To You, I Belong: Chapter 12

Story by JKitsune on SoFurry

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#12 of To You, I Belong's been a while since I've done anything with this story. About that...

In all seriousness, I do apologize for such a long pause between chapters. Here's hoping this doesn't happen again.

As for this chapter, I guess the saying is always remember your first.

All characters (c) Ken J. Kitsune

Chapter 12: Those Unforgettable Days


The stillness of the departing night permeated into Holly's bedroom. It was a calm feeling that was fleeting to the doe over the last few days since her return to Hartford. Her accounting firm had been running on all cylinders, which meant constant trips across the state to meet with clients. The work load had gotten to the point that even recent dreams revolved around numbers and figures nearly every night. Tonight, however, was finally different. Taking matters into her own hands, Holly decided to take the day off to relax and recover.

One unseen advantage of this relentless work load was not revealed to Holly explicitly. In her hustle and bustle, she had effectively forgotten about what had happened nearly two week ago. Her fight with Erik back in Pennsylvania was becoming nothing more than a distant memory more and more. The process was not easy at first. Her bottle of whiskey had received a good deal of attention initially, but after realizing that drinking wouldn't help, she finally kept the bottle away. Tears were shed, and words were said with no one to hear them, but in the long run Holly knew this would be better for her than destroying her liver.

As the rising sun began to shed its light through the curtains, the doe stirred in her slumber. Holly pulled the sheets up closer to her head in a futile effort to fight off the approaching day. A small grumble escaped her lips, which was then followed by a more audible groan. "All right...all right," she said out loud. "You win, sun. I'm awake now." She rubbed her eyes and eventually got herself out of bed, much to her mind's chagrin. After a few seconds, Holly made her way to her dresser and went through her shirt drawer.

While Holly began to get dressed, a piece of paper revealed itself in one of her drawers. Holly tried to ignore the crinkling sound it made as she rummaged to find a shirt, but her hand still found its way to the source of the noise. She gazed at the paper knowing full well what it was. As much as she had tried to just forget about everything, she still unfolded the paper and re-read Erik's letter for what seemed like the one hundredth time. This time, however, she stopped half way through the note. The paper fell to the dresser below it, and Holly sat down on her bed. She looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

"What are you up to, Cooper?" she mused. Her hand gripped the shirt that she had pulled from the drawer. "Hm...maybe I should call him." She sighed. "Then again, if I were him, I probably wouldn't want to talk to me for a while either." Holly put the shirt on and checked herself in the mirror. In an instant, she realized what shirt she had picked. She stopped for a minute and looked at herself. It was a simple black shirt with a few white designs on it, but it wasn't the style that stopped her in her tracks. There was something else about this particular shirt that affected her. "Of all the shirts in my collection," she said in a defeated tone. "I had to pick from the bottom of the drawer."

As she finished getting ready for the day, memories were returning to Holly; ten year old memories from a time that she would do anything to relive. Rather than continue her routine, she decided to lay down for a few minutes and savor her mental trip down memory lane.

'Good mooooooorning, Cooper!' flashed on Erik's computer screen, and an alert sound was made. A pair of eyes glanced over to see what it was. It was a chat message from someone called Dutchess88. Erik sighed and smiled at the sight. "Leave it to Holly to be chipper at 8 in the morning," he said as he sipped his coffee. He pulled out his chair and sat down at his desk. Erik couldn't help but elicit a mix of a sigh and a laugh. It was amazing to him how things picked up right where they left off five years ago with Holly. After sipping some more of his coffee, he finally responded to her.

>> OnstageC00N: I really need to learn how you do it.

>> Dutchess88: Do what?

>> OnstageCoon: Be so damn chipper first thing in the morning, that's what.

Holly couldn't help but giggle at his response.

>> Dutchess88: That's a trade secret, Cooper. If I told you, I'd have to kill you. LOL

>> OnstageC00N: Wow...must be a real secret then!

