Breeding Program

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Life in a zoo is quite pleasant for a dragon who gets fed, groomed and pampered nearly every day of life, until they find out new way to make sure he continues the species.

"LOOK AT HIM DAD!!!" The squeal of a child made Chronis barely stir an eye lid as the high pitched voice was accompanied with the pounding on distant glass.

The great drake was all too used to the sounds of children ooing and ahhing over him, the sounds of their voices were always so much more piercing than those of the adults. If he had cared to he could have sent them scattering with a carefully placed movement, but he had long since tired of trying those games to pass the time. He remained stretched out on the heating rock that was perfectly regulated to give him the matching heat from the sun above him, his scaled frame was big enough that he had his legs dangling over it, but he cared little for if they were only dimly warmed. He cared only that the heat was enough that he could doze and heat his scales up to a near unbearable temperature for most creatures, two of his favorite activities when he was left to his own devices. The zoo was packed and filled with children at this time of day, the evening coming on and threatening to close the place, they all seemed to want to get just one more glance at his magnificent self.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman and welcome to our Dragonquest exhibits!" The announcer came across the speaker and Chronis opened one eye, hearing a bit of a gasp as he did so. "We'd like to thank you for your support of the Metro Zoo and please ask that you refrain from pounding on the glass or using flash photography during our presentation."

_Show time. _ The dragon moved and pushed his paws under him as he heard the crowd chattering and the sound of clicking cameras.

This was all routine for him, but these humans were always so shocked to see him actually move that they always put up a fuss. He sat up with a grunt and ignored the crowds, but turned his head to the large overlook that made up where the announcer and his keepers were settled in. A few special humans who paid more would be up there as well, enjoying the thrill of being near a real dragon, no matter that they were entirely safe and he couldn't reach up to that height even if he tried. His long scales settled down on his back as he stood up and stretched slowly, extending one massive wing to the oohs and ahhs of the crowd that were clicking wildly. He couldn't stretch both his wings out, though he longed to do just that, the enclosure was built to make sure that he couldn't take flight. He could extend both his wings only in two places and both of those places had massive overhangs that meant he couldn't lift them high enough to fly.

"The dragon you see is Chronis, he is a wild caught male that was first brought to the zoo in the year 1898, the second year of operation. He was captured as a fledgling by the explorer Robert Thomson and donated to us while he was still learning to fly." The announcer was chattering as he slowly moved towards the balcony overhang. "He is, as far as we can tell, just reaching full maturity despite being over a hundred and fifteen years old."

_Yes yes, ooh and ahh over that. _ He growled to himself and gave a shake, settling his dark azure wing against his side and tilted his head up towards the balcony where the announcer was posing for pictures.

"Dragons were first discovered in the early middle ages and have since been hunted to near extinction due to their status as an apex predator and the myths associated with them. As you can see Chronis here is a fine example of the blue color morphs that exist nearest to us, though you would never see one in the wild." Chronis sat down with a thump and curled his long blue tail around his hind legs, snorting little bit as he awaited the command.

It was always the same little speech that she gave for the humans, it happened three time a day after all. The humans had no idea he could understand them, but that wasn't surprising, they weren't terribly observant in many ways. Dragons weren't the dumb animals that the humans seemed to assume they were, they were an intelligent race. The only thing that kept them from being recognized was their lack of coherent speech. He could no more sound out what the humans said than he could bark like a dog, they were too strange and his tongue too split to make what needed to be made. And it was all speech! He was constantly bemused by the fact they had to make noises to be understood and heard, when he could convey his meaning through a hundred signals. He yawned a little, gaping his jaws to show his long black tongue to the crowd and heard them letting out a little shriek and squeal in reaction.

He could have tried to make them understand he was intelligent, in fact, he had heard rumors from his youth that a few had even tried to little hope. Those that dared show any grasp of intellect were sequestered and studied, pushed beneath the microscopes of science. No, he had no intention of letting on that he knew anything, he had no reason to. He was fed well here, he was given exercise, he had keepers that groomed him and saw to his smallest comforts, and he was given females to breed and mate with at will. Just the thought made him salivate slightly at distant memories of females brought to him in hobbles so he could latch onto them and rut them silly. It used to happen more often years ago, at least once a month, lovely lithe females that were a delight to experience. A few had even shared his enclosure with him during the breeding season.

Allia, Sunstruck, Holliasana... He sighed at his favorites, and renewed his attention to the speaker.

"Chronis is currently one of six male dragons in existence that are able to be used to sire new clutches, and as such he is a jewel in our zoo. If you will look closely, you will see the third and fourth ring of horns starting around his head. At full growth that will be six feet tall and form a formidable defense against rival males." The speaker chirped brightly, but his attention was more on his keeper at the balcony. "He will reach full growth by his 150thbirthday, but currently he spans a full 36 feet tall from nose to tail, with 25 of that being his actual body and head when he is standing."

"CHRONIS!" His name was called out by the rather plump female keeper that he considered his personal favorite and he saw the heavy swing moving above him to be thrown out into the air.

With a grunt, the drake reared up on his haunches and stood up his full length for the crowd, his wings dropping down so as to not catch on the rocks that impeded his flight. The screams and gasps were commonplace, even one shriek as he reached a heavy forepaw out to brace himself against the thick acrylic and strained his head up. The thick netting of meat that awaited him was bound up in carefully scraped hide to hide the bloody contents, but he didn't care, he knew what it was. He extended his head high enough that one eye could see the crowd that had paid for a close up view of his glorious self. He didn't mind, he extended his twin tongues to wrap around his prize and pulled it down, feeling the crane bowing. It nearly cracked as he yanked backwards, putting his weight into it, but the cord released just in time to have the chunk of meat fall into his maw.

