Time to live

Story by Fangor Lycra on SoFurry

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Dear Fang

After last night I made my final decision, I can no longer live with someone who doesn't trust me anymore. You're outbreak of anger has hurt me in ways you could never imagine; so I'm taking our daughter and moving far away from you so that you can never find us.

You're a dick, and soon to be you're ex wife


Fang stood there, at his front doorway, staring at the letter; he couldn't believe it, that bitch took their only daughter to only who knows where and now he has nothing left. He looks at it one more time then crunches it up into a ball and throws it across the room; he turns around to stare at his dining room table and runs over to it picking it up.

This was a nice looking table, one that was made out of solid oak wood, finished into a nice dark brown colour, it was square in shape with curved edges; still over his head Fang snaps and throws the table against his apartment wall, the force of the table hitting the wall making a huge dent into the wall, but leaving the table still intact. The table reminding him of all the dinners he spent with the bitch of his ex wife. The thought of her entering his mind brings him into another fit of rage, he runs over to the table and body slams it, the table splits in two (it ended up on its four legs somehow), and he lands on the floor, the table on either side of him.

He gets up and runs over to all the pictures of him and runs over to the photos of him and his ex wife smiling in various places around town and starts tearing them off the wall and throws them in any which direction, one of them actually hitting the window of the apartment complex and tumbles down to the busy streets of New York below. After he can't find any more pictures he starts punching the walls creating massive holes where his paws hit, just taking all of the frustration out onto everything he can touch, everything that reminded him of the bitch of a wife he once had... one that he loved for so long and betrayed him.

After destroying mostly everything in the room, including a T.V that had its screen smashed in and across the room from its original place, a bookcase also smashed in to smithereens, pieces of it all across the room, a stereo system and cd's thrown against the floor, the couch where they spent their evening cuddled on the couch together on those long cold winter nights just watching T.V torn in many places with fibers strewn all over and the bed itself overturned, the bed they spent many passionate nights together thrown against the bedroom wall, and other things in his room all destroyed.

He finally starts to calm down, his anger starting to subside. The only things that he didn't destroy were the things that reminded him of Kelsey, his 6 year old snow fox daughter that always had that bright smile on her face; one that would warm you up every time you saw it. He went into her room, where the walls were pink with daisies on painted on it all over it, some big, some small and some in between, he walked over to her bed and sat on it. He sighed and took out a photo album that he got from underneath the mattress of his daughters bed, and looked inside where pictures he took of only himself and of his daughter were found. This brought back memories of the good old days where he was still happy and still had a decent relationship.

He took one of the photos out of when Kelsey was on top of his shoulders, holding his muzzle in her hands and laughing. They were at the fair that day, the first time they had ever gone; it was such a beautiful day, the sun was shining, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and they had the whole day to themselves, mainly because her mother had been on another one of those lengthy BUSINESS trips. Just seeing this picture made him calm down even more, soon tears started to well up in his eyes and he brought the photo album close to his chest the memories of that day just making him even more sad.

In the distance he could hear sirens going off, but he hardly paid any attention to them, right now all he cared about was his little daughter and how much he would miss her, how he would never see her lovely cute face ever again. He lied down on her bed, with his long legs draping over the edge of the bed; he looks up at the ceiling not knowing what to do anymore, without his daughter he had nothing to live for, his ex wife provided everything for them, money, food shelter, and now with her gone he couldn't even afford the shirt off his back now.

Now he noticed the sirens as now they have become quite audible, just a block or two away from his apartment, he thinks that right now he is happy that he made such a loud racket and that he won't have to live this horrible life any longer. He brings his gaze down to the photo once more, with him and his daughter and carefully takes it out of the plastic covering that is used to preserve the pictures it holds. He takes the picture and places it inside his pants pocket so that if he needed it would be easy to access it for his final showing of love. A tear runs down his cheek which soon turns into a steady stream of tears so sad that it has to end this way.

He gets off the bed and heads out of the room, taking his time he walks through all the rubble and debris to his front door, he looks down at the floor where he first found the letter that the bitch left for him; he put his bloody paw on the door knob, and lets out a sigh he opens it too a hall way, and steps out into it he looks around, noting that as soon as he open the door he could hear a lot of scrambling around and the sounds of doors closing, after that dead silence. He heads down the hall, the walls looking warn out, after all this building was well over 100 years old, the only thing that they could afford to buy... or at least that's what he thought, as he reached the end of the hallway to the stair case he pauses and takes one look back in the direction of his apartment one last time before he opens the door to the stairwell and heads toward the lobby.

10 minutes to live

The trip down the 6 flights of stairs was uneventful, no one around so that he didn't have to explain his bloody paws and his torn clothes... which didn't look much different from any other day, the way he has been living recently. Once he opened the door that led into the lobby, the few people that were in the lobby at the time scrambled to get away from him, knowing that he was the one that made the huge ruckus.

He made his way down the lobby to the front doors, and looked out; outside he could see three police cruisers parked in front of the building. They only got their so they started to exit their cruisers when one of them opened his mouth and yelled "he's coming out". To Fang however he could only see the officer's mouth moving but knew exactly what he said when the officers stopped moving towards the apartment building and hid behind their squad car doors with their guns pointed towards him.

