nodded and turned to Alexis. "Will you allow this?"

"Why not, she has already let everyone else under her tail," Kheros said with contempt.

Ryan trilled sharply and Kheros ducked back in surprise. "That will be quite enough! Even if she is hear to mislead or confuse us she is still a dragon and will be treated with respect while she is under my roof. Do I make myself clear?"

Kheros ducked. "Yes my prince!"

Ryan turned back to Alexis who was shuddering, tear streaming. "Will you allow this?" Ryan asked gently.

"It is so very humiliating but I will. Call them."

"I do not trust her," Kheros said darkly.

"I did not say that I trusted her; I simply wish to know what is going on," Ryan said.

"She is not worth being trusted," Cladden said with some heat. "She has betrayed far too many and hurt no few. You would not be so very wise to listen to her, my prince. Just my opinion."

"And I thank you for it but we will see what the healer says."

The healer walked out of one of the bedrooms and they all looked at him. He lifted his wings slightly. "She was gravid and clutched, no question of that. I would guess only a few months, if that, I am not so very familiar with her breed as others."

"You are certain?" Kheros said, unbelieving.

The healer frowned. "I know my work."

Alexis slunk out, ears down, her eyes averted as she went to sit on the couch. She started grooming herself quietly, not looking up, while Kheros glared down at her.

"And how do you know she is not fooling you?" Kheros demanded. "She could have done things to make her look that way!"

The healer growled. "You have no idea what you a speaking of."

"I do not trust her!"

The healer looked at Ryan, sensing that he was somehow leading the group. "She was gravid I assure you."

"I would like more proof than just your word," Kheros grumbled.

The healer glared and Kheros and went over to where Alexis was sitting. "With your permission?" he asked her gently and she closed her eyes and nodded. He knelt down and ran his hand over her belly a few times, finally probing carefully, and exposed one of her nipples. He squeezed it gently and a droplet of milk appeared and ran down her belly. He glared at Kheros again.

"Would you like to smell it? Taste it? There is no way to induce a dragoness to lactate without her having clutched. She is just starting so the egg is no more than a few weeks if not days from hatching."

Alexis whimpered and closed her eyes and Kheros stood there looking abashed. Ryan sighed and put a hand on her arm. "I am so very sorry, Alexis. Kheros will apologize to you."

"My prince, please!" Kheros said.

"Now!" Ryan barked.

"I am so very sorry," Kheros said, lowering his head.

Alexis nodded. "I understand. It is not so very easy to think of me any other way."

The healer was looking at Ryan with a stunned expression. "Prince?"

"Lovely, Kheros," Cladden said.

Ryan sighed and nodded. "Yes, I am the prince."

"But they--" the healer broke off, shaking his head. "I do not understand."

"They are not his parents," Kheros said. "They are trying to trick the council into doing something foolish."

The healer shifted his weight from foot to foot nervously. "But all that they said seemed so very likely."

"It was well executed," Irian said, "but they made several mistakes, the worst of them claiming not to know Ryan's whereabouts."

The healer nodded slowly. "I cannot help but wonder at how they managed to make those two dragons look so very much like the royal breed."

"There are ways to alter appearance as you well know."

"But to cut their vocal chords?" he shook his head. "Monstrous."

"They are," Alexis said softly.

"Did you know of this plan, Alexis?"

"No, my prince. This is Ash's plan or those who support him. Skerios had nothing to do with it so far as I know but then he did not confide in my either."

Ryan cocked his head. "Interesting. A ploy?"

"Possibly," Irian said. "But let us not worry about that for now. We need to focus on our next step. If they are against each other then they will fall apart all the more easily."

"True," Kheros agreed.

"Alexis, do they know you have turned?" Ryan asked.

"No, my prince. They think I am over here trying to seduce someone," she replied, her ears drooping.

Ryan looked flustered. "Oh."