"Chronis currently eats half his body weight every three days, using the days he is not fed to digest his meals. As you can see, he does not chew.." The speaker continued as he swallowed his meal, rolling it down his arched neck and remained in place, swinging his head towards his keeper. "This is currently the breeding season, as you can see by his vibrant purple coloration on his stomach and tail, this means his meals are filled with heavier denser meats to keep him trim."

Breeding season.. He huffed and pricked his ear fins up slightly hopefully as his keeper hustled a few people to the front of the balcony, they were wearing heavy gloves and delicious cow hearts all for his delight. I wonder if they will bring a female this time.

_ _

The thought made his stomach tighten in anticipation. It had been years since he'd had an actual female, not sense that had begun using the damned contraption that had replaced his lovely dragonesses. A real live dragoness, not a heavy bench and set of slings that held him up, the warm slick heat filled passage that wrapped around his cock instead of the sterile lubricated sleeve that harvested his semen. It wasn't bad, it got to an itch, but not the way he wanted to have it tended. His body stirred and flushed, the purple ran higher up along his scaling in a rippling pattern before he wrapped his tongue around one of the bags of hearts and gulped it down with a rumble of pleasure. The one holding it jerked back and looked pale while the next one shuffled forward. His belly was tightening more, the opening in his vent trying to bulge open, and it would have too if he hadn't been sealed shut.

That was his own damn fault, though Chronis felt little guilt over the matter, only annoyance that he couldn't push out of his sheath the way he wanted too. A few years back he had spent the 'breeding season' ,as the humans liked to call it, enjoying himself on every smooth surface he could find. At first it had been for his own pleasure and frustration at not having real females to breed, but soon it became a game to watch how the visitors reacted to seeing long purple-black inches of dragon dick grinding up against a smooth stone or pushing through the grass. It had been the most fun he'd had in quite some time, and he had meant to continue it, save the zoo had stepped into 'contain' him. Now he had a mesh plug stuffed into his vent to keep his cock from emerging, one that went in smooth and then inflated to make sure he couldn't dislodge it. It kept him 'decent', but damned if it wasn't an annoyance.

They'll get tired of the game eventually, they always do. I recall when they had my wings all bound up in leather for years, they got over that eventually. _ He thought mildly to himself as he took another bag of meat and dropped down with a heavy thud that was rewarded with exclamations and a few camera flashes. _Rrrr mating season, I hope they bring me a female, it would be enjoyable to spend days doing nothing more than humping her brains out and eating.

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Chronis sat in front of the main iron gate with his nose nearly stuffed against the bars, his eyes bright and eager as he watched the gathering of keepers walking around and moving this way and that in the indoor barn that made up his winter home. It was well past close and they were all there, and there was only one reason they would be here after hours and in such force, and that was because they wanted something from him. His eyes were locked on the heavy stocks that were being put together, the sound of the drills hard at work to set up the affair that was designed to hold him up in place as he was able to get some method of release. It wasn't a dragoness, but it was better than nothing, especially after spending nearly half a year stuck in his vent and only let out to be cleaned when he needed it. Otherwise he pissed through the mesh and dealt with it as best that he could. Even the fake sheath was better than remaining this way.

"I want that reinforced and get out the padded gear, we're going to need it for him." His favorite keeper was chirping out brightly, short and with a little blonde pony tail bouncing behind her as she ran about ordering people.

"We are, good lord, look at him!" One of the men spoke up and laughed. "He looks like he should be wagging his tail over there, like an overgrown puppy."

"Hey, big fella, you know what the fuss is about." His keeper spoke as she came to the fence and he scooted backwards so that he could lower his head down closer to her small body. Kelsie had always been his favorite, she was always so sweet and had a lovely voice when she spoke to him.

He shoved his snout against the bars and lidded his eyes as her small hands started to rub around the soft scales right along the line of his snout. He rubbed downwards into the touch and stuffed his nose as far forward as he could while the hand ran upwards along the bridge of his nose while he snuffled against her. She always smelled like vanilla, it was a very lovely scent and he couldn't stop himself from letting out a deep rumbling purr of pleasure that had her laughing at him. Oh how he loved her laughter! It was music to his ears and he rubbed himself against the bars while she worked up and down and murmured soft nonsense words to him. If she had been a dragoness she would have been perfect!

"Good old lad, look at you... Getting worked up?" She laughed a little when he tried to lick her and pushed his muzzle. "Been a while, huh? Feeling pent up? I hope so!"

He rubbed harder against the bars before she gave his head a firmer push and he had to withdraw with a bit of a grunt and sighed. He looked out at the stock being built up, reinforced with large steel beams that were driven into the floor so that not even his great weight could stir it. There were more straps than normal, quite a few more, but it hardly bothered him. The last time he had been in the device he had been vigorous enough that he had nearly torn up a few of the beams in his passions. They could have just locked the sheath somewhere and he would have happily used it, but they preferred to contain them and he had no issue with it. It wasn't as if it were anything painful or anything that he didn't enjoy.

