Desert Sands Chapter One: Ebony and Ivory

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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Desert Sands Chapter 1 : Ebony and Ivory Gabriel (Black Wolf) Michael .B {Max The Wolf (Yiffstar) LT_Max_W_Charger (FA) Tal'rashina ( White Anubis Jackal) Angel ================================================================ Story Theme song: Rescue Me - Zebrahead This is something new I wanna try...this is being based off of a new RP I am doing with my good friend Angel. It was a spurt of the moment idea I had and so-far in just under one day it turned out to be very I do hope you enjoy this little story that there will sure be more of as long as the RP keeps going, and if I get positive comments. Disclaimer is here to help the kiddies from being scared for life... no one under 17, 18, or 21 depending on what backwards place you live in. now we shall get onto the story my friends. Story Started 4-20-2009 / Story Finished 4-30-2009 Story Edited 5-09-2009 (Fixed minor spelling and gram errors that a reader kindly pointed out.)

  • * * ~{{ Desert Dunes - Egypt }}~ A green Land-Rover drove its way over the hill coming upon a large well built but well long forgotten temple...slowly the SUV rolled to a stop in one of the paths before shutting off. The door opened slowly as a jet black wolf stepped out into the hot sand, he was dressed in tan pants and a tan shirt. Slowly he moved to the back of the truck pulling open the top glass door and grabbing his backpack, some flares, flashlight, and rope, stuffing it inside then slipping two Polymer Smith & Weston .40 caliber semi-auto handguns in the custom pack holsters. On his way from the SUV he stuck four clips of .40 caliber hallow-point rounds into a hip mounted pack. The path was covered with desert burnt sand, paw-pads leaving a trail behind the wolf as he walked slowly into the entrance of the temple, flicking on the flashlight when it got too dark to see anything clearly...and what he saw was beautiful...hieroglyphics lined the walls from top to bottom. Slowly he ran his paw over the wall tracing the markings upon the wall, mesmerized by the shear detail and cleanness of it all like it was just done not long ago, not even a speck of dust. "So pristine." he smiled before a voice came from the darkness around him in perfect English. "That is because I clean it every day." He spun around on the spot looking around for the voice. "Who's there.?". "I am the guardian of this place, and all its secrets. I know all that goes on in my home." Slowly a figure moved from the shadows in front of him as the torches along the walls ignited...revealing a tall, thin framed female jackal, her body adorned with gold chains, jewels, and bands. Covering her breasts and lower regions were cloth cut to shape and add more to her already knock out body...this left the poor wolf stunned slightly before smiling softly. "I see...well I like the dor ya picked...early times." he smiled while turning off the flashlight and putting it away before he found the tip of a spear pointed slightly at him. "I hope you are not here to rob this place of it's treasures." the Jackal spoke softly watching the newcomer with interest while the light from the flames reflected off her body and her jade green eyes. The wolf shook his head slowly. "No...if I was here to do that...there would be more than just me here looking around." Slowly the jackal brought the spear back to her side with a soft nod. "You are welcome to observe, but no knowledge shall leave this temple...for the powers contained here in bind a terrible evil to this spot." This made the young wolf tilt his head some before smiling, relaxing his stance and standing up straight. "Well would you be so kind and show me around your home?" The jackal gave a soft nod and motioned for him to fallow her, leading him deep into the heart of the temple until they stood at the center. There, before them was a sarcophagus. "Here lies the first kind of this land. His power was so vast that it once broke the lands apart. When he died, he was sealed away so that he might never return." she spoke while looking back at him some. Slowly the wolf made his way to the sarcophagus looking at it intently before he turned around looking to her. "Yeah?" he turned to her, looking her over slowly just out of curiosity before he spoke once more. "Honestly a woman would kill for a body like yours." he smiled softly, before he soon found the tip of her spear up against his neck. "You are not the first to try this with me...I have killed many a man. I will not mate so must be stronger and faster than me. Best me in combat...and I shall be yours for the claiming." she looked at him intently, showing she would kill him if she wanted. He blinked slightly looking at the spear, placing a claw to the tip and pushing it to the side. "...Is that how you treat everyone who pays you a complement?" he shook his head "If you want too...I will battle ya...but not because of what you think...for as old as you may be, here in