Alexis laughed quietly. "I am so very sorry to have introduced you to such things, my prince. It is so very wrong what they were having me do, but I felt I had no choice."

"I understand," Ryan said. He looked at Irian. "How do we go about rescuing her family and her egg?"

Irian sighed. "I am not so very certain, my prince. Do you know where they are being held?"

Alexis shook her head. "No," she said miserably.

Norian walked in and froze a the sight of Alexis. "What is she doing here?"

They quickly explained the situation and Norian nodded, then walked over to Alexis, placing a hand on her shoulder. She flinched at his touch."I am sorry, Alexis. I misjudged you."

Sulvius nodded. "As am I. I should have known something was amiss. Your family was never like this before."

Alexis whimpered. "No. Mother and father would never have done any of this."

Ryan trilled softly and everyone relaxed. "We will get them back, Alexis"

"Yes, but how?" Kheros said. "I cannot think of a way to infiltrate."

Norian cocked his head. "I know of someone who can."

Ryan looked out the huge window that faced the lush, green valley, watching as the rain pattered against the glass, forming droplets that would bead together into puddles then chase their way down the window, following some logic that only they understood.

He watched a couple of dragons frolicking in the air, evidently out enjoying the warm rain. Frolicking. That was really the only word for it. They would chase each other, do fantastic turns and swoop into dives only to pull out at the last second and just seemed to be utterly enjoying life. His wings twitched as he watched and wished he could be out there.

He glanced over at where Alexis was dozing on the couch, two dragons still standing guard over her, watching her warily. He was not sure what to make of her or the situation. If all that she said was true then he would do all he could to help her. But what they were being made fools of? He shook his head. He hoped not. He really hated the feeling that any dragon could act that way. Humans, certainly, but he had always hoped that dragons were somehow better.

Sometimes when he was being bullied he would tell himself that dragons would never do this, that they were better and had much higher standards. It was disappointing to find that dragons could be ever bit as bad as humans could.

Even still, overall in his limited experience, he had found dragons to be generally less so. Dragons, at least so far, seemed more upright and noble than human beings.

He looked out across the lush valley, watching the tall grass as wind made ripples as it raced through it. The two dragons were now gliding next to each other easily. He wondered if they were a couple? With the closeness they seemed to display, their wings nearly overlapping, he figured it was likely. He sighed. Were his parents still alive? Would they be like that?

But oh, they had to be alive, right?

He heard someone walk up behind him and his ears told him that it was his mother, or at least a human female which, as she was the only one limited the options. A moment later his nose confirmed what his ears had told him. "Mother," he said softly.

She put her arms around him carefully, hugging him. "How are you, little dragon?"

"Scared," he admitted. "I suppose that is normal, however."

She laughed and kissed him on the top of the head. "I would say so."

He looked up at her and smiled. "I think I am doing well. I hate that they are trying to fools, to trick us into doing something stupid. I hate that they are trying to take advantage of me and would hurt another dragon to do so. But even with all of that I think that I am doing well."

"I'm proud of you, Ryan," she said, petting him. "What do you think of her?" she asked, tilting her head towards Alexis where she was sleeping on a couch.

He cocked his head. "She is a bit thin for my tastes, but she has lovely pair of wings, and I love the way her colors pattern along her tail." His mother about choked and he laughed.

"Nothing like that, mother," he said, grinning and then sighed. "I know not. I think she is telling the truth. The healer said that it could not be faked though I suppose she could have had an egg and is using it as an excuse. Still , she seemed so very upset and Mikail says that Skerios is extremely vile, worse than Ash even, and would do something like this simply because he would enjoy the pain it would cause."

"I don't know if I believe her or not," Beth said. "I can usually understand you and your body language, but I can't say as though I can really tell what another dragon is thinking very easily.

"Sulvius thinks she is telling the truth. I talked with him and he knows her family and could never understand why Alexis would do what she was doing. He said he saw her crying after they arrived here and Norian blew her off. He thinks she is being honest and I trust his judgment."