Kelsie reached out picked up a long wooden staff with a red ball at the tip, her targeting tool that always made him thrum his amusement, but he obediently watched it the way she wanted. He wondered if other dragons found his humans as funny as he found his own, certainly he never lacked for things to laugh at. The target marked him over to one side of the door which he moved over patiently, presenting himself near a section of wall that could be rolled open near his neck so that his handlers could work on him without risking getting into the cage with him unrestrained. As if he would hurt one of them! He snorted and held himself still as one of his other keepers opened the sliding door and worked a thick leather collar around his neck.

It was all normal, Chronis tipped his head down so that the broad leather wrapped in place, nearly two feed wide as it was buckled down right around his throat and pulled taut enough that he rumbled a warning. It was fitted especially to him, his spikes were slipped through the holes carved into it so that it could lay flat against his scaled neck. Once the collar was on, the target drew his nose back down so that he was close to the entrance of the cage where they could feasibly open it up and draw down the heavy chain from the ceiling. The chain was on a pulley that was set on tracks so that it could be moved around easily. The thick rings of the chains were so heavy they required two people to lift them up so it could be attached to the ring on his collar.

"He's hooked up!" Kelsie called out and the door began to roll backwards with the sound of an alarm sounding to alert everyone he was being let loose. "Come on, here we go.."

The ball moved forward and he moved with it, snorting a little bit as a few people darted out of his way far too quickly for his liking. He moved his head away from the ball and snorted around the place, eying those that were setting up the slings designed to hold him. His keeper let out a short noise and tapped his nose with the target so he drew his attention back to it, stepping forward with a scrape of his claws, the chain rolling on the ceiling as he walked forward. He was larger than she was, he stood nearly 12 feet tall at the head so that he loomed high above her with his head swinging back and forth playfully. There was a broad set of red lines on the ground that outlined where he could reach with ease, those were the lines the people stayed away from as he was led forward as calmly as could be, even as his belly was going hot and eager.

"You sure he'll be okay for this?" One of the men at the stand spoke up. "He's not really been that heavy of a producer in the past."

"It's highly recommended. It wouldn't be that important if those triplets from Montreal weren't coming into season. They want to breed them to the same male and he's unrelated." Kelsie spoke up and let out a laugh as he licked out against the target playfully, but his dark eyes were fixated on the stand. "They want to have them all carry at once, it'll be good for science to examine them, and for that we'll need more."

_If they came here I'd be happy to tend them all. _He thought wistfully and rumbled a bit as he came to the heavy stand with the broad leather bound barrel that would take most of his support.

"Alright, let's get him ready then." The man speaking reached out and grabbed something from beside him. Kelsie moved away from him with a little bit of a jump that drew his eyes as she ran to the other side of painted line.

Chronis' eyes snapped back to the barrel and shifted slightly, his wings spreading to loosen along his sides eagerly as a thick length of fabric was pulled out of a heavy plastic bag. The moment it was opened his interest was attached to it, the sweet filtered scent of dragoness filled the air and made him tilt his head back with a thrumming purr of interest. His nostrils spread wide and he savored the scent as he thudded towards the thing, moving past his keeper as he drew in the pheromone laden scent. Oh it was delightful and delicious, bringing to mind the last time he had spent weeks with a dragoness in season. She had been older than him, but quite amenable to his advances and they had spend many days in heated entanglement. The thought made his vent bulge and strain against the plug, trying to pop it free before he reached up and grabbed the barrel with one heavy paw.

The humans were scattering, some of them with more experience than others as he reared up and snuffled against the device that strained to take his weight. He was larger than he had been the last time he'd used it and the old block strained under him as he placed his paws in the proper position right up near where a few slings were hanging above him. The slings would be used to hold some of his weight by wrapping around his forelegs and letting him put pressure on it. It was all familiar enough he relaxed into the feel of anticipation. Even when he had enjoyed teasing himself to full arousal, it had never been quite as lovely as it was when he sank into the lubricated sleeve. It had been custom designed for him, wrapping around his length, he could pretend he was on the back of some lithesome creature just begging for his eggs.

He growled and pushed forward harder, his chain dragging on the pulley as he moved his forelegs to brace harder against the twin out spokes that were made for them. His haunches dragged up higher as his vent pulsed and he turned his head towards the clothe that was being brought up closer to him for his investigation. Oh, he could have simply gotten roused on his own and he knew there was no dragoness, but that smell was always a sensual delight to his senses. He growled and rocked his hips as the cloth moved up and was flung up against the barrel so that he could lean down and snuffle against it while the humans began to rapidly run around to hook him up.

There was the sling that ran under his lower belly and higher up towards his chest as it was pulled taut to help take his weight and the lower slings were dropped down to either side of his forepaws. He was used to it, he let them move around him, most especially because Kelsie was stepping under him with a gentle pat along his inner hind legs. She was on some sort of stand, she had to be, but feeling those light caressing hands along his sensitive soft scales near his vent made him groan out. He would be lying if he didn't admit to having a strong inclination towards her. He always toyed with the idea of actually feeling her beneath him, against him, though she was only human. Her hands were gentle and always knew the spots where the scales protected him only by a thin film and the nerves were closest. He growled and shifted, jerking a bit as the slings ran around his forelegs.

The plug that was used to keep him in check was mesh and dotted with holes to allow him to relieve himself, and spread just wide enough to keep him locked in place. Her fingers ran along the edge of his vent as the sling worked their way down with an extra one slipping right beneath his muzzle. He snorted at that one, growling a little as it pulled him from the cloth, but it soon passed down along his jaw and tightened just enough to let him know it was there. That was a new one, but he paid it little mind as his keeper stroked and felt along the plug delicately. The fingers caught right along the edge with an ease that he could never manage with just his tongue and reached up to depress a rubbery style button to one side.