Erik's face met the palm of his right hand. He shook his head and chuckled. "Good grief, Holly," he said. "Not wasting any time with the jokes, are we?"

>> OnstageC00N: Besides, I had to be up all night.

Holly's eyes widened at his answer, then narrowed with a sneaky thought. "Is that so, Cooper?" she said with a grin.

>> Dutchess88: Wow, Cooper. Up all night? Who's the lucky lady? ;)

Erik immediately began to blush once he realized what he had just said. "I should have seen that one coming..."

>> OnstageC00N: You know full well what I mean, Holly. Haha! I've been busy with my theatre assignments. That mock script isn't going to write itself, you know.

>> Dutchess88: I know, Cooper. You left yourself wide open for that one...even YOU have to admit that.

The conversation continued for a little while longer, with both Holly and Erik exchanging joke and one-liners whenever possible. Over the last two weeks, this had become a common occurrence between the two just before their respective morning classes. Content wise, there was never really anything heavy discussed. Just the usual 'How are you?' and 'What's up?' conversation pieces scattered with little pieces of gossip. Eventually, however, Erik caught sight of the clock. "Well, time to wrap this up," he said to himself.

>> OnstageC00N: So what's your schedule like today?

>> Dutchess88: It isn't too bad today. All of my classes are done by 1pm, so I have the evening completely open.

>> OnstageC00N: I have my one evening class, but it's over by 7.

A smile came across Holly's face, and an idea immediately hatched in her head.

>> Dutchess88: So would that mean you're open for me to come by and hang out after dinner?

Erik thought about her proposal for a moment. He knew that he had no plans after his final class, and with the weekend right around the corner, he figured that he had a good deal of time to get his classwork completed before the next week. He smiled and began his response.

>> OnstageC00N: Sure. I should be done with dinner by 8. Does that work for you?

>> Dutchess88: No complains here. I'll see you then, Erik!

Holly quickly logged off and shut her laptop. Her smile grew wider by the minute as she thought about being able to hang out with her best friend. In that moment, however, she stopped.

"Best...friend..." she said to herself softly. It was a phrase that she had used to describe Erik for the last four years to everyone that she knew. Two words that, up until the last few years, she could say easily. An idea came to mind, and it gave Holly an excuse to smile once more. "Why not?" she asked herself. "Why can't I at least try? After all, what's the worst that could happen?"

Just after 8pm, a pair of knocks could be heard on Erik's door. Erik didn't even have to think about who it could possibly be. He opened the door and, to no one's surprise, Holly was revealed with a smile on her face. "Hellooooooooo, Cooper!" she said with extra energy.

Erik couldn't help but grin. "Well now, someone seems to be in a good mood," he said. "Come on in, Holly."

Holly didn't need to be asked twice. She immediately came in and assumed her usual place: Seated comfortably and cross legged on the corner of his bed. General conversation points came and went without a second thought, as Erik typed away on his computer. After an hour of idle chit-chat, Holly decided that it was now or never.

"Erik, can I ask you something?"

Erik immediately stopped what he was doing, and he turned around to face her. Very rarely did Holly refer to him by his actual name, and when she did, he knew that it was something serious. "Sure, Holly. You know you can ask me anything. What's up?"

Holly took a deep breath and prepared herself for the worst. "Erik..." She swallowed hard. "Um...listen, we've known each other for a long time, and I've been thinking about something. This may be really selfish of me to ask, but..." She paused again and took one more deep breath. "Please...would you be willing to make love to me?"

In that moment, it seemed as if time stood still. Erik didn't know how to react...let alone if he even could say anything. The suddenness of such a revelation was almost too much for him. In order to finally break the heavy silence, Holly finally continued.

"Please..." Holly pleaded. "Hear me out, Erik." She stared into his silver eyes for a moment, waiting for some kind of confirmation. Her request was met with silence, but she could see his answer in his eyes; he allowed her to continue. "You know how I've felt about you since high school. Hell, I've probably felt this way for a lot longer, but it had not registered in my mind until then. I love you, Erik. I always have." A single tear began to form in the corner of her eye. "Why won't you give me a chance? At least answer that much for me."