"His judgement seems sound."

He sighed an gestured to the dragons that were still flying. "They are so very graceful."

She nodded. "They are indeed. Who is it?"

"I know not."

They watch the pair dive and turn for awhile, then they both started to glide towards the council chambers. For a brief moment, Ryan thought it was the imposters, their colors almost looked right, but their wings were not quit the right shape. He looked in closer an snorted in surprise. It was Isabelle and Norian!

"I thought they were not mates!"

Best shook her head. "Don't make assumptions like that. It's not nice."

"But they were flying so very close together!"

"That may be okay with dragons, Ryan. Don't assume!"

He watched as the pair landed. They both looked at each other for a long moment, then embraced briefly, nuzzling each other, then took their bipedal forms and went in separate directions. Ryan shook his head in astonishment. "Mother, I think they may have mated!"


"He is right, you know," Irian said from behind them.

Ryan turned in surprise, then looked at Irian in shock. "What?"

He nodded. "Norian is my father."

Ryan stood there, mouth agape. "But...but Norian has been with his mate for so very long, has he not?"

Irian nodded again. "He has indeed! I visit them sometimes and she always complains that I'm to thin and don't eat enough. Then she tries to stuff me!"

"I am so very confused," Ryan said.

"You're not the only one," Beth said. "I really don't want to say anything but...are you sure this is a good example for the prince?"

Irian blinked. "What?"

"Your mother had an affair!"

Irian snorted. "No, she did not. Isabelle would never do such a thing."

"What do you call it then?" Beth demanded.

"Normal," Sulvius said, walking in from the rain, still a little damp. "You are thinking like a human in this and that will not work."

Beth looked frustrated. "So it's fine for dragons to sleep around?"

Irian gave her a sharp look. "I do not like your tone. My mother is an honorable dragoness!"

"Easy," Sulvius said. "Here, sit down and I will try to explain it."

They sat, looking nervously at each other and Sulvius sat across from them. "Ryan, what happened with you and Kith back at the safe house?"

Ryan whimpered. "I..I tried to mate with her."

"Blast it why did you bring that up?" Beth demanded.

"Be calm!" Sulvius said. "It's relevant I assure you. We told you that you had done nothing wrong, remember? That it was just instinct."

"Well, yes," Ryan said, still feeling bad.

"Sometimes it happens, Ryan," Sulvius said. "Sometimes a male and female will be close when one or the other comes into season and there is no inhibitor or they cannot get away, they wind up mating. There is nothing wrong with this."

"You are saying this is what happened between Isabelle and Norian?"

"Exactly," Irian said. "I am the product of that mating."

"Wouldn't Norian's mate be angry?" Beth asked, confused.

"No, it was instinct. Dragons do not get so very upset about such things, at least not usually."

"Is Isabelle mated?" Ryan asked.

Irian shook his head. "No, she has never found anyone she wanted to be with. I think it is more the other way around myself."

"Oh," Ryan said, shaking his head.

"So, as I was saying, they do not get upset. In cases like this one, where the female becomes gravid, the hatchling is cared for by both parents, or perhaps on just depending. Sometimes neither parent can care for the hatching and it is placed into a foster situation."

"Oh the poor thing," Beth murmured.

"Not at all. It is not like with humans where there can be a stigma attached to it. They are treated well and the vast majority of the time the parents do come back to take care of the child when they can. A lot of the time the take child home."

"How strange," Beth said.

"It is really the only way that it works if you stop to think about it," Sulvius said. "Dragons have to separate their sexuality into mating and over or else they could be driven crazy by situations like this."

"But Norian and Isabelle love each other..." Ryan said, trailing off.

"That happens sometimes," Sulvius said. "They have to work it out and in this case they really love each other and take care of each other as they are able. Isabelle and Charis, Norian's mate, love each other as well and get along easily. They do not seem to in public, rather like Isabelle and Norian, but in reality the dote on each other. Charis has taken care of Isabelle when she has been sick among other things. They usually gather together several times per year."