The moment it was pushed down he didn't care where the slings were going or what the humans were doing. The swelled bulb that kept him locked in place deflated and his heavy cock began to push out into view for the first time in all too long. Kelsie was helping to pull it out, but he already pushing it out by the sheer pressure of his shaft springing to life. He drew in a breath and hissed out as the plug popped out and he pushed his way free, the swollen length of his spire slipping into the light and gliding right along the line of the soft arm as his keeper moved away with a bit of a laugh. The thick ridges of his shaft pushed right up along the line of his belly and he felt a rush of relief at finally having it able to slide free and swing down between his haunches.

"Get the sling on his tail!" Kelsie called out and gave his haunch a slap with the flat of one hand while he pushed forward harder and stepped closer to the machine.

His cock slipped outwards all the way, every backwards facing ridge thickening by the moment as his base started to swell open wider and wider. It pushed the vent down all the way, splaying it wide as the violet purple shaft gave a bit of a leap and he spewed out a thick gob of precum that hit the ground with a gooey rush as a sling slipped along the base of his tail. He drew in a deeper breath, gulping down a breath as his cock stiffened up and pushed along the base of the barrel, making him thrum low in his throat as he tried to get his paws down to grab the barrel more firmly, claws raking and dragging downwards in a low line with a grunt.

The thing rocked under him, swaying and swinging in protest as he grunted and pushed up higher. The sling on his tail wrapped around tightly, not just holding as a U shaped padded device, but actually wrapping around it and lifting the heavy appendage up in the air. He snorted and shifted his hind paws slightly, stepping forward while pushing further over the barrel and chuffed when he got a deeper breath of that scent. His cock thickened, the tip blossoming open to form a fat heavy arrow shape as it bumped right up along the stand and caressed right along the rubber padding that made it smooth to the touch so his precum bubbled down and spilled further along the material. It was deliciously smooth as he pushed up in a mock thrust, his paws tried to get a better hold on the device.

Another step forward and he was shocked to feel his leg hitting against something padded and leather along the ground. With a grunt he jerked his paw upwards, but it had already snapped shut around his broad ankle. The drake narrowed his eyes and let out an angry hiss as he tried to jerk his leg upwards, but it was trapped in a thick ring of leather as he shook it back and forth. He swung his head backwards, straining against the sling to glare down at his hooves. They had slung a set of large clamping restraints on the ground where his paws were. He hopped forward and partially forgot his heavy purple-violet cock and growled a warning, jerking at his leg roughly to try and free it up. What sort of game were they playing?

"Easy..easy..." Kelsie called up at him. "Come on! Get that sleeve ready, that will get his mind on other things!"

_The hell it will! _ He thought furiously and yanked harder against his foot with a baritone snarl, curling back his lips to show rows of sharp serrated teeth.

As he struggled to get free, the slings went tighter around him, the one his jawline and neck drew taut so that his head was forced about and his forelegs were lifted up higher in the air so some of his weight was taken from the barrel. Chronis' growl became heavier, deeper, he slashed his tail back and forth within the hold as he felt soft gentle hands wrapping right along the tip of his cock. It took both hands to grab him as he heard the adjustments of the barrel happening beneath him, but he cared little about how his keeper was touching him. He was outraged as they bound him and he had only a small margin of movement that he could manage on his own. His paws were lifted higher as he tried to step back, only to have his second leg snapped into place with the restraints.

His cock was being stroked and caressed by his keeper, those clever hands found the most delightful places to tease over on him that sent shivers down his spine, but he didn't put the focus into them that he should have. His attention was on trying to get free of the device that had been pleasurable before. Despite the fact he was disturbed and struggling, his body savored the way that the fingers worked along the arrow shaped tip of his cock. They cupped right behind the fat glans and began to stroke him, pulling lightly, tugging so that his hips gave a few hesitant thrusts, rewarding the touches with a run over of precum to slather over the human fingers messily. With a grunt he tried to open his wings up, but the moment they parted they became fouled and tangled up with the ropes that were connected to the slings.

He couldn't get them loose, and the hands were drawing his cock upwards with a forceful tug that slipped him along the smooth edging of the mounting barrel. He hissed out and gave a lunge forward, leaning into the hands that were stroking right along the underside of his cock and the oh so sensitive ridges that were being tugged and pulled. The fingers cupped to either side behind the glans and pushed his cock downwards towards an opening that was set in the thing. He jerked one leg up, dragging up higher and making the thing jerk and rattle under him, but it didn't budge far enough to get him free. He had no idea what they were playing at, he was always quite obedient with these sessions, but they seemed to be taking things to extreme just to get him to fuck the damned machine.

With a grunt he felt his cock tip sliding into the warm softness of the sheath and he nearly stopped right there, he wanted too, if he had been less pent up he would have ignored it. But it had been far too long since he had last felt anything except the inside of his vent around his cock, and now his hips were pushing forward no matter what he felt. He snarled and lashed his tongues as he felt the warmth wrapping around him, the inside of it was filled with water designed to make it feel more realistic as the inner walls wrapped along his ridges. The lubricant pushed out around him as he slipped deeper and deeper by the moment, groaning slightly as he arched his back and tried to free another one of his legs.