There was a renewed silence in the room as Erik attempted to gather his thoughts. His breathing slowed down while he also gazed into her teal eyes. "I..." he started. "I just don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"I just don't know if I feel the same intense feeling. Sure, I care about you, Holly. I care about you a lot. We practically grew up together." Erik sat up a bit more in the bed. "But doing this...taking this rather large step...I don't know if we'll ruin what we've had for so long." His hand made his way to hers, and he lightly gripped her fingers. "Do you understand where I'm coming from? I know it's probably the last thing in the world that you wanted to hear, but it's the truth. I love you too, Holly, but I just don't know if we can be anything more."

Holly's hand slipped out of Erik's grasp and was quickly placed over his. "Then why not just try?" she asked. "We don't even have to be 'officially' an item. This could be like a test run. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. If it does, it does." She moved in closer to his face. "Please, Erik. Let's give it a try...I know it sounds incredibly selfish, but will you do that for me?"

Erik's deep breaths became more and more rapid at the prospect. He could see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice. Holly clearly wanted this, and in his mind, she had already done so much for him. She had even transferred to Penn State to be with him. His head tilted back, and he let out one last, heavy sigh. When he brought his face back to Holly's eye level, she could see that he had a small smile on his face.

"All right," Erik said softly. "I'm willing to try. You've done so much for me...let me do this for you."

Holly's eyes transformed from a look of near despair and desperation to a look of sheer and pure happiness. "Oh, Erik!" she exclaimed. "I promise you, you won't regret this. Thank you..." her voice calmed down into a softer, warmer tone. "Thank you..." She leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Erik's lips. Every sense in her body savored this moment. Slowly but surely, she could feel one of Erik's hands moving up her arm and along her neck. A shiver traveled up her spine as he brought himself closer to her.

The two parted just enough to leave their noses in the lightest contact. Their lips could still feel the warmth of the other on them. Smiles were reflected from both Erik and Holly, and a breathy giggle was all that could be said. Their eyes closed, their lips met again, but this time, their instincts began to take over. Holly could feel herself being slowly laid down on the bed with the utmost care. Her arms found their way around Erik's neck gently, keeping him in place and right over her. Erik had no intention of moving, and his arms also snaked their way around her body. Their kiss grew more and more involved with each passing second and each new touch.

After several minutes of letting their kissing do the work, they backed off slightly, allowing one another to take in the new sight before them. Erik looked down at the doe below him in the pale light of his room. He could still make out her eyes and smile despite the semi-darkness, and to him, she seemed to be the happiest he had ever seen her. He leaned down and kissed her forehead gently. "So, how am I doing?" he asked with a grin.

Holly giggled. "Well, it's not like I have anything to use as a base, but I think you're doing quite well." She looked at herself and the Erik once more. "If we're going to go any further, we're probably going to need to lose the clothing," she said softly.

Erik froze. His heart began pounding as if he were facing his deepest fear. "Are...are you sure?" he asked. "I mean, is this what you really want? I don't want to take things too fast, you know."

"Erik," Holly started, "if this isn't what I wanted, I wouldn't have suggested it in the first place. Besides." She kissed him once more. "This is uncharted territory for me, and I want you to be my guide."

"Wait..." Erik said with a hint of surprise. "You've never done this before?"

"No. Have you?"

"Well, let me put it this way," he answered. "This is quickly turning into a case of the blind leading the blind."

Holly's eyes opened up a bit more in surprise. "Really?" Erik nodded. All she could do for a moment is look at him and smile. "Good," she finally said. "That will make this even more long as you still want to do this."

"I made a promise to you, Holly," Erik answered with a smile of his own. "I'm not backing down...I'm ready."