Irian snorted. "You seem to know an awful lot about us."

Sulvius shrugged. "I figured something like this would come up with Ryan and so I did some research. It is a good way of introducing the idea to him."

Ryan shuddered. "It seems so strange. I do not think I would wish for this to happen to my mate."

"You were raised human though I think you would find that instinct would help you cope with it. That being said it does not happen very often; we are so very careful of it and the majority of the time everyone controls themselves and insures access to inhibitor."

Ryan ducked his head. "As you say."

Sulvius smiled. "So now you know. Do not go telling Norian however. It tends to annoy him."

"Why?" Ryan asked, puzzled. "I thought you said this was normal."

"It is, but Norian still does not like people saying things about it. Some have been rude to Isabelle and that engages him. Be polite."

"I will, Sulvius."

Irian nodded. "Now you know where my name comes from. Isabelle plus Norian equals Irian. And to answer you question, I do not feel at all lacking. Isabelle and the raising of me but I knew who my father was from the time I was old enough to understand. It was odd, sometimes, growing up that way, but it worked out well and I love my parents dearly."

"You never show any affection or acknowledge Norian," Beth pointed out.

Irian shrugged. "I do not display much affection towards my mother, either. It is more of a private thing, really. Norian prefers it that way, not out of shame, but out of decorum. His breed and most others from that part of Britain tend to be somewhat reserved. Do not worry, my prince. I love Norian and he loves me as well."

Ryan nodded. "Where is Norian now? He said he knew someone who could get Alexis' egg?"

"Probably showering after his flight. Father will get to it, never fear."

Ryan hesitated. "Does Tanner know?"

Irian shrugged. "I know not and do not say anything to him either way."

"I will not."

Irian smiled. "Good man."

They gathered together for a formal dinner in the huge dining room that part of the suite. Tanner sat next to Ryan who leaned against him from time to time with his parents sitting on the other side of the table trying not to feel put out. The other dragons talked amongst themselves, Malthus having chose to attend, along with Aurim, Pax's cousin. Aurim shifted colors are lot more often than Pax did, Ryan noticed, and he asked Pax about it.

"He is more adjusted to being with our breed than with others," Pax told him. "We communicate by color pattern more than you would expect. Whole conversations can be had without words."

"That's amazing!"

Pax smiled at the young prince. "I rather think so myself."

"Has he found anything further?"

"Not so far. The others are being more careful that they ever have before and have deliberately put all of my breed out of their areas. They are even using equipment to detect our presence. It is quite vexing, really."

Ryan cocked his head. "Your breed is employed by most others?"

Pax nodded. "Yes. We make very good couriers and most of us have an excellent memory."

"Makes sense," Ryan said.

One of the security guards walked up to Norian and said something to him quietly. He nodded and the guard walked back to the front. When he came back, he was leading a purple and bronze dragoness in her bipedal form back to the table.

Kheros stood and walked over to stand next to Ryan, watching the dragoness warily and Ryan looked up at him, started by his actions. Beth looked at Kheros in confusion, then in the direction the large dragon was looking. She say the dragoness and sucked in a breath. "You!"

The dragoness looked over at her. "Ah. The boy's parents."

Allen stared at her. "Just who are you? You aid that you were on our side and would keep Ryan safe, but just who the hell are you?"

Norian stood next to her. "This is Erin. She is the dragon I was speaking of, the one who would rescue Alexis' egg and her family."

Erin bowed slightly. "It is an honor to see you again, my prince."

"You knew who he was when you saw him!" Beth exclaimed.

She nodded. "Of course."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

Erin cocked her head. "If his parents had not seen fit to tell you then I did not feel it my place to do so."

"Did you tell any other dragons about him?" Allen said, disgruntled.

"No. I kept it to myself until I had better understanding of the situation. I did protect him from that point forward, as I said."