this place alone...I bet you could use a bit of sparing." Soon at it happened, he couldn't tell if he was hit by a truck or not, but the butt of the spear swung out instantly and knocked his feet out from under him, before he could regain his senses the jackal had pinned him down to the ground, sitting upon his lap as she leaned down nose to nose with him grinning in a display of power. He smiled slightly still a little out of breath before he shook his head. "Not bad.." he then pushed her off and rolled to his feet...stripping off his shirt and taking a stance, his foot claws digging into the sand before lunging at her...lashing out with his knee, striking her right under the chin sending her flying off her feet and onto her back...and during her fall he took his chance to jump back out of range of her spear. The jackal got up slowly with a grin, lunging at him once more swinging her spear out to the side before sweeping it toward his side only to miss when he ducked down into a crouch. She brought the spear back around aimed for his head, this time striking home sending him sliding across the floor some before laughing. "Come come young one...surely you can do better?". He got up slowly shaking his head slightly before he now decided to stop playing games... he took a Judo stance, moving closer to her as she lashed out once more with her spear...ducking down under the pole and coming up in front of her using her momentum to grab her up; under her outstretched arm and flipped her onto her back in front of him with such force it sent up dust and knocking the spear from her paw. He then watched as she rolled over and moved to all fours changing to a ancient kind of style to fight him, so in turn he changed his own to Ninjitsu...surely this was about to become his last stance against her and he planed to make it work just right. She came at him quite quickly jumping at him with her powerful hind legs but instead of hitting him...she hit dirt on all fours once more, and before she could turn around...he came up quick with a sweep kick, knocking her off the ground and onto her stomach knocking all the wind out of her this time. Rolling to his feet he jumped on-top of her pinning her down with a grin. She laid upon the ground panting hard to fill her lungs...and slowly she gained control of her breathing only to turn her head slightly, defeated. "You have beaten me...." her voice quivered softly. The young wolf got up off her slowly and held out his paw to her. "No hard feelings okay?" She took his paw slowly. "I am bound to honor my promise...upon finding the only male to best me, I am to become his and fallow him unto my dying day..." "WHAT?!" Instead of pulling her up...he fell down, looking at her speechless and trying to think before he worked his muzzle trying to talk but no words came and he slowly closed his eyes with a sigh. The jackal sat there a tear running down her cheek. "It is the duty and promise to which we are all bound upon reaching thirteen years. Now that I am bound to you, I am your servant." He slowly shook his head. "I'm sorry..." he sighed softly as he reached over stroking away the tear from her cheek. "If I knew that...I would have let you beat me." he lowered his head. Slowly the jackal shook her head in reply before looking away. "I would have known, and been forced to kill you." "Seams it's a loss no matter what road..." He stood up slowly, helping her to her feet as he looked deep into her eyes...his eyes full of pain and sorrow...this caught the jackals attention as she looked at him...for the first time...she saw some one who truly meant what they said. "I thank you master." Slowly the young wolf took her into his arms holding her close to him while he rested his muzzle upon her head, between her ears. She let out a soft sigh, his gentle nature lulling her as she seemed to calm down some. "Now that I am your servant, what do you desire?" "To make you happy...that's all that matters." He stroked along her back then smiled. "My names Gabriel, Gabe for short." The jackal looked at him for a moment, and then spoke softly. "My name is Tal'rashina...Tal for my friends." Gabe smiled softly. "Tal'rashina...a beautiful just rolls off the tongue. So...are you able to leave this place?" Tal gave a soft nod. "I am to fallow you until my dying day. I am your slave to serve and protect you with my life...your very existence is my world now. My family will know what has transpired here and shall send one of my sisters to take my place." He gave a soft nod, looking to the side thinking before he smiled looking back to her. "You hungry?" Tal shrugged slightly. "I am, but I can do without...I have not eaten in three days now." "Well then I think it is time to get you fed." He said while taking her paw softly and walked with her back out to his SUV, helping her inside before taking her away from the temple and to a cave in the side of a hill he passed not long ago and stopped. He got out slowly picking up a small box and a bag making his way just inside the cave, fallowed close behind