With no fear left inside of Fang only anger and sadness, the sight of the officers pointing the guns towards him didn't faze him at all. He reached the apartment doors and pushed the door open to the open air. He takes a deep breath through his nostrils, holds it a few seconds before letting the breath out again. He barely heard an officer shout at him.

"Get your hands behind your head, turn around and face the building now!"

He looked towards the police officers, then to glance all around him at the growing crowd that seemed to be entranced by what was going on. Instead of putting his hand behind his head, he brings his left hand into his pocket and his right hand behind his back, where he grabbed something that was concealed underneath his shirt and tucked behind his pants/ belt buckle.

"Get your hands where I can see them" said the greyhound police officer, the one that spoke the first time. "Or we will shoot!"

1 minute to live

He takes his hand out of his pocket slowly so as to not aggravate the cops into shooting him prematurely; in his hand he holds the picture of himself and his daughter. He holds the picture in his paw gingerly and looks down at it for a few seconds, then looks back at the police officers with there guns still pointed at him, only this time with tears in his eyes.

"Please" Fang says "my only wish is for you to find my daughter, this is a picture of her, please find her and take her away from the witch of a mother she has." He says more tears running down his face.

His right hand clenches on the butt of his gun, that's pressed at his back, and lifts it out of his waist belt, he then starts to bring it to the front of him, in plain view of the officers. Momentarily catching them off guard when he pointed the gun at them and when he went to pull the trigger his finger shook; he had heard a yell and glanced over toward the crowd on the left ... but that yell was the last thing he ever heard, because the next thing he knew, he was shot about a dozen times to the front and was dead instantly.

The officers started to relax a bit, but were still on edge about what they had heard right before they shot the man that made such a disturbance, and also looked over to the left to see a figure rushing toward the scene.


20 minutes until death

Two blocks away in a motel called last stop, a lonely Chevy Caprice sits in a parking spot. One of the rooms, the one with Number four on its door had its curtains pulled. Entering the room the sound of transformers could be heard on the only T.V. in the motel room, where a young fox was lying on the ground on her stomach with a wavering smile on her face as she tried to ignore the moans and screams in the next room.

Off to the right wall a closed door is seen where the noise is coming from, traveling through the door we find a white female fox getting slammed doggy style into her tail hole by another white male fox. They continue mating, grunting and panting as they grew closer to their orgasms

"Oh Trisha you're tail hole feels oh so much nicer now that it belongs to only me." He says in between jagged breaths, the sounds of his heavy balls could also be heard slapping against her ass cheeks, his movements starting to slow down as they both let out a howl in unison as their peeks hit them like a sledge hammer.

Minutes later they get off the cloud they are on to hear the sound of a door slamming...

"Kelsey?!" Trisha shouted

10 minutes until Death

Kelsey was not her usual self, after what happened yesterday, she didn't know what to believe anymore, her "real" father or her (she cringes at the thought of it) step dad. She was trying to watch her favorite T.V. show but the sounds of her mother yiffing were really getting to her so she sighed and tried her best to ignore it, but she soon smelled the scent of their mating and now was really getting irritated.

She had heard sirens blaring for a few minutes now; soon they passed the motel and headed down the next two streets where the sirens stopped. This brought back memories she had earlier in her life, her father had taken her to the scene of all the commotion whenever they heard the sirens; every time they heard them Kelsey would get all giddy and hold her paws out to her father who would then pick her up, put her onto his shoulders and they would chase the cars and find out what was happening.

These memories brought tears to her eyes as she remembered them, realizing that her real father was right, they are nothing but crooks. At this thought she stopped a moment, thought about something and her beady eyes opened wide in shock as she realized that the cop cars had stopped near her father's apartment.

She started to rise first onto her hands and knees then onto her feet; she ran to the motel door, opened it, and stepped through it; promptly slamming the door behind her, not caring if her mother had heard it or not.

5 minutes to death

Kelsey ran... ran like she has never done before; the closer she got to her fathers apartment the quicker she ran, because she could see two obvious things... one was the traffic was starting to back up and two, there was a crowd of people gathering in front of

the apartment building.

When she reached the only intersection, the light was red, but she didn't care, she bolted across the road, narrowly missing a car, which had beeped her horn at her. Ignoring the driver she continued to run ignoring everything around her but her goal.

30 seconds to death

She reached the outer ring of the crowd, thankful that she was small she easily maneuvered to the front of the crowd, when she got there, what she saw shocked her; there in front of her eyes was her father pointing her gun at police, she didn't know what else to do so she closed her eyes, tears running down her face and shouted...

"DAD NO!!!!!!!"

She saw her father turn his head in her direction, saw that look of sheer terror and sadness that she has only seen once before. Then the sound of the officer's guns going off rang through the neighborhood and she watched as her father collapsed to the ground. As he was falling she started to run towards him, dodging the police men who were staring at her and trying to stop her, but to no avail.