"And you just figured that you could do that all by yourself?" Allen asked, incredulous.

Kheros grumbled from where he stood, standing behind Ryan, still staring at Erin. "She is more than capable I assure you."

"More than you?" Allen challenged.

"As much as I hate to admit it, yes. She is one of the most...dangerous dragons living."

Erin nodded to Kheros but did not seem to be particularly effected by his words.

" in a class by herself. I do not think I could keep her out if she really wanted in," he continued, his voice having an odd tone to it.

"You are too kind," Erin said.

"It is the truth," Kheros said in that same odd tone.

She sighed. "I did not hurt anyone on purpose, Kheros."

"Old history," he said, waving his hand.

Ryan looked back and forth between them. This female was better than Kheros? He found it hard to believe, perhaps a little offensive. "Kheros, she can beat you?" Ryan said in disbelief.

Kheros actually laughed. "Yes, Ryan. Most likely."

"Have you sparred with her?" Ryan demanded.

"No. I do not need to spar with her to know that."

"I do not understand," Ryan grumbled.

"Erin is a huntress," Norian said. "One of very few living."

"Is that a breed of dragon?" Beth asked.

Norian hesitated. "Something like that. It is a matter of training and being raised. Erin is...very deadly."

Allen and Beth looked at each other uncertainly and Tanner moved closer to Ryan. Erin sighed. "I would never harm the prince. My loyalty is to him first of all," she said, gesturing to Ryan.

"I am his guardian," Kheros said, a hint of steel creeping into his voice.

Erin shook her head. "And I would not wish to usurp you even were I interested in the position," she said calmly. She folded her wings around herself and Ryan could see they were very long, rather like a cloak, only the bottom of her legs visible, her arms hidden beneath.

"So what are you going to do?" Ryan asked.

"With your permission I am going to find where they are keeping Alexis' egg and her family and determine if I can reduce them with a minimum loss of life."

"Why not just kill the evil ones and take them?" Allen asked.

She shook her head. "I would rather no one die. Death is final."


She sighed. "You do not understand. When someone is killed that put and end to any and all things that they could ever be, both good and evil. To take someone's life is to remove their choices from them and it is not something to be done lightly. To take someones life is to remove all hopes of redemption and betterment; it is the ultimate judgement, at least here. I would leave it in the hands of the creator."

"But you could be the way he wants them removed," Beth pointed out.

"If that is so, then there will be no avoiding it but I will not do so if there are any other means."

Ryan cocked his head, fascinated by this rather macabre discussion. "What if they are so evil there is no hope?"

She shook her head. "I cannot judge that."

"What about capitol punishment then?" Allen asked.

"That is a matter of several people deciding and going through procedure, not just myself. I leave that to them. I will not willingly be judge, jury, and executioner."

"Fascinating," Beth murmured.

Ryan looked over at Tanner who was stroking his arm protectively, then back at Erin. "You have protected me?"

"I have."

"Have you--" he started but she lifted a hand from under her wing.

"My prince, do not ask questions if you are not sure you wish to hear the answers. You cannot unhear things that may upset you, but they good or ill."

Ryan hesitated. "I have to know."

"Then ask."

"Have you ever killed to protect me?"

Erin watched him for a moment. "Yes, my prince."

Ryan swallowed hard. "I..."

She looked down. "Do you wish for me to stop?" she asked in a soft voice.

"I know not...I mean..."

She walked towards him and Kheros tensed up, moving around Ryan sightly. Beth and Allen nearly froze and Tanner actually pulled Ryan towards him. She stopped. "I will not hurt him."

Tanner nodded. "A-alright," he stammered.

She knelt down in front of Ryan, Kheros stepping back a short ways, eyes still locked on the dragoness, and she carefully to his hands into hers. He looked at her and her eyes were gentle with him, but there was a hint of pain there that he could not quite fathom, and a sense of power that left a small chill down his spine.