"...and from what I can feel, something else is ready too!" Holly interjected while stifling a louder giggle. Erik immediately caught on to what she meant and sat up. A light blush formed along his cheeks. He started to sit back up, but Holly restrained his movement by grabbing his shoulder gently. "Don't be embarrassed," she said with a grin. "After all, don't you kind of need that to happen?"

Erik paused for a moment. He closed his eyes and smiled. "I know...I know," he said. "I just didn't expect you to say that."

"Get used to it, Cooper," she replied. "There's more where that came from." She wasted no time pulling him back down to her and locking his lips in another kiss. Erik didn't resist and allowed for things to continue to move forward. As their kiss intensified, instinct began to take over for both of them. Their hands explored each others bodies both over and eventually under their shirts, which were hastily removed amidst their heated lip lock. Erik quickly looked down at the one article of clothing separating Holly from being completely topless. Sensing what Erik wanted, Holly shimmied herself up a bit and unbuckled her bra from the back.

"I could have done that, you know," Erik said. "It would have been easier."

"Oh really?" Holly retorted. "How many times have you unhooked a bra?" Awkward silence from Erik was all she needed for an answer. "Exactly, Cooper. Let me handle that for now. You'll have your chance to practice unhooking it. Now get back down here," she said slyly.

Erik obliged without a word and brought her body towards his. In what seemed like an infinite loop, their lips met once more while their bodies felt each other's heat. Feverish desire began to overtake them as each second, each kiss, and each soft touch passed. As Erik's kisses trailed further down her neck and chest, three nearly breathless words escaped Holly:

"I love you."

Erik continued his descent, unaware of the words that Holly had just gasped. His mind was in its own world, and he delved deeper within it as his lips planted a kiss just over her heart. He could feel the warmth of her breasts along his face. As if he was attracted to them, his mouth made its way to one breast and then the other...taking time to plant several kisses along each one. The warmth and the sensation of what he was doing began to overwhelm him, and he stopped momentarily.

"Erik? Are you all right?" Holly asked. She peered down at him. "It seems like something's wrong."

Erik quickly looked up. "Oh no," he replied, "everything is all right. I promise. This is all just so much." He looked back down. "If anything, I just hope I'm doing well enough for you."

Holly grinned. "Are you hearing me complain?" Erik shook his head. "Then don't worry. What you've been doing has felt wonderful".

With that push of confidence, Erik's instincts took over a little bit more. His kisses trailed further down the doe's body, eventually reaching her waist. A new warmth could be felt just below his chin. This was was a more "pure" kind of heat, something that he had never felt before. There was just one thin layer of clothing separating him from Holly's most precious area. Gingerly, he hooked two fingers on each side of her underwear and slowly slid the piece of cloth down her legs. A sigh could be heard as Holly's underwear completely left her body, leaving the doe completely exposed.

Holly's legs remains slightly open...just enough to allow Erik to bring his head back to where it was before. The warmth was even stronger than it was before, and it was even more alluring as a result. With one more deep breath, Erik placed his first kiss at the top of her opening, eliciting a soft gasp from the doe. A second kiss soon followed just below that, and a third slightly further down. Without thinking, a tentative graze of his tongue made its way back up towards the top of her pussy. A light moan was the response that he received for his actions.

The taste on Erik's tongue was new and unique. To his surprise, it was no where near as off-putting as he thought it would be. If anything, he enjoyed it, and he wanted another taste. Auto-pilot began to take over, and he took a second, more exploratory taste of Holly's essence. A second, more pronounced groan could be heard just above him mixed with a breathy response of 'More'. At her request, Erik continued to gently please her while pushing his tongue deeper within her. The sensation of something so new drove him onward. Her taste became more and more intoxicating with each push, and Erik found himself enjoying what he was doing.