"That's right, there you go, Chronis, you're fine." His keeper was talking as the thick ridges were swallowed up in the sheath. He didn't care to hear her, this was far more extreme than he had ever been restrained in his life!

With a grunt he gave a savage buck, deliberately throwing his weight behind the movement to send the device rattling as his smooth belly pushed home and every last inch was embraced in the warm softness. His precum bubbled up from the tip and started to run in deeper by the moment before he drew back and gave another angry thrust, but the push forward that leaned didn't do more than make it bump before another strap was flung out and over his haunches. His legs were allowed to drop down to the bars to brace himself while the strap clamped down right along the line of his powerful haunches. He roared, the sound echoing in the room as he tried to jerk back, but the strap tightened up and pulled him down painfully in place. The edge of the bindings caught above his tail and right along his hind legs.

He was pushed forward, his cock driven into the sheath with a caress that made him thrust in place while he raked the thing with his talons. His eyes narrowed to slits while he attempted to throw his weight back, but the people were already cranking the buckles to tighten the thing down and forced him in further and further forward. The line of his vent was forced forward to cup against the opening as he grunted and gave his head a rough shake back and forth. He snapped at the bonds holding him, jerking at his forcibly raised tail, not that it did any good. He was being held in place while Kelsie was trying to speak to him sweetly, his breathing was speeding up as he snapped his jaws harder, lunging his head forward in a way that normally showed them his displeasure.

"'Ey! Hey now! Shh shh shh..." They were all speaking to him as he twisted and writhed, opening his jaws to roar angrily at them.

He was cooperating! Why were they treating him in this manner when he was behaving?! He tried to jerk his way free, but they only tightened the band along his haunches and lifted his head higher in the air so he couldn't snap at any of them. His cock was still hard and throbbing within the device, but he didn't care about it. The least of his concerns were the fact that he might unload, he wanted out of the contraption entirely! And then his tail was hiked higher in the air and he heard something being set behind him, the scrape of wood and wheels.

"Can't we sedate him?" Someone was calling out, grunting with effort every time the drake threw his head around.

"They don't sedate well, just keep a good hold on him, alright? It'll be over soon, he just needs to get adjusted." Another person answered while he snarled his warning behind him as he felt hands at the base of his tail.

He tried to snap the tail down to crack against the humans, flexing it, but he felt gloved hands reaching up to touch a place that none of them had any right to touch. They were against the smaller scales that covered his anal ring, gripping the edging of the delicate scales and opened them up wider before something slender slipped up against him. It was so thin he barely felt it as it slipped forward into the silky soft passage, sliding through the passage while he clamped the muscles down and gave his head a rough shake back and forth. He threw his weight back and forth, rocking the thing wildly before the restraints clamped harder to hold him still. His cock began to draw backwards towards his vent, his distress and anger winning over the alluring scent of dragoness on the air. He huffed and panted, eyes sliding shut tightly before there was a wet squelch inside of him.

The shock of it was cold, immediately making his muscles tighten down and squeeze about nothing as it slid inwards wetly. It felt thick, it didn't trickle out like water, but stayed there and clung along his passage as he dug his claws against the ground. He bellowed out angrily, snapping his jaws with his eyes flashing wildly. If he had been free he might have done something he had never done in his life, actually hurt one of them. He had never been so mistreated in his life! Even in his early days he had been handled with respect and now they were flushing his bowels with something cold and gooey as he was too helpless to even lower his tail.

"Alright, the conductor is in there, get out the probe, we need to get this started before he hurts someone." Kelsie grunted and he felt her familiar hands resting against the line of the tail, stroking that small part of him with her light fingers.

"We should least tried the tranqs!" Someone sounded out from beside him while his tail vent was gripped in a set of gloves hands and peeled apart.

Chronis was no stranger to being examined, but so intimately?! His vent was spread open wide before something metal and cold pushed forward with a clatter. He grunted out and hissed, straining and fighting the sling around his neck as the smooth rounded tips slipped in deep and started to click open. He heard the pumps, the click and clatter as they were spread open wider and wider. It pried the inner walls open and strained them taut, he could feel the way that they were pushing the muscles wider and wider, each click and clatter ringing in his ears as he tried to clamp down. The internal muscles squeezed tightly, digging around the speculum that pried him apart and he reached with one paw to try and grab the sling around his neck. Enough was enough, he had always been well behaved for him, even when they did things he didn't care for, but he had no intention of letting them handle him in this obscene way.

The pushes were nearly painful, the lubricant doing nothing to help ease him open, he was left shaking and shuddering in place as he bared his teeth. His lips curled all the way backwards and he gave his head a shuddering shake back and forth to either side as he nearly snagged the sling. The men started yelling, they were shouting as he reached his talons up and before he could get hold, the sling around his forearm tightened and was yanked up high. The speed was too fast for him, yanking higher in the air than he was used to, drawing his paw away as another click gaped his vent open as wide as it could possibly go. He was panting shallowly, angrily while so offset that he could barely do anything about it. He swung his head back and forth, lashing out his twin tongues, he wanted nothing to do with this device now, not even the soft sheath could cure that.

"Alright, charge it up, we need to calibrate it carefully from a low setting. Too high and it will do damage." One of the humans was talking and the conversation made Chronis' eyes narrow down to slits of rage.

"Rrrrrrrrrr...." He opened his jaws and gave an awkward jerk backwards, swinging back and forth, his cock nearly slipping all the way back into his vent.