She ran up to his body... his lifeless body; she knelt on the ground when she got to him, kneeling in an ever growing pool of blood. She dent her body ignoring the blood soaking into her fur, ignoring the crowd getting closer to the two of them, all she cared about was her father... her dead father. Tears streaming down her eyes she bent down and hugged his lifeless body, one that she would never feel move again.

As she lay there hugging her father, rain started to fall, first a drip, drip, drip not much, but it quickly turned into a heavy downpour, drenching everyone in the area. Right now no one seemed to care, the only thing that they paid attention to was the little girl hugging what was supposedly her father.

At the edge of the crowd that surrounded the two furs, stood Trisha and Brett; looking with shook at Kelsey hugging Fang, never had they thought that it would have ended this way, never had either of them thought that Fang would die in a gun fight. If it had not been raining you would have been able to see the tears starting to roll down the eyes of Trisha because for the first time in a long time she actually felt sad for him... she actually had feelings for him, something she thought she would never feel again.

Kelsey still clung to her father and looked down at his paw and noticed that he still clung something in it. She took her paw and reached over to grab the piece of paper... wait it was a photo! She tugged at it a bit, surprised that even though he was dead he could still keep it in his paw like that; finally she took the photo from his paw and opened it, seeing the picture of her on his shoulders smiling away without a care in the world. When she saw this she started to sob loudly, dropping her head she lays it on top of his chest.

The sound of an ambulance caught everyone's attention as it rolled up to the scene finally breaking up the crowd, paramedics hoped out of the ambulance and rushed over to the dead wolf, and then checked his vital signs to make sure he was dead.

The greyhound that was barking orders for Fang to lower his gun walked up to Kelsey and grabbed her by the shoulders, and hoisted her off her father; Though when he did she started to flail her arms and legs in the air when he did. After a bit she started to calm down and watched as the paramedics put his body on a stretcher and wheel him onto the ambulance, once on they closed the doors and the ambulance rolled away, leaving the crowd, and silence.


"We gather here today to mourn the death of a beloved father of Kelsey and a husband of Trisha..."

It was a week after the shootings, Kelsey had become very distant, not speaking much to her mother or Brett, and she hadn't eaten much or had much sleep. The image of the look he gave her right before he died gave her nightmares. She missed him so much not being able to take more of this pain she feels inside of her; wanting it all to end for the pain to go away.

Kelsey looked up at the alter where her father lay inside of a sarcophagus, his last resting place she looked into those blue eyes, those blue lifeless eyes, ones that made her so happy every time she saw them when he was still alive but now? Now all she sees is nothing, nothing left in them just like there was nothing left inside of her. She sat there for what seemed like a lifetime, watching the preachers lips move but heard no sound coming out of them,

Everything seemed to be like a blur to her, after an hour went by, people started to get out of their seats and walk up to Fang, to pay their respects to him, some even going up to her and giving her a hug and give their condolences as well. She didn't pay any attention to this however she just looked aimlessly away at the far wall of the church ignoring everything.

The one thing she loved, the one person that would do anything for her is now gone, and now she has no one left. Finally she comes out of her gaze and starts to walk towards the front of the church, trying to get away from it all, trying to get away from the pain... and she knows just how to do it.

Trisha searched high and low for Kelsey, after not being able to find her after everyone left the church she went outside and looked everywhere for her; Nowhere, not a single person has seen her.

"Excuse me sir" Trisha asked a burley bear looking fellow, have you seen a small snow fox come this direction anytime recently?

The bear looks down to the fox and thinks for a moment before nodding and replying, seeing the bears nod made her smile.

"As a matter of fact I have, not recently however, it's hard to miss those blue eyes, but she looked so sad..."

"Yes!! Yes!! That's her... did you see which direction she was headed?"

The bear puts his paw to his chin and thinks for another moment before replying "Yes, I do believe I do, she headed west, and she seemed to be in quiet a hurry too, took off at quiet a pace."

"Thank you so much sir... what's your name?"

"It's Brandon" he smiles at Trisha

Trisha says something but is already out of earshot of the bear. There is only one place that she would go to that's east her dads place...

10 minutes later she reaches the door to their old apartment, only to find it taped up... well it was taped up, but the tape got ripped down, she tries the door but finds it locked.

"KELSEY!" she yells at the top of her lungs "open this door NOW!"

After she gets no reply, she takes a few steps back and then rams into the door, her lithe fram and muscular frame as well, easily knocks the door off its hinges and she comes crashing to the floor along with the door.

Getting up she looks around the apartment,finding nothing, she rushes into her daughters old room, nothing there, she searches her own room... still nothing, the only thing left is the bathroom; as she heads towards the bathroom she could hear the dripping sound of water hitting water.

She reaches the door to find it slightly ajar, Trisha opens it slowly, dreading what she might see, when she sees her daughter through the crack she finally opens it wide and finds her in the bathtub with first her wrists cut, and then her throat sliced open, the knife on the floor beside the bathtub and her arm hanging off the ledge. Kelsey had been dead for sometime now and there was nothing Trish could so.

"NO!!" Trisha screamed, and fell to her knees, tears streams down her cheeks, not you...

Right beside the knife is also the picture of Kelsey on top of her fathers shoulders happy and smiling...

The end