He looked away and she crooned softly to him and he lifted his head back up to look at her. "My prince, as I said I would never kill unless I felt I had no other choice. The times when I have had to take a life to protect you it was needed and there was no other way. The kills were clean and there was little suffering. I promise you this.

"I would never, ever hurt you or any that you love. You are so very safe around me, as are your family and friends. I hope that you will trust me in this."

Ryan looked at her for along while and there was a sense of calm about her along with a terrifying sense of power. "I believe you."

She smiled and carefully nuzzled him. "Thank you, my prince."

"Call me Ryan," he said a little shyly.

"Ryan, then," Erin said, and stood up to walk back to Norian.

Beth and Allen watched the whole exchange with a great deal of uncertainty and no little fear. They looked at Kheros who had a hard expression on his face. Allen started to say something to him when the dragon shook his head. "Later."

"So what the hell is the deal with Erin?" Allen asked, shutting the door to their rooms behind them. Beth sat down on the edge of the bed and Kheros shifted to his human form and sat down in one of the chairs. Allen sat next to Beth and took her hand in his.

"She is dangerous," Kheros said, tapping his foot restlessly.

"I gathered that."

"Her interest in protecting Ryan..." he shrugged. "I know not. It leaves me so very uneasy."

"Well that makes me feel a lot better!" Beth said.

Kheros sighed. "Sorry, did not mean to upset you."

"If you're upset by this dragon and you're far and away the most powerful dragon at we know, I dare say it's a bit upsetting," Allen said dryly.

"I do not fear she will harm him directly but I worry at what attention she may attract."

"What do you mean?"

"Huntresses attract enemies; It is unavoidable. If one of them figures that she is interested in the prince and that they can strike at her by hurting him, it could create more problems, possibly disruption on the council even.

"And I am just uncomfortable seeing her so very close to Ryan."

"Is that just jealousy, Kheros?" Beth asked.

"Partially yes, I admit it," he shrugged. "I am just not comfortable with her."

"And you're sure that's not just because she can beat you?"

He shook his head. "No. She is just...odd. Seeing her nuzzle Ryan like that..."

"That's just a gesture of care isn't it?" Beth asked.

"She does not care for anything. That is my worry. Huntresses have no real emotions."

Allen looked away, then finally back up at him. "There's nothing we can do about it, is there?"

"No. Not really. Just keep an eye on her and on Ryan. I will step up security and let Pax know that I am concerned, if he is not already aware, as he is with Ryan most of the time anyway and Ryan would not suspect anything."

"What about Tanner?"

He shrugged. "Hope that she does not see him as a threat. It would probably be the end of him."

"Oh dear lord..."

"Tanner, I am scared," Ryan said quietly.

"I know that," Tanner said soothingly. "And that's not a bad way to be. It will keep you cautious."

"I still do not like it."

"I know. I know, my dragon," Tanner said and smiled. "But don't let it worry you too much. You're surrounded by friends."

"I will try not to."

Tanner smiled, patting him on the back, and then sighed. "I can't stay here, Ryan."

He started to fret. "I do not like it!"

"I know," he said soothingly. "But if they get the idea you're close to me--" Tanner shrugged. "It would just be trouble."

"You were about to say something else," Ryan said quietly.

Tanner cursed himself. "No, just that you love me and they would take advantage."

Ryan snorted. "Do not try that with me. I know you."

Tanner closed his eyes. "You trust me."

"Of course!" Ryan said, surprised.

"Then do not worry about it."

Ryan looked confused. "Tanner--"

"Ryan, please!"

The little dragon stopped, taking a step back. "Okay, Tanner."

Tanner hated himself for not telling Ryan what was going on, the real reason they had to be kept apart, the fear of Ryan becoming bound to him and all that it would entail.

If the little dragon was not already bound.

He quickly pushed that thought aside. One of the healers had spoken to him about, the whole process as much as they knew. The healer told him that the bond may already be in place and that he would have to watch himself very closely so as not to further it.