Holly's back began to arch more and more with every second that went by. Her breathing became heavier with the increased amount of ecstacy that she felt. Erik's willingness to do something so erotic surprised her more than anything else, and his surprising skill made the act all the more enjoyable. Her grip on the sheets below her strengthened, causing them to bunch up under her shoulders. More audible words began to escape her mouth.

"Oh....Erik..." she said in-between breaths. "Are you...are you sure've never done this before?"

Erik stopped momentarily. "It's the truth. I've never done this before. However..." A sly grin quickly formed as he looked up. "However, that doesn't mean that I don't read 'Certain things' now and again."

A surprised look was all that Erik received for an answer at first. Holly needed a few seconds to let his sudden revelation register in her mind. "You've read smut before!?" she finally exclaimed.

"Holly, I'm a 24 year old grad school student that's also a virgin," he replied in a matter-of-fact tone. "I'd probably go insane if I didn't have some form of release. Besides, that reading is apparently doing me some good, isn't it?"

The doe smirked as well. "Fair enough. I can't argue with those results."

Erik could only chuckle under his breath as he went back to what he was doing. His lack of experience, however, began to show. As his confidence grew, he began to try new things. His tongue glided upward and began to lap at the nub just at the top of her slit, eliciting stronger moans from his newfound lover. As an experiement, he let his teeth gently graze the flesh, but the reaction was far from good. Holly immediately jumped up and shifted herself away. A sense of dread instantly overcame Erik. "Oh my God! Are you all right, Holly?!" he quickly asked.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm fine..." she panted. "Just don't do that again." She laid herself back down a bit more. "That's way too sensitive of an area for that." Her legs opened up again. "Stick with that tongue of has been doing more than enough for me." A reassuring smile came across her face, letting Erik know that it was all right to go back down on her.

Taking the subtle cue, he redoubled his efforts. Immediately, he noticed that she had become even warmer and wetter since he started, giving him even more of her to savor. His nose bumped her clit a few times as he went on, but he made sure that he was gentle...lest he make the same mistake twice.

Holly's moans became more and more audible, and her back arched more as she began to approach a proverbial edge. Erik's efforts were becoming too much for her in a hurry, and as much as she wanted to let herself go at that moment, she wanted something more.

"Erik...stop...please..." she was able to get out between breaths. Erik immediately listened and looked up once again. "That was too amazing for words, but I need something more...I want something more." She brought a hand down to his head and motioned him to come up to her eye level. As soon as he came back to her, she brought him in for a long kiss. The two pulled themselves as close to each other as possible as their kiss and embrace intensified. Erik pulled back first, a slightly puzzled look on his face.

"Doesn't it bother you?" he asked vaguely.

"What do you mean?" Holly asked back.

"Kissing me like that after I...well...did what I did to you," he confessed. "I'm sure you could taste yourself on my lips when you kissed me. Didn't that bother you?"

Holly shook her head. "Not really. I didn't notice it until you said something. Even still, it doesn't bother me." She leaned in for another kiss. "Now...may I return the favor?"

Erik blinked. "You want to go down on me?" Holly simply nodded in response. "All right, then. If you really want to..."

Holly smirked. "I hope I'm not twisting your arm too much, Cooper," she said. "Besides, it's only fair that I do the same for you. And after all, I did say that I wanted something more. Now lay back..."

Erik listened to the doe's request, and he laid himself back. He looked down and watched as Holly fumbled with the button on his jeans with little success. After a few more seconds, he took matters into his own hands and took over. "Looks like someone is having some trouble of her own," he joked. "But don't'll have plenty of practice to undo that button."

Holly rolled her eyes. "All right, Cooper. I deserved that one." A few more chuckles escaped Erik before he began to remove his jeans, leaving him in just his boxers with a rather obvious protrusion. A slight blush came over his face as Holly simply looked at him before slowly beginning to pull his last remaining article of clothing off his body. Just as Holly was for him a few moments ago, Erik now bared himself fully to a woman for the first time. Without a word, Holly moved forward slightly and held the apendage with one hand. Erik flinched at the touch but allowed her to continue with her exploration.