"Easy..easy... That's right, it's okay. Get the cloth up on his nose!" Kelsie's voice was soft and crooning at first before turning hard and commanding at the last.

The great drake tried to get his head away, he wasn't interested in that scent now, he was interested in getting out and having his tail vent released from the speculum pushed inside of him. One of the humans, perhaps one more foolhardy than the rest, ran up along the set up and flung the scented cloth towards him. He snarled angrily and tried to strike down, he might have even thrown the person off the stand entirely if it hadn't been for the sling holding his head up. As it was, he was surrounded with the alluring smell of dragoness heat on the air, his breathing coming out in a short wheeze, nostrils twitching and flaring wide as he drew in a deeper breath and tried to jerk away again. It was still pleasant, his shaft thickened a hair in reaction, but he was no simple beast to have himself distracted by something as simple as a bit of cloth.

He threw his weight backwards again, his claws raking the ground harder, the restraints on his ankles creaking before something else was introduced to the underside of his tail. The speculum that held him open gave him little idea on it's shape when it first propped inwards, only that it was thick feeling as it slipped in far enough he felt it pressing against the inside of his passage. It nudged in deeper, sliding it's way past his immediate attempts to stop it, and as it did so he felt the thickness starting to define itself as it entered a part of his vent that had no business being touched. It was ribbed, thick ridges were being spread open inside of him, nudging and caressing in a way that had his tail trying to clamp down. He strained against the sling that held him, his sounds starting to turn into lower throatier hisses as he did so.

The ridges pushed inwards one by one, scraping through places and gathering up the lubricant as he was stretched open. His muscles contracted, trying to push the shaft outwards, but nothing budged as he huffed out a deeper breath and groaned slightly when it was stuffed inwards. The ridges were hard feeling and squared off, not smooth like his own shaft, he had no idea what the humans had in mind with this. They treated him like a dragoness about to be bred, not like a human at all. It was demeaning to the extreme, his scaling tensed along his stomach while he tried to push forward to draw the thing out. There was little he could do to get away, he could only grind the half hard tip of his cock into the warmed sheath and nothing more as they continued to seat the thing. It pushed against a spot deep within his passage, a fleshy knob that was almost pleasurable, and it might have been if he weren't so flaming angry at them.

"Seated! Right against the prostate!" Someone announced victoriously and he snapped his jaws harder with a wild sound.

The speculum was let free, it clattered back downwards so that his vent closed down tightly around the device driven inside of him. The smooth rounded metal drew out of him with a wet sound, while he felt the sharp ridges digging into his passage. There were at least a dozen of them, while the thing was large enough to be uncomfortable for him to hold inside of him. The contraction of his muscles didn't stir it, at least not enough to get him free, they only pushed and wedged it in deeper, settling it purposefully. He had no delusion that this was all happenstance, but he could little understand the madness that was motivating them.

"Okay, low level, I want it the bottom most settings and we'll raise it slowly." A man spoke up. "Kelsie, go on up to the AV, you can better gauge his reaction to it."

_Settings? _ The terminology confused him, it made him blink his eyes rapidly in a struggle to understand, but they made no attempt to talk to him, why should they?

He was trying to pull away further when suddenly there was a flash that rippled through his passage in a way that his entire body suddenly clamped down around the device. He grunted and spasmed, the muscles rippled strangely and contracted, pulling along the device as his cock lurched forward again into the sheath once more. The warm water that normally kept it almost hot was cooling slightly, but that didn't stop the surge of his girth from filling it and making him stir. He felt a hand right under his belly, the soft touch caressing right along the outer edges with a delicate stroke that made him shudder softly and draw in a breath. That at least had felt good, but his reaction hadn't had any real source that he could understand.

Before he could come to terms, another flash ran through him, the tightness of his muscles contracted and he pulled his head back, sucking in a breath while his body reacted to it. In a flash his cock surged itself forward into the sheath, spreading the interior lining open wider while he writhed and swallowed down a shocked noise. It wasn't pleasant, it wasn't the light soft feel of arousal, the warmth and heat of swelling to answer the scent of a dragoness, this was sharp and immediate. His spire pushed further in and another sharp flash hit him, sparking along a spot just inside of his body where a ridge was seated and he groaned out in confusion. It didn't feel good at all! It was almost painful feeling as his body snapped into response in a flash that had his stomach muscles tensing. The contractions were altogether unpleasant despite the fact that his cock was hardening and thickening without his say so.

_What are they doing?! _ He tried to smack his tail down, the long tip cracking out at nothing.

"He's out entirely, ease it up another notch, I think." Kelsie called out beneath him and he flexed his paws to show his claws.

The next jolt sent him rocking forward with a wild cry as his cock spasmed inside of the gripping sheath and let out a weak watery spurt of precum. He couldn't do anything about it, he couldn't pull himself back into his belly, he couldn't get away from it, his stomach was going tense as his walls squeezed down around the toy and clutched it. It didn't stop, the jolt was followed by another one and his cock gave another leap forward, hardening to the point of pain. He whined out under his breath, the sound lurching from his throat, he'd never made that sound in his life until he felt the hardening pulsing length of his cock rubbing through the AV and his body seized up on the mounting block.