He was warned under no circumstances to feed Ryan, especially by hand, or even sharing food with him and to never, never look him directly in the eyes.

And that was really hard to avoid. Ryan had already noticed it and was puzzled. He only hoped the little dragon wouldn't question him over it. He had no idea what he would say.

"Ryan, I need to go back to my rooms," he said quietly.

Ryan whimpered and held out his arms to him and Tanner picked him up without thinking about it. Ryan laid his head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as Tanner pet him gently. "You will be fine, Ryan."

"I will try," Ryan said in a small voice.

"You will do it," Tanner said and set him down and gestured to Sulvius who had been watching over the whole thing. "Go on to Sulvius."

"Yes, Tanner," Ryan said an slunk over to the white and blue dragon. Sulvius picked him up and crooned to him, nodding to Tanner who walked out the door, trying not to tear up.

Ryan jolted awake at the sound of shouting and yelling from the main room. He shifted to his full form and quickly moved off the bed to the door, pressing his ear agains it to listen, growing softly. He heard Kheros' voice bellow to calm down and the sudden high pitched cries of Alexis.

He opened the door and burst out into the utter chaos. Erin was standing there, bleeding with one of the guards trying to hold a bandage in place. Alexis was in her full form, taking up most of the room, curled about her egg crying and laughing at the same time. Kheros was trying to regain control over the situation.

"Ryan!" Allen yelled, running up behind him, looking around him into the day room. Several guards had stepped over, putting themselves between the prince and the chaos that was going on.

"What is going on?" Ryan roared out.

Irian tried to say something but the sound of his voice was lost in the tumult. Sulvius made his way around and caught Ryan's attention. "Trill!" he yelled at the top of his voice.

Ryan reared back and let loose a loud trill, stunning everyone for a moment, then followed it with a more soothing tone and everyone started to relax.

"Thank you, my prince," Sulvius said.

Irian walked over. "She found Alexis' egg."

"I can see that!" Ryan snapped, tail lashing

"Ryan!" Tanner yelled, running over to him, dodging around dragons. He nearly ran into him and Ryan reached out to steady him. "I thought you'd been attacked!" he said, looking around wildly.

"He has not, boy, but things are going to hell in a hand basket," Norian said walking over from where he had been talking with Erin. "She was able to recover the egg and free Alexis' family, but before that she did some snooping about and discovered they are going to accuse us of kidnapping you and already have evidence planted."

"We need to get the hell out of here!" Allen said.

"No, they will just declare us guilty in absentia."

"Then what are we going to do?" Sulvlius asked, ears back.

"Lock the bloody place down," Kheros said grimly. "Erin and I can hold them off."

Norian shook his head. "No, Kheros. That would get many people killed and just boost what they are saying."

"You have a better idea?" Kheros demanded.

"He may not, but I do," a quiet, rusty sounding voice said from the entry hall.

Everyone stopped at once to turn and face the all, eyes wide. Walking with Malthus was an ancient dragon, so old that his colors had faded to near gray, his muzzle blunted and white around the edges, body frail, wings drooping.

Malthus lead him along and Ryan looked at the ancient one's eyes, they were covered with a milky gray haze. Ryan started when he realized the ancient dragon was blind.

The others bowed respectfully, even Mikail, as the ancient one sat down. He turned his head unerringly towards Ryan. "So, you have come back to us, my prince," he said in his raspy voice, chuckling.

"He has, Ancient One," Norian said respectfully.

"Adamas...I did not know you were here," Mikail said.

The ancient dragon chuckled. "No one did, until now."

Everyone was silent, respectful, and Ryan had no idea what to think of it all. One part of him was bothered by it. He was the prince! Shouldn't he bet getting this level of respect? He scoffed at himself and considered Adamas with what he hoped was respectful interest.