A softly pulsing warmth could be felt in Holly's hand as she continued to hold Erik's shaft gently in her hand. Slowly, she brought her head closer to the tip. Erik could feel her breath in alternating puffs, sending a chill up his spine as he waited for her to make her next move. He wouldn't have to wait long; an experiemental lick from Holly was quickly felt from the base to the tip. A jolt went through Erik's body at the sudden and strong feeling, and the resulting recoil caused his member to bump Holly square on the nose.

"Oh my God...I'm so sorry, Holly!" Erik quickly said.

Holly rubbed her nose lightly and giggled. "Don't be," she replied. "At least I know that this feels good for you." She brought herself back to the task at hand and slowly wrapped her lips around the head of his shaft. Instead of a recoil, she was met with a drawn out sigh from Erik. Feeling a little more confident, Holly began to move her head down a little further while being careful not to have her teeth hit the sensitive flesh. Eventually, she had to stop and pull back, as her gag reflex let her know that she reached her limit.

A slow rhythm began. Up...down...up...down...slowly but surely. Erik's body tensed and relaxed in unison with Holly's movement, but the feeling remained the same: Sheer pleasure. His breathing became deeper and deeper with each passing second. The sheets underneath his hands became bunched up, as Erik gripped whatever his hands could find rather tightly. A light moan escaped his lips, causing Holly to smile while she kept up what she was doing.

Gradually, Holly began to have another goal in mind. Reluctantly, she let Erik's cock out of her mouth, causing Erik to look down towards the doe. "Is everything all right?" he asked.

Holly looked up with a smile. "I promise...everything is all right," she assured him. "I just think I'm ready for something else..." She came back up to his eye level and planted another long kiss on his lips. "Are you?"

"I think so...I need to make sure that I have something else." Erik got himself out from underneath her and went to his desk. He pulled out a single condom and began to unwrap it.

Holly sat up a bit. "Hold on a minute, Cooper," she said in a surprised tone. "How is that you just so happen to have a condom? I thought you were a virgin."

"I am," he said, looking over towards the doe. "Some of my friends gave me one as a joke. They said, contrary to what I thought, that even I'd get laid someday, so they figured that I should have one when I finally get a chance to do what they've already done." He rolled the condom onto his dick as he briefly thought about the joke. "It's a good thing they had so much faith in me, eh? Maybe it wasn't such a bad joke after all."

Holly chuckled a bit at the brief story. "Maybe they knew something you didn't, Cooper," she said. "After all, you're quite the sight without any costumes on."

"You flatter me too much," Erik responded. He made his way back to the bed and situated himself over Holly. He sealed the move with a series of long and soft kisses along her neck that led up to her lips once more.

Suddenly, everything came to a screeching hault. The gravity of the situation became all too real in a hurry for Erik. The only sound that could be heard was their rhythmic heavy breathing. Erik gazed downward upon the sight before him. In his mind, he knew what he wanted, but his heart held him back. Every single emotion was running through his being, and the resulting rush was beginning to go to his head. This was the point of no return for the two of them...a step that Erik was afraid to take. Sensing the hesitation in the air, Holly finally broke the silence.

"Erik...are you sure that you're all right?" she asked quietly. "You look like you're ill."

There was one more pause between the two. "I'm fine, Holly. I promise," Erik said. "This is just becoming very real very quickly...almost too quickly." He closed his eyes. "I just don't know...I just don't know if we should be doing this, or if we're making a mistake."

"Erik, look at me," Holly said. As instructed, Erik slowly opened his eyes. His vision was met with an honest and sincere look on Holly's face. "We don't have to go any further if you don't want to. You've already given me so much. I don't want you to do this if you have any doubt in your mind, but if you want an honest thought from me, I'll be blunt. I want this so badly." She took a deep breath. "I know you don't want to do anything careless, however..." Her arms wrapped around Erik's back slowly and gently. " this point, I'd settle for an honest mistake."