The next one was even worse, he felt the electricity coursing through him and causing the most intimate and minute muscles possible to go stiff and strange as his cock pulsed and leaped through the sheath. He jabbed forward blindly into the sheath and stabbing forward before dragging backwards again as the jolts ran over him. His foreleg was allowed to lower again, dropping towards the barrel to scrabble against it as his haunches gave a reflexive thrust forward. He didn't want to, it wasn't any heat and fire that made him, it was simply the stimulation of his muscles and nerves that lunged him inwards into the sheath. He wasn't given time to relax from one pulse to the next, because as soon as he thought it was over another stabbed through him and made his cock flex upwards within the warmed tube.

His ridges stood out, blossoming thicker within the grip that was squeezing around him as he tried to hammer his hips forward and drew backwards immediately. The strokes were pleasant enough, or at least they would have been if he wasn't being driven to them. The short little jerks, twitches and rushes backwards were not controlled by himself as his cock stiffened and jerked upwards a bit harder. The ridges were being caught against the line of the ridges, copious amounts of precum began to dribble from his tip, sliding through the tube and towards the back and the narrow tube that was designed to collect his semen when he came. He grunted out and squeezed down hard around the passage, pushing outwards to attempt to dislodge, but he couldn't grip hard enough.

The next bolt of electricity cracked through his body and made his back arch higher in the air his hips jerking forward with a powerful buck that rattled the thing. His cock leapt upwards and the next pulse came close to the first, more powerful and demanding as he gaped his jaws open wider in the air, straining wide. His tongue lashed wildly as he felt the building jolts of electricity pouring through body so that his cock began to quiver and ache. It hurt, his body was tightening, the internal testicles were bearing down and bloating the tubes that ran up along the length of his spire. His cock tip spread open wider while his haunches gave a rapid series of jerks forward, thrusting wildly, uncontained, as something akin to pleasure broke over him. It was like pleasure in the same way scalded scales were akin to a sun warmed body. The shrieking cry bursting free from his throat wildly as a hot stream of cum erupted from the tip of his cock.

The orgasm hit him hard enough to make him snap his jaws shut, nearly biting his tongue as stream after stream of his cum poured into the sheath, flooding it in a rush as it was drained out the other end. He heard Kelsie calling out in victory as his hips shuddered and the pulses kept going, throbbing through his cock tip while his powerful hind legs tensed up and pulsed. For a moment it was all electricity and pain and pleasure confusing together into one wild ball that he couldn't possibly stop it. His eyes closed tightly before it came to a stop with a burst that left him shaking, his claws scraping and digging down before he sagged to a stop. The wet cum pooled along the tip of his cock and dribbled down lower before being filtered out.

"How much?" The call was interested and he barely stirred in reaction to the sounds of voices. Chronis was half in shock, his breathing heavy as his cock began to relax within the sheath.

"About normal, not bad at all." Kelsie reached up and rubbed along his hind leg lightly as he panted and trembled. "We need two more."

_Two more? _ He stirred and growled, jerking at his hind leg to try and free it, but they ignored his struggle.

"Use the same strength, let's get this over as quickly as possible, he's getting restless again." Kelsie kept stroking him, petting him, and he only snarled.. The snarl turned into a groan.

The electricity poured over him again, the pulses hit hard, and this time there was no gentle build up. It stabbed as hard as it had before and called his cock to life as it surged through the sheath and stuffed it open wide again before he could even draw back into his vent. It hurt! It was painful, sharp through his loins, pressure erupted through him while he pushed forward. The barrel bit against his belly, pinching hard as he shuddered and his ridges were forced to swell outwards again. The smooth softness of the sheath that normally felt tight and lovely around him was now a torment as his overly sensitive shaft was being caressed all over. The walls were stretched around him tight and he would have done anything for it to be taken away the electricity crackled and raked over his aching body.

His cock refused to listen to him, it felt hot and swollen, burning with pressure that was building wildly through him that had his stomach clamping down while he squeezed his eyes shut. The pulses contracted muscles inside of him, bearing down around the internal testes that were already churning. The ridges stood out through the length of the sheath, trying to lock into place helplessly before the probe driven under his tail burst into a higher charge. It was an arc that connected between his hind legs while the muscles twitched and jerked wildly. He couldn't control it, couldn't stop it, his tail gave short twitches up and down no matter how he tried to stop it. The tip of his cock began to spread open, the raw tube that ran through his passage was being bloated with cum that was forced up through his body and made him swallow a shriek.

It poured out of him, hot and fiery feeling, emptying from his length as the artificial vagina was flooded with his seed. The orgasm held no relief for him, no sense of satisfaction, it just went on as the muscles heaved and twitched, the throbbing growing as they seemed to beat wildly in time with the pulsing probe driven inside of him. He could feel his cum spurting out, warm and coating around his cock tip, even that warmth tormented him as he dropped his head, letting his entire weight be taken up on the slings that were thrown beneath his chin and along the line of his neck. The only reason he stood up was the fact he was locked in place as the spurts erupted strong at first and then turned weak as the throbbing pulses through his strained open bowels. It slowed down with small leaps, making sure that every drop was poured out of him as he shuddered in place.

When it stopped, he dropped his head with a rough groan and panted, his tongues hung out and bobbed up and down with each labored burst, his legs shaking and quivering while his outrage was calmed by the simple fact he couldn't think. His mind was rattling around crazily, the humans were talking and chattering around him, but it didn't matter. He couldn't care about it, he just wanted out of here, unbound and released. For the first time in his existence he had no interest in being milked for his cum, it wasn't pleasure, it was torment and fire, pain and too sensitive flesh that was standing out inside of the fake slot. He was given no such reprieve as his cock remained painfully erect in the toy, resting in the warmth. He felt the seams in it, something he had never felt before, but his cock felt raw. It felt too large and too swollen, it felt...