Norian nodded to him and turned back to Ryan. "Ryan, this is Adamas. He is the oldest dragon living."

Ryan nodded. "Elder," he said.

Adamas smiled. "So, my prince, what is your plan?"

"Ah, I do not have one, Elder."

The ancient dragon laughed. "So I see."

"Elder," Sulvius said respectfully. "You said you had a plan."

Adams made a clucking sound with his tongue. "So observant, Sulvlius. I do as it should happen. I have made a way for you to go to Cochise."

"Cochise?" Norian said, puzzled. "That is a myth!"

Adamas chuckled again. "Then I have been living in a myth off and on for years now, youngster."

Norian ducked his head. "Sorry, Elder."

"As I was saying I have arranged passage to Cochise for you and have secured passage for the young prince's human parents as well which is almost unheard of."

"Thank you, Elder," Ryan said then stopped. "What of Tanner?"

The ancient shook his head. "He will not be allowed in. Humans are not generally allowed at all and it took much persuasion to allow your parents in, youngling."

Ryan stiffened. "Then I am not going!"

"Ryan," Beth said.

"No, mother! I will not be separated from Tanner again! He is in danger!"

Adamas cocked his head. "And why should being with you make him more safe?"

"I will protect him!" Ryan said, growling

"I see," Adams said, cocking his head the other direction. "I should think that Erin, Kheros, and the others are far more able to protect him and if he is not near you he is not as likely to be a target. He should stay."

"No!" Ryan snapped. "I will be there to protect him, no matter!"

"Ryan, you need to stop this and prepare to leave," Sulvius said urgently.

"I'll be fine, Ryan," Tanner said soothingly.

"NO!" Ryan roared. "I will trill if I must! He is not to be taken from me!"

Everyone went quiet. Adamas shook his head. "Is there a healer about?"

"Yes, Elder," Norian said, gesturing to the healer that was tending to Alexis' egg. The healer walked over, looking concerned.

"Elder, are you well?" he asked.

"It is not me, it is the young prince."

The healer looked over at where the young dragon was fuming. "My prince?"

"I am fine!" he snapped. "Stay away!"

"He refuses to leave that human behind," Adams said, gesturing towards Tanner.

"I see," the healer said. "My prince, may I please look at you?"

Ryan growled. "You had better not try to sedate me."

"Nothing like that, my prince," he said. He walked over to Ryan and checked in his eyes, looked down his throat and shook his head. He turned to Kheros. "You are his guardian?"

"Yes," Kheros said, puzzled.

"I need you to take him to safety," the healer said quietly. "You are trained to do so."

Kheros gave Ryan and anguished look and before the prince could do anything, grabbed him up and held his hand around his muzzle. "I am so very sorry, Ryan!" he said miserably.

Tanner yelled but Norian grabbed his shoulder. "Stay back!"

Kheros took a few steps when Ryan made a retching sound and Kheros let go of his muzzle in surprise. The young prince vomited onto the floor and lay their with his head drooping, panting hard. "Tanner!" he said weekly

The healer shrugged. "The human goes with him or the prince is going no where."

"That is not possible," Adamas said flatly. "Cochise is closed to humans."

"They're bound, dammit! If not fully then close enough. There is no possible away he is going to tolerate separation right now! If you want him moved the human must go!"

Adamas lowered his head. "Very well," he said quietly.

They were all aboard a chopper, flying away from the council chambers at high speed, low to the ground. Kheros was at the controls. Everyone was lost in though, unsure of what was going on, unsure of what was laying ahead.

Ryan's parent watched him worriedly where he sat, still a little pale, laying against Tanner. Tanner was looking own at Ryan with a look of anguish, tears streaking his cheeks now and again. He didn't want this, had never wanted this, and yet....

Sulvius and Pax spoke quietly with each other, trying to sort out the best ways to deal with the situation.

Ryan looked out at the countryside as it rolled past, listening to the thumping of the blades, wondering once more where this would end.