"But I don't want that," Erik protested. "That could ruin us-" His voice was immediately muted by a swift kiss from Holly. Erik stopped his train of thought and simply stared down at the woman underneath him.

"We aren't going to know if this was a mistake unless we try," she said softly. "I'm more than willing to take that risk. Are you?

Erik gazed into her eyes for a few more moments. He took a deep breath and steadied himself. "Yes..." he said softly at first. "Yes. I am too." A small smile formed on his face, which was mirrored upon Holly.

With no further hesistation, Erik eased himself forward and into Holly's most intimate area. As he slowly pushed himself further into her, the sensations overwhelmed both individuals. The warmth that Erik felt on his face earlier couldn't hold a candle to what he felt now, and as much as instinct drove him to push faster, he continued to move forward gently and slowly. As he eased the rest of himself inside her, a long and audible gasp could be heard from Holly as a searing jolt of pain surged through her body. Immediately, Erik stopped, and his eyes widened with concern.

"What's wrong, Holly?" Erik quickly asked. "Did I go too quickly?"

"No...not at all," Holly replied with a deep breath and gritted teeth. "I knew this would happen...I just didn't think it would hurt this much." She took a pair of deep breaths. "I need to get used to this feeling, so bear with me."

Erik leaned down a little bit. "Same here," he said. "This sensation is almost overwhelming. I feel like this is all going to end way too soon if I start now, since this is yours and my first-"

Holly put a finger to Erik's mouth to silence him before he could finish his sentence. "Let's just take this as it goes," she said. "Time be damned." Erik simply smiled and nodded, giving a silent reaction of his own to her. Holly shifted her hips a little bit, causing them both to inhale quickly with the dual feeling. "I think I'm all right now," she affirmed. "Just go slowly, ok?"

"You don't have to tell me twice," Erik answered. With that, he slowly pulled back half way before pushing himself back in again and renewing the incredible feeling that he was receiving. His eyes closed, and the slow rhythm repeated itself once more. Again and again, back and forth, the raccoon kept him movements as slow and fluid as possible as per Holly's request.

The initial pain that coursed through Holly's body gradually melted away and gave way to an indescribable pleasure as Erik's movements continued. Discrete movements in the form of her hips meeting Erik's began to make themselves known, and as the desire built, she attempted to match his body's lead more and more. Soft moans could be heard periodically from both of them as their hips met in an awkward rhythm that gradually smoothed itself out.

Instinct began to take over once again in Erik's mind, and his movement became faster and faster as the pleasure built itself more and more. The raccoon could start to feel a pressure of sorts towards the base of his shaft. He knew that feeling all too well, and for him, that meant that he wasn't going to last much longer. "Holly..." he said in-between beaths. "I'm close...I'm really close..."

"Yes..." Holly seemingly hissed. "Let yourself go, Erik...don't hold back...!"

A few more thrusts later, the dams broke in Erik's mind and body, and he felt the first of several strong pulses surge through his cock. His cum began to pool quickly within the tip of the condom as he held himself within Holly to the hilt. His breathing became heavier as his orgasm subsided, giving his whole body a chance to release the tension that was building up.

Erik remained buried within Holly's depths as he looked down at her. The doe's own breathing was slow and heavy as well, and he could see the relief in her face. Their eyes met for what seemed like an awkward eternity before the silence was finally broken. "I'm sorry, Holly...I know I didn't really last all that long."

"Erik...please," Holly immediately said. "You don't need to apologize for anything. This was wonderful. YOU were wonderful." She brought him fully down upon her body and held him close to her. "I can't thank you enough, Erik," she whispered. "You've given me something incredible."

Erik couldn't respond. He simply held Holly in his arms and felt the rise and fall of her chest on his. Within minutes, they both let fatigue take over, and the two quietly fell asleep.

* *

End Chapter 12

Next...Chapter 13: Try, Try Again