by Tal. He then set to work on making them a meal that would be fit for a king. Tal watched him intently, waiting for him to say when she could she looked over the food he was preparing, it was something so new for her due to her diet being nothing but desert animals and plants...this was a whole new world to her. The silence made Gabe look back and see Tal standing there behind him; he gave a smile and motioned for her to sit down. "Come and eat... there is more than enough for the both of us." Reaching out slowly, she took some of the meat...tasting it carefully, thought it was strange to her, she found it to her liking. "What is this?" "Deer." he replied with out looking up from his own food as he stretched out some, leaning back against the wall some while he idly looked her over once more from the tips of her long ears, down to the claws on her foot-paws...taking aback by her shear beauty...never did he really give much thought into how she looked back at the temple, but now he had a reason to take in every detail of her body. After he was done eating he got up slowly looking out at the sky as the sun slowly sank down below the dunes, he shrugged moving out to the SUV, getting a sleeping bag and laid it out nearby Tal...his mind in another place at the time...he didn't even notice she was watching him the whole time. He then looked to her with a smile. " sleep on this it'll be a lot better than sleeping on the ground." Tal gave a soft nod before she spoke softly. "Do all your people wander and search for tombs?" Gabe laughed softly and shook his head slowly. "No...just a handful of the thrill owners and looters...other tend to do other things. I just happen to be a guy who likes to learn new thing. Now you just rest...we have a long way to go tomorrow." he smiled before moving back outside, making his way to the other side of the SUV and leaning back against the door resting his head against the window softly. " I stupidly pulled her from her home...if I wouldn't have agreed to fight...she would still be there...but...its better she's with me than some pompous asshole who wouldn't care about her needs." slowly he shook his head "God I could use some help." Tal secretly moved outside, hiding just out of his sight...watching him lest anything tried to attack him. Gabe stood silently watching the moon shine down upon him as he tapped the side of the door. "I won't ask for more...I can't...I respect her so much already and no woman I have ever known has earned that and my love in such short of a time." Tal's ears perked up slightly as she moved over to him silently. "Master?" Gabe blinked slightly and looked over to her slowly, the moonlight shining off his black fur like diamonds, and his yellow eyes seamed to glow softly in the darkness. "Yes Tal?" She stepped just a little closer to him. "I...overheard your words master...I...I wish you to know that no male has ever shown me this kind of respect...It would do me great be your mate." These words caught Gabe by surprise, this was the third time she had been able to shock him into a speechless haze. But one thing he knew would answer her words, so he moved close, taking her into his arms kissing her deeply and slowly with a fiery passion that grew to a raging inferno. Tal slowly put her arms around him, letting him touch her in a way no man had ever done before and in that moment she knew what it was to be loved. Gabe softly broke the kiss to look deep into her eyes before he slowly licked along her neck while his paws roamed along her back, tracing from her spine, up to her neck and then back down all the way to her tail. Tal shivered, letting him feel her as she gave a soft moan to the new feeling. He smiled stepping back tilting his head some. "You're beautiful...heh you're not gonna pull a spear on me are ya?" he chuckled softly and murred slowly "Wanna do this under the full moon my love?" She was confused at first, but soon noticed he was joking...and which made her smile...but then at his mention of the moon, her smile grew wider. "Where ever you wish." Gabe smirked slightly as he slowly ran his fingers over the cloth covering Tal's breasts before removing it slowly, treating her with the up-most care and gentile touches before he hung the cloth on the mirror of the SUV. He then trailed his paws over her full, perky breasts, the pads of his paws teasing her nipples till they were standing erect through her thin fur. The affection and gentle touches spurred her on as she moaned softly and let out a soft sigh of pleasure...having never even played with herself; she was totally new to all of it. She felt her loins grow warm, and moist as she gulped some...he made her feel so wonderfully alive that it almost frightened her. Gabe leaned down some, and ever so gently he took one of her nipples into his muzzle, rubbing his tongue over the sensitive flesh while his other paw kept rubbing her left breast with love and care...a soft squeeze here...a soft rub there...a totally perfect balance. Tal moaned once more, her legs shivering as she caressed