_STOP!!! _He shrieked in his own mind as the electricity hammered over him again and they started out at full blast again.

It made him tremble and buck, his cock leaping back to attention with a quivering bump upwards and beating wildly through the sheath that felt as if it was tearing the skin away from him. It was too much, and he could do nothing about it, raw and aching, burning and throbbing his shaft drove through the fake toy and not even the feel of the gooey left over cum could ease him into it. Every sensation tormented him, making his breath leap out of his throat, his tongues bobbing in and out of his mouth as the electricity forced it's way through his anal passage. His prostate was shocked and attacked, the muscles leaping with each spasm. They hurt, ached and still they were forced to react no matter how he tried to keep them still. He could do nothing about it, only cry out in a shrieking voice as he was forced all the way in to his vent while his cock tried to spasm. His internal muscles were working, depressing and trying to force up another spill of cum from his passage. There was nothing bubbling up from the tip except a few weak jerks, and it didn't stop. The pressure grew worse, aching his hind legs while the electricity struck him and tore along his lower loins, trying to coax more of it up.

He couldn't give any more, there was nothing left as his cock twitched and jerked wildly as he felt the squeezing wrapping around his shaft and leaving him crying out again. It was painful and pleasure, twisting his concept of what orgasming was into something wrong and horrible. They refused to let him down, the electricity leapt out until he felt his wings twitching along the line of his back, each one jerking back down and then up again. He was shaking, drooling along the line of his jaws as his eyes slid shut, gulping down every breath as the humans began to talk and move around him again. He couldn't concentrate, there was nothing he could do to concentrate while the torturous device throbbed through his anal passage.

"Off! Get it off!" Kelsie called out and the world nearly went black as the probe went still inside of him. His head dropped down and his body went slack in the restraints almost immediately, he didn't have the strength to hold himself up.

"Is he okay?"

"Get that thing off him! Lower his tail a bit!" The words flashed around him as his sides worked like bellows to catch his breath.

"That's right, just take it ease, we've got enough for now." Someone else was speaking under him as his head was lowered and allowed to drop towards the mounting block.

"Hey now, easy boy, just be still..." Kelsie was crooning and he growled, for the first time in his life he snarled at her, lips curling back as her gentle hands touched his side.

"Did we get enough?" The man who had been talking through most of this spoke up behind him. "Can we start unhooking him?"

"Almost, but I think he's dry for now." Kelsie answered and kept stroking along his leg lightly, rubbing so that he flinched and tried to warn her away. "We'll have to try him again tomorrow."

Tomorrow? He started to build up a roar, but he felt the sudden pull right beneath his vent as the toy was pulled outwards with a slow drag. The ribbing was stroked through him, pulling the overly sensitive flesh so that he hissed out and tried to hold still. His body was swollen and on fire, he couldn't stand anything moving against him or stroking him, he wanted to be left alone. Just feeling the ribbing popping free as if they were deliberately drawing out his torment and making him flinch. The only slings that relaxed were those on his forelegs and his tail was partially allowed to drop down, but no far that it might strike out at his handlers. His cock was still semi hard, and he hoped it stayed that way, the idea that it might run through the AV was torturous.

"Do you want us to start undoing him?" One of the men who had helped rig him up spoke as the probe pulled out and left his vent feeling stretched obscenely wide and aching.

"Not just yet. " Kelsie came into view and he glared at her, her soft feminine form had once been so dear and now he hissed when she came closer to the head of the device. "Go and get the training collar, we're not going to fool him again into getting on here."

_You'll never fool me again. _ He thought bitterly and shifted, angling his head down to snap his jaws towards her.

Another animal might have forgotten this treatment, or at least not equated what had happened with the humans that cared for him. Another animal could be bribed or trained, but he was no animal. All his life he had been treated well by these creature, cared for, fed, given luxury all of the small price of allowing them their little liberties. This went over the lines of any liberty they had ever taken with him and turned it into something else entirely. They had violated him and his rage was aimed at the girl that was talking with the others that had come to watch his humiliation. His affectionate, enjoyment and even mild infatuation with her was being swallowed down under his helpless pain and aching flesh.

He watched as they picked up a thin metal collar, one that was ribbed with metal points that he had felt intimately inside of his body. Even as it was brought out he could smell ozone on the air and he jerked his head backwards as far as it could go. These new contraptions were something cruel and outlandish, did they think that they could force him to obey through the jolts? Break him? He hissed as his keeper helped open up the collar wide and he saw a brief flash of blue electricity running from three inside pads. His claws bit through the wood on the mounting block and his attention fixated on them. Let them come at him, let them collar him, they believed he was a dumb beast that was easily trapped and contained. He had never tried the bounds of his enclosure, not truly but soon he would and when he did....

The short curved girl that was his keeper turned to him and he bared his teeth, hissing out his threat. He saw the fear in her eyes as she began to ascend the block to fasten the collar on him, even as she did his head was forcibly lifted once more. She would not always be protected by slings and restraints, eventually she would be dependent only on the barriers of his cage and the metal collar, and then... His thoughts darkened with a growl, thoughts that he had entertained in light hearted fantasy became something more. She might be a fun toy... for a time.