the back of Gabe's head, her thin frame arching slightly, showing the muscles hidden under her nearly skin short fur...her eyes glistened as she softly stroked along his head and between his ears while she whispered words of love in her own native tongue. Gabe made sure to give her the best treatment right there but soon he moved lower, now upon his knees as he looked up at her with a soft loving smile while he removed the last remaining article of clothing she had on. Still looking up to her, he moved his muzzle closer to her and trailed his velvety smooth lupine tongue over her moist slit. Tal groaned softly, spreading her legs for him, her thick tuft of pubic fur the only cover that might have hidden her treasure. She let out a long, soft felt too good. She was now shaking as the new warm, wet sensation she felt slipped through her body, sending signals she didn't know she could feel, and triggering in her a desire she never knew she had. Gabe's tongue softly parted her nether lips allowing him to softly rub at her clit. His paws resting upon her hips to help keep her steady while his tongue now probed its was deep inside her, moving about, making sure to get every inch he could touch, almost in a rhythmic dance. Tal managed a soft whimper as she felt her inner walls shudder...she began to blush and pant some as she felt his tongue slipping inside her body, licking at her intimate areas that she never before known what it would feel like to probe such a way at her self and now he was showing her that it could feel good. "Oh master..." she softly moaned out. Gabe smiled and gave her a soft teasing lick. "My lovely Tal...I'll make you feel the pleasure and joy you so rightly deserve my mate." he softly spoke near a whisper before he went back to licking at her, but this time he spent more time at her clit while he rubbed her hips in a slow pleasuring circle, wanting to bring he to her fist climax before he truly took her to that all true high peak he was aiming for. Panting harder, she let him do as he pleasure, but her paws could not help but move to his ears, rubbing them gently as she felt her body trembling now. She needed it, wanted it...then she felt her middle tighten as she dug her foot claws deep into the sands, her tail whipping behind her uncontrollably as she let out a loud bark just as she peaked...her nectar gushing out onto his face as she moaned loudly, her first orgasm making her weak at the knees as she felt the warming sensation throughout her body and filling her with a strange feeling. Gabe kept her standing as he licked her clean before standing up licking along the side of her muzzle before speaking softly into her ear. "Now...for the main event..." he then kissed her before speaking once more. "I'll be gentile." He then reached down pulling off his belt and unbuttoning his jeans letting them fall to the ground before he kicked them out of the way. His shaft was already half way exposed from his sheath...he then picked Tal up in his arms softly, resting her up against the side of the SUV before he slowly slipped his thick lupine shaft in her tunnel till he came to her hymen. Tal knew what would come next and she slowly put her arms over his shoulders, resting her paws upon his back. Gabe then gave her one firm thrust, burring himself deep in her sex as Tal screamed out into the night from the surge of pain that filled her body, her claws digging into Gabe's back, but soon gave a soft moan as the pain was replaced by pleasure. Slowly she moved her hips against him, her legs wrapped around his waist while she licked along his neck panting softly between moans. Gabe took the hint and started to move in-time with her own thrusts, their bodies coming together as one while the moon shone down upon them with its silver light painting a beautiful Ebony and Ivory theme of them. Their breaths becoming ragged and labored as their hips met with a wet sound that filled the night air along with the scent of lust and love, two hearts becoming as one, together forever. But being both there first times, they couldn't hold out for very long in the heat of the moment. Gabe gave a last ditched effort to hold back before he slammed his shaft deep in her, his knot expanding to its full size, locking them together just as they both went off over the edge of the cliff of lustful pleasure...their climaxes both coming at just the same time leaving them howling their love for one another up to the moon. When they both came down from the high it was Gabe who was first to speak. "I love you Tal' beautiful mate." he smiled giving her a soft kiss. Tal gave a soft nod, holding him close while she kissed back before she then laid her muzzle upon his shoulder. "I love you too angel." she said softly before falling asleep slowly. Gabe smiled and walked back to the cave lying down slowly upon the sleeping back with Tal on-top of him as he too slowly fell into a deep peaceful sleep holding his mate and lover close to him. (To be continued.) ================================================================